by Robert Bruce


from NugosFatal Website






Part One - Elements of Projection

  1. Chapter - Dimensional Theory

  2. Chapter - The Projectable Double

  3. Chapter - The Incredible Mind-Split

  4. Chapter - Complications of Consciousness

  5. Chapter - Astral Sight

  6. Chapter - Waking Paralysis

  7. Chapter - OBE and Perception

Part Two - New Energy Ways

  1. Chapter - Imagination Versus Visualization

  2. Chapter - Mobile Body Awareness

  3. Chapter - Tactile Imaging

  4. Chapter - Supporting Energy Structures

  5. Chapter - Energy Body Stimulation

  6. Chapter - Raising Energy

  7. Chapter - Stimulating Primary Energy Centers

Part Three - Core Skills

  1. Chapter - Deep Physical Relaxation

  2. Chapter - Taming the Mind

  3. Chapter - The Trance State

Part Four - Projection Exit and Technique

  1. Chapter - Preparations for Projection

  2. Chapter - Projection Technique

  3. Chapter - Technique Variations

  4. Chapter - Projection Exit problems

  5. Chapter - Overcoming the Mind-Split

  6. Chapter - Lucid Dream Backup

  7. Chapter - Virtual Reality Projection

  8. Chapter - The Astral Form in Motion

Part Five - The Akashic Connection

  1. Chapter - The Astral Planes

  2. Chapter - The Silver Cord

  3. Chapter - The Etheric Body

  4. Chapter - The Akashic Records

  5. Chapter - The Akashic Pulse

Part Six - Strange Astral Phenomena

  1. Chapter - OBE and Reality Fluctuations

  2. Chapter - Higher Level Projection

  3. Chapter - Astral Beings and Wildlife

  4. Chapter - Fear and Astral Noises

  5. Chapter - Astral Self-Defense

  6. Chapter - A Few Last Words