by Steve Hammons
December 13, 2009
JointReconStudyGroup Website
Following on the heels of the release of the movie
The Men Who
Stare at Goats, a new TV project about a CIA "remote
viewing" unit is in the works, according to a Nov. 3 article in
Widespread interest in the topic of
remote viewing has grown steadily
since information about
Project STAR GATE emerged in the
1990s. Recently, large amounts of documents associated with the
project have been declassified and made public, although many remain
The "Goats" movie deals with a wide range of human development
methods that were explored in a U.S. Army activity headed by Lt.
Col. Jim Channon. Remote viewing-type capabilities and the
nature of human consciousness were part of these efforts. Channon
served as an advisor for the film.
The Fox project is reportedly being developed with Chernin
Entertainment, a TV-based production company associated with 20th
Century Fox. Peter Chernin, Katherine Pope and Lauren Stein will be
the executive producers. Len Wiseman will direct. Writer Harris
Wilkinson is also involved in the project.
Will they do their research to help ensure that their project is
authentic and accurate?
There are many individuals nowadays claiming to be remote viewers or
to have knowledge of the U.S. Government's projects in these areas.
However, only a relative handful have solid first-hand knowledge and
understanding of the programs that later became known as Project
Although many people may have good abilities in ESP, or "anomalous
cognition" as it is sometimes called, remote viewing was a term
given to a specific scientifically-run protocol that had been
developed and tested during years of research and real intelligence
From the early stages of study at Palo Alto's
SRI research center and think tank
to sponsorship and management by various branches of the U.S.
military and intelligence community, the research into and
utilization of enhanced or advanced human perception yielded
interesting, if not amazing results.
A former Navy SEAL officer wrote a very useful research paper on
remote viewing for his graduate-level studies at the Marine Corps
War College. He called remote viewing a good example of what he
termed "transcendent warfare" – using leading-edge emerging
knowledge to approach conflict in new ways. Transcendent warfare can
be related to hard power, soft power and smart power – transcendent
Books, movies, TV shows and other communications platforms have
explored ESP-related topics in one way or the other for many years.
Yet, the new Fox-Chernin project may have the opportunity to examine
the subject more thoroughly in ways that potentially very large
audiences will find intriguing and fascinating.
Because human
consciousness is something we all
have and experience, a TV project dealing with this subject is
directly relevant to a wide and deep spectrum of viewers.
In fact, the potential educational value creates a significant
synergy with the entertainment elements of such a show.
As wider public awareness of ideas related to remote viewing has
evolved in recent years, we now know that this ability and method
are directly related to the intuition, instincts, hunches, gut
feelings and "sixth sense" many average people have every day.
Scientific theories attempt to explain how we can obtain or access
information and understanding of people, places and things outside
of our direct five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
A brief explanation might simply emphasize that physicists,
psychologists and others have determined that things in this
Universe of ours are connected in ways that do not seem logical and
that we do not fully understand at this time.
Using these potential connections through our deeper minds as
well as our other senses and resources can give us greater
information and comprehension.
Ancient humans may have used these non-intellectual abilities more
than we do today. Animals and other creatures using their instincts
are probably also tapping into "non-local" information in similar
ways. There may even be connections to these phenomena deep within
our biological beings, our cells and our DNA.
In short, these are very natural and normal aspects of the
consciousness of life and of Nature. This is one of the ways Nature
So, remote viewing and anomalous cognition are really not so
anomalous or unusual after all. Better terms might be
alternative cognition or perception, or maybe complementary
cognition or perception.
Integrative cognition or perception
might be another useful concept.
It's a kind of perception that can work with our normal five senses
and our intellectual, logical brain. But, Project STAR GATE
personnel also discovered that our thinking brain can get in the way
of remote viewing and distort perception.
Remote-viewing types of perceiving may kick in more strongly when
needed for survival in some kind of dangerous scenario that could
involve injury and life or death situations. This is why these
abilities seem to come forward in some military combat personnel,
intelligence field operatives or assets, peace officers,
firefighters and others.
The Fox-Chernin TV project about a CIA remote viewing group
has the potential to take viewers into the amazing potential of not
only a special aspect of the intelligence community, but also the
human potential inside all of us.