25. The Astral Form in Motion
Once you get out of your body and are ready to get moving and start
exploring, you may come across some perplexing difficulties with
even the simplest of motions. Getting from A to in the out-of-body
environment, especially in the real-time zone, is not as easy as you
might think.
This chapter provides advice on how to solve the most
common movement and travel problems.
A Mind of Its Own
If your projected double seems to have a mind of its own, tends to
move in directions you do not want to go, and you feel resistance
when you try to correct this, it is quite possible that your
physical/etheric body is having a remote-eye type of projection
experience. It may be seeing through your eyes and trying to
remotely control its projected double - meaning it is trying to
control your movements.
This problem is caused by the mind-split and can be very confusing,
but has a simple cure. Move well away from your physical body;
you'll find these remote-control effects progressively ease with
distance. The remote-control effect seems to pretty much disappear
when the projected double gets a hundred yards or more away from its
physical body.
The awake time of the average physical/etheric mind is quite limited
during a projection. It is guaranteed to begin losing control and
start falling asleep fairly quickly.
Its attempted control over its
projected double will thus not last very long, usually a few minutes
or so at the most.
Astral Momentum
Most new projectors experience simple movement problems during their
first few projections. Movement problems are more noticeable in the
real-time zone than in the astral planes. In real time, simply
moving across a room in the right direction can be a major
accomplishment for a novice projector. This lack of control is quite
normal, and happens simply because new projectors are unfamiliar
with the real-time projected double and its environment. This is a
little like finding yourself suddenly in zero gravity and not
knowing how to move around properly. Some experimentation and
practice is necessary.
A type of momentum problem very much like one you would find in a
real zero-gravity environment causes most early movement problems.
This momentum causes projectors to continue moving after they have
decided to stop, and may take them through walls, ceilings, doors,
I think this is caused by the strength of the awareness action
used to cause the initial motion. If this action is too strong or is
continued for too long, projectors will move farther than they
planned and find they have no brakes with which to stop. If the
movement-causing action is not done right, they can also move in the
wrong direction entirely. Only practice teaches projectors how to
get about with any degree of purpose, accuracy, and grace.
Learning to move while out of body can be a very comical process -
in my early childhood experiences with real-time projection, I
always started by trying to navigate my way through the house to get
outside. I would float and slide and blunder through walls and doors
and usually end up getting stuck in the roof. Then, when I finally
managed to leave the house, I'd skim along the road trying to get up
enough speed so I could take off like an airplane or a bird. I would
get airborne for a while by flapping my arms or using a swimming
action (which really does help with flying), but could never seem to
clear the surrounding trees and rooftops.
Falling was interesting, as it seemed to happen in slow motion. I
would feel a kind of slow and heavy impact when I hit the ground. I
remember feeling something that could be likened to out-of-body
concussion, and something like a vague feeling of remembered pain,
but falling never hurt me or sent me back to my body, and I never
seemed to penetrate the ground on impact.
I would skim down the road
taking a series of giant leaps, getting airborne for a while and
flapping my arms like crazy, trying to will myself higher and
faster. I wanted to fly like Superman, but could never quite break
free of the strangely slow gravity I felt that kept pulling me back
to earth every time I got airborne.
Because of this, I often floated
unintentionally into strange houses, blundering about like a drunk
in zero gravity. I seemed to be continually apologizing to an
endless number of perplexed strangers in passing, as I floated in
and out of their houses.
Learning to Walk
Once you project, you'll find you don't really have a body as such,
and therefore have no legs with which to stand or walk or run. To
move, do not think about what you are going to do or how you are
going to do it, just do it! Will yourself into motion by using your
sense of whole-body awareness to provide the forward motion. Imagine
that every direction you want to move in is downhill and that you
are wearing roller skates, and you will just start rolling forward
whenever you want to move.
For forward motion just feel yourself moving forward. Call on the
memory of what it feels like to move. Re-create this feeling with
whole-body awareness. Feel what is in front of you moving toward
you, as if you were already moving. With a little practice you will
find yourself gliding gracefully over the surface. This is probably
more accurately described as skimming.
Changing direction and stopping takes a little more practice, but
can be a whole lot of fun if you have the right attitude. A sense of
the ridiculous is an invaluable asset in the real-time environment.
Once you master simple movement, get out into the open or on a road
and practice skimming along the surface at a higher speed. Imagine
you are driving an automobile or motorbike. Don't try to visualize
or see or create anything, just feel the movement of it. Adopt a
natural driving or riding position and feel yourself moving forward
as if you were actually driving or riding along the road. Feel the
road and its surroundings moving toward and past you just as they
would if you were actually driving. Feel yourself accelerating and
braking just as you would in a real car, using imaginary pedals if
you like.
