Bruce A. Smith
British Aerospace, NASA and independent researchers worldwide
are on a quest
to understand the mysteries of hyperdimensional physics and unlock the
secrets of antigravity.
Extracted from
Nexus Magazine
Volume 10, Number 6 (October-November 2003)
A Primer on the Role
...of Electromagnetic,
Electrostatic and Torsion Fields in Antigravity and Field-Effect Propulsion
While singing in the shower before visiting a University of Washington
physics professor to talk about electrostatic propulsion and hopefully
anti-gravity, I realized: Hey, birds defy gravity. So do 747s, for that
matter. They apply the laws of physics and lift off the ground. That’s
antigravity, isn’t it? Yes, that’s true, I suppose in a metaphorical sense.
Seagulls, jumbo jets and spacecraft all manifest antigravitic effects,
strictly speaking, but the kind of phenomenon I want to address here is not
the overcoming of gravity but, instead, the neutralizing of it.
Dr Eugene Podkletnov and the Hunt for Antigravity
Dr Eugene Podkletnov, one of the foremost researchers in antigravity and
whose work is sought by NASA, Boeing and British Aerospace (now known as
Systems), describes the hunt for antigravity as the greatest scientific
quest of this century.
He calls for an international effort, akin to the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb, to conquer the secrets of
antigravity and usher in a new era of scientific understanding whose
technological development will be at a scale so vast that the potential
outcomes are merely hinted at by our previous achievements. Just getting
such a project off the ground will require unprecedented international
cooperation, and public disclosure as well--the potentials are that vast,
that scary, and that dangerous.
Dr Dan Marckus, noted British avionics expert, states in The Hunt for Zero
Point--the seminal work to date on antigravity, written by Jane’s
Weekly aviation editor Nick Cook--that the secrets of antigravity in the
wrong hands will make thermonuclear weapons look like firecrackers.
The secrecy surrounding antigravity research is phenomenal. Boeing refuses
to acknowledge publicly any activity in antigravity development despite the
fact that its competitor and sometime subcontractor British Aerospace (BAE
Systems) does--and has provided funds for four university research efforts
as part of its Project Greenglow, one of which was a Podkletnov replication
experiment headed by Dr Clive Woods at the University of Sheffield.
Nick Cook publicly, and privately to me in an email, states quite directly
that George Muellner, former director of Boeing’s ultra-secret Phantom
Works, claims Boeing sought the services of Dr Podkletnov to unlock the
secrets of his gravity-shielding research. Cook says that Muellner states
Boeing was denied Podkletnov’s services due to the objections of Russian
officialdom--which the Russian-born Podkletnov must pay attention to,
apparently, despite the fact that he works in Tampere, Finland. Dr Podkletnov, wisely perhaps, chooses not to clarify these particulars despite
our several emails.
Perhaps Boeing can deny any activity on antigravity because
NASA is doing
its own research, and as a prime contractor to NASA, such as by running the
Space Shuttle Program, Boeing probably knows what
NASA knows. NASA spent
US$600,000 recently in its Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) program to
purchase Podkletnov replication equipment. Inexplicably, that equipment sits
in boxes in NASA’s Marshall Research Center in Huntsville, Alabama, awaiting
more funding, according to an email I received from NASA propulsion
researcher Ron Koczor.
But enough of the cloak-and-dagger business. What do we know about
The search for that answer has taken me to some exciting and obscure places
in this world, like the Aeronautics and Astrophysics lab at the Seattle
campus of the University of Washington. I called those folks because Nick
Cook, in The Hunt for Zero Point, mentions that UW received a
NASA contract
to study theories of inertia as part of its BPP program.
That’s a good place
to start, I thought, but it took backtracking to BPP Project Director Marc
Millis at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland to find
Dr John Cramer
at the UW Physics Department. His mission was to confirm with Dr James
Woodward the latter’s 1996 preliminary research into the loss of
gravitational mass in a targeted piece of metal from oscillating capacitors.
