Angular Rotation of Particle
Spin (ARPS)
Last update: November
04, 2004
The Angle of the axis upon which the sub-atomics particles rotate.
ARPS is determined by the core rate of internal fission-fusion (Merkaba
Field Speed and axis angle) with the fixes Partiki units that form
the scalar- standing-wave template of the dimensional frequency
Rate of particle fission, oscillation and Merkaba Field spin rate,
increase upward through the Dimensional Scale creating progressively
less-dense state of matter.
(Voyagers II –
Page 506)
A Planet progression through one Time Continuum creates a 45° shift
in the Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS).
In order to understand the dynamics involved in such time continuum
shift, it is helpful to realize that the structure and illusion of
linear time is created through the pulsation rate of particles and
their relationship to that f other particles.
(Voyagers II –
Page 146)
It is through the multidimensional relationships between angles of
particle and anti-particle spin (ARPS) that multiple reality fields
(Harmonic Universes - HU) can take place in the same space, while
remaining invisible to each other. As a planet evolves through this
process. the rate of particle pulsation, and thus the speed at which
it moves, progressively increases, while the density of matter
progressively decreases.
This is the process of evolution through the 15-dimensional scale.
(Voyagers II –
Page 147)
All Reality Fields (Harmonic Universe - HU) take place in the same
space but appears to be separated and "invisible" to each other due
to Variant Angular Rotation of Particle Spin.
ARPS determines the Matter Density level of each Harmonic Universe
or Reality Field.
(Voyagers II –
Page 507)
Checkerboard Mutation
- (The Nibiruian Cross - Crucifixion)
Last update: November
04, 2004
The Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki’s Nibiruian Diodic Crystal (NDC)-Grid
(NDCG) "Checkerboard Matrix" Sonic Program running through Earth’s
Templar since 25,500BC reverse the Natural Fire Letter Sequences and
polarity in DNA Templates 1-2-3 and Axi-A Tonal Lines 1-2-3-4-7-10
and one-half of Axi-A Tonal Lines 5-8-11.
Resulting DNA Template add Axi-A Tonal Line distortions block the
embodied D-12 Pre-matter "Divine Christos Blueprint" of Earth life
forms and link the body to the Reverse Matrix.
NDC-Grid Checkerboard Mutation has reduced Human Life span, chemical
DNA, brain function and blocked Race Memory since 25,500BC.
The false "Crucifixion" story was invented by Annu-Elohim and
Anunnaki to symbolize their intentional "crucifixion" of the INNER
CHRIST D-12 Maharata Current within Earth life forms.
Checkerboard Matrix Axi-A Tonal Lines blockages were represented as
the "Crucifixion Wounds of Christ"
The D-12 Maharata Christos Current is available on Earth as of
January 2000 for first time since 208,216BC, offering Humanity the
opportunity to "come down off the Nibiruian cross" and re-set the
D-12 Divine Christos Blueprint within the body via use of the DNA
Template Bio-Regenesis Maharic Seal technologies which can clear the
NDC-Grid Checkerboard Mutation.
(See: Maharic Shield)
(Voyagers II –
Page 516)
Last update: November
04, 2004
A 26,556 year Harmonic Time Cycle, through which a planet evolves
through the 3-dimensonal bands of one Harmonic Universe (HU).
Each of the six 4,426 years smaller cycles within one Euiago
Harmonic Time cycle represents one Time Continuum.
Each Euiago contains one Pardo and one Reiago tracks of time.
Of the six time continua in a 26,556-year Euiago cycle, four time
continua represent forward-moving tracks of time called Pardo, and
two represent counter-rotating tracks of time called Reiago, in
which the planet pass through the parallel universe.
One Harmonic Universe (HU) = a 26,556-year track of time = one
When passing from one Euiago cycle (Harmonic Universe) to the next
the angular rotation of particle spin (ARPS) shifts 45°.
(Voyagers II –
Page 146)
Each of the 5 Harmonic Universes within a Time Matrix represents one
Time Cycle or Euiago Cycle, containing six smaller cycles of time
called Time Continua.
