by Julian Rose
October 27, 201
ZenGardner Website

Over the past ten years it has been my calling to help the Polish
Countryside, its small farmers and the good citizens of this nation,
to stand up against the determination of corporate agrichemical and
genetic engineering giants to move in and transform this relatively
unspoiled land into a vast experimental toxic laboratory.
Working alongside my Polish partner, Jadwiga Lopata, I was
able to draw directly upon previous experience in coming up with a
plan to combat the David vs. Goliath battle that confronted us.
A battle not simply confined to the
predatory corporations, but also a complicit government and a
generally unaware public.
As a practicing organic farmer at a time when abandoning chemicals
in favor of compost was regarded as a deeply regressive and foolish
act, I had become accustomed to being shot at by posturing
agricultural scientists, pharmaceutical fanatics and government
lackeys in the pocket of their corporate masters.
But I had been sustained throughout by the extraordinary results
that greeted me as I helped my farm transition from its
agrichemically assisted beginnings into full organic status between
1975 and 1980. This, and those few passionate and creative
colleagues who had embarked upon the same ‘swimming against the
tide’ activities around the same time - kept the spirit of endeavor
alive in me, while the ever demanding ‘hand’s on’ routine of the
farming calendar ensured that I was strongly earthed.
Already in 1987 I had seen the GMO danger looming up ahead and wrote
about it in the Soil Association (Britain’s leading organic
organization) journal at that time.
By the mid 1990′s the first GM
experimental research crops were being planted in the UK - and
almost instantly ripped-up again by a powerful alliance of activists
from various ecological organizations.
So successful were these actions that the plots were eventually
abandoned and the supermarkets, faced by a high profile
‘Frankenstein Food’ campaign, pulled any remaining GM produce off
the shelves.
At this time I had my hands full leading a campaign to try to stop
the British government attempting to ban the sale of unpasteurized
milk, which just happened to be the main product of my mixed organic
Somehow, with just five hundred such
milk producers in the Country, we managed to beat off the government
and keep our ‘Real Milk’ sales going, much to the pleasure of the
equally determined consumers who still swear by such milk’s amazing
efficacy and health giving properties.
So by the time I passed most of my farming operations over to a
fellow organic farmer in 2000, I was well versed in the rigors of
political campaigning and grass roots activism.
What is it that gives us the will to
take-on our oppressors in this way?
The enduring impetus behind such
efforts seems to make its presence known (for me) via a strong
feeling of ‘rightful indignation’ which wells up when faced by
callous attempts to cut short all that is best about life.
This indignation is then channeled into
a determination not to give-in, but instead to reverse all attempts
to thwart and control our creative initiatives and aspirations.
So it was in 2000, that I took the big step of accepting an
invitation from Jadwiga Lopata to become a co-director of the
International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside and to
spend large spans of time in Poland.
Almost at once it became apparent that Poland was under threat from
predatory GM corporations anxious to get their genetically modified
organisms into the system unnoticed by the majority. What followed
was a full-time campaign to try to raise public and political
awareness and reverse the threat.
In 2004, Poland joined the European Union. This opened the door for
a clutch of agribusiness monsters to seize their chance to get
established on Polish soils; and for the GM corporations to exert an
intense lobbying effort on Polish parliamentarians to allow
commercial GM production into the Country.
Drawing upon earlier campaign experience in the UK, I suggested that
we tackle blocking
the looming GM spectre by mounting a campaign on
a regional province by province basis, rather than attempting to get
a result at the top end of government.
So started a truly amazing rash of
activity which ultimately concluded eighteen months later with every
one of Poland’s sixteen provinces making an official self
declaration of their ‘GMO Free Zone’ status.
Jadwiga threw herself into this campaign with great passion.
Her heart inseparable from the rolling
hills and plains that express the patchwork of small strip farms and
burgeoning wild flower meadows - now under acute threat of
irredeemable pollution. She and I somehow managed to start a ball
rolling and push it along until the board of each province arrived
at the self affirmative conclusion that they did not want their
province’s food and natural biodiversity contaminated by foreign
genes and accompanying foreign corporate invaders.
In May of that same year (2006) succumbing to pressure from the
provinces, the President of
Poland signed a declaration to ban the
import and trading of GM seeds - and Poland became the first Country
in Europe (if not the World) to officially ban GMO in agriculture.
An extraordinary outcome!
I tell this story, not through any desire to seek acclaim, but to
inspire others to recognize what can be done with determination and
imagination, and incidentally, only the very minimum of funds.
What gives impetus and equilibrium to
carrying out an action?
It begins with an internal
feeling of rising rebellion.