Although Woodward’s initial data appeared encouraging, NASA’s
Millis told me
that their funding dried up before they’d completed their research.
Furthermore, the entire BPP became unfunded in 2002, and now, in 2003, has
become a hazy, privatized version of its former NASA subset self.
Electromagnetic Containment of a Plasma Field
However, the University of Washington is continuing related research, such
as into magnetically confined fusion energy generators--and by using
electromagnetism to contain an inner field, this, in my view, makes it a
close cousin of antigravity and field-effect propulsion.
I spoke with Professor Uri Shumlak who told me that he and other UW staff
from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, along with a bevy of
their grad students, are building a prototype of a fusion generator called
an HIT, which stands for Helicity Injected Torus. Doughnut-ring shaped,
the torus encloses a roundish chamber. Within that chamber a vacuum is first
created, and then a volume of hydrogen gas is introduced and heated to a few
million degrees Celsius, which separates the electrons and protons from
their atoms, turning the whole stew into a quasi-neutral foam of plasma.
Then the torus envelops the plasma with a magnetic field to keep it away
from the sides of the chamber, enabling the plasma mass to stay hot and
keeping the rest of Seattle cool.
(While I was standing next to his little
eight-foot-long gizmo, Prof. Shumlak assured me there was no danger of a
couple of million degrees of heat escaping. The heat density of the plasma
was "too low" for me to, well, break a sweat over. His quote was, "There’s
no more heat mass inside that chamber than what’s contained in a cup of
coffee." I sure hope you’re right, Doc.)
Then, once the plasma field is
contained, the magnetic field squeezes the plasma, fusing the nuclei of one
hydrogen atom into another. As the hydrogen couples combine, a helium atom
is created and a neutron is released, along with lots of energy in the form
of heat.
One day, such a generator will give us unlimited amounts of electricity, as
the heat can be transferred to other mediums to produce voltage. The UW
predicts lots of electrical power on the cheap, and the Department of Energy
agrees--once the details of building reliable magnetic field generators are
What does magnetic fusion have to do with antigravity? Two things: firstly,
magnets. Electromagnetism seems to be one of the major players in
antigravity, particularly the use of electromagnetic fields to contain other
fields, such as plasma fields in the HIT or
torsion fields in antigravity
devices--but more about that later. Secondly, the HIT works--or is about to
work. It’s real, and mainstream science embraces it; while antigravity is,
well, a little more "out there" and reliable data harder to obtain. So the
technology of HIT lays a base that other research can build upon, such as
not only containing other fields but also building field-effect propulsion
systems, the most elementary of which is electrostatic propulsion--and
aspects of this are already being applied by NASA.
Electrostatic Propulsion Systems
Electrostatic propulsion uses electrical fields differently than
electromagnetism does. In EM a current flows and creates a field, while in
electrostatic systems the current is static and a charge builds up in a
field, such as in a capacitor or a fuel tank.
These theories are utilized on NASA’s Deep Space I, a probe bound for the
outer reaches of our solar system. On board the probe, the propellant--a tankful of xenon gas--is excited electrostatically into positive ions. The
containment vessel of the engine has a negative charge at the exit end, so
the charged xenon rushes out the tail pipe with a greater thrust than if it
was just using conventional chemical propellants. In fact, the electrostatic
propulsion system on Deep Space I allows it to fly at 60,000 mph, or 10,000
mph faster than it would with a conventional rocket. In addition, only 82 kg
of xenon is needed for its entire mission, so with its smaller mass and
weight the probe will fly alongside its intended target, a comet, and drag-race
on equal footing while filming and conducting studies. Again, not
antigravity per se, but electrically charging Deep Space I’s fuel field sets
the stage for a closer look at electrostatic propulsion.