A Euiago or Time Cycle is a fixed, repeating pattern of Partiki
Flash Line Sequences (Partiki Phasing), or a repeating cycle of
specific ratios of energy expansion-oscillation and
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 20)
Last update: November
04, 2004
(Time Cycle)
Each of the six 4,426 years smaller cycles within one a 26,556-year
Euiago Harmonic Time cycle through which a planet evolves through
the 3-dimensional bands of one Harmonic Universe (HU).
Of the six time continua in a 26,556-year Euiago cycle, four time
continua represent forward-moving tracks of time called Pardo, and
two represent counter-rotating tracks of time called Reiago, in
which the planet pass through the parallel universe.
A Planet progression through one time continuum creates a 45° shift
in the angular rotation of particle spin (ARPS), or 1/8 of a full
360° rotation of particles, thus one continuum represents one
One Octave = a 4,426-year track of time.
One dimension contains 2 time continua, or two Octaves,
A planet progression through one dimension creates a 90° shift (2
shifts of 45°) in the ARPS, or one-fourth of a full 360° rotation,
thus one dimension represents one Harmonic Quadrant.
One Quadrant = an 8,852-year track of time.
Three dimensions = 3 Quadrants = 6 Octaves (Time continua) = one
Harmonic Universe (HU).
One Harmonic Universe (HU) = a 26,556-year track of time = one
(Voyagers II –
Page 146)
The Planet exists within each of the six time continua
simultaneously, through the synchronization of particle pulsation
speed and angular rotation of spin (ARPS) within each of the time
These process give the consciousness perceiving the third dimension
the illusion of passage through linear time. In actuality, time is
not linear, but simultaneous.
(Voyagers II –
Page 147)
Last update: November
04, 2004
The Incarnate Matrix or Incarnate Identity or HU-1 Identity is the
identity levels stationed in dimensions 1, 2 and 3 and composed of
the frequency bands of those dimensions. (see: Reincarnational
Triadic Identity – the Tauren (Incarnate Matrix) of Harmonic
Universe 1 (HU-1) that includes:
1) The Subconscious Mind – D1
2) The Emotional or Instinctual Mind – D2
3) The Reasoning Mind. –D3
Represents the
Individual Mind Matrix. (or “Personal Logos”)
(Voyager I – Page
Matrix or Dora
Last update: November
26, 2004
The extended energetic identity gestalt (Soul), that is the
foundation upon which all matter and identity is built.
The Soul Matrix, Soul Identity or HU-2 Identity is the identity
levels stationed in dimensions 4, 5 and 6 and composed of the
frequency bands of those dimensions.
(Voyager I – Page 134)
Triadic Identity – the Dora (Soul Matrix) of Harmonic Universe 2
(HU-2) that includes:
The Astral Mind – D4
2) The Archetypal Mind – D5
3) The Angelic (or Celestial) Mind. –D6
Collectively called the
Superconscious Mind.
Represents the Race Mind Matrix. (or “Collective Logos”)
(Voyager I – Page
The Soul identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional identity
that corresponds to the Alphi Hova Body of Harmonic Universe-2
(HU-2) and exist in a Carbon-Silica based Semi-etheric state of
matter density.
The Soul Identity represents the 6-dimensional state of cognitive
expansion one experiences with full activation of DNA strands 1-6,
can access the Race/Species Memory Record and is capable of entering
Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle.
Souls are created by the Oversoul in sets of 12, forming Soul
The Soul Matrix projects portions of itself into Harmonic Universe-1
(HU-1) to create set of 12 manifest, gross matter physical
incarnations, forming Incarnational Matrices.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul - Page 37)
Usually a, a soul (Soul Matrix), HU-2 identity, manifest into 12
simultaneous incarnations, two in each of the six time cycles in one
Harmonic Universe (HU). In each pair of incarnates, one is male, the
other female; this relationship is referred to as "twin flames", but
does not necessarily imply a romantic "soul mate" involvement.
(Voyagers II –
Page 148)
Last update: November
25, 2004
The PRIMAL ORDER of Manifestation Template (Morphogenetic Field -
MF) represents the core mathematical and geometrical
interrelationships of energy that consciousness takes on in order to
enter the holographically projected experience of external space,
time, matter and individuation.
All manifest forms, including the HUMAN BODY and PSYCHE, are built
upon a Manifestation Template that begins with the Primal Order of
Dimensionalization, through which the consciousness anchors itself
into the Time Cycles of the Universal Manifestation Template Time
Matrix, to begin the experience of evolution through time.
