November 5, 2013
ChemtrailsPlanet Website
Little Known NASA Documents
...Reveal Mission of Military and
Federal Agencies to Modify the Climate

It’s unacceptable that the UN/IPCC
continue to push CO2
as the cause for climate change
but refuse to acknowledge the
has been actively engaged in
Climate Warming Weapons
for more than 20 years.
"Present and Future Plans of Federal
Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification"
This set of
documents from 1966 reveals a network of government agencies in
perpetual and secret collaboration with each other and the military
to Modify the Global climate.
Created by the elitist National
Academy of Sciences - decades of an inter-agency culture of secrecy
explains why the issue of covert aerosol Geoengineering is a taboo
topic to be degraded to the status of "conspiracy theory" by a
matrix of complicit bureaucrats at every opportunity.
This is why
your local TV "meteorologist" will rarely make a helpful comment
about an unusual sky filled with persistent jet trails.
"The Evolution of a Weather Modification
R&D program Into a Military Weapons System"
A 1986 Critique of the 1966 initiative.
document appears as an anonymous draft intended as a critique of the
US Weather Modification Program that the author characterizes as
hijacked into a military weapons system.

Jules Verne wrote about geoengineering the
earth’s climate in 1889 in a sequel to "From the Earth to the Moon"
called "The Purchase Of The North Pole".
Verne writes that the
Baltimore Gun Club purchased large tracts of the Arctic then used
the famous canon from the earth-to-the-moon to tilt the
Earth’s axis. The goal was to establish a tropical paradise as a
profitable tourist attraction at the North Pole while "improving"
the entire global climate.
If Verne
correctly predicted that man would travel from the earth to the
moon, it should be no surprise that he also predicted that a small
group of influential men would consider warming the climate for
Verne could
have been inspired by Harvard geologist Nathaniel Shaler who
proposed diverting warm Atlantic water into the Arctic back in 1877
- a dozen years before Verne’s "fantastic" story was published.
Warming the
with large-scale Geoengineering projects
has been the vision
of industrialists
for 100 years - and still is
when People Thought Arctic Warming was a Good Idea?
"Hey, remember when
climate change was a swell idea? Coconuts were in the offing."
"Imaginations ran wild, and The Washington Post envisioned Manhattan
becoming a tropical paradise" …
"People would be gathering oranges
off the trees in Central Park, or picking cocoanuts from palms along
the Battery, [and] hunting crocodiles off the Statue of Liberty."
The prospect sounded so splendid to New Yorkers that Senator William
Calder (1917-1923) tried to get $100,000 appropriated for a study of
the idea.
Village Voice
when Scientists Thought Arctic Warming was a Good Idea?
Harry Wexler (March 15, 1911- 1962)
was an MIT graduate and PhD in meteorology. Wexler had been
researching the link connecting chlorine and bromine compounds to
the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layers, but died
of a heart attack while on vacation in Woods Hole, Mass.
Wexler had
already accepted an invitation to deliver a lecture entitled "The
Climate of Earth and Its Modifications" at the University of
Maryland Space Research and Technology Institute.
was last in a long line of ambitious proposals to warm the Arctic.
Coincidently, his proposals were made at the same time the National
Academy of Sciences was working to create a national weather
modification program - a direction in which the military
had already embarked in 1958.
Warming" initiatives proposed by Wexler
increase the global temperature of the Earth by 1.7°C, "by
injecting a cloud of ice crystals into the polar atmosphere by
detonating 10 H-bombs in the Arctic Ocean - the subject
of his 1958 article in Science magazine" (Wexler H., 1958,
"Modifying Weather on a Large Scale," Science, n.s. 128 (Oct.
31, 1958): 1059-1063).
diminish the global temperature by 1.2°C could be doable, "by
launching a ring of dust particles into equatorial orbit, a
modification of an earlier Russian proposal to warm the Arctic".
To destroy the ozone layer and hence increase abruptly
the surface temperature of the Earth, by spraying "several
hundred thousand tons of chlorine or bromine" with a
stratospheric airplane. Fleming, 2007(a), pp. 56-57;
Fleming, 2007(b), "note n° viii" p. 9 & p. 5
decision to reverse direction from warming the arctic to cooling the
arctic was announced in 1963 - the year following Wexler’s
death when the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Atmospheric
recommended appointment of a Panel on Weather & Climate
Prevailing Circumstances following WWII
Operation Paperclip
(Also called Operation Overcast) succeeded in recruiting
scientists from Nazi Germany for employment in the US after WW
II and led to the formation of NASA and the ICBM program.
National Security Act
passed in 1947 made possible the rise of the military industrial
complex and creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA )
to increase opportunities for scientific experiments to be
conducted without public knowledge or Congressional oversight.
Post-war advances in science and advanced physics opened up
opportunities to develop concepts of advanced thinkers like
Nikola Tesla that had been waiting on the shelf for over 50
1958, military application of
Tesla’s little known methods of
electromagnetic manipulation of earth’s atmosphere was already
underway. White House advisor on weather modification to
President Eisenhower reported the DoD was studying ways to
manipulate electrical charges of the earth and sky in order to
manipulate the weather for purposes of national defense.
The rise of an informed and educated middle class
looked down on proposals that employed nuclear detonations that
became regarded as dangerous and arrogant. This is not to say
that proposals to mediate the arctic climate were totally
If warming
the arctic
was regarded as good for commerce for 100 years
why would
a discovery that found carbon dioxide
was already performing the
task for free,
suddenly be regarded as a
'catastrophe' to prevent?