Taking that closer look is Tim Ventura and his fellow researchers at
American Antigravity, an organization based in Kirkland, Washington. Ventura
and his crew use electrostatic asymmetrical capacitors to create a field
that levitates objects, such as their small, kite-like "lifters". These
lifters are very light, weighing only a few ounces, and have balsawood
struts that support the capacitors. When two capacitors of different size
and load receive their share of a 30,000-volt charge, the lifter lifts--with
no motors, no wings and no apparent source of lift. How, no one really knows,
in my judgment. The phenomenon is replete with controversy and mystery. But
as one who has seen a lifter fly, let me tell you what one looks like and
what I saw when Tim Ventura’s took off.
Tim has been building lifters since he was a kid and has perfected a 4 x 4 x
4-foot triangular lifter which has flown so many missions in his garage that
the silver aluminium foil has turned white. The thin, chopstick-like
balsawood ribs that hold the aluminium foil in place are joined every few
inches by a vertical strut (much like a telephone pole on an HO model
railroad set) which sticks up and secures the copper or stainless steel wire
of the upper capacitor. The ribs are intersected every 10 inches or so by
the strut of an interior triangle, since the whole lifter is composed of
interconnected isosceles triangles which give the necessary strength to the
balsawood frame. All told, there is about 30 linear feet of aluminum foil
and a similar run of wire.
The lower and larger capacitor is a strip of aluminium foil stretched
between the horizontal balsawood struts. The second capacitor is a thin
strip of 50-gauge wire mounted about one inch above the aluminium foil. As
capacitors, they store electrical charge but don’t pass it on in a current.
The negative lead goes to the lower aluminium foil, and the positive lead is
attached to the upper wire. The three corners of the lifter are tethered to
the work table so that the electrical leads from the power source are not
broken off in flight.
The power source kicks out 15,000 volts at 250 watts. Tim uses a voltage
generator made by Information Unlimited, Inc., but, before the current
reaches the capacitors, the voltage is stepped up to 30,000 volts by Tim’s
home-made voltage multiplier stack. At full throttle, the lifter is
straining at the tethers, bending the balsawood frame near the point of
The capacitors of the lifters are controversial, for asymmetrical capacitors
are not supposed to hold charges of two different volumes. Yet the lifters
fly and the question of how is a mystery that gets stacked on top of the
controversy. But here is what happens.
Throw the switch, and at around 17,500 volts the lifter begins to quiver in
take-off. At full power of 30,000 volts, the lifter is roaring and a
noticeable downward breeze is observed. Many physicists call it "ion wind"
and say that this is what causes the lifters to fly. But what exactly is ion
wind, and can it be the cause of flight?
According to Ventura, "Ion wind is the movement of ionised air particles
which flow downward according to electrical charge". Here’s his theory. The
positively charged wire on the top part of the lifter steals electrons from
the surrounding air, leaving the affected air molecules positively charged.
These positively charged air molecules, or ions, then head downward toward
the large source of negatively charged electrons generated by the aluminium
foil. These air molecule ions are bigger and heavier than the electrons
seeking them, so there is a net thrust downward, pushing the whole lifter
That’s the theory--and, frankly, all I can do to verify it is to tell you
what others tell me. Before I do that, though, let me tell you what I
experienced while standing next to a levitating lifter. In flight, the
lifter emits a high whining, hissing buzz, and I could feel a good breeze
coming up at me from the work table underneath the lifter. Also, while
standing next to the lifter but not touching it, the hair on the back of my
head started to rise up in electrostatic-like fashion.
To analyze the air currents, Tim blew baby powder at the top of the lifter.
The majority of the particulate cloud was drawn into the middle area of the
lifter and then sucked downward. A kind of vortex was created at times, for
intermittently I could see a cloud forming into an organized column beneath
the lifter and then spreading out 360 degrees once it hit the work table
Is that ion wind? Well, there certainly was a breeze, and it sure felt like
air, but how would I know if it was ionic? Something definitely sucked the
baby powder down, but was it more than just regular air blowing past me?
