by Greg Szymanski
5 February 2005
TheArcticBeacon Website
When aliens or UFO’s are mentioned, some
people say it’s just a hoax or somebody’s “imagination gone south.”
Others when they hear the “magic words” just shut off the
television, reserving judgment for the next time they belly up to
the bar. Still others, deep down inside, believe they exist, but
don’t have the courage to admit it publicly.
And, finally, there are those true believers, those who have seen
the light and have personally made contact. Charles Hall of
Albuquerque, NM, says he is one of those true believers.
The following is his story.
Some stand more than 8 feet tall, run 40 mph and live 800 years.
They speak like a dog barking or a bird chirping, write similar to
Egyptian hieroglyphics and have learned English quite easily. They
have large blue eyes that wrap part way around their heads, small
noses and tiny ears pressed tight to their scalps. Their thumbs are
small with four long slender fingers and two claw-like appendages
instead of fingernails.
They all have thin, straight blond hair, usually worn short and the
women can be distinguished by a feminine looking short cut. Their
hips are shaped liked ours, but they walk quite differently since
they are used to a stronger gravity pull. They typically can be seen
wearing aluminized chalk white jump suits resembling a canvas-like
fabric with gloves of the same material and an open white motorcycle
What’s unusual is the suit emits a three-inch field of white
fluorescent light, the intensity varying from soft to bright, a
brightness that can actually hurt the human eye.
They are extremely intelligent and process information speed several
times faster than humans. However, secretly they fear our intuitive
ability and extra sensory perceptions. They have individual talents,
differing intellectual capabilities and physical traits, a race
definitely not carved from a cookie-cutter. Some are teachers, some
are pilots, some are workers and some are leaders. When bored, they
like to go star gazing on hot summer nights, take weekend trips to
the strip in Las Vegas or visit the Lincoln Monument in Washington
They like to recreate, procreate and their children, considerably
shorter in size, are fun loving, energetic and inquisitive. The
children enjoy hide and seek but they also like to play catch with
soft objects since their bodies are frail, bruising easily. Mothers
are highly devoted to their children to the “Nth” degree, existing
solely for the purpose of meeting the needs of their offspring. They
believe in a “tit for tat” system, believe their word is their bond
and place a special importance on honoring agreements, especially
verbal or written.
However, it is unknown whether they
believe in God per se or form religions to advance their
Although they are highly individualistic, one similar characteristic
is they all have white chalky complexions - very white chalky
complexions. For this reason, they have been called the Tall
Whites. And for this reason, most people think they are nothing
but fictional characters conjured up from a past Star Trek episode.
But the Tall Whites are more than just fiction, says
Charles Hall, an educated man with a master’s in nuclear physics
and former weather observer for the United States Air Force.
According to Hall, who claims to have communicated with the Tall
Whites, they are very real, very complex and very much a part of
the community living at Nellis Air Force Base, a highly
secretive 5,000 square mile “no fly zone” military compound in the
southern and central Nevada desert.
Nellis is so secret, so secluded, so guarded by military police,
according to Hall, an attempt to enter, an attempt to locate the
Tall Whites, who live under the sand dunes in concrete and steel
bunkers, would be like committing suicide.
“You can’t go hunting for them or
approach them. They have to come to you and the children are
especially curious by nature,” said Hall from his home in
Albuquerque, NM., saying he hasn’t attempted contacting the Tall
Whites since his tour of duty ended in the Air Force in 1967
when he left to serve in Vietnam.
“It was a traumatic experience being
isolated in the desert, alone with someone so different and
obviously more advanced than us.
“At first I thought I was going insane. But I learned over time
how to communicate, how to approach them and to never try and
force them to do anything. Their nervous systems operate very
quickly and they are very protective, very suspicious of our
Asked why he never returned to Nellis,
he simply said:
“I just don’t feel the need to go
back. If you went through what I did, as I have meticulously
recorded in my three books, you probably wouldn’t want to go
back either as it was at times frightening and emotionally
Hall’s “out of this world” recollections
are not the product of an overactive imagination or drug-induced
hallucinations, but from personal experiences and actual
face-to-face contacts with the Tall Whites while stationed at Nellis
from 1965-1967.
