Chapter 34
It took me awhile to understand the data presented in this chapter.
The first time that I looked at the session, I thought that there
must be some mistake. Perhaps my tasker gave me the target
coordinates for another cue, or perhaps I made some serious decoding
errors, or perhaps there was just a mystery that I did not
My initial reaction was simply not to accept these data.
I even put this session back on my shelf with a question mark on
it. This just could not be our future. I would not accept it. Why
would we voluntarily choose this future?
Upon reflection, I decided that I simply needed to continue to be
totally honest with all of my data. I would do the best job I could
to interpret these data, and then I would let my readers make up
their own minds. But one thing is certain, our future is not what I
initially expected before beginning this project, if these data are
correct. My problem is that I could not easily let go of my
idiosyncratic values. I could not let go of the past. I had
difficulty accepting the fact that the future may be much different
from my preconceived notion of our destiny.
The data in this session will speak for themselves. If I have interpreted
them correctly, then I have let go of the past sufficiently to
realize that our future will be guided by a vision greater than my
The essential cue and qualifiers for this chapter's target are as
TARGET 3409/2390 Protocols used for this target: SPP
Human civilization on Earth in a future time
frame in which the
Galactic Federation succeeds with its current agenda involving
humans (at a time in which it would be optimal to view the outcome
of the Galactic Federation involvement with humans). In addition to
the relevant aspects of the general target as defined by the
essential cue, the viewer perceives and describes the following
target aspects:
• the macro society that exists on Earth • the human society that exists on Earth •
the most
significant other ET society that exists on Earth
19 May 1998 11:22 a.m. Atlanta, Georgia Protocols: Enhanced SPP, Type 2 Target
coordinates: 3409/2390
My first ideogram in Phase 1 suggests that the macro-society is
large with many subdivisions. It is complex, but also homogeneous
in some sense. I also perceive a number of sub-macro groups, varying
in size.
Moving to Phase 2TM, I perceive a macro-society with some degree of
homogeneity along at least one dimension, such as cultural,
experiential, or racial. There are political divisions, but the
intensity of the divisions is moderate to low. There is a focus on
physical activity. The society feels "asleep" or quiet in some way,
as if they are waiting, and perhaps have been waiting, for a long
The quality of authority in the society is diffuse and its concentration
is weak. There are a few authority attractors that hold the
attention of the society. The dominant ideology is political, and
everyone is aware of this. But again, this ideological theme is weak
in the society. The populace is divided into factions, and the
members of these factions are bonded by mild group allegiance.
Most of the activities for the members of the society are focused
on the physical realm, and language is used extensively. I perceive
that the subspace realm is supportive of activities on the physical
side, and there is intense interest among the physical beings in
developing a subspace relationship. I perceive that the physical
beings are a bit desperate in some fashion, and they may be looking
toward the subspace side of existence for help.
The various factions within the macro-society participate with each
other. They acknowledge differences in the society, and are
generally supportive of group variation. The significant leader of
the macro-society is a male. He is a bureaucrat or technocrat. He
supports the sub-macro groups through his administration of social
I perceive three groups in Phase 3TM. I label the groups
G1 is very small, and it may be a single subject. The subject feels
masculine. Most major decisions for the society flow through him. He
does not have a fully developed political orientation. He is more
of a neutral but compassionate administrator. His activity is mostly
in the physical realm. While he is not charismatic, he is respected
for his administrative capabilities. He maintains a wide-angle
perspective of the problems of his society.
This group is small or moderate in size. It has a single or primary
focus for authority, but that authority is not rigid. The group is
generally homogeneous. The political orientation of the group is in
its infancy. The activities of this group contain a significant
focus on subspace. While they use language extensively, they also
engage in telepathic communication.
The group is admired by other
members of the society. The group members are aware of their
privileged status in the larger society, and they are somewhat
protective of this status. Their minds are calm, but there is an
underlying nervousness among them, deeply felt. G2
apparently has a mildly charismatic inspirational or religious
G3 is the largest of all the groups examined in this session. There
are more numerous physical variations within this group, perhaps
many of genetic origin. There is a diffuse concentration of
authority but the authority is strongly felt on the individual
The ideas that dominate this group reflect a focus on better times
ahead, a salvation of some sort. There is a significant level of
subspace activity with this group, and this activity may be
spiritual in nature. The members of G3 hold all sorts of mixed-up
ideas relating to subspace, many of which are simply superstitious.
I sense that the subspace realm is very supportive of this group,
even of their superstitions.
The other groups in the macro-society are a bit careful of G3.
Currently, G3 is under control, but it could change and this group
could become more volatile.
There is a male inspirational leader in this group. He is an opportunistic
rabble-rouser with no specific agenda who is driven to his
activities by boredom with his life. I get the sense that G3 is
comparable to the lower class, or common masses. The common people
feel primitive and fearful in some way.
The Macro-Society Developmental Trajectory
The beginning of the developmental trajectory is a
peace period for
the civilization. There are many subjects, religions, and even
advanced artwork.
At some point after this peak period, there is an irreversible
decline in the civilization. There is a time of great change. Following this time of great change, there is a period in which the
civilization hibernates or sleeps. This does not mean that the
people in the civilization are hibernating. Rather, it is the
culture or the civilization itself that is dormant.
After the period of dormancy, there is an awakening. The society
emerges from the quiet period and begins new activity. During this
time there is a brief period of development.
At this point the society leaves. They abandon their previous home.
They simply pick up and go.
At the extreme end of the examined trajectory there is abandonment.
Ruins and relies of the past are all that remain in this place of
origin. At the end of this trajectory the previous civilization is
essentially dead in terms of a linear continuation of the past. The
society has left this place. They have begun to live in an entirely
new way, and in a new location.
What was so difficult for me to accept in these data is the
development trajectory The remainder of the session simply examines
the society at a single point in its future. But the developmental
trajectory is much more extensive in its perspective, and it is this
wider view that contains the greatest surprise.
Earth is our current home world, our place of origin. It is also the
nest that incubates humanity. But because of my remote viewing
experiences, I am beginning to view all of humanity as a hybrid
between individuality and a collective. I sense that the individual
nature of our personalities is an asset that will persist and
develop through time. It is a positive ingredient to our overall
sense of who we are. But we are also a large group with a collective
consciousness. In a sense, we, as a collective, are somewhat like a
single complex organism.
If one examines a hive of bees or an ant colony, it is easy to view
these collective entities as a single organism. The individual bees
or ants cannot exist outside the collective. Indeed, the various
individual bees and ants can be viewed as organs in a larger entity,
although the organs can walk about independently, and they are not
all covered in one skin. But none of the parts can exist alone.