Turning corners, you will find, does not have the same
inertia limitations as it does while driving a real car, but the
habit of having to slow down to turn a corner will continue to
affect you until you realize you can zoom around corners while
maintaining a constant speed.
Learning to Fly
As with simple motion, most people encounter problems when learning
to fly. It is, funnily enough, far easier to blast yourself at
hyper-speed into outer space than it is to hover or fly like a bird
over rooftops and trees.
There is no actual gravity affecting the
projected double, but there is the gravity habit to deal with.
Flying is exactly the same as skimming above the ground, no matter
at what height, and is accomplished in exactly the same way as
simple movement.
Once airborne, you notice something very like gravity slowly
dragging you back to earth. This is the gravity habit, the habit of
being continually aware of your body's weight and of the possibility
of falling over in any given situation. Awareness of gravity is a
very strong, ingrained survival instinct, guaranteed to have a
strong effect on the projected double while it is learning to fly.
If you persevere with flying, you'll find yourself moving along in a
series of great leaps and short arcing flights. The height of these
arcs will be affected by the height of your surroundings. In the
beginning, you'll find your ceiling will be roughly in line with the
average height of the buildings and/or trees around you. You will
repeatedly sink back to earth when your motion-causing awareness
action finishes and the gravity habit takes over. You will also find
yourself thinking about what you are doing and wondering what
happened to gravity. Thinking about flying and gravity and height is
what causes flight momentum to stop, and the gravity habit to pull
you down. Don't think about it, just do it!
Flying can be exciting; this excitement could also cause your
downfall. Excitement will stimulate your physical/etheric body, and
may cause it to begin waking if it is only lightly asleep. This will
either disempower the projected double, causing it to fall, or end
the projection completely if the physical body wakes up. Adopt a
ho-hum, dispassionate-observer kind of attitude and control your
excitement. This will not only make flying easier, but will extend
the length and strength of your projection considerably.
In the early stages, you may start flying by skimming down the road
building up speed, then feeling yourself leaping into the air while
flapping your arms and feeling yourself lifting off. Don't knock it;
this is a very good way of learning to fly, and is a whole lot of
fun too. And, you can still have fun without allowing yourself to
get overexcited.
Get out onto a straight road or clearing and slain along until you
feel you are moving as fast as you possibly can. Feel yourself
flapping your arms and feel yourself springing into the air like a
water bird taking off from a lake. Angle your vision upward slightly
and feel the open air above the ground moving toward you. Keep
flapping your arms and feel them propelling you faster and higher,
adding lift and speed to your forward motion.
Once you get the hang of flying, flapping your arms or using a
swimming action still comes in handy at times. It provides extra
speed and lift whenever this is needed. This also works inside the
astral planes. The astral environment may be quite different from
the real-time zone, but most of the basic real-time principles are
still applicable, especially those concerning movement.
Another technique you might like to try is to clear your mind and
just feel yourself floating up into the air, feeling as if you were
lighter than air. Feel yourself rising and feel and expect the
ground to slowly fall away beneath you as you rise. This is also
good practice for hovering. Simply feel yourself suspended in midair
and feel the ground and surrounding area holding their places as you
All flying actions take whole-body awareness effort; in the early
stages a novice projector may have to put in quite a lot of effort
to overcome the gravity habit. If you continually find yourself
falling back to ground, refuse to accept this and apply more
willpower to feeling yourself rising upward in the direction you
want to move in.
Willpower and whole-body awareness effort are the
only things that will overcome the gravity habit until you
thoroughly convince yourself that you are no longer bound by gravity
and can fly at will during an OBE. Once the internal chains that
cause the gravity habit are thrown off, you'll be free to fly
anywhere in the universe at any speed you desire.
OBE flying is not as limited as in real life. You can fly in the
air, in outer space, and even underwater. There is no resistance or
turbulence underwater; it is just as natural as flying in the air or
in space, although traveling speed is reduced underwater, due to the
decrease in visibility.
With practice you will soon get the hang of this and will find it
immensely pleasurable. It is an incredible sensation, especially
during the daytime: able to leap tall buildings at a single bound;
capable of the infinitely variable speed of thought; able to hover
like a helicopter or to sit on lonely tufts of cloud; able to fly
rings around birds of the air; able to safely explore the ocean
depths, playing with whales and dolphins; able to leave the earth
and explore other planets, stars, and galaxies. You can explore and
experience all, seeking out the new and the interesting, and going
where no human body has gone before.
