July 25, 1993
Payson, Arizona
WorldTrans Website
Private Session
We would like to talk about finance, but from a very different
angle. Thousands and thousands of years ago, during the time
Sumerian texts talk about, the "gods" were here on Earth mining
gold. They were also mining other metals and other materials.
Early humankind was formed then.
What we mean by that is that when
you have a child, there are certain formative years and it is
during those years that you can insert belief systems in the
child that they will then carry their entire life. We are
talking about the life of a species here. And in the infancy of
your species, there were many ideas inserted into humankind by
your ET forefathers that you are still carrying today. Some of
these belief systems are perpetuating your own difficulties in
your societal and governmental structures.
Way back, the early humans began to see that the gods were very
intent on hoarding the most valuable substance on your planet -
gold. This lesson was imprinted in the soul of the infant
species man. Throughout time you have played this out. If you
look at the hysteria of the Spanish and Portuguese going to
South America and Mexico and those areas and taking the gold
from the Aztecs and Incas.
They melted it down even though it
had valuable information carved in the gold! It was an
insatiable hunger that man had for gold. This was a playing out
of what was instilled in Homo sapiens as a child species way
back when.
The gods considered gold so precious for several reasons. One
has to do with its properties. It is a wonderful conductor of
electricity. It is one of the best conductors on your planet. So
in terms of electronics, it is sought after. That is more
technical however. The ET "gods" at that time used gold as a
form of money. They also used it for technical equipment.
It was also used in healing
techniques. It was one of those all-purpose substances. Beyond
that, on the esoteric level, this desire for gold by your
forefathers was given to them by THEIR forefathers.
Gold is a universal substance.
Question: Maybe those ETs were in debt to other members of
their society just like we are here. Is that true?
That is correct. It is a chain of debt and family dysfunction.
There are other, almost mystical
reasons for your forefathers' hunger for gold. These reasons
would not necessarily make sense for us to explain them now.
Later, perhaps. Simply, their desire for gold was a compulsion
because of a belief they had. We will deal with that at some
future time. This desire for gold is almost like the passing of
alcoholism from generation to generation.
Most of the value of gold will have to do with its properties.
Because of its atomic structure, it is able to be manipulated in
ways that other substances are not. Throughout time there has
been the myths of alchemy where lead is changed to gold. There
are some energetic dimensional doorways in the atomic structure
of gold that allow for it to be manipulated in certain ways to
allow its value to increase.
It is quite malleable on an atomic
level. Right now, most of the people on Earth do not understand
its technology - luckily - at that level.
There are some people in
societies who do understand how malleable the gold atom is and
who are attempting to hook back into this interdimensional
doorway in order to gain their own sense of power. So far, at
least in terms of humans, it has not been successful. But there
are, even now, still some ET groups who are still mining gold on
your planet very covertly.
One of the most important things that we would like you to
understand is that the desire for gold is habitual. Most people
who are pursuing the gold even today in a compulsive way do not
know why they do it. After lifetimes of reincarnation in the
same type of mind set, they have lost touch with why they do it.
The high value of gold has not changed on your planet. The
substance of value has not switched to diamonds or another
substance. This gold fixation has been steady on Earth
since the
Sumerian times!
That will indicate to you that there is
something going on at a much deeper level.
In terms of what is happening now on Earth, we are certainly not
going to tell you there are major crises going on that you must
prepare for. However, what we would like to express is how
important it is for all of you to learn to become
self-sufficient in whatever way you can. This is not to
"protect" yourself.
Rather, the more self-sufficient you
become, the less strain you put on the system. This way, the
system can go through its transformation with the least amount
of drama. The more dependent you are on the system, the more you
use the system out of fear and then drain it. That makes the
transformation more difficult because the system has too many
Our recommendation for those of you who are able and excited to
do this is as follows. As time goes on, if you wish to make
investments, it be made in something tangible - meaning real
estate, land, gold, silver, platinum, whatever. Those are things
where you actually get a physical exchange for your wealth.