These are extreme cases of collective entities.
It has often been mentioned that the Greys seem to exist as a
collective. Their extensive telepathic capacities allow them to
share one another's thoughts with no barriers separating
individuals. In general, one might say that they are more
collective than individual. Humans, on the other hand, seem to be
more individual than collective, at least currently and perhaps
this will be a permanent feature of our aggregate personality.
both humans and Greys have individual and collective identities, and
the differences between the groups are really variations in degree.
Indeed, the current activities of the Greys suggest that they are
attempting to incrementally move their collective consciousness in
a direction that emphasizes the role of individuals.
What strikes me so strongly is that
individuals form collectives,
and the collectives evolve with a coherency that gives clear
definition to the evolution of societies across time. There will
always be individuals in any society that vary in their particular
development, both physically in terms of age as well as with regard
to the maturity of their personalities. But the societies are truly
unique when compared across time.
Humanity of the Dark Ages is
totally different from humanity of the late twentieth century. When
reading our own history as a planetary civilization, clearly the
collective that we call humanity has evolved from a continuum of
previous states to become something totally different today
What this all means in terms of the
remote viewing session is that
the collective entity that we call humanity is destined to leave
this nest we call Earth. These data do not say that humanity will be
defeated in any way Rather, they indicate that our home world will
one day have completed its purpose. We will not exist on this planet
through all eternity. We will not forever depend on this rock to
define ourselves. We will grow. We will hatch.
And we will leave our
protective shell behind.
In my reading of these data, I see a
galactic existence for
humanity. This is the true meaning of the Galactic Federation's
agenda for us. We will not be the "Earth people" forever. We will be
humans, and we will live throughout not only this galaxy but the
universe. We have already seen this happening among other species.
Apparently the Greys do not now live on only one planet. Their
cities are ships in space. In the future, some of them may again
locate themselves on a planet. But even that would only be for a
distinct period of time.
And what of the Martians?
Are they not also
planning to finally leave their world of origin behind?
Can any
species stay in one place forever?
It is probably true of all species that survive, that their
collective destiny rests not on any one planet, but in a universe,
and perhaps beyond. What was so hard for me to accept in these data
is now obvious to me. We too will evolve collectively to a point
where we must leave our place of origin. We too will abandon
this planet one day. We too will live among the stars.
This is our
collective fate.
As individuals, our destinies will ultimately be
our personalities, and there will always be variations among us. But
as a group, as a civilization, would we really want anything less
than a destiny as cosmic explorers in a universe of challenge and
Back to Contents
For years now I have led a public battle to build an institute
dedicated to developing our new science of spirituality. Some have
taken our efforts seriously, but most have marginalized our work
into the corners of their minds that they reserve for the bizarre
and the ludicrous.
Is it worth it to publicly confront a society
with ideas for which they are so poorly prepared?
Is it worth the
public scorn, the professional ostracism, the financial risk, the
personal pain?
People spend their entire lives running the race of time, living
physically while pushing aside the question of the practical
relevance of spirituality. Eventually they find themselves on their
deathbed with the realization that all their achievements in the
physical world are inconsequential relative to their ability to answer
with certainty the question of whether their personalities will
survive the demise of their bodies.
Readers, if you can hold in your mind the possibility that even one
of the remote viewing experiences that I have described in this
volume actually happened, then you realize that remote viewing is
not possible in the absence of a soul. Unless some aspect of
ourselves is nonphysical perceiving anything at a distance, or
across time, would be impossible.
My experiences in consciousness have demonstrated to me beyond doubt
that my soul is real, and that the soul of every
human being on this planet is equally real. Since one does not
physically "go" to any place when remote viewing, obviously there is
something else about us that is already at the target location... at all target locations.
What other mechanism could possibly
explain the ability to perceive something accurately without any
physical connection to that thing? Is there any possible way to
explain the phenomenon of remote viewing other than to accept fully
the scientifically verified reality of the unbounded nature of
human consciousness, a consciousness that does not depend on the
human body for its existence?
My remote viewing experiences have also led me to understand
differently. I no longer look to some distant Heaven to find my
Father. I now understand the meaning of the words once told by a
wise sage: God is within.
I once had a remote viewing experience where I perceived what I
believe to be the essential beginning of the universe. There was a
shape of light that somewhat resembled a spinning cloud or vortex.
In the middle of the session, I questioned what to do next once I
had perceived this enigma. In one of the columns of my Phase 4
matrix, I cued on the idea of a suggestion, inviting my subspace
mind to offer a hint as to the meaning of this experience. The
response was immediate. I sensed that I was to cue on God.
My conscious mind was confused by this suggestion, and probably as a
consequence of this, the idea carne to me that I should cue on
someone who could explain this to me. I then cued on Jesus in the
matrix. For reasons that I will explain, I have long considered him
our older brother, in a literal sense. I suppose I intuitively felt
that he would be sufficiently experienced and wise to know what to
do in this situation. Instantly I sensed my awareness shift to
include this being's flavor of consciousness, and I sensed him
suggest to me that I should abandon fear and plunge into the vortex
that I perceived. I did so.
The vortex was alive. There was the sense of a huge consciousness,
and as I extended my mind across this consciousness, I felt
stretched like the skin of a balloon, although not uncomfortably
so. It then became clear to me that this being was terribly alone,
and sad beyond measure. It had spent an eternity by itself, slowly
evolving, until it finally grew to a point at which it could end its
Then, in one sudden burst, I experienced this being's solution. The
being essentially blew itself up, or at least much of itself. As I
followed the outward rush of the being's fragmenting expansion, I
perceived that it experienced a new joy that nearly overwhelmed me.
The being did not die.
At first the bits and pieces of the larger being were too small and
immature to even be aware of themselves. Neither were they aware of
their own origin. From this point began the most profound evolution
of the original being. It had become a parent to the fragments of
The fragmented parts began to experience existence in a way that
seemed independent of the parent. Initially they did not understand
that they were literally part of a single larger being. Yet as they
continued to grow in experience, they matured and developed an
intense need to know how they carne to exist, and indeed, the reason
for their existence.
This led them eventually to seek and discover
the reality of their parent, their loving creator. It was at this
moment of realization that they understood that they were their
parent, and that their own growth and evolution was also the growth
and evolution of their parent.
The parent had created a way to look
back at itself through a mirror of a multitude of individual
We have a divine heritage.
What I have understood from my
experiences in consciousness is that we are the fragments of God. By
definition we are all made in his image. When I look at all those
who surround me, I realize that I am looking into the face of my own
Father. Now my readers can understand my motivation for pursuing
research into consciousness. I view all human actions as part of
God's own efforts to grow and to understand himself. Understanding
consciousness is to understand God. I continue my research because
nothing is more important to me than to know our Father.
