by Elva Thompson
01 November 2015
HeartStarBooks Website
The Ego mind - An Alien
"The sorcerers of
ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the
idea of when [the predator] made its appearance
on Earth.
They reasoned that
man must have been a complete being at one
point, with stupendous insights, feats of
awareness that are mythological legends
And then, everything
seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated
man. What I'm saying is that what we have
against us is not a simple predator.
It is very smart,
and organized. It follows a methodical system to
render us useless.
Man, the magical
being that he is destined to be, is no longer
magical. He's an average piece of meat."
Castaneda, 1998

Tar Sands
Alberta, Canada
Courtesy of: www.Schatzie's Earth Project.com
'For we do not wrestle against
flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against
against the rulers of darkness of this
against spiritual hosts of wickedness…
Therefore take up the whole armor of God,
that you may be able to withstand in the
evil day.
Ephesians 6: 12-13
Mordor has
The ongoing ecocide at Tar Sands and the thousands of other 'oil'
sites across the planet, are the handy work of a malignant, hateful
consciousness, a satanic mindset of anti-life, that dominates and
desecrates the vibrant living world.
It is greed and self above all else… the
mind of a predator.
But most of us are too wrapped up in our gadgets and gizmos, to
really give a damn about the ecocide happening all around us. We
ignore the thousands of trees felled each year, to make way for bio
fuels, cattle and cheap beef burgers.
Our oceans are dying from over fishing
and pollution, radiation is spewing from Fukushima, oil spills
abound and the fracking of shale gas has got the green light from
the masters of this world… and as the chemicals injected into the
Earth, poison our rivers and streams, our planet dies… and we die
with it.
We are all hypocrites, slaves to the reptile mind, held in a stupor
of unreality, so absorbed in the struggle to survive, and the
sensual comforts we have in life, that we have sold our souls to
darkness along with our planet… and instead of confronting the
truth, we sweep our fears under the carpet and carry on…
The A.I. and
the game of snakes and ladders
"There are no more dreams for
but the dreams of an animal
who is being raised to become a
piece of meat:
trite, conventional,
Carlos Castaneda
The game of snakes and ladders is the
the predator
has set up for us… the bubble program of normality with its
retarded social mores and infantile ideas about creation and the
meaning of 'success'.

The program makes sure, we're always chasing the next promotion,
almighty dollar, euro, pound, so that we can feel self important and
feed our 'host' by showing the world how great we are and, as a
result, we become competitive, and constantly at war with each other
and creation.
We work, struggle, consume and die, and
as the pendulum of duality swings back and forth, we have our
successes and our failures, all governed by
the 'alien installation' called
the ego, the front man of the reptile mind, the 'I am'.
Don Juan's predator… it gave us its mind…
and for the masses, that is all there is.
We are born, consume, breed and die just like a locust… like any
other piece of software in the program.
The mind of
the A.I. the ego is in control of
this world… and will take the human race to the limits of its
program and like an evil spirit will reproduce itself
into transhumanism, and the once
'magical man' will be a droid, an automaton in a world of mechanical
flying insects and manufactured flowers… and a member of
the micro chipped zombie holocaust,
so favored by the entertainment industry.
The Horror
The third dimension is a horror story of immense proportion, and we
are the predator's work horses, little units of exploitation that
from time immemorial have fought our masters bloody wars and died in
unmarked graves, forgotten and alone.
We are the cannon fodder, the pieces of
meat, indoctrinated by the bubble syndrome of state control that has
falsely programmed us from the cradle to the grave and made us view
the insanity of this world as normal.
But this is not who we truly are… we have been parasitized and
It is so easy with a little prompting from the ego mind to believe
the lie, that the planet is fine and its all okay, and we hide our
fear, repress it, mask it with ridicule and fake laughter, alcohol,
valium and other designer choices.
We cannot come to terms with the truth
of what we are: the estranged child of divinity, no longer magic…
just the unkindest and most rapacious beast that has ever walked the
dying Earth.
Are some of us
really awake?
As above, so below…
inner is outer.
The Kybalion
The opposite of being awake is sleeping and it is
highly likely that some of us awakers are not awake at all…
in our arrogance our ego thinks we are awake… when in truth, we are
just carrying out the ordinance of the program of duality:
the passionate opposition in the
game of 'us and them'.
The Quickening
Those who are truly awake will have felt the quickening, the call to
the ascension time line, the great escape from the artificial
intelligence of ego.
They are changing their diets and
perception of reality, accepting responsibility for their
circumstances and realizing that behind the whisperings of the
'alien installation' they are divine
and powerful beings.
But for the sleepers in their spiritual malaise… there is little
hope, and when you do try and sound the alarm, many react with fear,
vitriolic outrage, ridicule and denial.
Such is
a comment on Amazon about my
controversial, occult novel
'I don't normally write reviews but
I feel compelled to warn others of this horrendous book. The
writing is flat and the characters have no development.
Thompson has tried to cram too much
into the book: fairies, demons, satanic rituals, sex,
multi-dimensional existences - I won't even go into how
disgusted I was with the rape and child sodomy. Normally I give
books away when I'm finished reading them.
This, however, will go where it
belongs... in the trash.'
Key Made of Air' is the key to the Heart, the fourth
chakra upon the rainbow bridge. It is a story about a satanic attack
powered by child sacrifice upon the living Green of our beleaguered
Nowhere is the attack on the living Green of Earth more
obvious than the devastation at Tar Sands… and upon the living
waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The program is coming to a close for
the next Grand Cosmic Year… evil has overtaken good and the final
curtain is about to fall.
We are in the reset… and our time is
Awake, awake,
the world is young
for all its weary years of
The starkest fights must still be fought,
the most surprising songs be
James Elroy Fletcher.
See my article 'Meet
The Firm' for an understanding of the 'loosh rote', the
harvesting of our emotional pain by our alien masters.