Again, I don’t know.
Is the movement of wind why lifters fly, regardless of whether the air is
ionized or not, or is the wind just a by-product and not the propulsion?
Could the capacitors be creating a field that neutralizes gravity, allowing
the craft to levitate? Or are they creating some kind of new field that is
localized, the surrounding ambient field pushing this "field bubble" up--much
like a helium balloon is pushed up by the surrounding heavier air trying to
fill the emptier "field" of the lighter helium?
Ventura thinks at least two phenomena are at work. Ion wind is definitely
one, he feels, for the breeze is self-evident. However, he thinks a second
effect is at work, too, and many agree with him. Most speculation concerns
what is called the Biefeld-Brown effect, the "Brown" being
T. Townsend Brown,
whose name is well known in early quantum research and whose work is
prominently discussed in Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point.
The Biefeld-Brown effect, according to Ventura, is the theory that low-efficiency,
high-voltage, air-gapped capacitors with different or asymmetrical
capacities generate a net directional force upward from the larger element
to the smaller element, which on the lifter is from the aluminium foil to
the wire. This force then pushes against the ambient energy field of the
surrounding area, perhaps pushing against a more rigid energy field of the
zero point energy field.
Brown apparently made his case for these electromagnetic effects, receiving
patents in the 1960s for his research. NASA’s Dr Jonathan Campbell at
Marshall Research Center in Huntsville, Alabama, confirmed to me that
recently he also has received a patent for his research into the thrust
effects of asymmetrical capacitors.
However, prominent physicist
Hal Puthoff--whose research cuts a broad swath
across the fields of the "new physics", as featured in Lynne McTaggart’s
Field and Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point, and who was also the
military’s "top psychic" as the director for 12 years of the
squadron--has a different perspective: "I’m quite certain at this point that
the so-called ’lifter’ phenomenon is just an electrostatic ion wind
phenomenon, not ’antigravity’."
But Dr John J. Rusek, Adjunct Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at
both Purdue University and the United States Air Force Academy, says that "Initial
findings of ’classroom’ experiments with lifters show ionic wind to be way
too small a factor, by three orders of magnitude". Dr Rusek has formed a
technology company, Swift Enterprises, to continue this research and bring
it to the level that is "presentable to the mainstream physics community".
Along these lines, Jean-Louis Naudin shows on his extensive
website not only
how to build a lifter but also several photos of research into the ion wind
issue. Naudin’s team has wrapped test lifters in plastic, yet they still
produce antigravitational effects.
Dr Fran De Aquino’s Space-time Bubbles
Others may have a clue to the second or even a third force at work.
Researcher Fran De Aquino, professor of physics at Maranhão State University
in São Luís, Brazil, has described in the literature that "bubbles of
localized space-time" can exist in variance to the surrounding fields.
Anecdotal experience suggests that the lifters may be undergoing such space-time
Tim Ventura has a heavy cast-iron bench vise on his work table.
Intermittently, he gets zapped by a charge when he touches the vise. But his
experience is seemingly out of time, because he gets zapped before he turns
on the machine. He also gets zapped occasionally during a lift-off, and can
be jolted again days after turning off his lifter.
Further, he finds anomalous magnetic events in his garage. Firstly, the
lifter does not fly straight up. It goes back to the rear wall of his garage
and is stopped and held in place by the sheet-rock. What could be in the
wall that attracts it? What could be there that is not present elsewhere in
the garage?
Why not be attracted to a freelance journalist standing adjacent? Secondly,
Ventura finds he has intermittent and inexplicable magnetic fields up to 14
feet away from his lifter, and these fields linger for up to 15 minutes
after he switches off the machine. Could all of these effects be part of a
larger, more esoteric phenomenon?