This struggle to scientifically
demonstrate our spiritual nature
will ultimately succeed, but we need to differentiate individual
battles from the war. What at first may appear as a total failure in
one instance can later result in great achievement for
the bigger picture. If the goal is to promote a global understanding
of our composite nature as well as to demonstrate the fact of our
divine heritage, then there can be no doubt of the eventual outcome.
The spiritual urge of every soul to overtly recognize the truth will
eventually drive all of humanity in the direction of
self-realization. This would have to happen because it is in God's
nature to evolve, and to eventually rediscover himself through the
experiences of his children. To say that we will ultimately f ail to
see the truth about ourselves is to say that God will malfunction
in his own evolution. In my view, this is not possible.
What role do the extraterrestrials play in this human drama of soul
development? Ever since September 1993, when I had my initial
exposure to remote viewing, I have become increasingly aware that
many of those technologically advanced beings who are active on or
near Earth have a deep respect for the human need to experience life
without external coercion. I have been struck by the patience of
these extraterrestrials as they gently prod a resistant human
population that wants to bury its collective head in the sand like
the proverbial ostrich.
In my opinion, if the Galactic Federation wanted to conquer this
planet militarily, it could probably wipe out all human defensive
infrastructure in a matter of minutes. The Greys alone, acting for
the Federation, could do this without further assistance due to
both their numbers (in terms of ships and personnel) and their
extremely advanced technological capabilities.
Yet my experiences
with them suggest that the Galactic Federation is enormously
concerned with our welfare, and they want to avoid any trauma that
could negatively affect our future collective evolution. My
perceptions indicate that they respect and value us and what we may
become more than we understand our own potential destiny. However
different these beings are from us, in my view, friends such as
these are more valuable than anything I know.
In particular, from what I have been able to fathom of the essential
nature of the Greys, they are driven by a desire that I have not
seen matched elsewhere to evolve toward an ultimate
communion with our Heavenly Father. To them, spirituality is all
that matters. That, in essence, is what makes them so different from
The association of the Greys with the Galactic Federation makes
sense to me. That larger organization accepts and even embraces the
spiritual ideas of the Greys, or at least the right to pursue these
ideas. But the Galactic Federation does not demand control over
its participating species. For example, it did not prevent the Greys
from ruining their own home world through wanton abuse of their
Nor did the Federation stop the Greys from originally
interfering so dramatically with their own genetic makeup, an act
from which they are still recovering today. From the perspective of
the Galactic Federation, it is the right of a species to learn from
its own mistakes, however severe these mistakes may be, as long as
the species does not deprive another species of its own freedom to
do likewise.
The Federation does not want a universe of species
that act like dogs on a leash. My observations indicate that the
Galactic Federation embraces a philosophy that values the freedom of
all species to achieve a unique destiny, to mature in their own ways
through God's school of the living experience.
The Reptilians are a different matter entirely. The group of
Reptilians currently interacting with humans appear to be a faction
of a larger species, essentially a renegade group with a
totalitarian political twist. I am completely aware that there may
exist some people who have interacted with the Reptilians (including
some UFO "abductees") who would describe their interactions as
But my remote viewing data suggest that
the Reptilians as
a group have an agenda for humanity that does not favor our
interests as a species. They have their own interests in us, and
they tend to strongly control that which they feel they need to
control in order to serve those interests.
Perhaps the Reptilians view our penchant to destroy our environment
as the irresponsible behavior of a species that could not survive on
its own without a controlling and wiser guardian. They possibly view
themselves analogously as prospective parents, and humans as
orphans in need of adoption. Well, those prospective parents rule
with a hard hand, and I for one would rather grow up without them.
Should we fall under the Reptilian influence for an extended period
of time, we would risk losing
our ability to determine our own fate. We would trade our freedom
for the caretaker ship that comes packaged with an enslaved race.
I do not think God would want to live the way the Reptilians want us
to live. Because I view all of us as evolving fragments of our
parent, I find it impossible to separate our own spirituality from
the matter of the extraterrestrials. As a species, we are going to
make a crucial decision in the near future. Our decision may be to
accept the responsibility of our own destiny which may include
inflicting horrible environmental abuses to our world as we fight to
understand ourselves and our true potential.
Alternatively, we may
abandon the difficult commitment to forge a future for ourselves
that contributes meaning to a struggling universe, and instead
choose a path that continues the pathology of controlling our masses
with secrecy and manipulation.
There is no one person who will cause this planet to change. There
is no one ET event that will cause all of humanity to go through
that crisis of understanding. There is no one group that will force
the major news outlets to report the truth about the
extraterrestrials, the soul, or even God. For every person who
makes an effort to awaken humanity there are millions of others who
are doing their part as well.
Some of these others fly UFOs. Some
are subspace beings who we label guardian angels. Others are common
people who intuitively know that the truth has been hidden from
them. Some petition Congress for hearings on these matters. Others
write books and articles that call for greater openness.
As for myself, I will continue to speak. I will also
continue my
work at
The Farsight Institute. And I will ensure
that the Institute maintains its commitment to an expanding
research program from which so many have gained both knowledge and
Eventually our collective struggle will bear great fruit. Eventually,
all of God's children will grow out of their state of confusion and
accept the reality of a universe filled with life.
Eventually, all of our brothers and sisters will recognize our
common destiny, and our divine heritage. When this happens, we will
not be at the end of our evolutionary march. All the evidence
suggests that we will then only begin to recognize the meaning of
infinity and thus of the truly long-term consequences to our
Parent's gift of life to us.
Whenever we remote view, we extend our awareness across time and
space. We can do this because we are already omnipresent. Remote
viewing is an introduction to a greater future for our personalities.
It proves that we have the ability to break out of our narrow
intellectual confines and to see the universe more as God sees it.
When we allow our minds to roam the heavens, we are truly, and
literally, seeing with the eyes of God. When we learn from what we
see, we grow both individually and collectively With that growth
comes a natural desire to evolve further, to see more, to learn
more, to be more. This is the destiny of infinite positive
evolution, which flows from our divine heritage.
We fight not to establish our right to explore and to grow within a
wondrous universe. Rather, we fight our selves to accept a right
that was already granted to us. No one, but no one, can take this
right from us unless we voluntarily surrender it. Let us seize this moment and define our evolutionary course for millennia
to come. Listen not to the purveyors of fear. Fortune favors the
bold. Let this be our mark in the universe.
Let this be our destiny.