It preserves wealth in times of
economic instability. That is the bottom line. Also, when you
put your wealth into something tangible, something happens
inside of you on a very deep level. Throughout time (as the debt
system grew), you have come to not understand the meaning of
value. Value has always changed. One dollar is only as valuable
as how much bread it can buy you.
You have not had a sense of stable
value in your lives. You've not had a sense of your own wealth
because the money itself is simply paper-no longer backed by
gold or anything. You have lost touch with the nature of value.
When you start putting your wealth into tangible things, things
that can carry you through change, you get a sense of the value
of your wealth. You get a sense of the value of yourself. You get a sense of the value of your
ability to generate wealth.
Internally, this changes you.
Internally it frees you more and more from the dependency on the
system. And one of the most important things we would suggest
during this time of instability is that you, in all levels of
your life, learn to become less dependent. Learn to be less
dependent on your mates, your parents, your government, your
If you are less dependent, you take
the strain off. If you take the strain off, then the system
itself can transform with the least amount of birth pangs. This
will benefit you. It will benefit the system, and it will help
you gain a sense of yourself and your abilities on a very deep
level that goes beyond the intellect. This is a very internal
personal thing that we cannot describe. You will feel very
different. And you will see miraculous changes.
This is a suggestion. Follow your intuition. If, in your fear,
you become more dependent on the system, then you are going to
experience chaos. The system cannot sustain that many
It will burn out. To some degree, that is what
happened in Russia.
Your most ancient texts, like the Bible, talk about the evils of
usury. (Meaning lending money at interest). These texts say that
usury is the beginning of a chain that leads to destruction. Our
suggestion is not to borrow money at interest - the process
itself is based on fictional wealth and is really just a gamble.
It promotes disharmony within any system. But everyone has their
own choice and it is up to you to decide what is right for you.
The ideal circumstance is to pay off all your debts and stop
borrowing. That will take the strain off the system and off of
It will free your wealth to be
ultimately used in other directions.
Question: If everyone became debt-free, that would really
hurt the international bankers, wouldn't it?
Yes. You cannot corrupt a system that is based on individual
self-responsibility. You can only corrupt a system that, by its
nature, has dependency interwoven into it.
This is why, throughout time, just
about every government in your world has had some level of
corruption. The government takes responsibility AWAY from the
people. Then, they become one interdependent system. Or, shall
we say, they become a "co-dependent" system that eventually
leads to total dysfunction and collapse. You cannot corrupt a
system based on total self-responsibility.
When you have your wealth in tangible things (and do not rely on
someone else to "lose" so you can "gain"), then your wealth is
clean, cannot be taken from you, and you change inside. If you
want to keep playing the games of borrowing and lending, by all
means do it but recognize that you may be adding to the strain
and helping to create a system collapse. It is a gamble.
We have talked a lot in the past about community. The whole idea
about community is not separation. It is integration. We are not
talking about hoarding your tangible wealth, hiding it, and
living alone. No! In a community of entirely self-responsible
individuals, no one lives in fear that someone can take
something away from them.
You naturally reach out to your
neighbor then not from duty, but from love. Those types of
environments are more wealthy and productive and happy than
environments that are based on hoarding your own personal wealth
and being afraid that it will be taken from you.
In my
Pleiadian community, we do not have wealth in the same way
you do. But we did come from having wealth in the past and
moving into community. I am speaking from my society's
experience, so there are other ways to do it. Humans do tend
(when left alone to naturally do it) to manifest things in a
very Pleiadian way.
But you resist it!
Question: Are there Pleiadians who are wealthier than other
Pleiadians? Do some people have a bigger ship?
Well, we don't perceive that as wealth.
Question: Well, who owns the biggest ships?
The people who want to. Wealth only has a meaning when you feel
lack. It is just a matter of polarity. If you can have
everything you want whenever you want it, then where does the
definition of wealth fit in? There can be no wealth.
Wealth is only a measure of lack.