When you get out of your body
the sky is no longer the limit, it is just the beginning . ..
Passing Through Solid Matter
Most novice real-time projectors have some difficulty moving through
solid objects like walls, doors, and windows, not to mention solid
rock. Their belief system seems to play a large part in this
difficulty. If they believe they can move easily through a solid
wall or door and are willing to just do it, without even thinking
about it, novices will be able to do so.
If just believing they can
move through solid matter does not work, it may mean they are not
subconsciously accepting this ability. Awareness effort and
willpower can be used to overcome this. There are also a few ways of
tricking the subconscious mind and getting around this problem. Once
it has been done a few times, it quickly becomes easier as the
subconscious mind begins accepting this ability.
I've listed below a
few tricks that have worked for other people with this same problem.
Avoid windows and mirrors during real-time projections, as well
as any other highly reflective surfaces, even still water that is
reflecting the sky. Passing through a reflection can shift you out
of real time and into a mirror-image world, into an anomaly. This
is, in principle, very much like how virtual reality projection
Once inside an anomaly, it can be difficult to return to the
true real-time zone without returning to the physical body. Use
walls, ceilings, and doors, wherever possible, to maintain me
real-time aspect of your projection. Even looking into a mirror or
reflection is a potential hindrance to the integrity of a real-time
It is very easy to unintentionally slip into a
reflection without noticing the shift out of real time, into an
anomalous copy of it.
Moving through obstacles backward has helped many people overcome
their difficulties passing through solid matter. Position yourself
in front of the barrier or wall you wish to pass through, then turn
around and simply push yourself through it backward, without looking
and without thinking about what you are doing. Don't think about it;
just do it! This method is also handy for passing through reflective
surfaces without shifting into an anomaly. If projectors cannot see
a reflection, it will not usually affect them.
Take a run at the obstacle by putting your head down and barging
your way through it quickly, without thinking about what you are
Find a crack, keyhole, or window and look through it. Concentrate
on what you can see on the other side and feel yourself as being
there on the other side. Really want to be there. Wish for it as
hard as you can! In most cases you will find yourself suddenly on
the other side. This is something like very short-distance instant
Approach the barrier while keeping your mind clear. Reach out
with one hand and, without directly looking at your hand, push it
into the wall. Push your arm into it up to the elbow. Observe that
your arm easily moves inside the wall and remember what it feels
like on the inside. Your hand will feel slightly tingly and fuzzy.
Will yourself to start moving forward. Push yourself forward firmly,
head slightly lowered so it enters the wall first. You don't really
have a head, so just feel yourself as lowering it. Keep your mind
clear and do not think about what you are doing. Once you feel
yourself moving through the wall, keep going and walk on through it.
If you have to, claw, wriggle, or swim the rest of the way through.
There is no possible way projectors can become stuck inside solid
matter, so there is no possible way this could cause them harm.
If you know what is on the other side of a barrier, imagine
yourself being there. Feel yourself being there as if you really
were there and you will usually find yourself suddenly there on the
other side. Make sure you imagine this destination correctly if you
want to stay in real time. If you are wrong about what is on the
other side, you may cause yourself to shift someplace else.
Use resistance and texture. While moving through the brick wall
of a house, for example, you will see layers of paint, plaster,
mortar, and brick, well lit and clearly defined. Try standing next
to a brick wall, then slowly putting your hand inside the wall. Feel
what it's like on the inside. Next, try slowly pressing your head
inside the wall, just enough to see what it looks like on the
inside. You will not only see and feel inside it, but you will also
be able to taste and smell it. This is an incredible experience and
will not hurt or damage you in any way.
If you manage to penetrate a
wall with your hand and head, what's wrong with going all the way
and passing right through it?

Fig. 27.
A projector's eye view of passing through solid matter
Speed, Distance, and Limitations
While speed is not strictly a limiting factor for the projected
double, the maximum speed at which it is possible to travel during
an OBE appears to be set by the subconscious mind. There is a direct
relationship between what appears to be a reasonable speed and the
maximum speed that is actually possible. This is most likely set
according to the distance seen ahead to be traversed.
Speed is thus
relative to the distance seen ahead.
Walking Speed: Inside buildings and enclosed areas, walking speed
appears natural and is quite adequate for the short distances to be
traveled. A faster speed seems unacceptable to the subconscious mind
and does not seem possible.