The Kathara Grid is the primary mathematical-geometrical
organization of units of consciousness upon which Partiki units
group to form morphogenetic field scalar grids.
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course– Page 20)
No thing is truly manifest - it only appears to be so, due to the
refraction of consciousness within the energetic relationships
inherent to the Holographic Template - the original thought-form
construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually created.
All creatures and things are Spiritual Beings having a Manifest
Experience... No creature or thing can be even divorced from its
innate spirituality, but only from the awareness of its nature. For
life is the expression and substance of spirit - and manifest
reality is but a Dreamscape, from which we eventually all awaken...
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course– Page 11)
Consciousness in the form of Partiki Units is the PRIMAL SUBSTANCE
of which the cosmos is structured and Partiki Phasing is the
perpetual PRIMAL ACT of reciprocal fission and fusion through which
PRIMAL SUBSTANCE is brought into manifestation.
The mathematical and geometrical interrelationships of energy that
consciousness takes in order to enter the holographically projected
experience of external space, time, matter and individuation is the
(Masters Templar
Stewardship Initiative - Page 19)
Last update: November
04, 2004
All reality itself emerges from, and exists within, a Central Source
of Creation that is commonly referenced to as Spirit, Source or God.
Guardian Angelic Nations often refer to this Central Source of
Creation as the Yunasai (pronounced “You’-na-sigh”), which means
“Central Point of All Union” and “Eternal Consciousness of the
(Voyagers I –
Page 158)
The Guardians refer to this Central Creative Source as the Yunasai
and it is the sentient, creative identity-in-energy through and
within the cosmos and its part manifest.
(Voyagers II –
Page 452)
Human consciousness first individuates within the Source-God-Mind in
the for of God-Seed, a eternal, electro-tonal gestalt of
consciousness composed of pure conscious radiation, which exists
within the Unified Field of Source Consciousness - The Yunasai.
The God-Seed is imbued with the characteristics of consciousness
possessed by the Yunasai, and thus creates within itself smaller
constructs of consciousness that reflect the structures set by the
Yunasai. (A process of exponential fractalization)
The God Seed represents the Source Family of Gestalt Consciousness
within which the levels of individuated identity have their being.
The Yunasai creates many God-Seeds, and in relation to the structure
of our Cosmic Order, there are 24 (2 sets of 12) Primary God-Seed
Collectives within our cosmos and universes manifest.
Creation of the God-Seed of Consciousness Gestalt is the first step
in the Stair Step Creation.
(The Tangible
Structure of the Soul – Page 37)
Last update: November
04, 2004
(See: Yanas, Yunasai)
Identity Level – the Geomancy (Yunasai Matrix) The 6th Primary Level
of Multi-dimensional Identity exist beyond the structure of
15-dimensional construction.
Collectively called the Cosmic Conscious Mind.
Represents the Cosmic Mind Matrix. (or “Cosmic Logos”)
It represents an eternal gestalt of identity that is non-dimensionalized
and free from space-time-matter orientation, a level of mind that
exist as part of the One Mind – or Source Mind of the Core Creative
This identity level is called the Geomantic Entity – or Geomancy.
All other levels of identity and mind and the structures of all
dimensional systems exist within the crystalline latticework
morphogenetic blueprint of the Geomantic Entity Gestalt identity.
Through the Geomancy all things, beings and consciousness are
connected to and contained within the Central Creative Gestalt
Identity of Source Mind.
(Voyager I – Page
Sphere of
Last update: March
22, 2005
The Sphere of Amenti race morphogenetic field (created 550 million
years ago) to give the souls fragments of Tara that were lost in the
Earth's dimensional fields the pattern of the 12-Strand DNA imprint,
through which they could re-evolve into their original Turaneusiam
The Sphere of Amenti served as a Host Matrix (surrogate
morphogenetic field or "form holding blueprint") through which the
Lost Souls of Tara could evolve and return home.
The Amenti Rescue Mission represents a Host Soul Matrix Transplant
on the species level. All present Earthly strains of human have
evolved through the morphogenetic imprint of the Sphere of Amenti.
(Voyagers II –
Page 444)
The Sphere of Amenti is an energy construct, a real thing, an "item"
just as our physical body is an energy construct an a real thing.
