by Wallace Thornhill
Feb 15, 2006
Thunderbolts Website

LEFT: Hubble Space
Telescope view of the plume from Shoemaker-Levy 9
Fragment G impact, appearing around the limb of Jupiter.
RIGHT: Fragment G impact. Image at 2.34 microns with CASPIR by Peter
McGregor ANU 2.3 telescope at Siding Spring
To place the Deep Impact events in
perspective, advocates of the electric comet model remind us of the
crash of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 into Jupiter in 1994.
For some time now the electrical theorists have noted that the
institutionalization of scientific inquiry, in combination with
funding requirements, has encouraged a short attention span. The
things that do not fit prior theory elicit a momentary expression of
surprise, but as the events pass from view they are quickly
“What we cannot comprehend, we shall forget”.
So it is that already the stupendous explosion produced by Deep
Impact—the blast of light that shocked every member of the
investigative team—is fading from the consciousness of the
investigators. And just two weeks after Deep Impact, all discussion
of the equally remarkable advanced flash has ceased. Perhaps none of
the NASA scientists knew that the electrical theorists had predicted
these events in advance.
Here is an interesting fact. When looking forward to the Deep Impact
mission in October 2001, Wallace Thornhill observed:
“…the energetic
effects of the encounter should exceed that of a simple physical
impact, in the same way that was seen with comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
fragments at Jupiter.”
We gave the reasoning in our predictions
posted early in the day, July 3: The energy of the explosion will
not come just from a collision of solid bodies, but will include the
electrical contribution of the comet.
Thornhill had not forgotten an earlier surprise, though it appears
that no one involved in Deep Impact remembered what happened when
comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 approached Jupiter in the summer of 1994.
Astronomers expected the encounter to be a trivial event. “You won’t
see anything. The comet crash will probably amount to nothing more
than a bunch of pebbles falling into an ocean 500 million miles from
Earth.” Then came the encounter and an about face.
As reported by
Sky & Telescope,
“When Fragment ‘A’ hit the giant planet, it threw
up a fireball so unexpectedly bright that it seemed to knock the
world’s astronomical community off its feet.”
So a brief summary of
some of those earlier events are provided below. For a more detailed
article see Comet Tempel 1's Electrifying Impact.
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) detected a flare-up of fragment “G”
of Shoemaker-Levy long before impact at a distance of 2.3 million
miles from Jupiter. For the electrical theorists this flash would
occur as the fragment crossed Jupiter’s plasma sheath, or
magnetosphere boundary. Thornhill comments:
“A plasma sheath, or
‘double layer’, is a region of strong electric field, so the
outburst there of an electrified comet nucleus is expected. The
outburst was a surprise to astronomers. Hubble’s Faint Object
Spectrograph (FOS) recorded strong emissions from fragment ‘G’ of
ionized magnesium but no hydroxyl radical (OH), expected from water
Also, after the flare-up in magnesium emissions there was a
“dramatic change in the light reflected from the dust particles in
the comet”. All told, the similarities to the Deep Impact flash are
Just after the impact of SL-9 fragment “K”, HST detected unusual
auroral activity that was brighter than Jupiter’s normal aurora and
outside their normal area. Radiation belts were disrupted. There
were unexpectedly bright X-ray emissions at the time of impact. But
one mystery was never explained satisfactorily: Early impact events
were hidden from the Earth behind Jupiter’s limb. However, the
Galileo spacecraft was positioned 150 million miles away from
Jupiter at an angle that gave it a ringside seat for these events.
But Earth-based observatories saw some of the impacts start at the
same time Galileo did.
“In effect, we are seeing something we didn’t
think we had any right to see,” said Dr. Andrew Ingersoll of
Caltech. “...it seems clear that something was happening high enough
to be seen beyond the curve of the planet,” said Galileo Project
scientist Dr. Torrence Johnson of JPL.
None of these discoveries is surprising if comets are highly
electrically charged with respect to their environment. Radio
astronomers had expected radio emissions from Jupiter at high
frequencies to drop because dust from SL-9 fragments would absorb
electrons from the radiation belts, where the electrons emit
synchrotron radiation.
Instead, observers were surprised to find
that emissions around 2.3 GHz rose by 20-30%.
“Never in 23 years of
Jupiter observations have we seen such a rapid and intense increase
in radio emission,” said Michael Klein of JPL. “Extra electrons were
supplied by a source which is a mystery.”
It never occurred to
anyone that the charged comet was the source of the electrons.
Will the rapid exclusion of uncomfortable facts continue as we await
data analysis of Deep Impact?