Road Speed: Anything from walking speed to approximately 200 miles
per hour (320 kph) seems natural on a roadway. Possible speed is
affected by how clearly the distance ahead is seen. Projectors can
travel much faster on an open freeway in the daytime than through
the suburbs at night. Traveling speed at night in real time is also
limited by available light.
Flying: Anything from walking speed to supersonic speed seems
natural, again depending on the height and the distance that can be
seen ahead by a projector. The higher projectors get and the farther
they can see clearly ahead, the faster it seems to be natural, and
hence possible, for them to travel. At a great height on a clear
day, several times the speed of sound seems quite natural.
Underwater: Underwater visibility is far more limited than in the
open air, and the speed possible is therefore much slower.
Outer Space: Faster than light speed feels perfectly natural and is
therefore possible.
Top Speed: There is no speed limit at all. The speed of thought is
infinite and the top speed of a projector is also infinite. Possible
speed increases in direct proportion to the distance seen ahead to
be traveled. In outer space, it is possible to see incredible
distances ahead, to other galaxies and beyond. If something is seen
ahead, you can be there in virtually no time. Intergalactic speed
far in excess of the speed of light feels quite natural and is hence
easily attained.
Instantaneous Travel
It is generally accepted today that if you can visualize a
destination, you can project yourself there at the speed of thought.
This method works reasonably well, but can be a bit of a hit-or-miss
affair while traveling in real time.
The accuracy of this method
depends on whether you have actually been to your target
destination, and how well you can image it in your mind's eye. If a
projector has not personally seen the destination, instant
projection will usually take that projector straight into an astral
location resembling it - and occasionally into an astral realm
totally unlike the intended destination.
An astral reflection or copy of an intended location often appears
to be created (or tuned in to) through the act of imagining the
target. This may be based on the projector's idea of what the
destination is like. Projectors may seem to arrive at their true
real-time target, but will usually find discrepancies between the
real-life location and where they have actually projected.
For example, a group of serious projectors once told me they
regularly held group OBE outings on the top of Uluru (previously
called Ayers Rock) in Australia.
As I have visited Uluru a few times
myself and know this area fairly well in real life, I asked them to
provide me with a few details about the great rock so I could verify
their accuracy. They described many aspects and features that were
inaccurate or were simply not there at all, like carved stone steps,
etc. These projectors had most likely been traveling to an astral
reflection of Uluru. They possibly created unreal extras there,
filling in what they imagined it would really be like.
There are exceptions with traveling instantly to distant locations
the projector has never been to in real life. Some reality
fluctuations, though, will usually be found at the target site. It
is possible to instantly project to another person in real time,
regardless of where that person might be, if you know that person
well or have strong feelings for them. In this case, you can lock on
to the remote location and person by feeling their personality and
essence. Just knowing about a person from a magazine or film or
having met them a few times is not enough. You need to know that
person and be able to feel and taste their essence very well, to
instantly project to them in real time.
If the target person is asleep when projected to, you will either
project to their actual location and see them as they really are,
which is asleep in bed, or you will project to an astral reflection
of their location.
This copy will usually be strongly influenced by
the dream mind of the target person. If the target person is in the
real-time zone or astral planes, it is also possible to project
directly to wherever he or she happens to be. If they are found
asleep in real time near their physical body, it is usually possible
to wake them up and communicate with them. Real-time projectors can
have the perception of being able to physically touch other
real-time projectors if they so choose.
If the target person is awake (in real life) when projected to, it
is sometimes possible to travel to their actual physical location
and observe them in real time. This location will usually be found
to be influenced by reality fluctuations, caused by the mind and
imagination of the target person. These reality fluctuations may not
be obvious, especially if the projector is unfamiliar with this
location. The target site may therefore be overlaid with some degree
of mental imagery. If the target person is in a crowd of many other
people, say in a big city, mental imagery (static) from all the
other people in the area will also be found to intrude on and affect
the real-time environment.
The clearer the target area is of other people, the clearer it will
be of mental static. For example, a target person on a mid-ocean
yacht or in a remote cabin in a forest can be projected to far more
successfully than would otherwise be possible.
Projecting to a
person well known to the projector is probably the most effective
and reliable way to travel long distances while retaining some of
the objective aspects of a real-time projection.