Dr De Aquino stated the following in an email to me: "If a particle absorbs
or emits electromagnetic energy (for example, photons), its gravitational
mass (not inertial mass) is changed. The gravity, as we know, is
proportional to the gravitational mass; consequently, gravity is also
altered." Could the lifter be levitating because it weighs less, bathing in
the glow of 30,000 volts and some kind of anomalous magnetic field? Further,
could it be levitating because gravitons are blocked in some kind of gravity-shielding
manner? Ventura believes this is possible; so do some at NASA.
The Hunt for Zero Point states that NASA sought the services of
Dr Eugene Podkletnov. However, while NASA’s replication research languishes, the book
claims that researcher Ning Li, of Huntsville, Alabama, is pursuing this
line of research as a private contractor to NASA.
Another Huntsville operation, Transdimensional Technologies, is exploring
these multi-faceted phenomena, and its extensive website shows it to be a
frequent contractor to NASA, conducting research into "asymmetrical
capacitive propulsion" and capacitor-based devices to test "ion wind" forces.
Jeff Cameron, of Transdimensional, is said by Ventura to be "the father of
the lifter", having developed the device while exploring anomalous torsional
effects of high-energy lasers.
The lasers twisted and broke the metal frames
of unrelated test material, and at the time this was considered a nuisance.
But the unknown forces at work later led Cameron to found Transdimensional,
develop lifter technology to a commercial level and subsequently patent many
pieces of related technology. Unfortunately, I have been unable to reach Jeff Cameron or anyone at Transdimensional for any kind of confirmation.
Vacuum Energy and Torsion Fields
Nevertheless, how would gravitons be blocked or gravity shielded? Dr Hal Puthoff says there are two ways of looking at it. Firstly, one can look at
the issue from a quantum point of view: that there is a particle exchange
between the gravitons and something else, and the net effect is antigravity.
The hows and whys of that are speculative, so Puthoff turns to a classical
approach for answers. He prefers the notion of "engineering the vacuum". To
do that, one must first consider what the vacuum is.
As I understand it, we are all in the vacuum; everything is. The "vacuum"
the matrix that contains all matter and all energy. It is the engineering
perspective of the zero point energy field, or "the field"--as
by Lynne McTaggart in her masterpiece, The Field:
Dr Puthoff shared with me statements from fellow researcher
Dr T. D. Lee: "The
vacuum is the seat of energetic particle and field fluctuations, and is the
seat of space-time structure that encodes the distribution of matter and
energy. The vacuum is energetic in its own right."
Thus energy can be drawn from the field, and spacecraft can have "vacuum
propulsion systems, or propellant-less propulsion"--in other words, field-effect
propulsion. Tim Ventura may be flying his lifter by having his capacitors
push against the energy field of the vacuum.
At any rate, more and more physicists are thinking that the vacuum can give
them a whole lotta oomph--enough to propel spacecraft--and when they learn
how to corral it, a whole bevy of new phenomena may be encountered,
including antigravity. This new potpourri of research is being called by
many the "new physics". And although his approach is classical, Dr Hal Puthoff seems to be sensing what’s out there waiting to be discovered.
Dr Puthoff’s current research has been to explore ".the perturbation of
atomic or molecular ground states, hypothesized to be equilibrium states
involving dynamic radiation/absorption exchange with the vacuum fluctuations.
In this model, atoms or molecules are expected to undergo energy shifts that
would alter the spectroscopic signatures of excitations involving the ground
Puthoff says he’s had no success so far with this approach, but his words
remind me of De Aquino’s speculation that objects lose mass as they absorb
energy. Pull energy from the field around you and you lose weight.
Bingo lift-off! But how does one pull energy from the field?
Torsion fields might play a role here, according to many, and the literature
on antigravity is filled with the term "torsional effects". But what exactly
is a torsion field?
"It has something to do with spin," Nick Cook told me on the phone. "You
have a torsion field when you spin something. Add a little electromagnetism
and you might have antigravity."
That’s the shorthand version of it, and here’s a deeper look.