Back to Contents
Appendix 1
Specialized procedures in SRV are performed in Phase 5. Below are
thumbnail sketches of some of the Phase 5 procedures normally
included at the end of the weeklong introductory course.
Phase 5 requires a worksheet and a matrix, each on
separate pieces
of paper. The worksheet is labeled P5w, and the matrix is labeled
P5m. The worksheet is positioned to the right of the matrix. All
Phase 5 pages are assigned the same page number followed by the
letters a, b, c, etc. for subsequent pages (such as 23a, 23b, etc.).
The Phase 5 matrix is identical to the Phase 4 matrix. Also, P5½
matrix entries are made identically to P4½ en tries.
1. Timelines:
Have the viewer draw a horizontal line in the center
of the worksheet. The viewer should then locate the target time, the
current time, and the time of some significant event that is well
known. The viewer should not be told the actual identification of
the significant event, other than that it is event A. The viewer can
also be instructed to probe the timeline for other significant
events. Each event must be labeled generically e.g., event A, B, C,
and so on. The viewer should not probe for a specific year, only an
2. Sketches:
Analytical sketches (more detailed than Phase 3
drawings) can be drawn and probed in the worksheet. Data obtained
from the probes should be entered in the Phase 5 matrix. Lines can
be drawn in the sketches to symbolically connect various places or
objects. The viewer can switch from one place or object to another
by alternately probing the separate parts of the drawing.
Alternatively, the viewer can be instructed to move from one part of
the drawing to another by following the line with his or her pen
that connects the various parts. (See sliding.)
3. Cuing:
In Phase 5, the monitor can suggest cues for the viewer to
enter into the matrix that may be too leading for Phase 4. These
cues can be from the viewer's Phase 4 data, or they can be the
monitor's words. Again, cues originating verbatim from the viewer's
data are entered into the Phase 5 matrix in parentheses (); data
from the monitor in brackets [ ]. Moreover, all monitor originating
cues should have some obvious connection to the data obtained
earlier so as to minimize the risk of "deduction peacocking," a
phenomenon in which one deduction leads to another, and then
another, etc., until a fictional storyline develops.
4. Locational sketches:
The monitor instructs the viewer to draw a
map, say, of the United States. No edge of the map should come
within one inch of any edge of the Phase 5 worksheet paper. The
monitor then says the name of a well-known location (usually a
city). The viewer then automatically places his or her pen on that
spot and quickly draws a line to the target location. No further
monitor instructions are required other than to say the name of the
original location. The line must be straight and rapidly executed. A
slowly drawn or curved line indicates that the conscious mind
interfered with the flow of the data.
5. Symbolic sketches:
These sketches include some part or aspect of
the target about which further information is needed. For example,
using the Phase 5 worksheet, a circle can be used to represent a
person being viewed, and a square can represent a governmental
organization, and so on. The viewer is not told exactly what the
symbols represent. Rather, the viewer is told a generic version of
their nature (e.g., target subject, target group,
etc.). These generic identifiers are written near the symbols. A
line is then drawn connecting the symbols.
The line is labeled
"relationship." Probes of the symbols (using the viewer's pen) and
the relationship line yield information that is then entered into
the Phase 5 matrix. If the symbols represent physical items, then
the labels are placed in the physicals column of the matrix. The
word "relationship" is entered in the concepts column in square
brackets. All data are entered in the matrix.
Movement exercise for Phase 5: Sliding: The monitor can instruct
the viewer to move from one location to another in a controlled
fashion by having the viewer make a small circle on the Phase 5
worksheet. This circle should be labeled "A: location #1."
Preferably the viewer may write something more meaningful but still
non-leading, such as "A: on top of the structure." Another small
circle is then drawn on the worksheet in a position relative to the
first circle such that this position is sensible.
For example, if the viewer is on top of a building, and the monitor
wants the viewer to descend into the building, then the second
circle would be below the first. The second circle is then labeled
accordingly (e.g., "B: inside the structure"). The viewer is
instructed to connect the first circle to the second circle with a
line, and then to retrace this line slowly as needed in order to go
back and forth between the two points.
The viewer can also simply
touch points A and B with his or her pen to shift quickly from one
location to another. Alternatively, a cue placed in brackets (e.g.,
the words "building/inside") in the physicals column can achieve a
similar result. However, sliding (down the line connecting points A
and B) is useful if the monitor thinks that the viewer might
profitably control the rate of movement, perhaps because the monitor
suspects that observations made along the path of movement may be
Since there are no known distance limitations to this procedure,
sliding is useful if the two locations are very far apart, such as
two star systems. Often sliding can be used in combination with
another technique. For example, the initial movement between two
points can be accomplished with sliding, while subsequent movements
can be quickly accomplished by having the viewer simply touch either
of the connected circles.
To enter data into the Phase 5 matrix, A
and B are placed in the physicals
column of the matrix inside square brackets, e.g., [A]. The data
following A in the physicals column are related to point A in the
Phase 5 worksheet. Data following B in the physicals column are
related to point B in the Phase 5 worksheet.
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The Farsight Protocols described in the previous chapters are called
Basic SRV. In the advanced courses taught at the Institute, these
procedures are modified significantly in order to exploit the
greater capabilities that are possible with trained and competent
viewers. These modifications are called Enhanced SRV.
Enhanced SRV resolves two problems inherent with Basic SRV. The
first problem concerns an inadequacy in the use of Phase 1 data.
Basic SRV collects and decodes a number of ideograms in Phase 1 that
address various aspects of the target site. These ideograms are
among the most important pieces of data in a remote viewing session
because the conscious mind has almost no chance to interfere with
the collection of these data.
Yet because the intent of the session
is to proceed as quickly as possible to the later phases where more
valuable data are collected, the Phase 1 ideograms are essentially
thrown away as the viewer proceeds further into the session.
The second problem arises because viewers enter Phases 2 and 3 with
a jumble of impressions left in their minds by all the gestalts in
the various ideograms of Phase 1. For example, if four important
target aspects are identified by four separate ideograms in Phase l,
from which aspect will viewers report, say, temperatures, and in
what order?
If the target is a campsite in
Alaska in the middle of winter, the viewer may report both the heat
of the campfire as well as the cold of the surrounding snow. This
mixture of gestalts continues throughout Phases 2 and 3, and viewers
typically spend a great deal of time in Phase 4 sorting things out.
Enhanced SRV procedures resolve both of these problems. The
enhancements also improve the quantity and quality of data that are
collected throughout the session. They shorten the time needed to
descriptively separate the various target aspects in Phase 4. The
enhancements also produce operationally useful Phase 1 data relevant
to each individual ideogram.
