However much mankind attempts to solve the mystery of why the pyramids were constructed, the darkness in which it is wrapped will be impenetrable to the uninitiated eye. And that is how it will remain until the mature gaze, contemplating the ruins of a lost civilization, sees the world in the same way as it was seen by the ancient Hierophants. At that point, liberated, it will acknowledge the reality of what mankind still rejects, of what was for the Hierophants not a myth, not an abstract religious view of the world, but a guide for action.


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What are the Wands of Horus?

Their roots go back into the depths of time. For the priests and pharaohs of Ancient Egypt the Wands of Horus — metal cylinders filled with various special materials — were a tool for “attainment”, allowing them to achieve a step by step evolution of their psychic, energy and, consequently, physical capacities, the development of which was a decisive factor in preparing to enter into “intercourse with the gods” through the pyramids.

If certain conditions are observed and sessions conducted on a regular daily basis, the Wands of Horus can not only correct, but also stimulate a person’s nervous, energy and immune systems, creating the preconditions for their improvement (1). This requires work founded on a precise understanding of what the Wands of Horus are and the principle by which they work, a knowledge of the cycles of activeness in the human energy system and a number of elements making up a complex approach, an essential part of which is interaction with natural sources of energy, such as trees, rivers, lakes, the sea and mountains.

The Wands of Horus are also a means of prevention and treatment, providing the opportunity in certain disorders to correct particular deviations from the norm and noticeably improve a person’s state of health, since they inspire very deep-running physiological and energetic processes.

It is important to stress that the knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians was founded not on mystic, astrological or esoteric (2) doctrines, but on a strict grasp of the principles on which the universe is founded. In other words, at the basis of the theoretical and spiritual constructs of the Ancient Egyptian initiates lay first and foremost Knowledge and not faith.

The Wands of Horus and, indeed, the knowledge of the Ancients in general is a very interesting and wide-reaching topic. Therefore, in order to help readers to grasp the structure of principles invisible to the uninitiated eye and to draw closer to the sources of knowledge, the International Information Centre for UFO Research presents a publication intended to bring to a wider public recent results obtained from the study of the legacy of Ancient Egypt.

This brochure is the first work to shed some light on the mystery of why the pyramid complex at Giza in Egypt was constructed. Reading it you will find out not only about the principles that lay behind the idea of constructing the pyramids, but also about the connection between the Wands of Horus and the “Energy Sourcelocated within the pyramid. It is that connection that gives the Wands of Horus their miraculous properties and their harmonizing effect on a person’s energy system and, as a consequence, on his or her general state of health.

One of the sections is devoted to a description of the technology used to produce the Wands of Horus and the mechanism by which they operate. This will help the reader to understand how they are constructed, and how the pyramids and the cylinders work in a single complex, down to the finest details.

You will learn some results of experiments conducted by Russian scientists to study the effect of the Wands of Horus on the human organism and the effect of the Pyramid on animate and inanimate objects.

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A Secret Recovered

Every time we return again to this world, we do not recall the past and, discovering the world anew, we live out our lives, leaving a track which we shall probably not remember when we come back again. Incarnation after incarnation we move through the dark labyrinths of life, almost by touch alone, trying to discover the sacred meaning of that which has been covered over by the sands of history, trying to read the invisible message left us by past civilizations. But, inhabiting a different body, in a different age that imposes its new rhythm upon us, and basing ourselves on other values than those that prevailed thousands of years ago, we look into ourselves with detachment in search of an answer to that which we did not comprehend in other lives.

The gradual recovery of knowledge that was the property of previous civilizations, that to one extent or another determined the fate of peoples and the distinctive character of different ages, is a non-accidental characteristic of our own era, playing an important role in the process by which the material of human awareness is perfected.

Knowledge — that most cherished of human goals — has at the same time been the cause of many troubles, especially when the level of morals and ethics was lower than that of knowledge. It is for that very reason that when knowledge was capable of becoming the cause of misfortunes, of those catastrophic processes which humans lacked the ability to control, events took place that removed that knowledge. As a consequence we today, so highly advanced as some believe, do not know what those who lived in the distant past knew.