Mike Wright, resident physics expert at
BeyondTheOrdinary.Net webstream
radio, told me this:
"When forces create curvature (such as rotation) in more than two planes, a
torsion field results. Not only does the object go around, but it goes
around and ’down’ or ’up’, and the up/down movement is an additional
acceleration in that dimension. EM and gravitational fields differ by having
a magnitude of force and only one direction of movement.
"A tornado is a structure of air in air. A whirlpool is a structure of water
in water. So, because more than two planes are involved, objects can be
created from ’nothing’; that is to say that objects can be created from the
medium of the environment, such as a tornado from two air masses of
differing temperature."
So, spin plus movement is the key. Again,
Tim Ventura is on the hunt. He
demonstrated to me that spinning magnets will cancel out their magnetic
fields sufficiently so that two magnets facing each other with like poles
(positive-to-positive, or negative-to-negative) will not push each other
away if one of the magnets is rotating perpendicularly to the force of
opposition. It’s not antigravity, but it gets us closer to the heart of the
Furthermore, Russian physicists, such as N. A. Kozyrev, have been
researching the torsional effects of subatomic particle spin and the
loss of
gravitational mass in planets from the angular momentum of their orbits.
Spinning makes something happen, but what? Tornadoes and Mother Nature might
have a few clues. Tornadoes spin, in a sense, although no one in Oklahoma
who has spent a night in a storm shelter during an F5 event would describe
the tornadoes in the night sky as "spinning". Nevertheless, tornadoes have
anomalous effects that are legendary: blades of grass stuck into mirrors, a
piece of straw embedded flawlessly into a tree trunk. How? It seems as if
the laws of mass, gravity and inertia are melted as winds swirl at speeds up
to 300 mph in an organized vortex pattern. Is this a clue to melting the
pull of gravity?
Getting information to answer this question has not been easy. Many
scientists, including particle physicists at major US universities, claim
not to have even heard of torsion fields. So, again I turn to Nick Cook and
The Hunt for Zero Point.
Cook’s cloaked source, Dr Dan Marckus, says that if ".you generate a torsion
field of sufficient magnitude, the theory says you can bend the four
dimensions of space around the generator. The more torsion you generate, the
more space you perturb. When you bend space, you also bend time."
Marckus continues: "If you dipped one of these whirlpools into the zero
point energy field, the seething mass of latent energy that existed on an
almost undetectable level all around us [in the field would] react in an
almost magical way by directing that energy."
The torsion field, in effect, is "a pump, a ’coupling’ device that could dip
into and then direct energy out of the zero point energy field".
"But," Marckus continues, "the vortex wasn’t a three-dimensional phenomenon
or even a four-dimensional one. It couldn’t be. For a torsion field to be
able to interact with gravity and electromagnetism, it had to be endowed
with attributes that went beyond the three dimensions of left, right, up-and-down,
and the fourth-dimensional time field they inhabited; something that the
theorists for convenience sake labelled a fifth dimension--hyperspace."
Cook concluded from further conversations with Marckus that the torsion
field would "bind with gravity to produce a levitational effect--an
antigravity effect", yet "it wasn’t doing so in the four dimensions of this
world, but somewhere else". That somewhere else is hyperspace.
Entering Hyperdimensional Space
So how do we activate torsion fields and enter hyperspace? Dr Eugene Podkletnov may have a clue.
Podkletnov, the Russian researcher working in Finland, has studied the
gravity shielding effects of superconductors. Again, Nick Cook in The Hunt.
relays vital information. He says Podkletnov claims that "[i]f the
superconductors are rotated considerably faster than 5,000 rpm. perhaps five
to 10 times as fast, the disc experiences so much weight loss that it
actually takes off". Or 25,000-50,000 revolutions per minute within some
kind of torsion field creates levitation.
