The situation that has been created here in our Heliosphere is of external, Interstellar, cosmic space origin, and is herein assumed to be caused by the underlying fundamental auto-oscillation, space-physical, processes of continuous creation that has shaped, and continues to evolve our Universe.
The present excited state of our Heliosphere exists within the whole, or entire, organism that makes up the Solar System; the Sun, Planets, Moons, Comets, and Asteroids, as well as the plasmas, and/or electromagnetic mediums, and structures, of Interplanetary Space.
The response to these Interstellar energy and matter injections into our Heliosphere has been, and continues to be, a series of newly observed energetic processes and formations on all of the Planets; between the Planets and their Moons, and the Planets and the Sun.
Earth's ability to adapt to these external actions and transference's is aggravated, made more difficult, by the technogeneous alterations we have made to the natural quality, or state, of our geological-geophysical environment. Our Planet Earth is now in the process of a dramatic transformation; by altering the electromagnetic skeleton through a shift of the geomagnetic field poles, and through compositional changes in the ozone, and hydrogen, saturation levels of its gas-plasma envelopes.
These changes in the Earth's physical state are being accompanied by resultant climatic/atmospheric, and biospheric, adaptation processes. These processes are becoming more and more intense, and frequent, as evidenced by the real time increase in "non-periodic transient events"; ie., catastrophes.
There are reasons favoring, or pointing to, the fact that a growth in the ethical, or spiritual quality, of humanity would decrease the number and intensity of complex catastrophes. It has become vitally important that a world chart be prepared setting forth the favorable, and the catastrophic, regions on Earth taking into account the quality of the geologic-geophysical environment, the variety and intensity of cosmic influences, and the real level of spiritual-ethical development of the people occupying those areas.
It is reasonable to point out that our Planet will soon be experiencing these new conditions of growing energy signifying the transition into a new state and quality of Space-Earth relationship.
The living organisms of those regions of Earth having the major "inlets", or attractions, for cosmic influences will be taking the lead in evolving life's appropriate reactions, or processes, to these new conditions. These zones of vertical commutations and energy transfers are already becoming the heart, or hotbeds, in the search for new systems of adaptation and mutual transformation.
The general list of these zones includes,
the polar regions
the eastern continental extremities of the equatorial regions [Caribbean, Madagascar, Philippines, Yellow Sea, etc.]
the inner continental zones tending to folding and uplifting [Himalayas, Pamir-Hindukush, Altay-Sayan systems, etc.]
The most significant of these areas are the helio-sensitive zones which have intense responses to geoeffective solar activities [Note #1]; responses that include the very dramatic and unusual manifestation of non-homogeneous vacuum, or classical non-mechanical ether, domain structures.
These structures, or objects, then interact with the heliosensitive zones producing deep and powerful effects upon the environment such as the alteration of seismic activities, and chemical compositions.
Because these non-homogeneous vacuum domain objects display not-of-this-physical-world characteristics such as "liquid light" and "non-Newtonian movement" it is difficult not to describe their manifestations as being "interworld processes". It is important to note that those heliosensitive zones that exhibit middle and large scale processes are also those that are closely associated with these "interworld processes" produced by physical vacuum homogeneity disturbances.
Such disturbances cause, and create, energy and matter transfer processes between the ether media and our three-dimensional world. The multitude of such phenomena, which is rich in it's quality and variety, is already growing quickly. Hundreds of thousands of these natural self-luminous formations are exerting a increasing influence upon Earth's geophysic fields and biosphere.
We suggest that the presence of these formations is the mainstream precedent to the transformation of Earth; an Earth which becomes more and more subject to the transitional physical processes which exist within the borderland between the physical vacuum and our material world.
All of this places humanity, and each one of us, squarely in front of a very difficult and topical problem; the creation of a revolutionary advancement in knowledge which will require a transformation of our thinking and being equal to this never-before-seen phenomena now presenting itself in our world. There is no other path to the future than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds us.
It is only through this understanding that humanity will achieve balance with the renewing flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and Processes.