Until now the prevailing current of opinion has been that profound knowledge could not have existed in the distant past on principle, because the emergence of scientific knowledge proceeds from the simple to the complex. It follows that mankind has not yet reached the peak of its intellectual ability. There is, however, a mass of puzzles thrown up by the study of the architectural monuments and writings of the distant past that forces us to think again about the level of knowledge the Ancients really possessed (3).In particular we are still challenged by the question of what the pyramids are, still trying to grasp their true purpose and the reasons for their appearance.

Pyramids, which have long troubled human imagination, were constructed in various parts of the globe, forming systems of their own, but we shall begin our account with an examination of the immense complex of the Great Pyramids located outside Giza in Egypt.

Of itself the pyramid, its shape and configuration, is an extremely strange structure, while the curious phenomena that have been observed in the chambers of the pyramids suggest that some kind of energy processes are taking place there. Today our task is to try to understand the principles lying behind those processes.

You have probably already heard that there are certain places within the pyramid where foodstuffs of biological origin will keep for an indefinite length of time. There are also chambers where, if someone remains for an extended period, they experience an incredible sense of disquiet. However, there are also areas which engender feelings of a different kind: positive, stimulating creative activity, and fostering intuition.


If we look at the problem of the pyramid from the viewpoint of the simple, visually clear science of geometry, it turns out that we can come closer to an understanding of the object through describing it in a very simple manner. Suffice it to recall that in ancient times the laws of geometry were studied in very great depth and particular attention was devoted to the triangle with sides in the ratio 3:4:5.

Today we are well aware that the hypotenuse of such a triangle is a fundamental concept relating directly to the question of harmony. And anything we say about harmony is associated first and foremost with sound. Sound is what human beings are immediately attuned to, irrespective of their cultural background, level of education or intelligence.

In this context there are a number of curious facts that need to be pointed out. One is that when a baby comes into the world its first cry, no matter what its timbre or volume, has as a rule the frequency of A. Another is that those people who have “perfect pitch” relate other notes back to A. The sound of A is then a kind of yardstick frequency.

It is also known that the average distance between the human eardrums is an exact fraction of the wavelength of A. The wavelength of A is 78 centimeters. Divide that by four and you get the distance in question. (4).

We also know that frequencies are only resonant when the one wavelength is an exact multiple of the other. That means that nature has constructed the human hearing apparatus is such a way that it is tuned to the frequency of A, which plays a prime role in the musical scale.

A graphic depiction of the principle of resonance


The pyramid is interesting for the fact that its shape contains not vertical planes as in ordinary architecture, but inclined ones instead. Therefore if you make a cross-section of a pyramid, you get a triangle, or two right-angled triangles back to back. And since you have a right-angled triangle, then you will recognize the position of the hypotenuse.

What is the hypotenuse, though?

In respect of a function or phenomenon the hypotenuse expresses the rate of a process (5), that is to say the frequency (which is characteristic for vibratory processes).

The pyramids pose a host of puzzles, one of which is why they were built. We were taught to regard them as the tombs of pharaohs, but still today the actual burial-place has not been discovered in a single pyramid. It is just not there. The question then arises: for what purpose were such gigantic constructions put up, if not to glorify the pharaoh as God’s representative on Earth?

Not so long ago, Japanese researchers tried to build a pyramid only 11 meters tall, using the construction methods employed (according to Herodotus) in Ancient Egypt a few thousand years ago, and they were unable to bring the four faces of the pyramid together to a single point. (6). The height of the tallest pyramid at Giza is 146 meters, yet it comes to a point. That naturally prompts the question: why build in this manner, if it is so difficult and laborious?

In order to answer that question we should begin with an examination of the principles lying behind the idea of constructing the pyramids.