1, 2, AND 3
Using Enhanced SRV, viewers begin their sessions by taking the
target coordinates and drawing the ideogram in the normal fashion.
They then write "A:" and describe the movements of the pen with
words. The ideogram is then probed for primitive and advanced
descriptors. Following this, the viewer writes "B:" and declares a
low-level guess describing the gestalt that is reflected in the
ideogram (such as "structure," "subject," "No-B," and so on). AU of
this is identical to Basic SRV.
The viewers then write "C:" underneath the B. The ideogram is then
probed repeatedly, searching for low-level Phase 2 descriptors, but
any data that is allowed in the Phase 4 matrix is also allowed here.
Viewers do not force anything, allowing whatever is perceived to
arrive freely
This method of probing is called "free response." You
will remember that in Phase 2, data are always collected following
a fixed structure (sounds, textures, temperatures, visuals, and so
on). This fixed structure approach is still not used in Phase 1, but
viewers can mentally remind themselves of a few of the categories
of Phase 2 should they need assistance in initiating the flow of
data. Probing the ideogram five or six times is often typical at
this point, but viewers can probe the ideogram however many times as
may seem appropriate should the data continue to flow. The data are
entered vertically down the page.
As viewers collect more data under C, they will notice that a dim
and vague mental image of the target aspect that is reflected
in the ideogram begins to form. For example, if the ideogram
reflects a structure, then the viewers will begin to develop an
intuitive mental picture of the structure. Either directly
underneath or to the left side of the column of data under C, the
viewers then write "D:". A sketch is then made of this aspect of the
target (such as a structure) underneath D.
All of the above is ideally done on one piece of paper. Thus, with
Enhanced SRV, viewers obtain a complete collection of data for each
ideogram, including a sketch. This solves the problem of having all
of the ideogram specific data being scrambled into only one Phase 2
and one Phase 3. But note that we have not yet "assembled the
Viewers then repeat the above process in normal Phase 1 fashion,
taking the target coordinates between three and five times, seeing
if any of the ideograms return subsequent to the appearance of a
different ideogram. Most viewers tend to take the target coordinates
five times since this allows them to obtain five complete
collections of ideogram related data, including five separate
sketches. Once an ideogram reoccurs, or after taking the coordinates
five times, viewers proceed to Phase 2.
Phase 2 is mechanically identical to that in Basic SRV, but now the
viewer is free to "stand back" and look at the overall target site
with a wide-angle perspective. The data are not limited to a
particular gestalt (i.e., one ideogram). The sensory perceptions
from all of the perceived gestalts compete (in a sense) for the
attention of the viewer's subspace mind. Thus, the data that are
perceived in Phase 2 are generally those that make the strongest
impressions on the viewer 's consciousness.
Phase 2 prepares the viewer to assemble the previously collected
Phase 1 sketches into one composite sketch. This new sketch is
performed in Phase 3. The Phase 3 page is positioned lengthwise
(which, again, means the long side of the page is placed
horizontally). Viewers can spend some time constructing their Phase
3 sketch, carefully contemplating the intuitive feel of the emerging
sketch and placing each component in its appropriate place.
None of the previously sketched Phase 1 drawings need to be placed
in the Phase 3 sketch. Indeed, many accurate Phase 3 sketches often
do not appear elsewhere in the session. But viewers can place
modified forms of any of the previously obtained
sketches in the Phase 3 drawing should the intuitions be so
Enhanced Phase 4 is highly interactive and nonlinear. With Basic
SRV, the structure is predominantly sequential and linear, taking
the viewer from one step to another, allowing minimal structural
flexibility. This limits the intrusion of the conscious mind into
the data collection process. Advanced practitioners of SRV are
sufficiently familiar with both the structure of the session as
well as the "feel" of the data such that they can take advantage of
a greater degree of structural freedom as they interactively pursue
their quest to understand the target.
Using Enhanced SRV, viewers work with five pieces of paper
simultaneously. Each page is used to accomplish something different
from that of the other pages. The first page is the normal Phase 4
matrix. The viewers work the matrix and go after the "Big Three" in
the same fashion as with Basic SRV. However, there are some
differences in the way viewers conduct other aspects of Phase 4,
all of which are described below.
Tactile Probing
With Enhanced Phase 4, viewers extensively use their hands, and even
their bodies, to explore the target. Once viewers have a mental
image of the target, however fuzzy, they can then use their hands to
"feel" the target, both externally and internally With external
probing, viewers tend to run their hands over the outline of shapes
of things at the target site, like structures, mountains, and even
With internal probing, viewers press their hands (usually
from top to bottom, although there is no rule here) through the
target, perceiving internal aspects of structures, and so on. In
one of my own sessions, I clearly perceived that a structure had
three floors during an internal probe. I made this determination
using my hands. I also perceived that there were subjects on the
third and first floor of the structure.
Tactile probing is not limited to the use of the hands. One can also
place one's head, or even one's entire body into the target at
any given spot. For instance, in the example above, I then placed my
head inside the structure to take a look at what was on each floor.
This was done by literally bending my head forward while sitting at
my desk and placing my head in the middle of the projected image of
the structure. I then discerned that the top floor contained two
subjects, one a male and the other a female. The bottom floor had a
large number of subjects milling about.
Sometimes a viewer needs to explore a larger image of the target, or
perhaps a component at the target site, such as a complex
structure, or even a tunnel that goes through a mountain. To
accomplish this, the viewer can back away from the desk and mentally
project the image of the target into an empty area in the room. The
viewer can then walk or crawl into the target or target component to
perceive what is necessary
After all tactile probing is completed, the viewer returns to the
Phase 4 pages and enters the data in the appropriate places. If the
data are verbally described, then the viewer enters the data as
ordinary column entries, or as P4 ½ T entries. Here, the T
represents "tactile."
Phase 4 Sketches
If at any time during the session a viewer obtains a visual image
of the target, or an aspect of the target, the viewer must sketch
this image immediately Such mental images can arise during the
process of probing the matrix, but they can also result from tactile
probing of the target. In Enhanced Phase 4, there are three sketch
pages. These pages are labeled Phase 41, Phase 4E, and Phase 4L,
where the I, E, and L represent "internal," "external," and
"landscape," respectively Instead of page numbers, the viewers write
"a," "b," and "c," respectively, in the upper-right-hand corners.
All pages are positioned lengthwise.
When perceiving a visual image, the viewer decides whether the image
is internal or external. An internal image has a sense of being
inside something else. For example, the viewer may perceive the
inside of a room, or the inside of a piece of technology If the
image is the first obtained during Phase 4, the viewer places the
letter A in the physicals column, and then circles the letter. The
viewer then goes over to the P4I page, marks a corresponding
circled A, and then draws the internal image.
