by Sherman H. Skolnick
Chairman, Citizens' Committee
to Clean Up the Courts
(undated, ca. May 1999)
Rense Website
Spanish version
Note on dating this
It might have been written
before May 1999. Sandy Hume died in February
1998; the article refers to this as "recently." |
Long whispered about, a file now has
surfaced from the KGB, the secret police of the former Soviet Union.
Several commentators have the file and are silent cowards. Some
declare the death of network broadcaster
Brit Hume's son
[1] is linked to this.
Was it murder or suicide?
The KGB file shows that the person identified as or calling himself
William Jefferson Clinton has an exact double, except for a
few details such as a recently removed mole and distinctive private
parts. Hey: Do Paula Corbin Jones and Monica Lewinsky know the
For some 70 years, Russian scientists have perfected ways to create
doubles. Mass media items about animal clones may be the way the
press fakers skirt around the truth. And who publicly condemned the
idea of manufacturing humans? Why, the alleged Clinton. (Which
"Clinton" made the public statement?)
Reporters traveling with the alleged Clinton talk among
themselves about the double or clone. Which is which? Is there a
"real" William Jefferson Clinton? Talkative reporters, however, can
lose their Secret Service press credentials.
Knowing about this was the Secret Service's top expert on physical
surveillance of the President. That specialist was murdered with
other presidential personnel through a sabotaged plane crash,
August, 1996, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. A projectile hit the
plane, say military witnesses. (The alleged Clinton had left,
earlier, by helicopter, to go to his birthday party.)
The KGB file details the relationship of the alleged Clinton -
actually the alleged CLINTONS, plural - with the Czechoslovak
Communist Party Chief's son in Prague and at Oxford. The KGB threw
junior off a roof to his death (the file gives the grisly details)
because he discovered about the clone.
The file, step by step, gives the chronology of how the alleged
Clinton was groomed from an early age by both the CIA and the KGB.
Useful was his split personality syndrome which often makes
"Clinton" forget who he is and makes him not know murder from love.
With young "Clinton" supposedly under
"his" wing, the CIA Station Chief in London went along,
hoping to unravel KGB methods, the file asserts. The alleged
Clinton was tracked as he attended anti-war rallies in Europe - set
up by the American CIA but actually by KGB. Sort of a series of
Chinese trick boxes.
The CIA knew, the file shows, that the KGB paid for young Clinton's
trip to Moscow and his stay at an expensive hotel there. To confuse
matters, Clinton's pal Strobe Talbot was described as a
"Marxist," to divert attention. To nail down his credibility with
CIA, while KGB actually controlled the situation, the Soviets gave
the alleged Clinton a secret transcript of Krushchev condemning
Stalinists, the file shows.
Numerous dates, amounts, and details, show the KGB was keeping track
of the alleged Clinton's pal, Vincent W. Foster, Jr.,
and his acts as a super courier of illicit funds and money laundry
operator, traveling great distances, including to the Soviet Union,
years prior to Foster's short time as a White House deputy counsel
in 1993. (National security is a reason for covering up the murder
of Foster disguised as a suicide - the CIA-KGB-NSA overlaps.)
To confirm its authenticity and trip-up spy-watchers, the file has
several Russian language code words.
The file's blackmail possibilities are obvious: the alleged
Clinton is a clone, part of a method perfected by Russian
scientists. The file is loaded with blockbuster revelations, for
example, that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone assassin of
President Kennedy. Widely revealing the file details could bring
down the American government.
Later developments confirm all this. Former Director of Central
Intelligence (DCIA) William Colby, early in 1996,
joined in a business venture with the former long-time KGB Chief to
market an electronic game on espionage. It was becoming obvious:
Colby was a KGB mole; his business partner was a CIA mole.
Just as Colby was about to devastate the U.S. government with the
KGB file, he was assassinated, disguised as a boating accident.
So far, FBI counter-intelligence thinks they have restrained the
Russian mafia, largely now headquartered in Chicago, from using the
KGB file to blackmail big bucks out of anyone and everyone.
Also reportedly inclined to use this H-bomb of a blackmail item -
the KGB file - are reputed foreign agents within the White House,
including the President's senior advisor, Rahm Emanuel,
reportedly linked with Israeli intelligence, the Mossad.
Remember: in the 1970s, against great media opposition, the
Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts broke the story with the
best details of the CIA's mind-poison project,
[1] Brit Hume's son, according to
Conspiracy Nation (CN) source "Rhea Fortean"
(pseudonym), unexpectedly committed "suicide" recently. Here is
Rhea Fortean's correspondence to CN on the matter:
I wonder about the sudden so far
unexplained suicide of reporter Sandy Hume (Sunday
night) -
Brit Hume
son. The obit on Fox said he was a FEARLESS
REPORTER. Nothing scared him. He went after stories with a
vengeance. He worked for The Hill newspaper and appeared on
his dad's show on Fox nightly recently. The whole obit was
'nothing' like a suicidal guy. Don't know the cause of
death. Tony Snow called it in obit an "apparent"
He was doing better in his
career than ever. His star was rising. He was 28 years old
(no marriage data available). The timing seems strange -
really really strange. This scandal was making his career.
His other big story was the attempted coup of Gingrich last
summer. They mentioned he had the best sources of anybody.
I found it strange since Humes big story was the attempted
coup that right after his death Bill Paxton resigns
from office suddenly w/out even explaining to his wife
saying I can't do this. Can't do what? Also do you know why
he has a very bad abrasion on the center of his forehead in
The reporter that basically got him in trouble and possibly
ruined his career in the Senate commits suicide and a day or
two later he resigns?? Weird, huh?
Sandy Hume outs the coup of Gingrich story in
Summer of 1997 - ruins Bill Paxton's future in Senate.
A week or so ago Paxton's wife Susan Molinari (sp) ended up
in the news with a story she is telling in a book: that
Gingrich is disturbed, cries, whines, thinks he rules the
world and all manner of accusations.
Then last Sunday night Sandy Hume who broke the story on the
coup and who has the best sources of anybody - esp Rep
sources "commits suicide".
A few days later Paxton resigns suddenly and without
explanation (real) and muttering I can't do this. Is
pictured with some kind of abrasion on his forehead that I
have not heard an explanation for.
Gingrich is making statements and backing bills that have
Republicans dropping their jaws over. Critics have even
accused him of working as "co-president" to Clinton. Hints
are being made and have been made that he is being
Don't know what it means but it is strange.