The key to understanding the laws that formed the basis for the construction of the pyramids is provided by the tablets on which, according to legend, the Ancient Egyptians expounded their knowledge.

At the beginning of the century Quibell’s expedition to Saqqara discovered the tomb of an Ancient Egyptian architect from which they extracted a set of wooden boards covered in carving.

Judging by the number of niches in which the panels stood, there were originally eleven of them (7) . The order in which the panels were placed in the tomb of Hesi-Ra follows what is known as the Lucas sequence. (8) . They are the figures obtained from adding and subtracting the ordinal numbers that form the Golden Section sequence. The images presented on the panels follow the same pulsating rhythm or, as the Ancient Egyptians themselves said, the KA–BA rhythm.

In the Ancient Egyptian dualistic conceptual system, BA (9) refers to the real, physical object or person; KA is what makes up our energy shell. From the state of the KA it is possible to determine precisely the psychological and physical condition of the person, which organs are damaged, and so on. In short, it is a particular energetic-informational structure in which everything is reflected.

The panels in question have proved to be something unique. Several layers of information can be traced on them, providing the key to recognition of the fact that the Ancient Egyptians knew all about the Golden Section long before Pythagoras.
Today we know from measurements that have been taken that the principle of the Golden Section was used in the construction of all the great pyramids.

Another question arises. It is not easy to produce a structure like a pyramid, you need to have the appropriate constructional technology suited to the purpose, but beyond that its geometrical structure incorporates the irrational ratios of the Golden Section, which are more difficult than ordinary whole numbers. Why?

It should be pointed out that the whole musical scale, the whole sonic temperament, obeys the same law of the Golden Section.

Remember what it says in the Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word” — and the word is sound (a wave process characterized by frequency). And if the word conveys meaning, then that means that the frequency, as a characteristic of the energy process should also have some kind of meaning. The one cannot exist without the other. That is a principle.


The conclusion follows that the principle of the Golden Section, upon which the great multitude of objects in the biological world are constructed, bears a very profound, fundamental meaning. And it is no coincidence that in the human being in particular the law of the Golden Section can be traced in some many different variations that one can only wonder that nature created us just that way.


The bones of the fingers, three in number; three parts of the arm (the relationship of lengths) — elements of the Golden Section. The heart beats in this rhythm and pushes blood into the aorta, leaving a portion in the ventricle. All of it the Golden Section. The rods and cones of the eye, the cochlea of the ear (the ratio of the lengths of the spirals), the structure of the whole skeletal framework — examine the statistical averages and it is all the Golden Section. Even the dynamics of the neural structures in certain mental states obey the same law.

Can that really be mere chance or a peculiarity of mankind alone?


No, the same principle governs the orbital periods of the planets in the Solar System, the musical scale is founded on it, the system of chemical elements and indeed everything connected with natural systems obeys that law.

The wands held in the left hand of the priest who is depicted on the first main panel are shown in a ratio connected with the frequency of A. The standard value accepted for the pitch of A today is 440 Hz, but 441 Hz is more precise. It is astonishing that no-one particularly noticed that if you place the figures 441 after a decimal point, i.e. 0.441, what you get is a function of the Golden Section.


Knowing all that, we arrive at an interesting revelation. Not only do these panels explain the principle of using the Golden Section, they also present tools that are elementarily simple, yet work like a computer. Our arms themselves are already tools of the same kind as the “measuring instrument” depicted on the tablets. Calculations have shown that this wand is a tool with which it is possible to calculate any value of the Golden Section directly as a length, without using any complicated mathematical formulae, just manipulating the “magic wand”, adding on and taking away.

You get the feeling that human beings were created to some kind of standard. It would be more correct, however, to say that human beings could not have formed differently for the simple reason that they appeared in an environment that imposes those parameters, and the values of the Golden Section bear a direct relation to what we call “harmonic resonance”. (See “Appendix 1”)


Anything related to resonant phenomena must in the most general terms be connected with the functions of the Golden Section. Because nature works in the simplest, most economical, most effective, most colourful and most diverse manner — using the Golden Section.

