by Jon Rappoport
September 30, 2013
JonRappoport Website
Spanish version
Year by year, I continue to make my case
for the independent individual - one might even say the lone
individual, except that this phrase has been co-opted to mean an
assassin, a killer.
Which tells us where society is heading.
On every possible front, the psyop is about discrediting the
individual and elevating the group and the collective.
Because I’m 75 years old, I’ve been around long enough to see the
tectonic shift, among so-called intellectuals, from admiring and
praising the individual to celebrating some sort of spiritual unity
that makes us all into One Cosmic Glob.
For example:
"There is really no separation
between us. That’s an illusion. Finally, we are one
I dispute this. I reject it
This, yes, insanity arises from a basic confusion and blind spot
about the creative power (of the individual), which has no
It is quite possible to imagine and create and invent a perception
that we are all one consciousness and to experience the fullness of
the perception. It is not an illusion. It is quite real.
But one can also un-create that perception.
In fact, in the early spiritual exercises of Tibetan tantric
students and adepts, this on-off creation was a significant
component. It was done, consciously, as a merging and un-merging
with Nature. It was PRACTICED on a daily basis.
In early Tibet, a truly unique culture that was soon dismantled and
destroyed by theocratic leaders, the individual was recognized as an
staggeringly powerful artist.
Rather than assume there was one final highest reality we all share,
it was understood that the individual could and did invent realities
without limit. Presuming to understand a final reality for all of us
was considered absurd.
It is also a form of fascism. Spiritual fascism.
Once you embark on a road of imagination and creating, all bets are
off. All preconceptions about what you must do, make, think, assume,
and believe are yesterday’s news.
The individual is no longer "dangerous or deluded or separated from
his brothers and sisters by ego" or any of the other debilitating
formulations that have been offered to convince we are all One.
Here and now you or I can sit and invent the perception that, yes,
we are all one consciousness… and then dispense with that
perception. In either case, I’m doing it. You’re doing it. You’re
creating a perception.
That’s what artists do, what they’ve always done. Somehow, in this
cheesy spiritually fascist web of confusion, the fact has been lost.
People occasionally write to me and say the artist has no function
in this society.
Well, I’m not talking about function.
Function is for machines. Machines aren’t free.
This society is supposed to exist to allow the individual to
flourish, but waiting for that to happen will put you on the track
to nowhere. Society is heading for more and more collectivism.
Economically, politically, spiritually.
Here is a bottom line:
People in this world believe in what
they create, except they’re not aware of what they’re creating.
They think, instead, they’re seeing
what’s already there.
This missing link explains a great deal. People are playing a shell
game with themselves. They’re placing the pea inside a particular
shell, and then they’re turning over the shell and finding the pea.
Then they exclaim,
"Look what I found!"
NO. They didn’t find it. They put it
there to begin with.
They created a reality and then denied they created it.
This would be like a painter spending six months making a huge work
in his studio and then saying…
"It’s a miracle. I walked into the
studio today and I found this painting leaning against the wall.
Yes, you can conceive of (create) all of
humanity and stars and galaxies as One Consciousness if you want to.
You can do that.
You can also do something else. In
either case, you did it. And you can undo it. The clue you should
take from that exercise is: you have an extraordinary capacity to
create "content."
Dictators and fascists tell you what content you should create,
and on top of that, they say you didn’t create the content at all.
It was always there.
I could write a science fiction story that goes this way:
One day, the guy next door, who is a
painter, lugs one of his large canvases into your house and
hangs it on the wall. He has a big grin on his face. He’s
positively serene. He’s producing great GENEROSITY out of every
He says,
"Look at this! This is what
reality really is. Do you see? It shows that we’re all one
great consciousness. And the funny thing is, I didn’t paint
this. It just appeared on a blank canvas.
I saw it this morning when I
went into my studio! Now, listen. You should believe in this
painting, too. You really should. This is the higher
Yes, I could write this science fiction
Except it’s already happening, every day...