Rebellion against what?
Rebellion against the crushing stupidity of the ‘status quo’.
Against the moribund imagination of those who are elected to make
the policies upon which most of human life on this planet is
This rising sense of deep injustice is
an instinct with distinctly human origins. A kind of kick in the
backside wake up call catalyzed at the deepest levels of our
instinct to survive and thrive.
But it is not only a personal rebellion. It is a rebellion of the
spirit itself. The spirit which is the real us, not the compromised
sleep walking condition which is the pervading condition of consumer
indoctrinated individuals of today, the endless stream of dumbed-down
servitude which cripples
and confines human beings into machine like automatons.
When the spirit itself rebels, we are on our way to experiencing
what it means to be ‘fully human’. To be driven by a force which
does not know the meaning of the two words “I can’t”.
Life itself speaks through us as the
spirit rebels and refuses to be cordoned-off into the cul-de-sac and
denial that become our weapons of phony self protection against
everything that really matters.
And what matters more than blocking all
attempts to institutionalize the outright theft of our very DNA?
What matters more than laying
one’s self on the line to prevent the mutilation and degradation of
the very gene pool upon which all planetary life depends?
The spirit rebels because it gets a message that’s its own Divine
constitution is coming under the scalpel of some soulless scientist.
Its own subtle essence is being loaded into the laboratory syringe.
Its innate sanctity being reduced to just a number on a sterile
pharmaceutical production line.
And we who are at one with this Spirit rebel along with it. Of
course we do! And accompanying our rebellion comes a great surge of
cosmic support.
Angels spring-up from their routine
communication roles with a largely unreceptive populous - and fly on
ahead, illuminating the path we are to travel. We, the rebellious
spirits of the New Resistance.
You are skeptical?
But that is only because you
allow your intellectual conditioning to precede your responsive
Your busy mind to block out your poetic essence - your deepest
instincts. And while you do, the forces of darkness laugh their
hollow laughter in full knowledge that their master plan remains
unchallenged and unharmed. Laugh and turn the screw one more notch.
One more notch towards the imposition of a soulless matrix designed
and run by the stultifying architects of control.
The moral: if you sit doing nothing you will have your life taken
away from you.
If millions sit doing nothing, then whole Countries become captives
to the architects of control. When billions sit and do nothing, then
our entire world falls into a state of abject slavery. Look around
you. Here we are.
The antidote to doing nothing is to lay one’s self on the line to
prevent the debasement of that which threatens the sanctity of Life.
Those just surviving on $2 a day cannot be expected and are not able
to engage in such actions. But those living on $100 a day are. Do
not try to side-step this truth; you will only fall further into
your own self delusion.
Embrace it and you will instantly become
a receptor of the Angels of Good Fortune. And the unseen forces that
love our planet and love humanity will come to your aid in combating
the oppressors of all that is Divine and Noble in life.
For good Spirits embrace all who go forth to support and save our
embattled planet. As it says on the tea bag I just dropped into my
mug of hot water “Challenges create strengths”.
So, in the Spring of 2006, Poland led the world, passing an act of
parliament banning the import and trading of genetically modified
seeds and plants.
The County was spared the fate of,
the USA
...and others whose governments decided to
allow GM plantings and the cross-contamination which comes with it.
But politics being politics. One year later this Polish government
was no longer in power and those who moved in to take its place had
another agenda. One supported by Big Commerce,
Big Pharma and Big
The battle of the past five years and of the present moment, is to
try to hold the line. To try to maintain the GMO Free credentials
won through the hard fought campaign that led to the ban.
Its tough, relentless and often exasperating; but it remains an
absolute necessity if we are to have any chance of developing
ecological agriculture on a serious scale.
Any chance of maintaining a food chain
free from toxic carcinogens and free from the fertility depleting
weapons of mass destruction called GMO.
What are we waiting for?
Thousands and thousands of people
need to join in.
Join in the process of overcoming those
who continue to block the arteries of life with every kind of
obstructive, cunning and vile artifice, in their lust for absolute
profit, power and control.
Even as the Earth rocks on its axis, the magnetosphere dilates,
hurricanes devastate coastlines, mountains crumble and repression
and war threaten to overwhelm all that is of value, we must stand
steadfast in the passion and courage which keeps this Universe
For it is indeed the fire of life - and
if we put that fire out we will also be complicit in depleting the
energy of the Universe of which we are a part. Its a responsibility
we cannot shirk.
We have no choice other than to keep alive the spirit of rebellion
through responding to the rebellion of the Spirit.
For this is our most intimate and most
honest guide and none of us can afford to ignore its call.