1. A lack of inner awareness of what drives us
psychologically as people

photo copyright wiki user
Kamel15 2008
This to me is the root of the problem.
Everyone is driven by subconscious drives and
desires. Because by definition the subconscious is something
beyond ordinary awareness, its effects are unseen and yet
profound. It affects how we think and feel, and that in turn
determines how we act.
So it's important to shed some light on it. That
light is conscious awareness or consciousness; it's the light
To shine that light, to be aware of what's
within, requires self-observation and that gives self-knowledge.
When we become aware of what's within, we uncover its hidden
effects and from there we can begin to be free of them.
That means for example being able to make rational decisions
without the coloration of out of place emotions, as inner
awareness allows us to uncover the secret motivations behind
attitudes or feelings towards other people, situations or
When we don't have this, we are not only driven by unseen
desires but other people can influence our own thoughts or
behavior by manipulating our desires, and desire can be related
to pleasure or pain, as in the struggle for survival for
example. Institutions and corporations know this and spend lots
of money and research discovering how to manipulate the
This is what most product advertising and even
political campaigning is based upon.
2. A lack of awareness of the mechanisms behind society

photo copyright Steve
Evans 26 July 2007
We all know there's more going on behind every society than is
immediately obvious, and yet most won't look too deeply if at
At the same time
the mainstream media, who many
trust to inform them of events, often covers up truth and
promotes untruth. And it's so easy to believe more or less
what everyone else believes and to live a lifetime seeking
But this is to live a life asleep, not just in
terms of the awareness of the material world, but spiritually as
well. It's necessary to awaken from slumber to live a fulfilling
life, as not doing so brings awful consequences not just to
oneself but to others as well.
As pleasure and desire lead people from within, the result is
that most people love the sleep of consciousness and don't want
to wake up from it, and so it's inevitable they won't wake up by
The information is available for most to discover
more about what's going on than the usual ways of thinking that
society presents, and it's every person's responsibility to see
how their actions affect other people's lives.
Unfortunately most people are choosing
ignorance, and that has its repercussions not only for
themselves but upon society.
The awareness of society extends further to an awareness of
life, as we live in a
multi-dimensional universe and have within us the ability to
perceive far more of it than ordinary waking consciousness

This spiritual awakening is mostly substituted by
religion for the majority of people, which often presents a
simplified version of cosmic principles rather than empowering
an objective study of them.
Moreover, religions often become embroiled in the
politics of nations and can become instruments of oppression
rather than purveyors of cosmic truths.
Anyone can go into higher dimensions using astral projection and
meditation and have an out-of-body experience. Whoever does this
would have access to truths that are hidden from view, giving a
greater perception of reality than just a material perception
Everyone has a responsibility to discover how their society
works, as knowledge of it empowers good and uncovers evil.
And that can only lead to the empowerment of good
people and the establishment or preservation of good principles
and values in society.
3. The inability or unwillingness of individuals to change

Most of this has already been covered, but the
problem is that not only do most people not want to change their
lives but even fewer want to change themselves.
And moreover the knowledge of how to
fundamentally change has been lost.
The cosmic principles governing the spiritual development of
humanity have been lost in the mists of time. What remains are
religions containing fragmented and often incorrect remnants of
those principles.
The alternative to religion is often seen as science,
but due in part to the inflexibility of the scientific community
we have a very material based science, which is unwilling to
understand the non-physical realms of our existence.
Spirituality and science should
be part of one study of life.
I hope we can get to that one day.
4. The loss of guiding principles and values

Unfortunately we are no longer capable of
creating truly spiritual civilizations with an understanding of
cosmic principles, such as those that existed in ancient times.
This indicates that spiritually the human race
looks like it's not evolving, but is devolving, and has been for
some time.
It is deceptive because we have advanced so much
technologically, but each individual is learning the information
of those who went before. The human race has developed
technology and advanced institutions but lacks the intelligence
to use it wisely, and our whole existence is threatened by it.
Society is developing in certain ways but few individuals show
much independent thinking outside the norms of society.
And, while the ability to process information has
been developed, so too have the tendencies to follow, be led,
believe and be told what to do. The majority of people within
any single society are unwilling or even incapable of thinking
outside the box and are developing many of the characteristics
of sheep.
The principles of universal cosmic spirituality that give a
society its strength and support it in good have to a large part
been lost. Not knowing many of the values and laws of light,
society follows those of darkness without realizing it.
Society nurtures darkness, ignorance and animal
drives without even knowing, and it can't lift itself up because
it doesn't know many of the principles which could elevate it
nor the ones that cause it to decline.