He claims to have spent two years
interacting with this alien race countless numbers of times, but
only recently went public with his “earth shattering” statements in
a set of three books entitled
Millennial Hospitality.
“I just decided to wait all these so
as to not jeopardize the well being of my children while they
were in school,” said Hall, adding the accounts in his books are
true with only names and places changed to protect the innocent.
“Along the way I confided with my wife and friends, but now that
the children are on their own and grown up, I’ve decided to tell
my story to the public.”
And he says the facts in his book are
just the tip of the iceberg in what just may turn out to be one of
the most detailed, most convincing and most sought after alien
stories of all time.
“Just read my books and you’ll see
what I mean,” added Hall, referring to the time they wanted to
impress him with their technology superiority by having him
throw a rock and then stopping it in mid air. “They also are
able to suspend bullets or other faster moving objects.”
Academic Heavyweight
Lends Support
Not only is Hall convinced about the Tall Whites alien origin
and their exceptional powers, but so is academic heavyweight
Michael Salla, a doctor of political science and
former head of a Washington think-tank after extensively
interviewing Hall in December 2004.
What is even more astounding is that Salla has put his otherwise
impeccable reputation as a political researcher and thinker on the
line, to stray off an “earthly path” for the first time in his
Salla has held academic appointments in the School of International
Service, American University, Washington, D.C. and the Department of
Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra,
Australia. He also has taught as an adjunct faculty member at George
Washington University.
He is the author of The Hero’s
Journey Toward a Second America Century and Why the Cold War
Ended, as well as Essays on Peace.
“I have never before researched the
UFO phenomena, but after talking to Charles I am a believer,”
said Salla on recent radio interview.
Salla’s in depth discussions were
revealing, giving Hall’s previous books and writings third party
independent credibility instead of just biased approval from UFO
Besides the obvious questions concerning alien quirks,
characteristics and intentions, Salla centered on the cooperation
and agreements supposedly entered into by the Tall Whites with the
U.S. government through military liaisons at Nellis Air Force Base.
“I found Charles Hall to be very
credible and compelling in his response to questions. He
displays great integrity and is quite sincere in describing
solely the facts concerning his experiences,” said Salla, who
never before delved into UFO stories but has admitted he has
come to be a believer.
“The emotions that Charles
objectively described in great detail conveyed the extent which
what he was experiencing shook his world view and the views of
those around him.”
Government Agreements
with the Tall Whites
However, the relationship between the Tall Whites and our
government, explained by Hall, is mind boggling, shocking, revolting
and seemingly impossible in a democratic society. But Hall insists
these agreements exist, insisting the Tall Whites have been
exchanging technology for earthly resources since the early 1950s
and maybe even sooner.
Hall recalls in one of his books that in the late 1960s the military
provided over $600,000 in clothing from Sears, having seen the
shipment being hauled with military trucks into the desert compound
where the Tall Whites lived. He also recalls the military providing
food, aluminum, titanium and other commodities, perhaps used for
interstellar trading as the Tall White’s roam the universe,
contacting other civilizations.
In his interview, Salla ventures to guess what has transpired since
the 1960s and whether the military has been involved in more
sinister deals and agreements without public disclosure.
Regarding nondisclosure, Salla effectively argues that the military
may be compromising America’s resources and its future survival by
not allowing a public debate on issues concerning the welfare if its
own people concerning issues involving trade agreements with the
Tall Whites.
“The American people have a right to
know and the knowledge Charles brings regarding the Tall White’s
interaction with the U.S. Air Force generals is very
enlightening in terms of the way agreements were followed to the
letter,” he said.
“It appears that the Tall Whites are quite legalistic and this
seems to be something that the U.S. military finds to be helpful
in working with them. According to Charles, the Tall Whites were
quite clear that only certain categories of technology would be
shared, categories that presumably would not give the U.S.
military deep space capability. They apparently pride themselves
in being trustworthy and expect the same in return. A broken
promise to a Tall White is the worst kind of evil and dealt with
very harshly.”
Hall also emphasizes the Tall Whites
have no ulterior designs regarding Earth in terms of colonizing it
or taking over governments with their obvious advanced technology.
