by Brian Britt
in5d Website
One must question the integrity and intentions of any
As we have seen in the past, some make false promises, such
as mass landings or promises of
NESARA coming to fruition.
some channelers are simply embodying their own pure intentions,
others may have been channeling into negative entities.
following article explains how this may occur.
In New Age philosophy there is the belief in the evolution of the
mind and our experience with the universe and the possibilities of
other intelligences within it. It is a belief that this evolution is
in preparation of, or allows for interaction with these other
One such intelligence is a group consciousness channeled by a woman
in 1981 who addresses itself
as “Ra”.
This entity foretold the evolution of
the mind of humanity in the form of unity by way of telepathic
communication with others (known as 4th density) and this ability
would become a real part of our reality in 2011.
Many believe 4th density evolution primarily is a spiritual
evolution and not necessarily one of advanced mental abilities such
as telepathy or remote viewing.
I am here to attest to the fact that this prediction has come true.
In November 2011, I was contacted by a group of California
scientists who have developed these abilities by channeling a group
consciousness known as “An” - the negative incarnation of “Ra”.
implored them to seek out others who show a latent psychic ability
and find a way to contact them to join their group.
I woke up one morning and these people were talking to me
At first I thought I was losing my mind, then I
thought someone had wired the house for surveillance. No explanation
was forthcoming but over time I realized that what seemed like true
telepathy was a strange mix of modern psychic ability and
extraordinary technology used to simulate sight, sound, and bodily
psychic contact.
Slowly, over time, this group has shown signs of some sort of
schism. Some of them have become increasingly irritable and prone to
outburst of aggression and a need to hurt something or someone as in
a state of temporary insanity or like something dark momentarily
takes hold of them and they enact its rage.
Because this group
refuses to break mental contact with me (for fear they will not be
able to reestablish contact), these enraged individuals can step
into the group contact and are able to take their rage out on me, an
easy target.
I can only believe this is a side effect of the technology used to
enhance their psychic abilities, or has the technology become an
avenue of the unknown allowing various members of the group
consciousness An to enter this reality?