And the individuals within society go through the
same thing in their own lives, feeding darkness within and
staying without light, without realizing what's happening.
The result is a society that falls from within,
and becomes prey to those of a sinister nature who are more
aware of reality, who take advantage of the ignorance of society
to extract from it what benefits them. The end result of this
for a society can be catastrophic.
A set of guiding principles define a society's values and give
it a secure platform to stand upon.
These should be based upon principles of cosmic
spirituality, goodness, truth and justice. If an area is missing
or not covered by these principles, darkness takes its place,
and darkness spreads without anyone realizing it, until its bad
effects become obvious.
For the principles to be founded and upheld
requires knowledge and that comes from freely seeing,
interpreting and sharing information.
The blind spots in both principles and perception have been
exploited by evil and have become so great as to deeply
condition the way we think and act.
Speaking of becoming like sheep:
5. The devolution of our brains?

Homo erectus endocast (braincast)
(photo copyright Tim Evanson
Scientists say that
the human brain is shrinking;
it has shrunk by the size of a tennis ball in the last 20,000
years and that if it continues at the same rate, in another
20,000 years it will be the same size as that of homo erectus -
ape man.
This is due to the process of domestication. It happens to many
different types of mammals due to specialization, where
development occurs in specific areas due to use; decline also
occurs due to non-use.
Compare the intelligence of a dingo, which is an
early domestication frozen in time due to isolation, with other
breeds of dogs that have been through a process of continual
domestication and you'll see what a difference domestication
Could this be a reason why we're becoming more sheep like?
In us, our intellectual capacity has been reasonably well
developed, but that's a small part of what a brain does. The
faculties required for intelligence are much more than that and
they are being lost.
Could this be part of the reason why so many
people today are so passive and are so easily distracted with
entertainment and the simple slogans of those with power, by
those who know how to manipulate and control the domesticated
Spiritually, the shrinking of the brain could be a disaster, as
the areas of the psyche required for spiritual development are
most likely to be atrophied and diminished, as they are amongst
the least used and therefore probably the first lost.
It's very unfortunate that most people don't experience much in
the way of profound spiritual or esoteric realities today.
If people are not actually capable of perceiving
a wider reality, it explains why most don't have an interest in
it, and why many people blindly follow religious institutions,
which tend to promote simplistic versions of cosmic truths. It
doesn't seem as though the majority of people are capable of
anything more.
Many unfortunately seem to be domesticated
humans, and appear to have little interest in living for a
higher cosmic purpose.
6. The network of darkness (evil) and the lack of an equally
organized and matched response from light (good)

Here's something that can become apparent with a
little research and also with out-of-body experiences.
One of the main things going against us is that
those who wish to do evil in the world have a powerful
connection with the forces of darkness. Behind the sinister
controlling elements doing evil in the world are not just evil
people, it's the forces of darkness itself.
Those who fight for truth and freedom
in the world fight this, without even realizing it.
You would think there would be a corresponding group of people
of light and goodness that could counter this, that could be a
positive influence on society, but there's not at the esoteric
level. There used to be in the past and these kind of people
worked to instill and uphold benevolent principles, but through
the passing of time they have been lost to the world.
Some exist today as
remnant semi-secret societies
which retain many of their symbols, but for whom the knowledge
of their meanings is long gone, while others have gone into dark
practices or have been infiltrated and become vehicles for the
spread of evil.
Today cosmic spiritual knowledge is not valued by society in
general and those fighting for truth don't realize what they are
Ironically while ignoring esoteric knowledge, so
many fighting for truth are being defeated by the occult
knowledge of those using it in its negative form.