However, in his books he details how the Tall Whites would
threaten to kill humans who disobeyed or scared them. Hall cites one
frightening incident where an American general allowed a serviceman
to be killed by a Tall White after one of their children was
“I think the American military felt
the servicemen were expendable and of little importance in
comparison with keeping the Tall Whites satisfied,” said Hall.
Other Unique
Characteristics of Tall Whites
As previously mentioned, the Tall Whites can grow to be over
7 feet tall. However, most the adults in the first half of their
lives usually range in size from 5’10 to 6’5”.
“Their life span is ten times grater
than ours,” said Hall, adding that it takes them 10 times longer
to heal, too. “They do not age as we do, but at about 400 earth
years, they undergo a second stage of growth, eventually
reaching about 8 feet tall. They then die of organ failure at an
age of approximately 800 years. Since on their planet, days are
longer so are they sleeping patterns, usually staying awake for
two earth days and then followed by sleeping the same amount of
“Although they can be quite friendly, they are at times arrogant
and insulting. But they appear sensitive and understanding to
our social structures and have cultivated relationships with
high-ranking military officials, some of who have worked side by
side with the Tall Whites. They held lesser ranking persons with
disdain and I got a long with them by letting them treat me as
their pets.”
Asked what the Tall Whites
thought was unique about humans, he said,
“they couldn’t get over how we
interacted with animals. They commented several times that we
were the only life form they met that kept animals as pets. They
appeared to be extremely frightened of our animals and couldn’t
figure out why we would interact with something so potentially
Where Are They
Hall said he learned very little about the origin of the Tall
Whites during his two-year encounter.
“They really shared very little
about their history and origins,” recalls Hall.
However, one incident took place with a
Tall White he called “the Teacher” which revealed they may have come
from near the star Arcturus about 36 light years away.
In a passage from one of his books, he said:
“A ripple of emotion passed through
the crowd when I mentioned the star Arcturus. After a short
pause, the older lady asked with some surprise, ‘Teacher, does
Charlie know where we come from?’
“The Teacher replied: ‘No, not quite, but he’s close.’”
Hall believes the reason they are here
is that earth provides a perfect way station for the Tall Whites in
their interstellar travel routes.
And Nellis Air Force Base provides a
perfect location since the remoteness of the desert provides
excellent cover for takeoffs and landings.
“They arrive with new replacements
on one of their larger spaceships every month at the time of the
full moon,” said Hall. “I’ve seen the ship arrive and have
gotten as close as the outside entrance of the hangar but never
How do they
Hall witnessed three different types of spacecraft, ranging in size
from a small nuclear powered scout craft and a large interstellar
craft able to travel faster than the speed of light. This large
black craft was approximately 70 feet high and 360 feet long. Hall
said the technology of the small craft was shared with the military
but the large craft remains a mystery.
Regarding their hangar and living facilities, he added,
“I was able to observe the repair
facilities from a short distance and to the best of my knowledge
I am the only person to have been allowed to view these
“The American generals would do anything to maintain good
relations with the Tall Whites in order to get their
technology,” said Hall, who maintains he saw them together many
times and even sat together across negotiating tables.
“The exchange was done on the basis
of what would benefit the Tall Whites and they sometimes
participated in classified meetings, helping with technology
What do they
Hall said the military definitely supplied the Tall Whites
with any type of food requested, but noticed them carrying prepared
bags of what looked like mushroom pudding.
“I saw them once inspecting the food
storage rooms in Indian Springs chow hall,” he said. “And once I
saw a couple of them in a Las Vegas restaurant with a full meal
but they didn’t touch their plates before leaving the
Hall surmised they were plant
eaters, as he noticed them collecting seeds on various occasions.
“They are not meat eaters. That I
know for sure,” he added. “The food that I saw packaged and
sealed in plastic bags on the scout craft, looked like mushroom
pudding. I was told by one of them it was prepared primarily for
the children or for when they were out in the desert hiking.
“I was also told it wasn’t a good
idea to eat their food as it would have adverse affects on my
body. It was my understanding that eating those foods made a
person feel very high and somewhat similar to drinking large
amounts of liquor.”
Have Others
Seen Them?
