by Jon Rappoport
August 18, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX
REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional
seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a
Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative
reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics,
medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly,
Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines
in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and
seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative
power to audiences around the world.
www.nomorefakenews.com |
Now that Dallas officials have 'decided' West Nile Disease has
killed 14 people in the area and infected 557 more, the aerial
spraying of a
pesticide called Duet will begin.
The objective? Wipe out mosquitoes that
carry the virus.
But here's the bombshell: there is no evidence that the
supposed virus causing West Nile exists. This means there is no
proof West Nile disease exists. And this fact has been known
for years.
Scientists don't like to talk about it.
It's extremely embarrassing.
The West Nile virus has never been isolated. "Isolated" means
discovered. This is a simple notion. Just as you can ask whether an
explorer on a ship, journeying to the tip of South America, ever
arrived, you can ask whether researchers ever found the West Nile
The answer is no.
Researchers state the virus in question is 0.04 micrometers. At the
same time, they admit that the original fishing expedition for the
virus employed filters that were 0.22 micrometers. The obvious
You cannot assume that whatever was
trapped in the filter was West Nile virus. The filter was too
porous. It was nearly six times larger than the virus.
In fact, Robert McLean, director of the National Wildlife
Center of the US Geological Survey, told ABC's Nick Regush,
"We don't have a purified form of
the [West Nile] virus."
A stunning admission.
The late ABC reporter, Regush, one of the few bright and independent
minds in mainstream medical reporting, followed up on McLean's
pronouncement with this:
"I find no evidence anywhere in the
scientific literature that the rules of virus purification and
isolation were thoroughly followed [in the case of the West Nile
The bottom line? In your search for a
new virus, if you don't purify the material in which you suspect the
virus is contained and filter out everything except the virus, and
if you don't finally isolate it, you cannot claim to have located it
at all. This is not a mere academic distinction.
Two questions immediately pop up:
The answer to the first question is:
antibody tests.
These extremely unreliable diagnostic
tests are indirect. They supposedly show that elements of the
patient's immune system have encountered, in this case, the West
Nile virus, in the patient's body.
But antibody tests can and do register positive for irrelevant
reasons. It's called cross-reaction. The test is pinging positive
because other germs or debris in the patient's blood have caused the
sensitive material in the test to respond.
It's a notorious fact in the case of HIV, for example.
In the early 1990s, independent
journalist Christine Johnson published a report showing that
HIV test could read falsely positive
for 60 reasons - none of them having anything to do with HIV. Other
researchers followed suit. A patient "testing positive" for West
Nile proves absolutely nothing.
As to the second question, there are some good reasons people in the
Dallas area are getting sick. These reasons have nothing to do with
"West Nile."
A decade ago, another independent journalist, Jim West,
launched an original investigation into the so-called
Nile epidemic" in New York City.
West correlated clusters of human and bird "West Nile" cases with
several factors; among them,
nearby polluting oil refineries
other air pollution (certainly
exacerbated by hot summer weather)
the presence of toxic
MTBE, an additive that
makes gasoline in cars burn cleaner
Citizens of Dallas should take a clue
from Jim West's work and examine their own environment for these
There are listings for at least eight refineries in the Dallas area.
There are also reports of increased air pollution coming from
natural gas production in the
Barnett Shale. The 2012 summer has
been hot. As of of the year 2000, Texas refineries were producing
75% of all the MTBE in the United States.
Now that 20 states have banned or reduced use of MTBE, the domestic
market has declined.
However, there are new horizons for the
chemical: China wants it. The Huntsman Corporation, which owns one
of the largest MTBE-producing plants in the US, in Texas, has signed
a licensing and production agreement with the Chinese chemical
company, Yantai Wanhua.
How embarrassing would it be for Huntsman's burgeoning business if,
in its own Texas backyard, MTBE was found to be contributing to
illness and death?
Much easier to blame it on a virus that has never been
And much easier if other Texas sources
of air pollution are also let off the hook.
Cities and Counties Nationwide Begin...