Today it is possible to say with complete certainty than the knowledge encoded on the Hesi-Ra panels formed the basis for the construction of the pyramids. It represents the missing link that was needed in order to be able to state that the pyramids were built on the level of exact science.

It is very important that the ration between the dimensions of the two rods in the priest’s left hand is such that their product is 0.441, or the frequency of A [divided by a thousand]. The calculation is quite simple. The two rods measure 0.5 and 0.822 [units]. Multiplying those two values, 0.5 x 0.882 = 0.441.

This panel shows a table with what Egyptologists tell us are sacrificial loaves on it. We have here a priest of Horus. In the “Sacred Triangle” Horus was characterized by the hypotenuse, the harmonizing element. To be a priest of Horus meant to be the Guardian of the Knowledge of Harmony. And harmony is the thing that embraces absolutely all spheres of activity and knowledge. This priest (who was also an architect) was the number one person in the Ancient Egyptian civilization, so important that information about him was not distributed anywhere. He was a man of mystery. Hesi-Ra means “Marked Out by the Sun”.

It would seem that what is on the table is not sacrificial loaves but some sort of tuning device set to the pitch of A. Confirmation of this is the fact that the distance between the table-top on which the device stands and the floor is precisely 0.441 of the corresponding standard length. The device stands on a base, and that base is equal to 441. The measuring instruments used by the Ancient Egyptian architects were set using the tuning device. Hesi-Ra indicates this directly.

Take a close look at the first panel (click imager right). The priest depicted there holds two measuring instruments with one hand thus indicating that they are linked together, while his other, right, hand points to the tuning device thus emphasizing the link between it and the measuring instruments. In other words, the measuring instruments are linked to the musical scale.

It follows that, if measuring rods are harmonized with a tuning device set to the pitch of A, then to measure with those rods means to give the space in question resonant qualities founded on the musical scale. In other words, to introduce a system of linear-spatial parameters into a system of sonic harmony. (10) .To build taking the laws just expounded into account means to create edifices that interact with the natural world, with its energy sources through the principle of harmonic resonance, that is through the mechanisms that lie at the foundation of the universe. Such an approach in its turn opens up the possibility of interacting with nature on a fundamentally different level.

Now we turn to a fact that sheds light on one architectural decision that was founded on the principles expounded above and reveals some of the details in the pyramid builders’ conception.

In the Pyramid of Cheops there is a chamber, erroneously referred to by the majority of Egyptologists as the “Queen’s burial chamber”, whose situation in respect of the summit of the pyramid is connected with the tuning frequency. If we take the height of the whole pyramid as one unit, and measure down a distance of 0.882 — twice the frequency of A (or rather an octave higher), we find the chamber at exactly that point.


But if we remember that the average human ear, indeed the whole structure of the human being, is attuned to the frequency of A, forming a kind of planetary field of this keynote signal, it emerges that the chamber within the pyramid is placed at a position attuned to the resonating frequency of that field.

If, proceeding from that, we accept that the pyramid works as a resonator, then we can begin to think of the purpose of pyramid as taking the form of a special kind of generator. Then the reason for the appearance of resonance characteristics and energy phenomena at various points in the pyramid becomes clear.

It follows that the pyramid structure can have what might be termed a corrective effect on human beings.

Evidently the pyramid was intended to influence human psychological and physiological structure. And not of just one person, but of a large number. And the correction of a person’s psychological and physical qualities is bound up with his ethical standards, with harmonization, because harmony divorced from ethical principle simply cannot exist.

Are the pyramids working now?

The pyramids are always working. They cannot fail to work. There is, however, the question of their activation. The periods when the pyramids are active and the opportunities that they afford are connected with energy processes taking place in the universe. While they are resonators, the pyramids are at the same time antennae of a kind, a system by which energy and information passes from one space to another. That, in turn, determines the constant use of the pyramids to deal with a wide range of tasks.


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