More than seven years prior to Hall’s arrival at Nellis, log books
showed 41 weather observers had been compromised while trying to
perform their duties in the Nellis ranges. Some required medical
attention, others were given medical discharges from the air force
and some were killed.
In fact, the weather observer who preceded Hall deserted his duties
and moved away from the area. So how did Hall survive when others
before him didn’t?
He attributes this to his ability to understand their habits and
essentially being adopted by one of the Tall Whites called
the Teacher, who seemed to take a special interest and liking to
Although he was never able to take photos, he said a New Jersey
housewife traveling through Nevada had acquired a number of
authentic looking photos which she included in a paperback book
published on the Tall Whites.
Even though this would have provided
third party corroboration, he was unable to recall the name of the
lady or title of the book.
“It always has upset me that I
couldn’t remember her name, but I know the Tall Whites were
viewed by many other servicemen on the range. I think someone
there must have given her the photos,” said Hall.
Did President
Harry Truman See Them?
Encountering Tall White’s at close range was such a shock to the
servicemen at Nellis, frequently the sightings were reported as
ghosts, angels or other types of fantastic creatures.
Official accounts reported also revealed that President Truman
in the late 1940s thought he encountered ghosts in the White House
usually before retiring to bed.
The reports go on to say he thought he
was mistakenly seeing the ghost of President Lincoln, telling
White House employees of his sightings on a number of occasions.
“My suggestion is that you research
the stories of Lincoln’s ghost and the ghost of Donna Anna
county in Las Cruces near the White Sands Missile Range,” said
He suggested President Truman most
likely encountered Tall Whites in the White House instead of ghosts.
“Remember, many of the range
maintenance men who saw the Tall Whites actually thought they
were seeing ghosts.”
Are the Tall
Whites in India?
Credible news reports this month from the New Delhi Times and
several other Indian dailies have reported their government is in
the midst of an internal debate on whether to go public with alien
Many in the largest democracy in the world are eager to explain to
its citizens and to the world about the ongoing contacts with UFO’s
and aliens. However, there are others who want to bend to the will
of the world’s super powers who are now trying to convince India to
keep quiet about UFO contact.
According to overseas news reports, America and other super powers
are engaged in “economic bribery” in order to keep the Indian
government silent about alien contact.
How Can You
Meet Them?
Asked this question, Hall suggests:
“Drive to Indian Springs Nevada
during the hot part of summer in late May through early
September. They like it hotter than we do. On the south side of
town, there is a large open vacant section of desert. Pick a
location where you can see the mountains located in the distance
at the north end of Indian Springs Valley (that means they can
see you).
“Make sure your having fun - get involved with your work such as
painting a picture, etc. That is very important - they’re bored
- they like entertainment. Be very conscious of the passage of
time. If you have any missing time, such as 20 minutes, remember
any “dreams” that you might have had during this missing time.
“Take note of any florescent light that you see at night no
matter how far up in the valley it might be. The Tall Whites
used to like to come out between 11:30 and 12:30 at night and
return up the valley sometime after 4:30 a.m. Take note of any
fuzzy white flying craft that you see just after sun comes up
along the western side of the Indian Springs Valley.
“If they come, they prefer to approach you from behind so sit
out in the open where you have a good view. Never, never panic -
I know talk is cheap but never pursue them. Just stay standing
or sitting in one place. It’s OK to walk (not run ) away if you
become frightened.
“NEVER NEVER NEVER try to touch their children no matter how
close they come.
The children are willing to come right
up to you, closer than arm’s length. If you touch them, the mother
will kill you. Sing quiet songs to yourself.
I used to sing Ricky Nelson’s song,
“It’s Up to You” and I’d pray a lot.
It calmed me down and I have no idea what it did for them. But
It seemed to calm most of them down too.
“Good Luck.”
Whether Hall’s story is true, of course, is debatable. However, no
one can argue it is compelling, detailed and filled with interesting
If there are lingering doubts, they come from lack of corroboration,
lack of physical evidence and Hall’s inability to provide the names
of those persons who may also have first hand knowledge.
If he is telling the truth, this added information would only give
credence to his incredible story. And as they say, until further
evidence comes forward, the jury is still out!
But for those too impatient to await a final verdict, maybe a trip
to Indian Springs Valley is the next logical step.