(Introduction to
Keylontic Morphogenetic Science - DVD 8:57 min)
Using interdimentional portal mechanics, the Ur-Terranates of the
Covenant of Palaidor time-traveled into HU-1 to a time-space
coordinate positioned just after the cataclysm of Tara and the “Fall
of man”
With the assistance of the Ra Confederacy this gestalt of
consciousness/genetic and planetary morphogenetic field was entered
into the remaining morphogenetic field of Earth through the 11th and
14th dimensions. This morphogenetic field of consciousness
energetically took on the shape of a sphere, and was called the
Sphere of Amenti, named after the portion of Tara’s morphogenetic
Field that contained the imprint for Mu and its inhabitants. Amenti
was the part of Tara’s planetary core that connected energetically
to the portals upon the continent of Mu.
By placing the Sphere of Amenti within the Earth core, a “worm hole”
or portal link was established between Earth’s core in dimension-2
and Tara’s code in dimension-5.
The Sphere of Amenti would create a stable portal structure that,
once operational, would stabilize the other portals and allow open
transit between Earth and Tara for beings possessing genetic codes
that could endure portal transit.
Through the Sphere of Amenti a bridge was constructed between Tara’s
pre-cataclysmic past and future tracks/cycles of time.
The Sphere of Amenti not only gave hope for the continued evolution
of human/Turaneusiam lineage, it held the hopes of ascension and
continued evolution for Earth, Tara and their seventh-dimensional
counterpart Gaia.
Through the Sphere of Amenti Earth became an ascension planet, able
to achieve dimensional ascension through re-evolution. Souls of
Earth could re-evolve back into their original 12-Strand DNA body
(Voyagers II –
Page 8)
From the Sphere of Amenti five smaller spheres were created, which
became the morphogenetic patterns for five races known as the
Cloistered Races.
Collectively the five Cloistered races were called the Palaidorians,
as they represented the beginning of the fulfillment of the Covenant
of Palaidor.
(Voyagers II –
Page 9)
Ascension occurs through the portal from the Sphere of Amenti.
Through the dynamics of this process are complicated, the principle
is simple:
The portals within the Sphere of Amenti served as a time-portal
structure through which the lost substance/energetic thrust of tara
could be returned, and the lost souls of Tara could return to their
original identity as souls incarnated upon the planet Tara.
The portals within the Sphere of Amenti operated as a warp in time
through which re-evolution could take place more quickly.
The portals within the morphogenetic field of the Sphere of Amenti
are known as the Halls of Amenti. They are dimensional passageways
one must pass through in order to ascend from Earth, out of the Time
Matrix and dimensionalized reality.
(Voyagers II –
Page 12)
Last update: November
04, 2004
Dimension-7 (HU-3) counterpart of Earth (HU-1) and Tara (HU-2).
(Voyagers II –
Page 5)
Last update: March
22, 2005
A three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern of interference
produced by a split coherent beam of radiation or light.
Holograms are manifestations of the properties of light, how light
is produced and transmitted and how it interacts with matter.
3D Holograms

Source: Liti
Holografics - Liti3D |

(Illusion of
solidity) |
The human body is a
living “holographic projection machine”. As the neurological
structure process the DNA codes as electric impulses, the individual
will perceive outside of himself - as three dimensional matter - the
images and events that where programmed into his DNA.
(Voyager I – Page
27 and 60)
Reality is Thought Construction. The core substance of the cosmos is
Consciousness. Thought is an attribute of Consciousness, the filter
through which consciousness manifest itself into the Hologram of
Form. - The Holographic Template.
Nothing is truly solid. All things are composed of Consciousness and
their apparent solidity (density) is determined by the relationship
between the consciousness observing the form and the consciousness
of which the forms is made.
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 10)
The "hologram", simply put is our 3-Dimensional world experience.
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation – Page 02)
The perpetual polarization, electromagnetic expression and
de-polarization of the Life Force Currents within the Merkaba Field
Form Constant electromagnetic domain is the process by which the
Hologram or Holographic Projection of matter is perpetually brought
into and taken out of perceptually experiential being.
