by Zen Gardner
April 4, 2014
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

We have free will, a majestic gift of
choice coupled
with conscious awareness at a level that seems to be
unique to creation.
All of creation has its own vibrational
attributes, but humanity has been gifted in a very special way.
Whether we utilize this gift consciously or not appears to be the
dilemma we’re faced with.
Yet we seek an escape from this life, a place of refuge. Ironic. Or
is it a sense of knowing that something more real and wonderful
There’s much talk about portals, energy vortices, jump locations and
wormholes. Where we’re trying to go to is a fundamental issue.
The point is,
How and where do we find a place
of transition to other circumstances?
Is it activism?
Is it our personal way of
perceiving reality?
Or both?
Do we already have access to
this other reality?
Has escape always been the
default position in this accosted world resulting in
religion and sequestered lives driven by survival and an
engineered sense of scarcity?
Is this what has happened to the
'stand and fight' mentality?
Does Humanity
Get What It "Deserves"?
This is a huge question. Not just
the karma issue, but the
even deeper innate mechanics of the Universe.
If Universe is perfect
in every way, everything we’re experiencing is "justified". Has
humanity allowed itself (yes, allowed itself) to be so degraded that
its very decrepit condition invites and encourages predators?
To continue the analogy, are the parasites and viruses "going for
the whole enchilada"?
Pretty serious stuff to consider, especially in the light of society
being a reflection or reinforcement of anything imposed upon it.
question remains; does a dying body politic invite the very
influences it eschews?
The Universe
is Reflective
What we impose comes back. What we are willing to receive is another
But just imagine we’re abutted with a
huge energetic field, ready to do our bidding. An extremely
empowering notion. No matter what is living in this force field is
considered fair game for such a Universal force. As an independent
resource we should revel in such an idea.
Most profoundly, this "field" reflects our intentions and desires.
Now picture a human race that is enthralled with its own survival,
under similarly subjected conditions.
But they’re under attack.
Where will they place themselves
in the scheme of things?
Will they realize their
condition, or relinquish their autonomy for something that
seems to save them?
Taking It
Lying Down Is a Choice
A dead or dying organism invites parasites of all kinds.
This is the current state of our world.
As perverted, drugged down and immune deficient humanity glides into
their brave new world of somatization, we see the growth of
totalitarian police state.
We’re inviting it. By our acquiesced degradation.
A dead animal, or human, decays at an accelerating pace. Parasitic
organisms move swiftly to devour and do away with the dead corpse.
It’s natural. So the degradation of ethical and spiritual aspects of
human culture.
As we lay down, we accept the seemingly
inevitable. A terrible vortex to find our collective selves, but we
are there apparently, circling the drain.
This discourse may seem to meander, but it has its purpose.
Our Aliveness
is the Key
An alive, resilient body is not a target for disease. The dead and
dying are.
The overall diseased "body politic" today is a sitting
duck for control and manipulation. Ours is to keep alive and
synchronicity has it, as I was pondering these thoughts, I walked
past a dead animal under a tree by the roadside. It was infested
with hungry insects devouring the food. The next day all that was
there was the fur. They work fast once the subject has succumbed.
Will humanity succumb? It doesn’t look good from a macro
perspective. But I know individually
the awakening is creating
health and wellness at an enormous rate.
Will it be in time? It’s up to us.
Be alive. Be active. You are in charge.
Use your majesty
of free will.