by Zen Gardner
February 15, 2016
ZenGardner Website

This article is not about whether the earth is flat, round
or something else, but about the rabid dogmatism, intolerance
and religiosity that has apparently taken hold with the more staunch
adherents to this new perspective and to put it in a clearer
Flat earth or whatever theory that
somehow brings unnecessary contention and division is an
indicator of something we're seeing throughout the information
field, and such lower level forcing of assertions have been a source
of infection in many arenas for generations - some obvious and some
not so obvious, but the symptoms are the same.
Because something is perhaps true or not true does not make any of
us an unquestionable source of anything. We're here to each wake
up individually, and no form of forced persuasion,
threats or bludgeoning will change our minds.
That's the beauty of the human spirit and
our eternal consciousness.
How Do We Fall
Into These Traps?
The following might help explain a lot of things to a lot of people.
The overarching question of how segments
of humanity can fall for lies and deceit of any type is an
intriguing one. More importantly, how can agendas be carried out by
so many lemming like sycophants of the clearly illuminist empire to
the obvious degradation of humankind?
The answer may surprise you.
I'm not trying to imply this latest flat earth investigation
is wrong, as it's important information that needs processing and a
wonderful world of discovery.
The point is so many play into
mechanisms they may not be fully aware of.
Behold the
Predator - "They Gave Us Their Mind"
They, those outside our playing field, work through the mind.
What we think are rational processes are
not always what they seem.
Minds can be tricked, and very easily,
contrary to what your self-reinforcing mind might tell you. That's
why it's important to not play in their arena; they're smarter
than us on a certain level, a level we don't belong in and
should shirk.
And it all has to do with the mind...
This quotation from
Don Juan Matus alludes to this
aspect of which we all should be well aware:
"We have a predator that came from
the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives.
Human beings are its prisoners. The
predator is our lord and master.
It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it
suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it
demands that we don't do so… Indeed we are held prisoner!
They took us over because we are food to them, and
they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance.
Sorcerers believe the predators have given us our systems of
beliefs, our ideas of good and evil: our social mores. They are
the ones who set up our dreams of success or failure. They have
given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice.
In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators
engaged a stupendous maneuver,
stupendous, of course, from
the point of view of a fighting strategist
a horrendous maneuver from
the point of view of those who suffer it
They gave us their mind...
The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled
with fear of being discovered any minute now.
Sorcerers of ancient Mexico reasoned that man must have been a
complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of
awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then,
everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man.
What I am saying is that what we have against us is not a simple
predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a
methodical system to render us useless.
Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer
He's an average piece of meat…"
Don Juan Matus
in Castaneda's "The Active Side of Infinity"
How Do We
This is the human dilemma.
We're born into these physical
body-minds with an immediate challenge.
We are not greeted from the outset as
being spiritual or super sentient and innately awakened beings as we
should. Instead we are neglected, abandoned and ultimately abused.
And so begins the treadmill of denial, fighting to gain acceptance,
and a life of involuntary co-dependence and servitude.
Quite the heavy concept for most to wrap their minds around but this
is our reality.
Finding out the fundamental truths that are so contrary to what
we've been taught is a rough road. It's never, or rarely, met by
others with compassion and understanding, but rather ridicule and
Hence so many are shying away from
reality. No matter. It will meet them halfway anyway.
Symptoms of
the Archontic Mindset
Whether you subscribe to the Juan Matus or Gnostic understanding of
our reality or not, the fundamental teachings remain - from the
Tao Te Ching through Zen Buddhism
and the like and even eclectic western philosophy as well as
psychology reflect this same underlying nature of reality, that the
mind is more often the tool of illusory ego fabrication and lower
dimensional reinforcement of extremely hindering psychic mechanisms
than a helpful friend.
The right brain, left brain picture tells the tale in another
Once aware of profound spiritual forces active in our universe with
which we interact, things take on other dimensions and require
deeper levels of awareness to truly get the big picture.
It's up to each of us to discover these
experientially, not just intellectually, which hails to the crux of
the matter we're addressing here.
If you apply this
archontic understanding to our
mental nature and often untoward inclination to justify everything
via non-conscious, pre-programmed reason, a lot makes sense.
Enter the Flat
Earth Contra-versy - Example of a Digital Inquisition?
This has to be addressed.