I emailed Dr Podkletnov to find out more about this issue. He replied:
"[A] fast rotating object can, under certain conditions, cause the
polarization of the volume that it occupies in space and around it. This
polarization causes the gravitational effect as it modifies [the] local
gravity field. The vortex of the polarized particles will create a vertical
thrust with a certain force and spatial momentum. Some scientists call these
polarized particles gravitons.
"The term graviton is an artificial one and at present we are not sure if it
is a wave or a particle and what type of particle. Maybe it is a usual
tachyon or a superluminal neutrino [a faster-than-light particle].
"Polarization of the media means that the spins of electrons, protons,
neutrons and of small subatomic particles that constitute the fabric of
space or vacuum would be parallel. Then a kind of gravity well is formed and
the objects tend to fall into this well. We observe this picture as an
object rising to the sky.
"Polarization of the media (of space) causes some glow around the object as
it acquires additional energy and, because of it, the glow around some
objects is observed."
What I understand from Dr Podkletnov is that gravity is the effect of spin--the
spin of all subjected particles, from the subatomic level and up, being
parallel, thus they are all aligned to fall into the gravity well of Earth.
And spinning objects, such as his superconducting discs, when influenced
additionally by an electromagnetic field will experience a shift in the spin
of the subatomic and atomic elements. They will be turned and not be aligned
in parallel. Thus, they are able to levitate.
But how to polarize the media and get things spinning? Enter Dr Marcus Hollingshed, an enigmatic figure allegedly from Cambridge University.
Dr Hollingshed claims to have built a six-ringed toroidal coil antigravity
device which achieved great effect using rotating magnetic fields. In
January 2003, he announced on the Internet that he has developed a 160-kg
vehicle able to lift in excess of 2,000 kg and that it has both horizontal
and vertical drive features.
His device not only can go up and down and sideways, but it can push things
away and pull objects to it, much like a Star Trek™ tractor beam.
In addition, the field that the device purportedly generates is capable of
being broadened and weakened, or narrowed and amplified in a lensing effect,
with the field producing an absolute vacuum of 2.2 metres in spherical
diameter. Best of all, when it’s cranked up, the core of it goes invisible,
although the term Dr Hollingshed uses is that there is a "loss of reflected
There are no reports of independent confirmation, and Nick Cook says he
hasn’t been invited to see the device, so he’s skeptical.
Where does this leave us? Perhaps Dr Podkletnov’s words sum up our current
"Modern theoretical physics cannot give you the direct answer to your
questions [levitation, torsion fields, etc.], and a scientist who would
agree to give you the answer cannot be regarded seriously, softly speaking.
If you had asked Dr Einstein if he were an expert on gravity, the answer
would be ’No’. I can repeat his words: ’No, I am not a magician, yet; I am
still learning.’"
Cook, Nick, The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of
Antigravity Technology, Century, London, 2001, Broadway Books/Random House,
New York, 2002
DeAquino, Fran (Dr)
De Aquino, Fran (Dr), "Correlation Between Gravitational and Inertial Mass:
Theory and Experimental Test", Maranhão State University, Physics
Department, 65058-970 São Luís/MA, Brazil, 2002
DeAquino, Fran (Dr), "Kinetic Quantum Gravity", Maranhão State University,
Physics Department, São Luís/MA, Brazil, 2002
McTaggart, Lynne, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe,
HarperCollins, UK, 2001, HarperCollins, NY, 2002
Naudin, Jean-Louis,
JLN Labs
Podkletnov, Eugene: Tim Ventura’s American Antigravity website
Puthoff, Hal (Dr), S.R. Little and M. Ibison, "Engineering the Zero-Point
Field and Polarizable Vacuum for Interstellar Flight", JBIS vol. 55, pp.
137-144, 2002
Transdimensional Technologies website
Ventura, Tim,
American Antigravity website
Washington, University of, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Seattle, WA,
Wright, Mike, Tuesdays with Mike, "Quantum Physics Explained",
BeyondTheOrdinary.Net webstream radio