If the mental image conveys the sense of being an external view,
such as the outside of a structure, an object (say, a chair), a
subject, or anything else, then the viewer follows the same
procedure described above, but places the sketch on the P4E page.
If this is the second sketch in Phase 4, then the viewer writes a
circled B in the physicals column of the matrix, and on the P4E
page. The drawing is then sketched near the circled B.
The Phase 4L page is similar to the Phase 3 page. Phase 4L is for
putting pieces together. Many target aspects sketched on pages P4I
and P4E can be located and redrawn in modified form in the P4L
representation of the target. Phase 4L sketches are wide-angle
representations of the target. The pieces can be assembled with
considerable deliberation as well (that is, there is no reason to
rush a P4L sketch). However, the viewer does not have to draw a
detailed Phase 4L sketch.
Nor do any of the P4I or P4E sketches have
to be transferred to the P4L drawing. Sometimes a P4L drawing is
simply a larger or more detailed version of the most important
aspect of the target. But the goal is to create a P4L drawing that
displays a more complete perspective of the target than is available
in any other Phase 4 sketches.
The Phase 4 matrix and sketch pages should be placed in the proper
arrangement before beginning Phase 4. All four pages are arranged in
a rectangular pattern, like tiles on a kitchen floor. In clockwise
order, the matrix page is placed at the lower left, then the P4I
page, the P4E, and finally the P4L page, next to the matrix page.
This arrangement creates a fluid interactive working
area. The
viewer must not have to search for the correct page when the need
comes to move to a particular sketching area, or when referring
back to other aspects of the target.
Most viewers fill up multiple Phase 4 matrix pages. After the first
matrix page is filled, that page is removed and a new matrix page is
inserted in the same spot. If the page number for the first matrix
page is 9, then the next matrix page is number 10, and so on. The
sketch pages use letters. When the session is finished, all of the
numbered pages are stacked sequentially first, followed by all of
the sequentially arranged sketch pages.
When probing sketches (part of the "Big Three"), viewers sometimes
use the back end of the pen rather than the point when probing is
extensive. These data are often shown to others,
and are sometimes displayed on the Internet as well as in print. In
this way advanced viewers avoid degrading the publication quality of
their data by scattering too many probing marks on their drawings.
An Analytical Worksheet in Phase 4
It is often necessary to explore the target in Phase 4 using some of
the analysis techniques of Phase 5. This is particularly true of
symbolic diagrams that allow the viewer to describe relationships
between various subjects, or between subjects and objects. Such
abstract diagrams are not sketches, and thus cannot be placed on a
sketch page. These are executed on a Phase 4 worksheet page, or
Phase 4W page, where the W represents "worksheet." The viewer
creates this worksheet together with the Phase 4 sketch pages.
The Phase 4W page is set lengthwise, and "P4W" is placed centered at
the top of the page. The page "number" is d. The worksheet page does
not need to be arranged in any particular place in front of the
viewer. Normally it is kept to the side until needed.
A symbolic diagram in Phase 4 resembles that done for Phase 5. The
viewer needs to draw two symbols (if there are two components to
the symbolic diagram), label these symbols, and then draw a line
between them and label this line "relationship." The viewer then
enters the labels for each of the symbols in the Phase 4 matrix in
the appropriate columns, all along the same horizontal row.
word "relationship" is placed in square brackets in the concepts
column on the same horizontal row as the labels for the symbols. If
one of the target aspects being explored is a subspace aspect, then
the label for that aspect is entered in either square brackets or
parentheses in the subspace column.
The choice of square brackets or
parentheses is determined by whether or not the word used to label
the target aspect originates from the viewer's own data (which would
normally be the case with a solo session). If both target aspects
being explored are physical aspects (such as a subject and a
structure), then the labels for both aspects are placed in the
physicals column, separated by a slash, in one set of either square
brackets or parentheses.
It is permissible to combine one square bracket with one
parenthesis if one label does not originate from the viewer 's own
data while the other label does. For example, entering "[central
target subject/structure)" in the physicals column indicates that
the words "central target subject" does not originate from the
viewer's own previously obtained data, yet the word "structure" is
an earlier matrix entry.
The viewer then probes the symbols on the P4W page, as well as the
relationship line, and enters whatever data results from these
probes in the Phase 4 matrix.
A New
Level-Two Movement Exercise
Most target cues contain a variety of diverse qualifiers that
address separate aspects of a target that the tasker wants
explored. In order for advanced remote viewers to shift their
awareness through these separate aspects, a modified form of a
level two movement exercise is used.
The cue is as follows:
Move to the next most important aspect
of the target and describe.
This cue is often used three or more times in a session. One stops
using it when either repetition or tiredness appear. Advanced
remote viewers do not use level one movement exercises with as much
frequency as novices, since they do not lose contact with the target
as easily.
Thus, advanced viewers have more time in the session to
execute a larger number of level two movement exercises. Experience
has shown that the above level two movement exercise is highly
effective in assisting a viewer to obtain a wide variety of target
Whenever viewers have a two-response question that needs to be
answered in a session, they can use an advanced binary procedure to
get the answer. To execute a binary viewers put a letter (circled)
in the concepts column of Phase 4, just the same way one would put a
letter in the physicals column while making a sketch of something
in Phase 4. Viewers then go to the Phase 4W page, write the letter
(circled) and then do the binary procedure on that page.
To do the
procedure, viewers first write
the question that needs to be answered. They then draw a long
rectangle with a line down the center. The possible answers to the
question are written at that time, one above each half of the
rectangle. Viewers then put their pen in the center of the line that
divides the rectangle, and the pen flies immediately to the correct
side. An arrow head is added at the end of the quickly drawn line.
Viewers then probe the centers of both halves of the rectangle to
confirm their findings.
Binaries are very common in Enhanced SRV, especially near the end of
a session. Some viewers even ask if they have satisfied the purpose
of the target cue (or if they need to continue with the session).
The following is an example of a binary procedure.

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Appendix 3
The traditional use of remote viewing has been to perceive physical
objects, structures, individuals, groups of people, and activity
Only rarely has remote viewing attempted to explore societies or
social organizations. The previously existing protocols were not
designed to do this, and so even the best remote viewers were
severely challenged in this regard.
Since I am a social scientist by
profession, naturally my interests led me to want to use remote
viewing to examine politics and societies. I developed new remote
viewing protocols that directly address social and political
concepts. These are called Social and Political SRV Protocols, or
This appendix explains how the new SPP protocols work. Readers
should realize that our subspace minds are not limited to only
describing physical information. Nothing is hidden from the human
soul, even descriptive information regarding other societies.
