06 September 2006
Montalk Website
Channeling is the least reliable source
of information, yet the most novel source for inspiration.
intellect alone is unable to make the kind of creative leaps that
only channeling can provide. To be clear, intuition and sudden
epiphanies are instances of channeling where some higher objective
source beyond the intellect is momentarily tapped to provide an
answer before the explanation is evident.
Quality channeling combined with
diligent research can make for excellent results, especially if one
has keen intuition to make creative connections bridging the two.
Problems arise when the channeled material itself is inferior,
research is shoddy, discernment nonexistent, or intuition is
lacking. In fact, that is begging to be deceived. The reason why
channeling is often of poor quality is that those who receive it
lack the discernment to qualify what comes through. Sacrificing
their standards of what constitutes quality, people often settle for
what they can get.
Soon as the channeled source satisfies
their skepticism, soothes their insecurities, or strokes their ego
they go no further.
System of
So for the sake of discernment we need a system of standards by
which to gauge a source. The following is one such system where
quality is divided into levels ranging from the crudest to the most
First Level:
without information. On a ouija board this means nonsense
letters or no movement of the planchette. In verbal attempts
this means silence, random syllables and tongue noises. For
automatic writers this means no movement of the pen, or else
repetitive scribbles. It may be a prelude to a message, a
warmup exercise to start the flow, or else it may simply be
like the noise on a disconnected television.
Second Level:
without message. Intelligible words may form, but these are
still nonsense, a more organized form of noise but noise
nonetheless. Or the words form into sentences but there is
no point to them, mostly just insignificant filler phrases
that go nowhere and make no sense.
Third Level:
without autonomy. Sentences form that make a point, but the
channeler is basically faking it. Some fake it knowingly to
continue the show even after the well runs dry. Others fake
it unknowingly by employing a hefty dose of denial and
Fourth Level:
without novelty. So the message streams forth without
fabrication by the channeler, perhaps because he or she is
unconscious (not remembering what happened during the
session) or because the participants are conscious but aware
they themselves are not willingly producing the message. And
yet the message contains nothing original, just a rehashing
of what the channeler already knows indicating the source
could be the mechanical part of the subconscious or some
etheric thought-form/deceiver parroting back the
anticipation of the human participants.
Fifth Level:
without veracity. New and interesting information comes
through, and the source definitely appears to be an
independent entity. But upon actually checking the
information it is revealed that the entity is a total phony
playing games. Nothing can be verified that wasn’t already
known or easy to guess, and the rest is outright false.
Trickster entities often give false prophecies of
perpetually impending doom to feed off the negative energy
and disempowerment experienced by their targets.
Sixth Level:
without positivity. Here the source can give predictions
that eerily come true, reveal facts and personal details
about others that later prove to be accurate, or show off
their presence with paranormal phenomena—but it uses these
confirmations solely to satisfy its authoritarian, hostile,
or egotistical agenda. The source is most likely some
negative thought-form, mischievous discarnate being, or lower
astral entity looking for easy targets to control,
especially those interested left-hand occultism or those
quickly awed into obeying an exotic authority. They have
limited ability to see the future, read and manipulate the
minds of humans, and create artificial synchronicities. That
their predictions turn out correct says nothing about their
Seventh level:
without sincerity. The same negative beings may hide their
hostile nature by resorting to sugary language chock full of
spiritual catch phrases that cater to the participants’
wishful thinking and psychological blind spots. They can
even impose upon their targets a warm tingly sensation to
falsify the presence of something positive, but the effect
is similar to a tranquilizing drug: hypnotically lowering
awareness instead of raising it towards lucidity. Combined
with cheap methods of confirmation, this level of channeling
can be very convincing to all but the sharply discerning.
The most virulent outlets of disinformation operate at this
Eighth level:
without sublimity. The channeled material comes from a
friendly source but lacks conciseness, elegance, and
subtlety. All this means is that the source has good
intentions but lacks wisdom and experience compared to more
advanced higher positive entities, or that the channeler is
has too crude a lexicon. It should be noted that fourth
through seventh level sources can fake sophistication by
employing redundant verbosity, complex jargon, and
convoluted trivia that have no practical significance.
Ninth level:
without balance. Subjects are discussed in an articulate
manner with profound perspicacity but the actual range of
subjects is restricted. Most of the time the participants
are responsible for asking an imbalanced set of questions,
other times the source is lopsided in experience or
determines one set of subjects has greater urgency and
importance than another. For instance, the source may prefer
discussing the neutral to positive subjects like cosmology,
metaphysics, and spirituality while not having much to say
in detail about how the dark forces operate, or vice versa.
Tenth level:
resonance, excellence. Subjects are only limited by the
imagination and freewill of the participants. The source
elegantly nurtures their intuition and discernment, helping
to raise awareness and expand freewill in whatever manner is
optimal. Answers are frequently given in a Socratic manner
that encourages contemplation and discovery, catalyzing
rather than subsidizing the learning process.
Simple answers
may contain multiple layers of meaning or be worded in such
a way that one grasps its inner content only when one is
ready for it. It bears all the finesse of esoteric mystery
schooling while maintaining a lucid and sometimes amused
tone. People with good discernment and intuition will
recognize that this level of material resounds strongly with
truth and sense, has unlimited practical applications, and
contains novel ideas that when analyzed turn out to be
accurate and profound.
Because channeled material varies in
quality from session to session, the above levels are meant to
signify the central tendency, that which best describes the material
Channeling as
Transluminal Communication
Whereas investigation, experience, and reasoning are based within
the realm of the real, channeling provides an influx of ideas from
the imaginary; real and imaginary are used here in their
mathematical sense, where imaginary denotes what is outside our meme
box, perpendicular to our consensual paradigms.
