MysticalBlaze Website
Channeling can basically be defined as
the process of receiving and relaying information from an outside
entity while in an altered state of consciousness. The consciousness
level varies from individual to individual, from deep trance to a
very light meditation-like state. It appears that the channeler must
go into this altered mental state to get in "synch" or reach a
compatible vibrational level with the entity to be channeled.
Entities that people claim to channel
are as varied as the channelers themselves - angels, demons,
spirits, aliens, higher dimensional entities, dead relatives and
friends, and even living people in some cases - the list is long and
quite individualized. As virtually all of us have some psychic
abilities to some degree, most of us are perfectly capable of
channeling with a little bit of practice if we are so inclined.
Channeling can take many forms and is not just a trance-like state
with someone lying on the couch and talking in a foreign language -
which is how most of us picture it.
Many of the psychic tools we are
familiar with are actually forms of channeling, including:
automatic writing
ouija board usage
anyone who has heard a ouija board horror story knows, channeling by
inexperienced people can be a dangerous proposition. Having said
that, a primer on how to prepare and seek out an appropriate entity
is in order here.
To begin, there are two main types of channeling.
The first is
Trance Channeling, and involves basically going to sleep,
relinquishing control of the body, and letting an outside entity
take control, usually by speaking through the body and voice of the
channeler. Upon awakening, the channeler has no recollection
whatsoever of what transpired while he was out, and for this type of
channeling to be effective, a 3rd party or a tape recorder should be
at hand to record the material.
The material that comes out of this type
of channeling is generally quite clean and elegant, as there is
little ego on the part of the channeler to interfere with the
information being presented.
Edgar Cayce provided us with a
remarkable long-term example of trance channeling, as did
Rueckert, whose work resulted in the fascinating Ra Material.
The second and most prevalent type of channeling is
Channeling. This is the origin of the
Jane Roberts
/ Seth material, a
compelling modern-day example of channeling. With this type of
channeling, the channeler remains conscious and allows expression to
be processed through his body. This is not the cleanest of ways to
channel, as the material can be edited at will by the conscious
channeler, but it is certainly safer than Trance Channeling,
especially for beginners. Ouija boards, psychic healing, most seances, and automatic writing all utilize this type of channeling.
An important note here is that there are a lot of ways to connect
with a spiritual higher plane. Anything you love doing and find that
you are good at could be a form of channeling. Who is to say that
Michelangelo or Einstein weren't tapping into some higher
consciousness as they worked in their fields of expertise. If you
love playing music, by all means try music as your way to
communicate. If you love reading, try automatic writing (computers
and keyboards work just as well as pencil and paper).
If you love dance, cooking, sports,
painting, crafts, gardening, or any other creative endeavor, feel
free to modify the guidelines here to fit your situation and open
yourself to a higher plane while you enjoy the activity of your
choice. There are as many ways to channel as there are individuals
on this earth, and we have all experienced the feeling of "drifting
off" as we go about our daily lives. This is the stuff of
As with all worthwhile endeavors, channeling takes a little time and
practice to produce results, so don't expect to get a Seth or
quality right out of the gate. Your goal is to put mind, body, and
soul into a peaceful meditative state in order to "connect," and
this does take some practice. Once you have read the general
guidelines below, try to go to your place every day at about the
same time and devote at least 15 minutes - this is to establish a
ritual, much like your cup of coffee in the morning or brushing your
teeth every night. If you have to miss a day here and there, that's
perfectly okay - you want this to be a short, pleasant break - not
an annoyance.
Start by finding a quiet area in which to relax and prepare. This
can be anywhere inside or out, but it should be the same every day.
You can sit on the floor with legs crossed meditation style, or on a
comfortable chair. It is not recommended that you start practicing
by lying down on a bed, especially at first because the relaxation
techniques are a recipe for falling asleep.
Take a hot bath or shower before
starting for cleansing and relaxation if desired. Go to your place
and light a scented candle or incense stick to set the mood. For the
first few days, just go sit in your place and try to clear the mind
as much as possible. Breathe in deeply a few times, mentally pushing
out all the clutter with each exhalation. As thoughts try to creep
back in, focus again on your breathing to dispel them.
Once you are comfortable with the above procedure, you can start
trying to contact others through channeling. A little known rule for
all channeling is that you have to agree to let the entity in before
it will come in and start relaying information. If you are not
comfortable with what you get, you can ask the entity to leave, and
it must do so upon request.
A common mistake with ouija boards is
that the users get so rattled by what is coming through that they
never demand that the entity leave, opening the door (and leaving it
open) to all kinds of weird occurrences. The same thing can happen
with channeling, so do remember to close any session and listen for
a like response.
So, you are sitting in your quiet meditative place, and you have
practiced clearing your mind for a few days. When you are ready,
watch for the signs. You can either ask (mentally or aloud) for
entities to speak, or you can listen for them to ask you for a
connection. Believe it or not, this will come once you have got your
basic relaxation techniques in place. You can ask for someone
specific or just ask for the highest beings of light you are capable
of communicating with and see what you get. Again, if you are not
comfortable with what you get, do not hesitate to ask the entity to
When you do connect with an entity, you will know it. You might feel
a numb or tingling sensation - or you may just be dimly aware of a
"presence" and get messages and images telepathically. You will be
aware of your own body and surroundings in varying degrees
day-to-day. Until you become practiced, many of these messages
received will be muddy, broken, and even inaccurate, but with time
they will become much more clear. The key is learning how to get
into that relaxed state and recognizing and acknowledging the input
when it does come knocking.
On a last note, you can only channel what you are capable of
channeling. If you tend to be money-oriented, greedy, or dishonest,
expect your entities to be of like mind. If you try to be honest,
loving, and live life in an ethical way, you will attract the same
sort. Your inner strength in either case is what determines how high
in the realm you can go, and there is a limit for most of us.
Also, serious channeling can take a
toll, so be sure to take care of yourself as far as eating right,