We not
only can perceive places and events, we can use remote viewing to
examine how entire societies operate regardless of their location,
or even the time when they existed.
SPP Phase I
SPP has five phases. It begins similarly to SRV, although
preprinted templates are used throughout all phases of SPP. Copies
of these templates can be found (free) on the Internet website,
Phase 1 of SPP is called "Macro Entry." The "macro" aspect of the
target is its largest population unit. For example, if the target
involves a country, the macro aspect would be the overall
population of that country. The goal of Phase 1 is to describe the
various groups that make up that overall population. Thus, we are
"entering" the larger society and breaking it down into its
subcomponents, one component at a time. The choice of
subcomponents is often determined by the target cue (which is not
shown to the viewer until after the session is completed, of
In Phase 1, the target coordinates are taken as usual, followed by
an ideogram. The ideogram is described in the normal fashion. The
viewer then probes the ideogram and declares the basic descriptors,
which are typically
(1) physical or subspace, and
(2) beings,
subjects, or animals.
With SPP we are fundamentally interested in
describing the characteristics of organized living entities. It is
therefore important to perceive what kind of entities we are
examining, and whether or not the entities are physical beings
living in physical space.
The viewer then probes the ideogram again in order to determine if
the distributional characteristics of the target population are at
the macro, sub-macro, or micro levels. If the ideogram is describing
a population at the macro level, the viewer perceives that the
information associated with the ideogram is of the highest level of
social aggregation relevant to the target. For example, if the
target was a multilevel approach to Israeli society, the macro
perception would include the intuitive sense of the entire populace,
both Jewish and Palestinian.
After probing the ideogram, if the viewer perceives a sub-macro
quality, this indicates that the viewer is discerning distinctions
between the separate groups in the society. Returning to the example
of Israeli society, this could mean that the viewer is starting to
perceive the separate Jewish and Palestinian populations within the
Israeli society, or perhaps the subpopulations within these large
For example, among Jewish Israelis, there are a minimum of
three distinct subpopulations (The Ashkanazi, Sephardim, and
Falasha). Using another example, if the macro target was Belgian
society, the two major sub-macro
components of that society would be the Flemish and French speaking
If the viewer perceives a micro-distributional characteristic to the
ideogram, this would indicate that the ideogram represents the
smallest aggregate unit within the population that is permissible
given the target qualifiers. This could be small groups within a
population, or perhaps even a single individual, although this is
not the typical use of the distributional ideograms.
The viewer then attempts to identify the type of distribution that
is captured by the ideogram. For example, the ideogram could
describe the distribution of species within a population. On the
other hand, the ideogram could identify the distribution of
authority, culture, ideology, political orientation, or even group
fragmentation of a society.
The viewer then probes the ideogram once again to perceive the
distinct social components or groups that are associated with the
target. If the viewer perceives descriptive aspects of these groups,
then the viewer describes all of this in Phase 1.
In the final part of Phase 1 the viewer draws a schematic diagram
of the society or the social component identified by the ideogram.
The various parts of this symbolic diagram can be labeled in
general terms. Phase 1 is repeated between three and five times. With each
repetition, the viewer takes the coordinates, draws an ideogram, and
then probes the ideogram.
Usually each repetition of Phase 1
addresses a separate aspect of the target population. Thus, for
example, if the macro target was Belgium and Phase 1 is repeated
three times, then the first pass may identify Belgian society, the
second the French speaking sector in Belgium, and the third the
Flemish speaking sector.
Phase 2TM
Phase 2TM obtains more detailed information of the largest unit
(macro) of the target population. For this reason, this phase is
labeled Phase 2TM (for target macro). If the purpose of the target
is to describe the society of United States, then the target macro
would be the overall population of the U.S.
The viewer enters information from top to bottom, typically probing
on the punctuation (often a colon) at the end of each cue,
as with Phase 2 in Basic SRV. But SPP uses some other probing
techniques as well, such as focus ratios.
Focus ratios identify a binary
division of a target populace. A
focus ratio is the relative proportion of one type of activity when
compared with another. For example, the subspace/physical activity
focus ratio describes how much target activity resides in the
subspace arena relative to the amount that resides in the physical
realm. If the target was a prayer meeting, then one would expect the
subspace/physical focus ratio to be higher (reflecting more
subspace activity) than if the target was a football game (assuming,
of course, that people are watching the game rather than praying for
a victory).
Focus ratios can be used for many purposes. In SPP their primary
usages are to estimate the level of subspace (relative to physical)
activity and to identify the relative usage of telepathy for
communication within a population when compared with physical
Phase 2TM also uses a specialized technique to analyze
relationships. The first instance of this technique is in probing
the collective relationship between the psychology of the subspace
and physical aspects of the macro target group. The relationship
procedure has three columns. The middle column is always labeled
"relationship." When examining the subspace and physical
psychological relationship, the left column is labeled "subspace"
while the right is labeled "physical."
The procedure begins by
having the viewer probe the subspace column, and then draw an arrow
to the center of the relationship column. The data that are
perceived are entered into the relationship column. The viewer then
probes the physicals column and draws an arrow from the physicals
column into the center of the relationship column. The data, as
before, are entered into the relationship column. This is repeated
until the flow of data subsides.
Phase 2TM also uses this technique to explore the psychological
relationship between the macro and sub-macro groups. In this case,
the left column is labeled "sub-macro groups" while the right is
labeled "macro-society." For example, if the macro-society was
Germany during the period of the Nazis, the sub-macro groups might
include Catholics, Protestants, Protestant peasants, Jews, etc. The
relationship between the larger society
and these groups would be perceived during column probes and
subsequently entered as data in the relationship column.
The final specialized Phase 2TM procedure in need of description
here is the "consciousness map." This is used to extract emotions
and concepts associated with the collective consciousness of the
target populace. This consciousness can have two aspects, subspace
and non-subspace. "Non-subspace" is used as a label instead of
"physical" since there is no need to assume a binary structure to
all life. There may indeed be levels of existence within which many
beings live that are not as dense or heavy as human physical
reality, even though some such levels may be close to that of
physical reality.
The consciousness map procedure uses both non-subspace and subspace
columns separated by a circle with a dot in the middle. In each of
the columns, there is a space for emotions and concepts. The viewer
executes the consciousness map by probing the center of the circle
(the dot) and then drawing a line to either the emotions or concepts
space under each column. The circle represents the collective
consciousness of the target populace. The dot in the center of the
circle locates the viewer in the center of that collective
consciousness (as compared with a peripheral location, say, within a
sub-macro group).