Its perpendicularity does not guarantee
that channeling points toward new levels of objectivity because it
could just as well point towards a new levels of subjectivity. So it
could provide original fantasies that have no practical basis in
reality, or it could provide original (previously unacknowledged)
truths. Only intuition and discernment can determine where outside
our old paradigm it points. I find great value in quality channeling
if used in conjunction with intuition and discernment.
Channeling is a form of transluminal communication because it
happens across realm boundaries enclosing the temporal arteries
embedded in the
fractal holographic reality matrix.
Stated plainly,
genuine channeling establishes two-way communication with beings
outside our physical reality. This can only happen through the
quantum barrier separating the real from the imaginary, whereby
nonphysical intelligence biases the nondeterministic quantum
fluctuations to initiate an organized cascade of effects that become
recognizable to the conscious receiver at the macroscopic level.
I am merely highlighting the possibility that quantum laws are
responsible for the elusive nature of channeled communications.
From my article
Timeline Dynamics:
[A]ccording to quantum physics we
are caught in mutual feedback loops with all our probable
futures. The greater the probability of a particular future, the
stronger the feedback loop, the more tangibly beings from that
future can interact with you in the present. Fuzzy time travel
happens…all the time. Technically, it is not time travel so much
as one realm interacting with another in regulated ways.
[T]he more you vector towards a
particular probable future, the more tangible and objective your
interaction with that future becomes.
Imagine for a moment that you are a time traveler interacting
very loosely with someone of the past. You would like to
interact more objectively, but quantum laws preserving freewill
prohibit you. How, then, can you achieve this without violating
freewill? By using your limited range of interaction to solicit
or entrain the person into volitionally vectoring ever closer
towards your own timeline. The more this person’s probable
futures become your probable pasts, the more both of you become
part of the same time stream, and the more objectively you may
This technique of entrainment to achieve greater deterministic
influence is a favorite tactic of
self-serving hyperdimensional
entities who find it profitable to enslave other souls. The more
tangibly they can do so, the less freewill their targets have to
resist. From our linear time perspective, these entities come
from a very negative probable future and are interacting with us
now in dodgy but manipulative ways to entrain us into
reinforcing their timeline, either by becoming them, serving
them, or not being an obstacle to them.
[A]lthough from your linear perspective the Higher Self is a
distant probable future, ultimately this future perfected self
exists right now alongside you. According to the quantum
principle discussed in this article, the more you vector towards
becoming the Higher Self, the more objectively the Higher Self
can interact with you.
A weak connection means its guidance
is limited to faint intuitive impressions, symbolic dreams,
certain synchronicities, and so on. A stronger connection would
allow direct inner conversation, which is clearly more objective
than vague impressions. The voice of the Higher Self is often
described as a “small, still voice” meaning an inner knowing
that is easily drowned out by mental distractions.
A prolonged and sincere effort to
think, feel, and act like the Higher Self—to live from the
highest part of you, the heart of your soul—increases the
feedback loop and widens your capacity to act as a channel for
your future self.
Freewill preservation is paramount at
the quantum level.
While two entities occupying the same physical
realm can interact in a causal manner and violate each other’s
freewill, communication across the quantum barrier is necessarily acausal. This means the congruency of freewill among all
participants is what holds together the conduit of interaction.
The less causal the interaction, the
more an attempted freewill violation will collapse the conduit.
Skepticism as Source of Corruption
The above is meant to point out why channeling is necessarily
somewhat ambiguous when judged by the standards of biased skepticism
that wants to be shown proof despite its foregone choice to
disbelieve. Skeptics want accurate predictions, lottery numbers,
photographic proof, table rapping, balls of light, and other “in
your face” proof that the source is not just a fabrication.
ironically, it is the negative entities that are more than willing
to provide some of these.
They can push quantum laws to the limit
and induce such physical phenomena so that the skeptics, being
flabbergasted by this demonstration, are forced to accept its
reality and in abandoning their discernment become naive followers
of the source, or perhaps deeply obsessed with the phenomena while
missing out on the more transcendent possibilities.
That is why something as objectively
tangible as electronic voice phenomena must come from realms closest
to the physical, realms where the crudest entities and energies
incidentally reside.
As for channeled entities from the future, they “pick up the phone”
to reinforce their own timeline. Any biases by the human
participants will constrict the communication conduit or bend it
towards some lower source because it biases what probable future
they are heading towards. Their attitude correlates with the source
they channel.
People can channel their future selves,
but depending on their current choice of orientation, attitude,
awareness, and level of responsibility, what probable self they
channel may vary… could be their positive, could be their negative
future self. Therefore, the higher the dedication, integrity,
discernment, and intuition of the channelers, the more likely they
will connect with a high level positive source.
As far as bias goes, the channeler can be given some slack if an
audience of sufficient size and quality reinforces the conduit by
themselves being empowered towards a positive future.
But if the material is retracted from
public access and due to biases the channeler acquires a negative
probable future trajectory, then there is little hope that the
conduit maintains its integrity.
Final Thought
There exists no perfect channeled material since corruption is
ego biases
quantum laws interfering
with transmission of quantitative data
hacking by negative
programming of the channeler through abductions and
implants, etc…
...can all cause degradation in the conduit over time.
And of what material is published, perhaps just a few percent fall
within the top three levels of standards.
So as much as channeling can be a
valuable source of inspiration and insight, I advise extreme
discernment and a high set of standards when approaching it.