Wealth is a measure of what you have against what you or others
don't have. In a society such as mine (which is based on a
system that we call the "Equal Value System"), because everyone
can have whatever they want when they want it and there is a
surplus of product, there is no definition of wealth.
There is no such thing.
Question: Can societies lesser advanced than you have the
same system?
Absolutely, no question. But it can't happen now on your planet
while you are in the present level of fear.
If one day the
President of your world said,
"Okay, from now on we have the
Pleiadian Equal Value System."
There would be tremendous hoarding
because you would not believe you deserve it. You would feel
like you would have to "get" as much as you could before someone
changes their mind.
Technologically, you could create
this. Emotionally, you are not at this point yet. There is too
much invested in lack. There is too much invested in the belief
of the haves and have nots in your world. There
needs to be more internal transformation until you can embrace
the Pleiadian Equal Value system or your own version of equal
distribution of wealth which is not communism.
Please do not take this as an insult about your society.
Obviously this game of lack and wealth still serves you,
otherwise you would not be playing it. So in that, there is
value. When you move toward the idea that we were just talking
to you about regarding being self-responsible, holding your
wealth in tangible ways and living in a community lifestyle,
that is the precursor to the Pleidian Equal Value System.
When you are in a community where
everyone is self-responsible, you naturally share what you have
with others. You know that they will naturally share what they
have with you - not out of a sense of obligation or a
communistic credo, but simply because you care about each other.
That is the seed which begins germinating the Pleiadian Equal
Value System.
Many of you are crying out for a new way. You are also feeling
drawn to being around other people. It is almost as if you are
tired of creating boundaries around you. You are tired of
building a brick wall.
Speaking of investments, another thing that is good to invest in
is yourself. Learn a skill, or create something that can be
bartered. That is a tangible investment. Usury (borrowing and
lending at interest) is what has caused all the problems in your
current system.
Your government is in debt to
foreign creditors. Everyone is in debt to someone. This is all
because somewhere down the line, usury began to be used. In the
most sacred religious texts on Earth, it has been one of the
biggest evils! It is through the door of usury that much
corruption happens.
If you become more self-responsible and affiliate yourself with
others who are choosing the same, you will always have what you
need when you need it. Always. It is a very different way to
live. Eventually, this can be one of the roads that leads to the
Pleiadian Equal Value System.
For those of you who do not know what we are talking about
regarding the Pleiadian Equal Value System, it is very simple.
It may even sound too simplistic.
Everything in our society is
equal to everything else. We'll use an analogy. I can go into a
"supermarket" and get my groceries. I won't purchase them, I'll
simply walk out with them. However, whenever someone comes to me
for my service, I give them my service. This allows everyone on
my planet to do what excites them and not worry that they can't
make a living at it.
Your value system now is totally arbitrary. In community, those
arbitrary values go out the window. You can't keep changing them
to suit your purposes. We view our planet as one holistic unit.
Once we were speaking to someone
about this and they were very critical.
They said,
"Well, who is
taking out the garbage, since no one could possible be excited
to do that?"
No, no one is excited to take out the garbage.
However, there have been plenty of people (inventors) who were
very excited to invent a device to get rid of the garbage!
That is a symptom of a holistic
Where there is a need, there is
someone to fulfill the need. This is how our society works. We
know this is very alien to you. Look at how many hungry
inventors there are on your world who want to invent alternate
fuel sources. There are people who want to invent new forms of
waste disposal. There are so many people who want to invent
things to take away the displeasing things that you have to deal
If you suddenly let go of your definitions and your rigid
constraints and learned to follow your excitement every day, you
would create this! It is just a matter of time until you do.
Right now there are still too many people hoarding power, money,
and living in fear.
One of my deepest wishes is that some day all of you will come
to my world either physically or in the dream-state and get a
sense of how we live. Can you really imagine the implications of
what we are saying?
It has been a pleasure to talk with you as usual.
I send my love and best wishes for
your continued evolution.