Phase 3TM
Phase 3TM is a schematic representation of the target macro. Again,
the "target macro" is the widest angle perspective of the target as
it is defined in the target cue. The Phase 3TM incorporates both
Phase 1 and Phase 2TM data. By the time the viewer completes Phase
2TM, the viewer is beginning to have a fairly complete perspective
of the larger society as defined by the target cue, as well as many
of the important groups that are located within the target macro.
All of this is sketched in Phase 3TM.
Schematic representations of the target often employ a circle or
other representative symbols, as well as lines that connect the
symbols. The viewer labels each representative symbol. Each symbol
typically represents a group within the target macro. The convention
is to label the various groups in the target macro as G1, G2, and
It is not advisable to identify more than three groups at this
stage, since a remote viewing session using the
SPP protocols and three identified groups will likely take two hours
to complete, which is about the maximum amount of time most people
can productively spend remote viewing in one sitting. It is
permissible to identify fewer than three groups.
It is often possible to understand how a society is organized by
examining the schematic representation of the various groups within
it. For example, if the schematic representation of the target
includes a series of concentric circles, this would indicate that
the society has a central core around which all other groups are
organized. On the other hand, if this schematic representation
includes separate circles, none of which have the same center, then
the groups may be more autonomous in their organization, and there
may not even be a central core to the target macro.
Phase 4GB
Phase 4GB follows Phase 3TM, and it closely parallels the structure
of Phase 2TM. The "GB" in Phase 4GB stands for "group breakdown."
After the target macro is sketched in Phase 3TM, the various groups
that are identified in Phase 3TM are then examined sequentially in
Phase 4GB, one at a time.
In the beginning of Phase 4GB, each particular group is identified.
The identifying words are those that are used to identify each
group's representative symbol in Phase 3TM. When Phase 4GB is
completed for one group, a new set of pages are used to initiate the
same data collection process for the next group, and soon. Each repetition of Phase 4GB ends with a summary of the data in this
section labeled "Phase 4GB OPEN."
These summaries act as crucial
points of synthesis for the viewer. The summaries allow the viewer
to tie various points together that might otherwise be left
unconnected given the sequential nature of the template. Societies are not made up of isolated and
separate individuals.
Wherever there are sentient beings, they organize themselves.
Groups and social structures are the natural outcome of subjects who
interact with each other. These organized collectives have their
own intelligence. Individuals participate in groups, and just as
individuals make decisions, groups also
make decisions. All of the subtleties of group intelligence are
perceivable to the remote viewer.
For example, the group
intelligence of a riot is much different from that of a tea party.
Similarly, the society of Germany under the Nazis during the 1930s
was much different from Canadian society in the 1980s. The remote
viewer typically perceives all of the component data for each of the
various groups identified in each execution of Phase 4GB. In Phase
4GB OPEN all of the component parts can be brought together to more
clearly describe the total sum of all of these parts.
Phase 5: Macro-Society Developmental Trajectory
Much remote viewing evidence suggests that time does not exist.
Rather, it appears to be a limitation of perception. When we live in
the physical realm, we focus our perception sequentially and events
that are in the past are available to our minds only through memory.
But when we remote view, we directly witness the actual events.
Thus, all events in the past, present, and future still exist, and
it is our perceptual limitations that create the illusion that only
the present exists.
Phase 5 contains a line that, at first glance, appears to be a
timeline. But time is irrelevant here. We are not interested in
measuring months, years, or days. Rather, we want to describe the
flow of history for a society. Phase 5 begins with the
identification of a beginning and an end in a society's
developmental history. These points are labeled A and Z. These
points "bookend" the period of interest for the given society.
viewer then probes the line connecting points A and Z to determine
the location of other significant points in the society's
development. The viewer then enters the data for each one of these
points in the appropriate spaces below the line. The viewer also
describes the periods that lie in between the primary defining
points. These periods are identified in Phase 5 by the two boundary
points surrounded by square brackets (as with [AZ]).
Back to Contents
Sandra Martin, President of Paraview, Inc., is my agent and friend.
She is also a very beautiful soul, who has supported my efforts to
report my remote viewing research for the better part of a decade.
She was with me when hardly anyone had heard of remote viewing. When
times were rough she never doubted my ability to contribute
something positive to the world.
While she is a successful
businesswoman, I have never known her to act selfishly. She lives
for a higher purpose, driven by a desire to help our planet. Why I
deserve to be represented by her, I do not know. But to those in the
Heavens who sent her to me in this lifetime, God bless you.
I am grateful to the many people at Penguin Putnam who have
supported my remote viewing research. I have often wondered if it
really could be luck that those who work with me are some of the
best and most talented people in the publishing business. Some of
those people have moved on in their careers. But I remember every
one of them. In particular, I am grateful for the inspiration and
assistance of Todd Keithly, Danielle Pérez, Brian Tart, and Kari
Paschall. There are many people at Penguin Putnam whose names I do
not know, including line editors, publicists, and others whose work
I have admired. I have been blessed to work with all of them.
Since 1996 I have been involved with an expanding group of
extremely talented remote viewers who have been trained at The
Farsight Institute. By interacting with them, I have grown
immeasurably, both as a viewer and as a person. I could not have
written this book without their help and encouragement over the past
few years.
When I looked into their faces, I knew that all of this
was real, and that all of our mutual struggles to share our
experiences with a doubting world was worthwhile. In particular, I
am grateful for the continued support of my friends and colleagues,
Matthew Pfeiffer, Joey Jerome, Adele Lorraine, Richard Moore, and
Denise Griffith. These are very spiritual people with deeply settled
intellects. The many others whom I have not mentioned I also hold
dearly in my heart.
Special thanks to my wife and my son. A wise African friend once
told me that one's family is one's base. I did not understand this
when he told me, but I have now experienced the truth of his words.
About the Author
Courtney Brown, Ph.D., is Director of
The Farsight Institute, a
nonprofit organization in Atlanta, Georgia. The Farsight Institute
is dedicated to the development of the science of consciousness
through remote viewing.

Dr. Brown is the author of the first
publicly available textbook in Scientific Remote Viewing®, a
version of the remote viewing procedures that evolved from those
developed in prestigious defense laboratories and used by the U.S.
military for espionage purposes in the 1980s and 1990s.
He is the
author of five books, including
Cosmic Voyage: A Scientific
Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth (1996), which
presents data collected using remote viewing to examine the
extraterrestrial and UFO phenomena.
Trained and still active as a
social scientist, his work uniquely blends the pragmatic realm of
governmental policy with the more esoteric matters of spiritual
development and human interaction with extraterrestrial life.
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