Long Distance Travel
Flying is the best way to travel for short- to medium-distance
projections, say up to a few hundred miles. This may not sound like
much of a distance when you take into account the potential speed of
a projector. Even this distance, though, can be quite a challenge if
the objective qualities of a real-time projection are to be held.
is all too easy to slip into an astral copy of reality while
traveling in real time. Reality fluctuations are constant travel
companions of any real-time projector. These will spring into
existence whenever a projector relaxes or breaks focus. Strict
mental control must be maintained at all times while traveling in
the real-time zone.
It is not practical to follow Earth's surface for long-distance
real-time travel. For example, a country on the other side of the
world may be around twelve thousand miles away. You would need to
travel at roughly sixty times the speed of sound to reach there in
under fifteen minutes. This level of speed is not natural for a
projector within Earth's atmosphere, and anything close to this kind
of hyper-speed will cause a projector's view to blur. Blurring causes
disorientation and an immediate shift away from objective real time.
The real-time objective aspects are then lost, usually for the
duration of that projection.
Fifteen to twenty minutes is about the maximum length of time
seasoned projectors can hold themselves strongly enough in real time
to be able to return for a conscious reentry before slipping away
into the astral planes. Novice projectors can usually only hold
themselves in real time for a few minutes. In either case, the
physical body must be capable of being woken up by the return of the
projected double, or reentry may not even be possible. Any
long-distance real-time travel is therefore limited by how long it
takes for the physical/etheric body of a projector to fall into a
deep sleep.
Traveling long distances in real time is like flying a superfast
helicopter by the seat of your pants at night, with no instruments
and only the stars and landmarks to guide ,you. Long-distance
real-time projectors need to study geography, plus road maps and
photographs of their target destination, as these would be seen from
the air. They need to be able to recognize oceans, continents,
countries, states, cities, towns, roads, and landmarks.
long distance by following the surface is possible only if
projectors have the time and energy to do all this and return to
their physical body for reentry before slipping away into the astral
Orbiting Earth
To project to a distant location, after all the details are
memorized, it is far easier to go into orbit and reenter the
atmosphere directly above the target.
As the projectors approach
Earth's surface, they must adjust their angle of approach, aiming
for the geological features, landmarks, and roads around their
target destination. This method is suited to any projection where
the distance to be traveled is over a few hundred miles, like taking
a giant leap a few hundred miles straight up then back down onto the
target. This is much faster than surface travel.
Entering orbit for the purpose of taking giant geographical leaps is
a little more difficult than it sounds. Getting up there is easy;
you just feel yourself going straight up very fast. But stopping
when you get high enough for the drop back down can be quite
difficult. Some people, myself included, tend to blast themselves
right out of the solar system, sometimes out of the galaxy as well.
To avoid this, it is important to control the speed of ascent by
keeping an eye on the surface and keeping a constant check on
I find it easier to project toward the Moon or Sun first, as a way
of limiting the initial leap out of the atmosphere. This provides a
large visual target that can be projected to in moments. As the
target can clearly be seen, speed is not limited. Once out in space,
it is a simple matter to head back to Earth, reentering directly
over the target and descending rapidly to the surface. In space,
away from Earth's atmosphere, there are no problems with speed
blurring vision and causing reality shifts.
While this may sound
like a lengthy process, it can actually be accomplished in a few
Outer Space and Distance Limitations
Over the years, I have heard many people claiming they regularly
visit the planets of the solar system and other star systems. This
appears to be something that could quite easily be done by the
projected double, but it is difficult in practice. While the Sun and
the Moon are relatively easy to find and to project to, finding
other planets in our solar system is not.
The solar system is an enormous area and its planets are tiny dots
moving in space.
They can be difficult to identify with the naked
eye, even from orbit. Because our planet rotates once every
twenty-four hours, while also orbiting the Sun, the positions of the
planets and stars change rapidly and are never in exactly the same
place twice. To project to a planet by line of sight, with no
navigational instruments to show the way, a real-time projector must
have a reasonable grasp of astronomy and must be able to plot the
position of the target planet in relation to the surrounding stars
with some degree of accuracy.
Traveling to the planets of the solar system using the instant
projection method does not really work. If an attempt is made to do
this, even if using actual photographs taken by space craft as a
guide, the projectors usually just shift into an astral realm
resembling what they believe their target planet looks like.
Real-time projectors need more than just a few photographs and a
good imagination to project to a remote real-time location they have
never been to.
Several astral realms have the definite look and feel of being other
planets. I think it's quite possible that over the years some fairly
solid astral realms have been created and maintained by the
imagination and dreams of the human race. Many projectors travel to
these planet-like astral realms, believing they are traveling in real
time to their actual locations.