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 257)
A individual will holographically perceive and experience only the
portions of the Dimensional Unified Field mathematical-geometrical
program that are encoded within the personal Maharic Shield, species
Tribal Shield and Planetary, Galactic and Universal Shields aspects
of the personal Kathara Grid and DNA Template.
The physical body serves as a Chemical Lens through which portions
of the Dimensional Unified Field are perceived by the embodied
consciousness as a 3-dimensional Hologram, as the Primal Life Force
Currents continually pulses of the individuated consciousness
through the Transduction Sequence from Kathara Grid, through the
DNA, to the manifest Chemical Lens of the physical body structure
and Holographic "external" reality field projection.
(See: Reality)
(The Kathara
Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 260)
ManU -
ManA - EirA
Last update: January
08, 2005
(Divine Trinity - Life Force - Primal Force Currents)
(See: Universal Life Force Currents)
(ManU - Void, ManA - Light, EirA - Sound)
The living expression of God-Source identity as God-Force or eternal
LIFE FORCE in known as the ManU Force that is composed of
De-polarized "OMNI-POLAR" (Tri-polar) positive-negative-neutral
charge PARTIKI units.
This ManU Force is often known as the "Holy Spirit" or "Great
From within the unified ManU expression of God-Source emerge
simultaneously the 2 smaller, polarized "Divine Masculine and Divine
Feminine" ManA and EirA God-Force / Life Force expressions.
Together these first 3 expressions of God-Source AS God-Force/Life
Force create the TRUE "Divine Trinity" of Cosmic Creation.
The ManU, ManA and EirA God-Force Life Forces are NOT external
"Creator Gods" demanding "worship"; they represent the first three
levels of living God-Source consciousness expressing as conscious,
sentient, intelligent Life Force energy, existing within God-Source.
ALL energy, consciousness and manifestation emerge WITHIN and are
COMPOSED OF the Life Force energies of the God-Force Trinity.
Separation from God-Source is only an illusion we can create for
ourselves while within individuated manifestation, when we forget
the OMNIPOTENT nature of Creation through the OMNIPRESENT God-Force
Divine Trinity.
The Eternal INTERNAL Flame of ManU (Holy Spirit) energy is often
called the "Amoraea Flame", which means "Eternal Flame of Divine
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation – Page 15)
The Cosmic Shield of ManU-Holy Spirit consciousness serves as the
Cosmic STILL POINT of Creation, and holds within itself the smaller
Cosmic Templates of Divine Masculine-ManA and Divine Feminine-EirA
consciousness, called the POLARITY SHIELDS, through which sets of
negative-electrical charge Particum Universes and
Positive-electrical charge Parallel Partika Universes characterized
by the experience of space-time-matter-movement, perpetually
circulate into and out of manifestation through the Cosmic Shield
and the inherent KRIST CODE DESIGN of the Cosmic-Kristiac and
Universal-Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System.
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation. Page 16)
The Holy Spirit Eternal Internal Flame is NOT just a "spiritual
concept", it is a tangible, quantifiable standing-wave of living
ManU God-Force consciousness expressing in the form of a
standing-wave of Energy Radiation, within the Universal Christos
Seed Atom AND within the embodied Personal God-Spark Seed Atoms of
every living manifest form.
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation. Page 17)
(See: Universal Life Force Currents)
‘In the
beginning was the Void (Still-point: ManU) and within the Void God spoke the Word (pre-sound
vibration: EirA) and from the Word came the Light (pre-light oscillation:
ManA) and from the Light came All Creation of the Higher and
Lower Heavens’ |
(Krist Grid)
Last update: November
04, 2004
Krist Grid: The first level of creation and the closest to Source.
The first tree of life or Kathara Grid.
Things that are built upon the mathematical programming of the Krist
Grid are referred as Kristos.
...And what this means is that they have the ability to perpetually
self regenerate.
It means that they have an open conduit of circulation of
Consciousness and Life Force Energy between the manifestation fields
and God Source directly, so the are eternal life as opposed to
finite life.
They are eternal free energy systems as opposed to finite energy
systems that struggle and compete for power or for energy.
Thus, when we talk about Kristos, we talk about concepts as far as
consciousness, but we also talk about very, very specific universal
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation. DVD 01 - 00:07:10)
Through the ManU-ManA-EirA God-Force Divine Trinity the "Divine
Child" of the Cosmic Krist (Known on the smaller UNIVERSAL level as
the "CHRIST") is perpetually born.