Not just because I have been attacked
personally for not conforming to what certain individuals in this
movement seem to require in order for anyone to be considered a
valid source of information, but to help people understand the
symptoms and origins of this type of rigid insistence that causes
such uncalled for conflict and division.
Who needs a government psyop
when we can individually yield to the archontic mindset?
After all, who is our real
Let that bake your noodle...
To attack alternative websites for not wanting to take on some
belief system, real or unreal, is so counter-intuitive to the
awakening process it is staggering. So many very intelligent and
well "informed" people going combative for a particular mindset that
seems to be a catch-all solution is actually disturbing to me.
I admit, I am fascinated by the flat
earth information and know we've been lied to on every front and
love learning new information and challenging realizations.
But don't give me ultimatums.
Aren't I and others allowed to
wonder and process?
What's with the idiotic
insistence and condition setting?
Who do these proponents think
they are?
Do others with very strong
beliefs and personally experienced based systems insist
everyone get on board and publish their stuff or you're a
shill worried about your income or you can go to hell?
Yes -
mainstream religions working within
the 'divide and conquer' construct.
Are those not "on board" with some
proposed new understanding being lumped into the same false
paradigm? That's simple evidence of what I am trying to discreetly
expound on here - without ultimatums and name calling but with
distinct disdain. I mean, c'mon. You who are unwittingly pushing
this warfare are your own psyop from the sounds of it.
Snap out of it. Even the logic doesn't make sense, never mind the
exclusive spirit of the overall thrust.
Revives and Hardening of the Arteries
What it boils down to in my understanding is a falling for this
archontic "yahwey or the highway" mentality.
It divides, puts others down, creates
discord, disharmony and confused aggravation. That's how it works.
When one researches the Flat Earth thoroughly, as I have, and
imbibe the information as well as the reaction to it, one very
profound realization arises. And this could very well be the crux of
our problem.
The iconic-archontic savior concept...
While I do know there is a wonderful
creative force we're all part of, this so clearly plays into the
mind control matrix paradigm. And this is what we need to remain
aware of as well as transcend.
Flat earth fundamentalists manifest, confirm, reinforce and greatly
magnify the God-Creator factor and contend that this one
realization of the flat earth truth will single-handedly bring down
the matrix.
Interestingly enough, I'm not against
the theory in it's most esoteric form and love solutions of all
sorts. Creation and our particular place in a magnificent creative
universe and our wonderfully particular place makes a lot of sense
in many ways.
But this can also be seen through the lens of
the holographic universe
understanding of our situation without all this godhead stuff that's
being implicated.
There are many interpretations that
shouldn't be excluded. Point being, the easily adopted creator
concept could be a set up for the unwary to be cleverly hijacked
by the archontic influences of hierarchy,
patriarchy and domination.
Take it for what you will, but let's stay open and conscious here.
Warning Bells
Serious warning bells went off when I found this factor over and
over from the very staunch and more belligerent proponents of this
issue that are now giving this false choice, in or out type options
with all the incumbent ultimatums.
What gives? Is there no room for debate,
time to digest and present the information for people to decide for
themselves? Not a very winsome approach if you ask me.
What's with this "weighing in" precipitation process? Where the hell
does that come from?
Flat, round or pear shaped as one confused physicist said, we all
exist here together with very real challenges. That the flat earth
realization will solve any and every problem is tantamount to
following a religious belief for salvation, salvationism
being the ultimate control tool of the archontic mindset.
If you make it a religion you've lost your argument, real or not
real. And the attachment to it is nothing less than the archontic/illusory
mind once again seeking to take control.
Separate truth from this fundamentalist thrust and you might get
some traction.
This confrontational tack is way wrong
and contrary to any and all consciously awakened methodologies that
have brought us this far.
Despite these unnecessary yet revealing skirmishes, the march to
loving truth goes on.
When forces attempt to disrupt this
powerful yet somewhat sensitive process it bothers me. Overall, I
have to admit it disturbs me how people cannot grasp the importance
of actively participating in the awakening, but
skirmishes like this don't help one bit.
There are so many easily available vectors to just walk into, worlds
of empowering and enlightening information and encouragement.
Seek and Find
"You Are the Awakening". It's nowhere else. It's in you, it's in me.
We cannot change the external world
unless we ourselves are changed. Let it happen.
Discern the pressure lobbies, whatever truth they may bear. We're
here to freely learn.
Lose you mind. Find your heart.
And don't forget to dump the infected
rubbish after gleaning the truth...