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Esta película fue prohibida por
la Unión Europea (UE) en 1996.
This film was BANNED by
the European Union (EU) in 1996. |
En un planeta muy lejano corre el año 6000, los habitantes son muy
desarrollados, han prescindido del dinero y se comunican telepáticamente.
Durante la reunión anual que afecta a la comunidad (algo así como un
congreso) surge como siempre la pregunta "¿Alguien quiere ir a la Tierra?",
pero nadie se atreve ni tiene interés en realizar un viaje a tan primitivo
Mila la hija del último hombre que estuvo ahí se ofrece como única
voluntaria y la increíble aventura comienza...
Verde Hermoso
Julio 17, 2011
A beautiful story strongly encompassing the need
to bring a spiritual balance of ecology, love and compassion in today’s
Originally in French, the movie’s protagonist is
Mila who is half earthling and half alien!
She lives on a planet far away
from ours much more spiritually advanced and ecologically balanced. The
alien planet wants to send a representative to Earth to make a check of
developments here and gauge the energy levels. What happens after that is
what you will know when you watch the movie!
The Green Beautiful has already won many awards at International film
festivals, however every aware individual must watch it to connect to the
simplicity of our life and what magic it can bring to our planet!
The movie effortlessly brings out the loop-side of our ecological and
economical system. And how we are projecting our fears to each other. I feel
that if you are here to make a difference to this planet by helping it
become more peaceful and greener, The Green Beautiful will help you open
your mind to unexplored possibilities.
The movie may appear to be fictional, but
the story tugs the strings of your heart.
Did you ever wonder,
Why the floor under your feet, in the
place where you live are covered with a gray material, and you can't
see the soil?
Why this floor is full of poop?
Why are there boxes of metal emitting
gases that you must breath?
Why you live in high cages, forced to
hear the noise of these metal boxes?
Why you're driving them, and not using
your feet, causing you to eventually have heart attack, if you won't
die earlier from cancer from the gases, or an accident with the fast
moving boxes?
Why you eat corpses of animals?
Why you use pieces of paper entitling
you to any value, without which you won't have nothing, not even
Why you eat unhealthy food?
Why you're sitting every evening
watching a box showing people telling lies, and dirtying your mind?
Why do you let yourself be led by fat
selfish people caring only about themselves, their money and power?
Why don't we really listen to each
other, talk to each other?
Why do we have these hierarchies, in
which the stupidest, incapable ones rule, control and exploit the
goodness and capable weaker ones?
Why we go about doing wrong immoral
things just because we're being told?
Why we we're constantly mad, worried and
frustrated with such small trivial things, like a scratch in the
mirror of our cars, and never see, appreciate and thank the
beautiful wonderful life, nature and world that surrounds and
support us?
Why we ruin the world, poison ourselves,
live in ugliness, support the rich selfish people exploiting us,
selling us lies, tobacco, weapons and arms, killing people with the
money that we're forced to pay them as taxes?
This movie is undiscovered or perhaps denied
Watch it, give yourself to it, you can't help
both feel great and wonder what our society's up to these days, how really
far behind we are, of our own selves, even.
The Green Beautiful
December 26, 2010