by Montalk
May 24, 2010
Montalk Website
Spanish version
As you may know, consciousness influences reality by affecting the
probability of events. It does so at the quantum level.
Based on my observation and
experimentation, the basic principles are as follows:
Awareness / anticipation repels
Ignorance / denial allows
Intent / emotional resonance
Here I want to focus on the third one,
the attraction mode, and explain it in the simplest and clearest
way. It boils down to one rule:
In other words, the mental and emotional state that you hold in the
present, attracts future events that engender more of the same.
What is the mechanism behind this? I believe that emotions can
travel through time. A strong emotional pattern in the present
resonates with the same emotional pattern in some probable future.
When both match, a feedback loop arises
between present and future that causes this future to be energized
and amplified, enhancing its ability to merge into the present.
(Keep in mind that
everything I’m talking about here deals only with the
and probabilistic side of life - that which is still up in the air,
open to change. There is also the causal and deterministic side
which includes all the physical effects of physical causes that, no
matter how much you try bend probability, cannot be overridden or
If you total your car, and then
try to hold a feeling of relief, don’t expect the accident to
magically reverse itself, because what’s done is done, what’s fated
is fated; at best, you may nonetheless attract an easy and speedy
legal, financial, and physical recovery from the accident. Whatever
probable future you attract is one that incorporates your already
existing present and past.
New Agers go very wrong when
they try to ignore currently existing problems and think that by
shutting it from their minds it will disappear from their reality.
Not so, the Law doesn’t work that way. You can shape the future, but
you can’t really change the past).
Now, here are some examples of how like begets like.
Anticipation begets anticipation:
If you anticipate something, you
will attract a situation where you’re still anticipating it,
meaning a situation where it hasn’t happened yet.
Paranoia begets paranoia:
The more emotionally paranoid
you become concerning aliens, matrix agents, demons, ghosts,
surveillance, black helicopters, gang stalking, etc… the
more you attract experiences that amplify your paranoia. The
manifestations of these phenomena will keep increasing in
overtness and severity until you either snap out of it or
your mind snaps. Along the same lines, mindsets of
victimhood begets victimhood, fear begets fear, terror
begets terror.
Gratitude begets gratitude:
If you practice an attitude of
gratitude, thinking of all the things you are grateful for
and really living in that feeling, then events will arise
that give you even more reasons to be thankful. Thus, an
emotional pattern of gratitude is one way positive
synchronicities can increase.
Annoyance begets annoyance:
If something causes you a moment
of annoyance or irritation, and if you let yourself run away
with those emotions, then you increase the chances of yet
another thing happening that causes annoyance. Unless you
turn yourself around, this can snowball until your whole day
goes to hell.
Worry begets worry:
If you are needlessly worried,
more events will arise that give you something to worry
about. This can be worry over money, health, security, and
so on. By “needlessly” I mean worries over problems that
don’t yet exist and are still weak probabilities, especially
those you can’t do anything about right now - worries that
are more the products of neuroticism than concerns over
actually existing problems that require immediate attention.
Relief begets relief:
If you are worried about an
uncertain outcome beyond your control, then adopting an
attitude of relief enhances its chances of having a good
Amazement begets amazement:
This is a fun one. If you adopt
an attitude of awe, wonder, and amazement, telling yourself
that life is profoundly jaw-dropping, then just watch freak
events transpire that really leave you awe struck in a good
way. Wait a few days, sometimes reality takes a while to
catch on.
As you can see, the simple principle
LIKE BEGETS LIKE explains much.
You can substitute your own words into
this equation, like ‘weird’ or ‘synchronicity’ or ‘hate’ or ‘love’
or ‘desperation’ and find real life examples.
Mainly it shows that a mere prolonged mental/emotional pattern is
enough to attract corresponding experiences. There is no real need
for complex visualizations, incantations, affirmations, and ritual
formulas just to experience this phenomenon.
Thus it’s possible for a spiritually radiant, humble, and discerning
human being to acquire the protection and blessings of synchronicity
just by virtue of his or her default harmonious mental and emotional
In channeling-speak, it means that an
STO candidate or 'STO' Being still makes use of this
reality-bending principle, but without needing to always specify
what to intend.
It happens naturally through outer
synchronizing with balanced inner.
and Specific Intentions
Of course, it’s possible to go beyond mere emotional resonance and
resort to visualization and intent to single out a specific thing
for synchronistic manifestation.
It still works on the same principle of
resonance and feedback loop between present and future, because you
are required to produce within yourself the same senses and feelings
right now, that you would experience upon the fulfillment of that
Like in the Bible where Jesus
heals a guy by thanking God for healing him, as though it
were already done, and therefore it was.
So when the reality creation pundits say to visualize your goal
fulfilled in the greatest detail, incorporating all five senses, and
really feeling it emotionally, ultimately they’re just getting you
to establish, in the present, the probable future pattern of your
choice. Present locks with future, feedback loop mutually amplifies,
and future becomes present.
It’s just that specific visualizations are risky. They easily become
acts of black magic if the goal is chosen out of ignorance and the
emotional pattern originates with ego and base desires.
Intending for a very specific thing is fine if you work within the
framework of necessity and destiny, like if you have no choice but
to select the details of the inevitable.
Otherwise you will manifest something
prematurely, inappropriately, regrettably, and perhaps even
disastrously. Most cases, attempting the latter will simply fail and
nothing happens; higher forces intercede and block your foolish act;
but if you push hard enough, often enough, you will get and regret
your wish.
Black magic uses rituals to push past
these natural safety barriers and attain that which pleases the ego
but kills the soul.
Optimal State
of Consciousness
This “mind affecting reality” can all be done through intermittent
sessions of emotional broadcasting, or by having it become the
default constant “climate” of your consciousness.
The latter is better of course, since
ten minutes of resonating with relief and gratitude may get
overridden by the following sixteen hours of stress and worry.
Ultimately this research note is not about “doing something specific
to get something specific” like most Reality Creation texts, but
about being aware of how your outer reality is partially (not
completely, since reality is shared) reflective of your own inner
landscape, and how therefore it’s necessary to practice emotional
hygiene to keep your slice of reality in good synchronistic order.
Now, if you do attempt a session, the best time to do so is while in
the state between waking and sleeping, when your consciousness is
not fully dreaming, yet also not fully back in waking life. Like
after waking in the morning, with eyes closed, dipping in and out of
A light sleep state, in or near the hypnagogic state of
Alpha and theta brainwave state.
Controlled daydreaming while being
unaware of one’s physical surroundings. Completely lost in the
thought, completely and effortlessly absorbed in it. You and the
thought or feeling are not divided, not observer and observed, but
lost as one.
This is the state when the barriers between your conscious and
subconscious are weakened, when your etheric body is somewhat
decoupled from your physical body, when you as the ‘quantum
observer’ are not fully collapsing the reality wave function -
therefore, the state where reality is particularly pliable.
subconscious, the quantum ocean, the etheric - these realms are
where the magic happens, where reality is shuffled, where the potter
of existence does his work.
Among numerous other applications, this is the best state of mind
for prayer, meditation, intention, affirmation, visualization, or
just holding a particular thought or emotion.