The Cosmic Krist is the living God-Force consciousness filed created
through the specific combining of the ManU-ManA-EirA God-Forces
within a very specific "DIVINE DESIGN", by which the First Creation
of Manifest Expression could occur, was enabled to remain
perpetually in motion, and through which God-Source and its many
manifestations of SELF can retain an Eternal, Perpetual OPEN
(The Forbidden
Testaments of Revelation. Page 16)
The Krist is the specifically arranged Living Manifestation
Template, existing with the "Divine Trinity"
ManU-ManA-EirA God-Force Consciousness Field, which perpetually
holds the DIVINE BLUEPRINT or precise "Technical Specifications of
DIVINE ORDER" upon and through which Eternal Life Cosmic Creation is
Last update: November
04, 2004
(Seed Atom, God Seed Atom, Personal God-Spark)
The Cosmic Krist Seed Atom (Formally known as the AZUR-A) is the
Living, Sentient Consciousness Field, formed by the intermingling of
the Divine Trinity (ManU-ManA-EirA) God Forces, which emerges as an
elliptical-sphere-standing-wave-body within the CENTER POINT of the
Cosmic Krist Template.
The Azur-A or Seed Atom allows the unified Man-U (Holly Spirit)
God-Force to emerge with the "Eternal INTERNAL Flame" (Amoraea
Flame) of God-Consciousness, or "open two-way-swinging door" between
God-Source and Manifestation Fields within IT.
AZUR-A means the "Center Point of Eternal Creation".
Fuelled eternally by God-Source via the "Eternal INTERNAL Amoraea
Flame" at its center, the Cosmic Krist Atom perpetually creates
"Replicas" of itself to serve as the "Living Seeds" and Divine
Blueprint form and within which Time Matrices, Universes and their
inherent matter systems are perpetually born.
The Smaller Replicas of the Cosmic Krist Seed Atom are called
"Universal Christos Seed Atoms".
Each 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is seeded by God-Source and the
Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom with ONE Universal Christos Seed Atom.
The first Universal Christos Seed Atom perpetually exists and
MANIFEST AS the D-12 "Universal Christos" Pre-matter Liquid Light
(elliptical) spherical-standing-wave-field; the Universal Christos
The Universal Christos Seed Atom of a Time Matrix creates many
smaller, individuated, replicas of itself called GOD SEED Atoms or
PERSONAL God-Sparks that retains the God-Source attributes of the
(The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 17)
The Personal God-Spark Seed Atom within the Shield Manifestation
Template of an individual exists as the portion of PERSONAL ANATOMY
through which the natural energy conduits between the manifest Self,
Universal Christos, Cosmic Kristos and the Cosmic Divine Trinity (ManU-ManA-EirA)
(The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 17)
Life Force Currents
Last update: March
22, 2005
(Life Force, See: ManU-ManA-EirA)
All things in manifest existence are perpetually fed energy and
consciousness, in the form of inter-dimensional frequency, via the
Universal Life Force Currents.
1) Khundaray:
The three levels of Primal Sound Field Currents that form the
Energy Matrix. Eckatic, Polaric and Triadic Currents of Standing
Sound Vibration.
2) Kee-Ra-ShA: The three levels of Primal Light Field
Currents emanating from Primal Sound Field form First-Cause
Ante-Matter Density Dimensional Light Field of the Time Matrix.
Eckatic-Blue Flame D-13 (Primal Ray from which the 2 other
Primal Rays emerge)
2.2 Polaric-Gold Flame D-14
2.3 Triadic-Violet Flame D-15
3) Maharata:
Three levels of frequency, D-10, D-11 and D-12, interwoven
together to form the D-12 Omni-Polar Universal Christos Field of
Pre-Matter Density Hydroplasmic Liquid Light. (Divine Blueprint
Pale-Silver Liquid Light)
4) Antakarana: 9 levels of polarized electro-magnetic
energy frequency that form 3 currents of 3-dimensional energy
called the Universal Kundalini, which form lower frequency
dimensions 1-9, creating Etheric, Semi-Etheric and
Gross-physical Matter Densities.
(Voyagers II – Page 517)