August 23, 2013
Belsebuub Website

We should take the time to know how we respond inwardly to life,
because by changing ourselves and allowing consciousness to shine,
we change not only our own lives but those of others around us, and,
if enough people raise their conscious level, we can bring about a
real change for good in the world.
If we don’t understand ourselves, no matter how many victories for
truth there are, the inner level of the majority will keep dragging
society downwards into corruption, disorder, and destruction. And
even those who pursue truth in the world are not immune to the
adverse effects of the subconscious.
All of us live in the present moment - it’s a quality of being
alive, but it’s the way we perceive it that can make huge difference
to our lives.
Within us is a multitude of constantly changing thoughts, feelings
and emotions, and not all of it is good. In fact, in the
subconscious are awful inner states that are usually hidden from
awareness and that are the roots of corruption and destruction.
The subconscious is essential for us to
function in the world and it goes on while we are thinking about
something else, but the problem is that it’s saturated by these ego
Our psyche responds automatically to things that we experience in
our lives, but there are parts of it that we have the ability to
change, which are the individual states that relate to thought,
feeling, and emotion, and they constantly come and go. And so for
example we can become less angry or less fearful and so on.
These ego states such as anger, fear,
greed, anxiety, aggression, and so on, are born of the basic human
psyche, but they develop and multiply in complex directions
according to each person, and it is through the many different inner
states and thoughts that we subjectively interpret the world.
Most people don’t know it, but these inner states can be studied
with self-observation and reduced and even removed.
This is what gives us self-knowledge
and it is with this that we can change and respond to life in a
different way.
It’s in our own interests to change, because if we don’t know what
is within us, it controls us beyond our awareness and we react and
act automatically to life often in not the best ways, as it is
determined by states that can be beyond our conscious will.
This means not only that people can
easily adversely affect how we feel and what we do, but that people
can be unconsciously influenced and manipulated, and that is very
dangerous for society.

Another thing is that low states can drag us down, no matter how
positively we try to think, or how positively we try to be in a
situation, and we as a humanity are driven compulsively by animal
desires that are seemingly out of control.
And with a population in this state,
it’s no wonder the world is the sad way it is.
It makes sense to change what’s within so that we can respond to
life without being so affected by subconscious states, because when
we detach ourselves from them and are even free of them, we find an
intelligence that allows us to make clear decisions.
This intelligence fundamentally comes from two sources: one which is
a clear mind, and the other
is consciousness. It is
consciousness that is who we really are; thoughts, feelings, and
emotions are passing and temporary, but consciousness is existence.
Within consciousness are many qualities, which we call spiritual,
such as inner peace and love.
Consciousness is our perception, and the
less that gets in the way of perception, the greater the innate
qualities of consciousness are able to manifest.

Consciousness always exists in the
present. Therefore to be in the present moment and feel inner peace,
we must allow consciousness to perceive.
Consciousness needs the mind as its intermediary between itself and
form, but the less subconscious, low animal ego states are in the
way of form and consciousness, the clearer our perception of the
moment is. And the clearer our minds are of low ego states, the more
we are able to use our mind to its fullest capacity.
This requires self-observation and self-knowledge instead of
automatically responding to life and depending on events for our
happiness and fulfillment.
This is a key to finding happiness
within and if enough people practiced it, it could elevate our
spiritual and moral level and literally change the entire world.