by Bill Knell
June 14, 2008
OPEDNews Website
Did Howard Hughes ever get a chance to view a captured or crashed
UFO and its occupants?
I have long pondered this question and there
may now be an answer to it. According to a former employee of Hughes
Aircraft, he did. The visit allegedly occurred not long after the
crash of an alien spacecraft near
Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. You
may think this story belongs in the BELIEVE OR NOT file and you may
be right, but I feel compelled to pass it on to you anyway.
After a recent radio show guest spot, I received an email from a
person that claimed to be the daughter of a former Hughes Aircraft
employee. Having grown up on Long Island where many government
contactors are located, I am somewhat familiar with that part of the
aircraft industry and have known many people that have worked on
various U.S. Government contracts over the years.
That helped me to
make the decision to write this article and tell this story.
Linda is a retired teacher. She taught in public and private schools
for over thirty years and has emailed me an impressive array of
diplomas and certifications. She also emailed a few photos and some
paperwork that verifies the fact that her father probably worked for
Howard Hughes. Because she asked for anonymity, I cannot say much
more about her or divulge where she currently lives at this time. I
have encouraged her to come forward at some point and tell her own
story in her own words.
Linda says that her father was involved with Hughes Aircraft as
early as 1942, but the timeframe that concerns this story is the
year 1947. It was during the summer of that year that Howard Hughes
was obsessed with getting his oversized wooden seaplane nicknamed
the "Spruce Goose” ready for a test flight.
Officially known as the
H-4 Hercules, the aircraft flew only once on November 2, 1947. The
amount of time and work that went into getting the Hercules ready
for that flight was unbelievable.
Her father worked closely with Hughes during the Hercules project
and later became a full-time employee of Hughes Aircraft. The two
men met after he was referred to Hughes by a mutual acquaintance
just after the USA declared war on the Axis powers and entered World
War II. Linda told me that Hughes used as her dad as a “problem
solver.” He had a knack for being able to look at most any
mechanical problem and quickly suggest a practical solution. He also
had the kind of temperament that allowed him to work with the
eccentric billionaire.
Hughes was besieged with a number of problems during the summer of
1947 including a U.S. Senate inquiry into the way he had managed
funds for the Hercules and XF-11 Photoreconnaissance Aircraft
Linda says that shortly after he testified at the Senate
hearings, Howard Hughes returned to oversee work on the Hercules and
spoke to her father about his possible involvement in an important
government project.
“My father and I frequently spoke on the phone during the early
1970s,” Linda told me. “We were very close and often bounced ideas
off of one another. I do not recall the exact date, but I phoned to
ask dad some questions about one thing or another and the subject of
Howard Hughes came up. Howard’s face was constantly on the cover of
most of the supermarket tabloids during that time and we began
talking about the National Enquirer and how they kept hounding him
(Howard Hughes).”
Linda’s father scolded her for wasting her money on the National
Enquirer, but she said that her mother also purchased the tabloid.
“My mother thought it was amusing that the bogus stories about
Howard almost always appeared on the same page as their standing
reward for proof that UFOs and Aliens existed,” Linda continued. “Dad told me that Howard Hughes could have claimed that reward if he
needed the money and laughed about the fact that he didn’t. When I
asked him what he meant by that, he told me the story.”
According to Linda, Howard Hughes and her father were not friends
and her dad would probably not be considered a part of Hughes‘ inner
circle if such a thing existed.
However, he did spend a lot of time
with Hughes during the Hercules project and the two had a casual
working relationship as long as her father delivered the goods. She
told me that her dad said he was busy brainstorming with some
engineers when Hughes summoned him into an empty office. Hughes had
a kind of inquisitively stern look on his face and that usually
meant that he wanted some advice on how to solve a problem or was
about to start a new project.
Howard stepped away from the door to the office, but didn’t close
it. There was enough noise outside of the office so that no one
could hear their conversation anyway. Howard sat down on a stool
near the window. Linda’s father stepped over to where he was sitting
and listened intently. Hughes hated repeating himself and despised
people that were not good listeners.
Hughes told her dad that he had
been contacted by a “high ranking member of the United States Armed
Forces” while he was in Washington, D.C.
The billionaire was used to receiving unusual requests from the
military. He was known as someone that could keep a secret and solve
complicated problems. According to Linda’s father, this one might
have been the mother of all the most secret and complicated
situations that the government ever faced. Hughes said that he
visited a military base on the way back from the congressional
He didn’t mention where it was located and provided few
details about what happened there.
Linda’s father said that Hughes seemed uncomfortable talking about
his visit to the base. He hated situations that he couldn’t
personally control and seemed to indicate that the entire event was
orchestrated and controlled by the military. With the exception of
Hughes, no civilians were present. Howard said that they showed him
a new type of aircraft. Most of it was in pieces and it was obvious
that the thing had crashed or been shot down. Hughes assumed it
might have been something that the Russians cooked up.
It wasn’t until Hughes got closer to the material that he noticed it
was anything but conventional. He didn’t pick up or touch any of it,
but told Linda’s father that it looked like “the damnedest stuff
I’ve ever seen.”