There are no limitations to distance, destination, or speed, apart
from those few already mentioned. It is therefore possible to travel
to the most distant star or galaxy. The speed of thought is
infinite, which is really, really, really fast! Traveling at
infinite speed in outer space feels like space is folding itself
around you. There is hardly any sensation of forward movement apart
from the millions of stars flashing by, but enormous distances are
traversed in the blink of an eye. If projectors see something ahead
and wish to go there, all they have to do is to feel themselves
moving toward it and feel it moving toward them; they can be there
as quickly as that.
I occasionally go out into deep space, where galaxies are just tiny
smudges in the distance, just to think and meditate and be alone. I
have traveled far into deep space in an attempt to see just how fast
and how far I could go, and to find the end of the universe if there
is one. I have traveled way beyond the range of mortal telescopes of
any type. I have seen galaxies flashing past me like streetlights
blurring past the window of a speeding car at night.
As far and as fast as I have gone in intergalactic space, with
ever-increasing speed, I have never found any place totally devoid
of galaxies and stars. Whenever I put a group of galaxies far behind
me and think I am getting clear of matter and light, another faint
smudge appears on the interstellar horizon. The best I have been
able to do so far is to position myself between the faint smudges of
far-off galaxies. The physical universe appears to be infinite in
size, according to my real-time out-of-body observations. That is,
unless I have been somehow traveling in intergalactic circles, which
is not inconceivable.
Returning from a long-distance projection, no matter how far you, as
a projector, have traveled, is very simple. Reach out and feel for
your physical body, become aware of it and the room around it. This
will usually return you into or close to your body and end the
projection in a moment.
Following the silver cord back to your
physical body only works when you are relatively close to it. At
great distance, like in deep space, this will only give you a very
rough idea of the direction home. Trying to keep an eye on the
silver cord on the way home from a long-distance projection causes a
dramatic reduction in speed.
This method is thus rendered useless
when you consider the vast distance involved and the time
limitations, which must always be kept in mind during an OBE.
Privacy, Ethics, and OBE
An unfounded belief that out-of-body activities are policed from
above continues in popularity today. Some believe that if projectors
misbehave they will be stopped from having further OBEs - banned by
a higher authority. Some even believe an astral police force watches
out for and punishes unethical and immoral behavior.
According to my experience, this is a complete myth. There are some
natural barriers associated with OBE, but no ethical or moral
limitations. Conscience and natural consequence are the only true
behavioral modifiers. Can you imagine the mind-boggling logistics
keeping tabs on several billion projectors - on planet Earth alone,
every night?
I have found no astral overseers policing the out-of-body
environment during my many years of OBE exploration. Some of my
out-of-body experiments have most severely tested this theory over
the years. But nothing has ever hindered or stopped me from having
further OBEs at will.
While there are no actual laws governing OBE, there are some natural
energetic repercussions to consider. If base emotional urges and
behavior are not well-controlled, the quality of OBEs will steadily
deteriorate. Deliberate misbehavior seems to affect projectors'
energetic values more than anything else, lowering their potential
level of astral operations. Like attracts like in a big way in the
out-of-body environment, even in the real-time zone. The attraction
of other like-minded projectors and beings is another natural
consequence worthy of consideration. This has the effect of
segregating miscreants from more civilized projectors, with each
operating on different levels of the astral planes.
Intentions surrounding real-time privacy issues are also important.
Occasional or accidental misbehavior will not attract any noticeable
consequences. But repeated, deliberate invasions of privacy and
other types of antisocial behavior will quickly generate negativity
in the sensitive out-of-body environment. This will progressively
worsen until a more civilized approach is taken to OBE. Invading the
privacy of others accidentally or through well-intentioned
exploration, and not for self-gratification or unethical gain, will
not generate any negative repercussions at all.
I think the idea that out-of-body behavior is policed stems from
some of the early books on OBE, written around the turn of the
twentieth century. I am sure their authors would have realized the
truth, but they seem to have worried that if the unlimited freedom
of OBE were known, projectors may behave in unacceptable
ways-unacceptable to them that is. They would have considered it
their duty to hide the shocking truth. Motivated by Victorian
morality and conscience, a "Stop it or you'll all go blind!" kind of
blanket caution was thus given.
Considering that early books on OBE have been used as reference
material ever since and still are quoted in modern works, this
warning continues to influence projectors today.
Many versions of
the astral police force myth have been generated over the years, and
continue to be believed in and expanded on today - but not through
personal experience, I might add.
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