by Wallace Thornhill
Jul 07, 2005
Thunderbolts Website

Credit: NASA
In the wake of “Deep Impact” and a
flurry of journalistic excitement around the world, perhaps a bit of
reflection is now in order. What can the event tell us about the
state of science today?
The preparation, technical execution, and scientific perspectives
displayed in the Deep Impact mission all carry important messages.
One clear message is that America’s technical expertise can achieve
wonders. The team of specialists involved in the design and
manufacture of the Deep Impact hardware orchestrated an
awe-inspiring performance. What we saw was far and away the most
daring and dramatic probe ever designed for the exploration of
And what about the perceptions of the space scientists commenting on
the great surprises of Deep Impact?
We have spoken often of the
momentum of belief and the way ideology constrains and distorts
perception. All of the media commentary surrounding Deep Impact, by
virtue of its dependence on NASA for context, has underscored this
Every journalist and commentator assured us that comets harbor the
pristine material from which the Sun and planets were born. They
even gave a date for the primordial birth of comets—4.5 billion
years ago. Was it really 4.5 billion years ago? No, some said it was
4.6 billion years ago. Well, how did they arrive at such
extraordinary knowledge? They delivered their descriptions and
dating of comets because NASA scientists gave these “facts” to them.
So how did NASA scientists know these things?
The answer is that
they have never known these things. These “facts” are mere guesses,
and they are no longer intelligent guesses because they are rooted
in archaic science from before the space age. The picture has
changed completely with the discovery of plasma and electricity in
space. But somehow, due to the nature of education and research
funding today, the original guesses were permitted to harden into
Consider this. Even in the face of one of the great shocks in space
exploration—the stupendous blast produced by the “impact”—it appears
that not one NASA scientist paused to ask if something might be
missing in their theoretical model. All of the talk about the hugely
energetic blast implies that it was just an astonishing effect from
the sheer force of the impact. Every word was framed in the context
of an electrically inert universe. That’s what astronomers and
astrophysicists were trained in. Yet for several decades scientists
and engineers at the NASA Ames research facility in California have
been firing projectiles into objects of every sort—from sand and ice
to a host of other inert materials.
The Ames vertical gun hurls projectiles up to almost four miles per
second (seven kilometers per second). These scientists know the
kinetics of impact. That is why they all agreed that the explosion
would be equivalent to 4.8 tons of TNT. That’s a good-sized bomb,
but it’s not even close to what occurred.
It is now well documented that every scientist associated with the
project was stunned by the energetic outburst.
Science progresses by the quality of its predictions. When every new
discovery comes as a surprise, this is the best indicator that
something is wrong at the level of theoretical underpinnings.
Correspondingly, when independent investigators offer a new vantage
point, one that challenges the expectations of prior theory and
successfully anticipates the “surprises” to come, it is neither
rational nor “scientific” to ignore them.
In these pages we predicted a much more energetic blast than NASA
anticipated because NASA had no interest in the contribution of
energy from the charged comet.
Electrical theorist Wallace Thornhill predicted two blasts. From the
standard viewpoint that is an absurd prediction when considering an
impactor being hit by a body at 23,000 miles per hour in “empty”
space. But this is what makes such predictions so valuable. And here
is what happened in the words of NASA investigator Peter Schultz,
describing the event recorded from the spacecraft:
"What you see is something really surprising. First, there is a
small flash, then there's a delay, then there's a big flash and the
whole thing breaks loose”.
How, then, will NASA respond? Will they wonder if anyone predicted
such a thing? Or will they stay in their comfort zone—within the
walls of prior ideology—and reach for the nearest fantasy?
“explanation” they initially offered is mathematically
inconceivable. They proposed that the impactor moved through a deep
layer of soft material before hitting hard material. But the delay
would require the impactor to have penetrated something like a mile
beneath the surface before causing the “serious” impact event. From
such an answer you would think someone dreamt up a mile of fluff for
a surface, never actually looking at the sharply-defined features of
the nucleus. All of the features suggest a hard surface, and
observations to this effect have already come in from the SWIFT
The logical answer to the conundrum is that the first flash occurred
before impact. It was a discharge between the impactor and the
surface—a precursor to the much greater exchange occurring
microseconds later with the first physical contact.
But NASA has little interest in electricity. It is under financial
strain. And it is under pressure to validate its approach to space
exploration. Those who advocate an electrical view of the heavens
insist that NASA is wasting a horde of money, looking in the wrong
places, asking the wrong questions, and even when results shout to
them from the surfaces of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets, the
minds of the investigators are somewhere else.
We are certainly not
happy to report that this is the state of things within the official
halls of science, but the media events surrounding Deep Impact have
already confirmed this picture.