by Wes Annac
May 16, 2015
CultureOfAwareness Website
Spanish version
I’m a twenty-one
year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the
creative expression of the inner universe, and I created
The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and
alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more.
Its purpose is to
awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall
of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of
unity and
spirituality. |

It can be easy to forget why we're here or why we're
doing everything we are, and it can especially be easy to give up
and turn to things that distract us from our purpose and keep us
from helping others.
We have to persevere when the stresses pile up
and we don't feel like we can handle it all, because we know on a
deeper level that we can.
It's common knowledge in the conscious community that we're capable
of more than we realize at the surface, and to do anything
significant to advance our collective evolution, we have to
recognize that we're infinite and find the inspiration to help the
world in ways we enjoy.
Along the way, we'll inevitably meet difficulties and stresses that
we'll have to persevere through, but we'll come out of it all with a
new inner wellspring of knowledge and experience.
The stresses will be difficult to navigate if we don't learn to tap
in to our intuitive wisdom, and our intuition, along with the higher
consciousness we access through it, will help us through any hard
times that confront us.
Everything gets easier when we realize that we aren't on this
journey alone, and we have the intuitive assistance of the higher
self and, I'd imagine, plenty of other guides who can be with us if
we request their assistance.
We have to courageously persevere when we face the more difficult or
uncomfortable aspects of life, but we aren't on this grand adventure
alone. We're given more support and assistance than we realize, but
we have to be willing to open up and tap into it before we can
receive it in earnest.
We have to willingly call on the higher self, which we're gradually
evolving into, before we can receive any assistance. We have to be
willing to open the mind far and wide to find the higher
consciousness we seek, and we'll be infinite with this higher
consciousness by our side.
We'll be as limitless as we've always wanted to be when we can call
on our greater awareness to assist us, but despite how often we call
on it, there will be times when we can't seem to connect.
There will be times when, despite our best efforts to stay
connected, we feel cut off from our greater awareness, and
this might cause us to feel lonely or like we don't have any support
along the evolutionary path.
We do, but this support is less clear at times and this can
cause some confusion and uncertainty.

The higher self is here for
It helps to keep in mind that any seeming disconnection from the
higher self is an illusion that won't last long, and the
connection will smooth itself out as long as we're willing to
routinely call on our higher consciousness and pour the clarity and
inspiration that result into our work.
I've written a little bit lately about turning away from spiritual
teachers or channeled sources and giving that attention to our own
higher self, and I'm not necessarily saying we shouldn't listen to a
teacher or a channeling.
They've helped a lot of people, including me, but I'm encouraging us
all to place the faith and confidence we've given these sources into
ourselves and our higher consciousness. The words of a spiritual
teacher might not help much when we face a dire issue in our
personal lives, but our higher consciousness will always be there to
assist us.
The pain, suffering and difficulty we experience on a daily basis
would be a lot easier if we were consistently connected with the
higher self, and in my opinion, we'll continue to struggle until we
can repeatedly call on this inner source of strength, knowledge and
We have to stay strong and persevere whether or not we feel
connected throughout the day, but things would get a lot easier if
we could consciously and continuously maintain this connection.
Try staying consistently connected for a full
day or two, and see how your life is impacted.
Try to repeatedly connect with your higher self and receive wisdom,
guidance and creative inspiration, and see how much more you enjoy
your work and your life in general.
Staying connected with the higher self doesn't have to be hard, but
we've been conditioned to think there's no such thing as a higher
consciousness and this conditioning can cause us to feel like we
can't sustain our connection.
We have to break through the mind control that's been forced onto us
if we want to maintain our connection with the Self, which is why
it's so important to stay receptive to this higher consciousness
while remembering to persevere when we struggle instead of sinking
into depression or convincing ourselves we don't belong here.

Credit: Amix.dx
We have every reason to be joyful about our existence on this
planet, because we have an opportunity to contribute to the greatest
planetary changes we've ever known as a society.
Most people are unaware of the changes
that are in the air, and this makes our work even more important.
I can say from experience that we're going to have bad days. We're
going to have days when we just don't feel like we can do the things
we've come here to do, and sitting down in front of the TV or
playing a video game will sound much more appealing.
For our sake and the sake of our evolving planet, we have to find
the strength to say no to these distracting temptations and continue
to fulfill our mission.
The more we distract ourselves, the more we fail to
achieve in our shrinking time here on earth, so let's
remember how crucial this mission is and try to persevere, even in
our most difficult times.
Our creative and spiritual dedication will allow us to achieve more
than we currently realize, so we'll have to have faith that we
aren't working for nothing and that we really are moving toward the
goal of individual and collective evolution.
I'm convinced that our creative work, along with our meditations or
whatever else we use to elevate our consciousness, are not only
uplifting us, but the rest of the world as well.
I think that our creative work causes a ripple effect in the
collective consciousness, and if we stay dedicated and continue to
pursue our goals, the result will eventually be that everyone's
awake, aware and willing to discover and pursue their roles in this
ongoing ascension.
So the next time you struggle or you don't feel like you can keep
on, remember that you aren't alone.
You have the assistance of your greater awareness by
your side, and in any moment, there are hundreds of other spiritual
seekers who are going through similar difficulties as you.
We'd all like to give up sometimes, but we're slowly realizing that
to give up on ourselves would be to give up on our missions, and
subsequently, the collective evolution we're here to ignite.
We won't always want to stay strong in the face of all odds, but if
we had an inkling of what our perseverance will allow us to achieve,
we'd know that backing down now is the worst thing we can do.
We're world changers who are here on a
mission to inform, uplift and enlighten humanity, so for the
sake of the rest of the world, we have to be strong.

Credit: Istanabagus.com