from EndOfTheAmericanDream Website
If you could merge your current mind and body with technology that would give you superhuman powers and would allow you to live forever, would you do it?
This is essentially what the transhumanism movement is seeking to accomplish.
Transhumanists envision a day when technology will allow humanity to become so advanced that sickness, disease, poverty and war will essentially be eradicated. They believe that merging with machines will permit us to become trillions of times more intelligent than we are today, and they also believe that radical life extension technologies will make it possible for humanity to actually achieve immortality.
Many transhumanists are convinced that such a world can be achieved within their lifetimes.
They point to Moore's Law and to the fact that technology already appears to be growing at an exponential rate. As the technology curve continues to steepen, transhumanists believe that our world will rapidly become transformed into a place that would be unrecognizable to us today.
Just a few decades from now, transhumanists believe that superhuman powers and extremely advanced life extension technologies will allow them to essentially become like gods.
The key moment that most transhumanists are looking forward to is known as "the Singularity". That is the moment when artificial intelligence will actually surpass human intelligence and a massive technological chain reaction will be triggered.
At that time, most transhumanists believe that biological intelligence will merge with non-biological intelligence and humanity will become vastly more intelligent than it is today.
During this transition, society will be fundamentally transformed…
To most people, the idea of achieving immortality in our decaying physical bodies would sound absolutely ridiculous.
But transhumanists are very serious about this.
One way they are seeking to accomplish this is by searching for a method that will enable them to store the human mind on a computer. If your entire consciousness could be "uploaded" into a computer, it could conceivably later be downloaded into a futuristic avatar of some sort once that technology has been developed.
But that is not the only life extension technology that transhumanists are working on.
Some other examples include embedding nanobots in our bodies and brains and eliminating diseases through the process of "genetic reprogramming"…
According to transhumanists, not only will we be able to live much longer, but our quality of life will also be so much better in the future.
The following is how one transhumanist envisions what life will be like in the 2050s…
That sounds wonderful doesn't it?
In a recent article by Andrew Smart, he suggests that these "enhancements" could just turn us into "better slaves"…
In fact, robots are already taking our jobs at a staggering pace.
This is even happening in low wage countries such as China…
But transhumanists are not really concerned with such matters. They insist that we will become so intelligent that we will easily figure out the solutions to such social issues.
Yes, most transhumanists concede that there will be bumps on the road to utopia, but they argue that it would be foolish not to "take control of our own evolution".
They believe that we can use science and technology to guide the evolution of society and that this will create a far better world than we have today.
The following is what one participant stated at a recent conference about transhumanism and religion…
That all sounds so alluring.
After all, who wouldn't want to live in a "utopia" where everything that is currently wrong with our planet has been "fixed"?
But transhumanists don't just stop there. They believe that eventually we will possess such superhuman powers and will enjoy such radical life extension technologies that we will essentially be like God.
The most famous transhumanist on the globe, Ray Kurzweil, takes 150 vitamin supplements a day in an attempt to extend his life until more advanced life extension technologies can be developed.
In chapter 7 of "The Singularity Is Near - When Humans Transcend Biology", he expresses his belief that evolution and technology are systematically moving us in the direction of becoming more like God…
Transhumanist Mark Pesce is even more extreme. He openly states that he believes that transhumanism will allow us "to become as gods"…
And what transhumanist Dr. Richard Seed has to say about all of this is quite frightening.
He warns of "warfare" if anyone tries to prevent him from becoming a god…
Also HERE...
If you want to get an idea of where transhumanists want to take us, just check out the YouTube video posted below.
It was produced by "the 2045 Initiative", and as you can see, they believe that the world will be infinitely superior in the year 2045 than it is today…