Mass Aerial Sprayings
...of Toxic 'Anti-West Nile
Virus' Pesticides
by Ethan A. Huff
staff writer
August 20, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Dallas County, Texas, and several nearby towns and cities in the
Dallas area are currently being forcibly sprayed with toxic
insecticides as part of a government effort to supposedly
eradicate mosquitoes that may be carriers of West Nile virus (WNv).
The mass sprayings, which are ramping up
all across the country, involve blanketing entire areas with
chemicals sprayed via airplanes, a highly controversial protocol
that threatens not only all other insects and animals exposed, but
also humans.
According to the City of Dallas, more than 380 state-confirmed cases
of WNv have been reported throughout Texas this year, and at least
16 people in the Lone Star State have died in conjunction with the
The specifics of these cases and deaths
have not been publicly released, but authorities insist that the
situation is serious enough to warrant a series of at least three
conjunctive aerial sprayings throughout Dallas County, including in
Highland Park and University Park.
spraying chemicals linked to causing Colony Collapse Disorder
The chemical product being sprayed is known as
Duet, an "advanced dual-action
mosquito adulticide" that contains both
sumithrin, the active ingredient in
another mosquito pesticide known as Anvil, and
Both chemicals are known to be
highly-toxic neuropoisons that
target not only mosquitoes, but also bees, bats, fish, crickets, and
various other animals and insects.
Sumithrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, is known to kill bees, and is
linked to
the widespread bee die-off phenomenon
known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).
In tests, sumithrin has been shown to
damage human kidneys and the liver, and is also linked to causing
both liver and breast cancers. Household pets exposed to sumithrin
are also at risk of
serious health complications, as
are fish and other aquatic animals.
Prallethrin, another synthetic pyrethroid, is hardly any better. A
1993 study published in the journal Environmental Health
Perspectives suggests that prallethrin is a human endocrine
And like sumithrin, prallethrin is
highly toxic to bees and other creatures besides just mosquitoes,
threatening to very
seriously disrupt the natural
ecosystem of areas sprayed with it.
Trust us,
we're from the government
Despite all this, officials continue to publicly insist that the
spraying chemicals, the details of which are not being openly
disclosed, are harmless to humans, though there is no legitimate
scientific evidence to back this claim.
Instead, residents are simply being told
that the sprayings are safe and necessary -- and many local
residents seem content with this, having little or no concern about
the harmful consequences of exposure.
In a recent photo published by the San Francisco Gate, for instance,
local residents can be seen enjoying themselves on an outside patio
at a local Dallas bar
while spraying planes bombard them
with chemicals overhead. As you will notice, these individuals
appear to be amused by the large, toxic plumes in the sky.
The same report explains that many local residents have been largely
"unfazed" by the sprayings, and even the warnings to stay indoors
while they are taking place. Many local residents have reportedly
continued on with their normal routines despite the sprayings,
including jogging on outside trails and engaging in other outdoor
Meanwhile, cities in,
...and elsewhere are also conducting
their own aerial sprayings for WNv at the recommendation of the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
mosquito spraying ineffective, unsafe
According to research compiled by the group
Stop West Nile Virus Spraying Now,
aerial spraying endeavors are not even effective at preventing the
transmission of WNv.
Dr. Wallace LeStourgeon, a
molecular biologist from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, says
there is no evidence to show that
aerial sprayings legitimately fight West Nile Virus.
Contrary to the reassurances of public officials, there is also no
evidence that aerial spraying chemicals are safe for humans.
A Center for Public Integrity review of
data compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
shows that pyrethrin chemicals can cause severe reactions in many
people, and may be responsible for injuring and killing far more
people than they theoretically save from dying of WNv.
"Both peer-reviewed scientific
research and mathematical modeling demonstrate that spraying is
ineffective for WNv," says a recent report by California
Progress Report.
"A model widely used for infectious
diseases produced two important conclusions when applied to WNv
1) early, sufficient treatment
for mosquito larvae is the key to control
2) treatment aimed at adults
later in the season cannot possibly eradicate the virus."