by Susanne Posel
June 9, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

David Anderson
UNEP Governing
Council President
The UN is issuing a warning to humanity
that the state of our environment is unsustainable because of
deforestation, declining fish populations, and a disregard for
action against climate change.
Global Environmental Outlook
(GEO-5) reports that only 4 out of the 90 goals for environmental
change have been met. Climate change alarmists are decrying the
earth is reaching an irreversible “tipping point”.
Through the UN Environmental Program (UNEP)
governments have agreed to specific treaties to facilitate
international mandates of change. The UN is upset that negotiations
prior to the
UN Earth Summit (UNES) conference
currently being held in Rio de Janeiro were unsuccessful as
governments are not regulating their contributions to global
At the UNES topics discussed will be:
Eliminating subsides on fossil
Regulating fishing on open
Forcing corporations to curb
their environmental footprint
Achim Steiner, executive director
for the UNEP, urges:
“GEO-5 reminds world leaders and
nations meeting at Rio+20 why a decisive and defining transition
towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient, job-generating ‘green
economy’ is urgently needed.
If current trends continue, if
current patterns of production and consumption of natural
resources prevail and cannot be reversed, then governments will
preside over unprecedented levels of damage and degradation.”
The GEO-5 is an international mandate
for the world’s governments as outlined by the UN.
The agency declares that lead-free gas,
ozone depletion, access to clean water and research into marine
pollution must be established to protect the biodiversity of plants
and animals on our planet.
More than 700 international agreements have been signed, yet the UN
is unimpressed with the continuation of decline as outlined in the
Millennium Development Goals.
According to the GEO-5:
In and outdoor air pollution
must be controlled
Greenhouse gas emissions will
raise the earth’s temperature by 3 degrees Celsius by 2100
Drinking water is below World
Health Organization (WHO) standards
Only 1.6% of the world’s oceans
are protected
Coinciding with the GEO-5, Nature
published “evidence” that the biosphere is in danger (Approaching
a State Shift in Earth’s Biosphere) and
biodiversity should be the focus of protection against irreversible
climate change.
Anthony Barnofsky, co-author and professor from the
University of California at Berkeley combined various computer
models provided by the UN to surmise that 40% of the earth’s land is
utilized for human necessities (i.e. cities, farms) and population
growth threatens the biodiversity of the planet.
Barnofsky admonishes the use of “resource-expensive foods” such as
livestock that will assist in population growth exploding by another
2 billion by 2050.
At the UNES, the UN calls western countries unsustainable
consumption of resources is environmentally destructive which
requires urgency to stop.
The World Bank assessed that uncontrolled fishing practices,
supported by government subside, have depleted stocks and cost
society $50 billion annually in resources lost.
UNEP wants to see the formation of internationally agreed
sustainable development goals (SDGs) that are drawn up by the UN
and forced upon sovereign nations under penalty of international
SDGs draw attention to imposing global taxation on air polluters and
re-disbursement of crop yields under
the UN’s governance.
In the end, Steiner demands that the world must,
“acknowledge the
facts and face up to the common humanity that unites all peoples”
under the aspirations of the UN’s sustainable development
implementation as a “path to progress and prosperity.”