The military officers present told him that despite
the fact that it was in pieces, the material was extremely resistant
to heat, cold and pressure. They also said that it was almost
impossible to penetrate, yet it might have been an implosion that
caused the crash. Howard never said if it had any writing on it and
provided no further details about the material or the aircraft.
Hughes told Linda’s father that the dead bodies of the crew members
from the aircraft had also been recovered by the military and were
mostly intact. He said they allowed him to view the bodies and
described them as looking like “dwarves” or “deformed midgets”
wearing seamless flight suits.
He added no details about where or
how they were being kept. Instead, he got right to the point.
want me to figure this thing out and I want you on board,” Hughes
That was the end of their meeting.
A few weeks later Hughes took Linda’s father aside again and told
him to forget about their previous conversation in the office. He
gave her dad the impression that there were too many hassles and not
enough money for him to get involved with that project. Her father
felt it was more plausible to believe that Hughes wouldn’t have been
able to run the show and didn’t want to get involved with something
he couldn’t fully direct.
Or, perhaps he knew or had learned
something more about the project that turned him off to it.
It wasn’t until many years after their conversation in that office
that Linda’s father came to realize that Hughes might have been
talking about a crashed UFO and, specifically, one that probably
crashed or was shot down during the summer of 1947.
Her dad had
never shown any type of interest in UFOs or Aliens.
Linda believed
he might have come across the information about one of the UFO
crashes from the tabloids that his wife read. The timing would have
been correct because I saved issues of the National Enquirer and
other supermarket tabloids during the 1970s and recall articles
about alien and military encounters and UFO crashes.
I asked Linda if her dad might have been kidding her about the
Hughes incident.
“Oh, no,” she said, “Dad never told tale tales. He
had enough true stories about Hughes and other important people he
met throughout the years… He didn’t need to make up stories… I am
certain he was telling me the truth.”
I also asked Linda how many
times they discussed that story after he first told it to her.
“Not more than a couple of times… He wasn’t interested in
UFOs… He told me the story on a whim because he thought it might
give me a chuckle or two… Dad had nothing to add to the story and I
believe that’s why we never discussed it much.”
Unfortunately, her father passed away a few years ago. I doubt he
realized the impact that the story had on his daughter. Before she
heard it, Linda barely gave the subject of UFOs a second thought.
Afterward, she slowly became fascinated with the subject and told
“My father told me that what Howard said he saw sounded a lot
like what the tabloids were describing as crashed alien spaceships…
and the bodies that he viewed fit the descriptions of aliens… I do
not believe everything that politicians tell me, but I never saw a
reason to disbelieve what they were saying about UFOs. What would
they have to gain by lying about them? It wasn’t until my father
told me the story about Howard and the material that I began to
doubt their denials…”
Linda said that she started reading UFO articles published in some
of the mainstream newspapers and magazines. Those tidbits awakened a
casual interest in learning more about the subject.
However, after
retired Colonel Jesse Marcel came forward to expose the Roswell UFO
cover up, she went out of her way to learn as much as she could
about UFO crashes and military encounters.
“I purchased a used copy
of a book by Donald Keyhoe and read it cover to cover,” Linda told
me. “That book opened my eyes… I now believe there is much more to
the subject than what we‘re being told.”
I asked Linda why she waited so long to tell the story she heard
from her father about Howard Hughes and the strange aircraft.
“I am
a very private person… I believe in doing all I can to promote
education and to encourage students to stay in school. I want them
to go as far as they can in life… I do not want to become the poster
child for government conspiracies… You seem legitimately interested
in discovering the truth about UFOs and Aliens. I believe that if
people have a chance to learn about the story that my father told to
me, they might feel compelled to come forward and share their own
experiences and information with you.”
I have a million more questions for Linda, but it is obvious that
her father was given little more than a thumbnail sketch about
Howard Hughes experience with a strange object and its occupants. He
was only able to tell her what Hughes had told him. Not the best
scenario, so I cannot say for sure that this story involves a
crashed UFO and it‘s occupants.
I can say that I believe Linda’s dad
heard a story about a strange aircraft and unusually tiny
crewmembers from Howard Hughes and that he told it to his daughter
just the way he heard it, straight from the horse’s mouth.
I have been researching Linda’s story for about a week. I have
spoken with her over the phone on several occasions. With her
permission, I recorded the calls and subjected them to a voice
stress analysis using an inexpensive testing unit I purchased a few
years ago. If accurate, the results indicate that she was not being
deceptive during our conversation.
As a experienced UFO researcher,
I was pleased that she cooperated with various requests I had for
more information. That is almost always a good sign.
Linda has emailed enough documentation to make me believe that she
is who she claims to be and that her father was employed at Hughes
Aircraft. The materials she provided indicate that he probably
worked for Howard Hughes on specific projects as a consultant before
he became a full time employee. Because Hughes never told him that
he actually saw an alien spacecraft or referred to the dead
crewmembers as aliens, we have to fill in the blanks with some
careful speculation.
If Linda’s story does anything, it proves that people out there are
sitting on important information about UFOs because they still fear
the repercussions that can result from coming forward to share it.
The blame for that may be placed on the doorstep of a news media
that seems incapable of covering anything deeper that where
politicians attend church or how old they are.
They ignore real news
and issues in favor of serve serving statements from government
flunkies bent on forwarding an increasingly outdated agenda.