by Wes Annac
January 02, 2016
CultureOfAwareness Website

I don't know what 2016 means for all of you, but for me, it signals
the start of the conscious community's real work.
Our social and spiritual work each year lays the foundation for what
we'll achieve in the years to come, and since we've been able to do
so much up to this point, this year can't help but be active and
I think the conscious community will become more active this
year as we realize how valuable our work is, and we'll subsequently
understand the value of inactivity, which we can practice while
keeping an active lifestyle.
Some of us might meditate more while working harder to fulfill our
life purpose, and we'll merge our understanding of the value of
activity and inactivity as we learn how they can both help us make a
positive inner/outer change.
While creativity is inherently spiritual, it's still a form of
activity and it'd take a lot of writing, painting or playing music
to get to the deep level we can find with a good meditation, which
requires mental and physical inactivity.
Creativity still a helpful way to raise our consciousness while
raising humanity's awareness, which
is why so many people are working harder while embracing the
inaction that comes with meditation and other spiritual practices
that are meant to calm the mind.

We're expanding our consciousness.
Credit: kuow.org
We're expanding our consciousness by taking both routes:
In 2016, I think we'll take them both to
the next level.
More and more of us will dedicate ourselves to them and, as a
result, expand our consciousness to new heights while giving the
world the heartfelt, spiritually inspired art it needs.
Spiritual seekers who want to contribute in the public domain will
become more confident in themselves and their creative abilities,
and they might start doing things they never thought they had a
knack for.
Writers, artists and musicians of every kind will suddenly pop up as
we see that creativity connects us (and everyone who enjoys our
work) with a higher consciousness, but by no means will we swap out
our spiritual practice for our creative work.
We'll embrace all of it, and somehow, we'll still make time and
energy for our other responsibilities.
We'll enjoy our creativity and meditation so much that we'll gladly
deal with any responsibilities that come first, and the more we do
these soul-nourishing things, the better we'll feel and the more
we'll be capable of doing.
If we can apply ourselves, I think 2016 will be more amazing than
any previous year.
If we don't embrace the creative and
spiritual gifts this year has for us, we'll risk falling further
into any destructive behavioral patterns that have inhibited us so

Light and darkness are one.
I think the light and darkness will continue to enhance this year as
we begin to understand that they are one, and the quality we
feed will be the one that guides our life.
Therefore, it's important to consciously feed the light while
allowing the darkness to express itself for the purpose of healing
instead of trying to hide from it.
We can experience darkness without feeding it, and it comes down to
our willingness to explore it and let it go. To let it go isn't
necessarily to suppress it as long as we honestly explore and heal
it, and there's a difference between letting it go and suppressing
Once we feel comfortable letting it go, I doubt it would go back to
the subconscious to fight for recognition again.
We'll be fine if we focus on feeding the light, which creativity
allows us to do, but we have to remember that darkness is a
necessary part of life and we shouldn't avoid it just to feed
the light.
If we try to avoid it, we'll only
strengthen its influence and lock ourselves in the patterns we're
ready to get away from.
Passive examination and acceptance of everything life gives us,
combined with an active effort to pour our soul into whatever outlet
helps us make the world a better place, will help us get the most
out of this year.
Passion is crucial whether it comes to meditation, creativity or
anything else, so let's regain any missing passion by looking in the
heart and embracing the things that help us feel closer with the
Most High.
Let's use those things to bring awareness and light to a world
that's barely begun to wake up, and let's make 2016 the best, most
productive and most transformative year the conscious community has
ever seen.