The BP
disaster in the Gulf of Mexico demonstrates how Big Oil exists in a
world of opportunistic pragmatism, no matter the risk to the
With an established record of corporate sociopathy,
Oil would have little interest in what event would cause arctic ice
to retreat as long as their long-held dream of new arctic navigation
routes and access to previously ice-locked oil and gas reserves was
It could make marginal difference if the arctic
temperatures rise due to,
rising CO2 levels
or covert arctic
climate manipulation
This timeline of determined
Geoengineering projects suggests the
goal of mediating arctic climate remains a favorite goal of the
fossil fuel industry:
1877 Harvard geologist Nathaniel Shaler
proposed channeling more of the warm Kuroshio Current through the
Bering Strait to raise temperatures in the Polar region by 30
1912 New York Engineer and Industrialist,
Carroll Livingston Riker proposed building a
200 mile jetty off
Newfoundland to increase the Gulf Stream’s flow into to the Arctic
Basin with the added benefit that it would "shift" the axis of
planet earth. The
New York Times characterized the proposal as "amazing"…
but not insane.
Hermann Oberth, German-Hungarian physicist and engineer;
Proposed building giant mirrors on a space station to focus the
Sun’s radiation on Earth’s surface, making the far North habitable
and freeing sea lanes to Siberian harbors.
Julian Huxley, biologist and Secretary-General of UNESCO
1946-48; Proposed exploding atomic bombs at an appropriate height
above the polar regions to raise the temperature of the Arctic Ocean
and warm the entire climate of the northern temperate zone.
1946 Village Voice article from 2005 reporting on the May 1946 issue
of Mechanix Illustrated that featured several
arctic-warming geoengineering proposals. One "brave new idea" was
proposed by Julian Huxley, then the Secretary-General of UNESCO, and
brother of Aldous Huxley, that would detonate atomic bombs to warm
the Arctic.
M. Gorodsky, Soviet engineer
and mathematician, and Valentin Cherenkov, Soviet meteorologist;
Proposed placing a ring of metallic potassium particles into Earth’s
polar orbit to diffuse light reaching Earth and increase solar
radiation to thaw the permanently frozen soil of Russia, Canada, and
Alaska and melt polar ice.
Arkady Markin, Soviet engineer; Proposed that the United
States and Soviet Union build a gigantic dam across the Bering
Strait and use nuclear power-driven propeller pumps to push the warm
Pacific current into the Atlantic by way of the Arctic Sea. Arctic
ice would melt, and the Siberian and North American frozen areas
would become temperate and productive.
1958 Russian Oil engineer, P.M. Borisov’s proposed melting the Arctic and Greenland icecaps by
spreading black coal dust on the ice, creating cloud-cover across
the poles to trap heat and to divert warm Atlantic waters into the
polar regions. This scheme was taken seriously by Soviet
climatologists. Two conferences were held in Leningrad in the early
1960's following an initial meeting in Moscow by the Presidium of
the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1959.
Atlantic Richfield
L.M. Natland, proposed exploding up to 100 underground
nuclear bombs to mine the Alberta Oil Sands. Heat from
the detonations was expected to boil the bitumen deposits, reducing
their viscosity to the point that standard drilling operations could
be used. The plan was encouraged by US efforts to find "peaceful
uses" for atomic energy. The project was approved in 1959 but the
Canadian government reversed their decision in 1962 and declared
that Canada was opposed to all forms of nuclear testing. In 2012 the
Canadian Tar Sands are, again an issue of international concern.
Harry Wexler (March 15, 1911- 1962)
was an MIT graduate and PhD in meteorology. Wexler had been
researching the link connecting chlorine and bromine compounds to
the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layers, but died
of a heart attack while on vacation in Woods Hole, Mass. Wexler had
already accepted an invitation to deliver a lecture entitled "The
Climate of Earth and Its Modifications" at the University of
Maryland Space Research and Technology Institute.
It remains
largely unexplained
why decades of optimism for warming the arctic
was suddenly replaced with a campaign of fear and doom
for the
consequences of warming the arctic
under the name of "Global
In the
1960’s Geoengineering proposals to warm the Arctic took a largely
unexplained U-turn when oceanographer, Roger Revelle’s
research concluded that
carbon dioxide was already warming the climate for free and without
the need for expensive and risky geoengineering projects.
This U-Turn
of direction appeared to be a setback with the exception of those
stakeholders in the energy sector who had been invested in arctic
warming projects for decades.
Did the CO2 story finally promise to
give Exxon, BP and Shell what they wanted?
If the
science of Roger Revelle’s forecast for global warming turned out to
be wrong or too slow, the DoD could step in - for reasons of
national security - to assist arctic warming as secret component
of the military’s classified weather modification and weapons
The 1996
Air Force document that forecasts "Owning
The Weather in 2025" would not rule out using Tesla and
plasma technologies to increase arctic temperatures in order to
disadvantage a perceived enemy. A decision not to intervene
might betray the military’s primary objective of
"Full Spectrum Dominance".
After all, access to Oil and Gas has been a national security
priority for decades.
In 1966,
Gordon J. F. MacDonald was Chairman of the ICAS
Select Panel on Weather and Climate Modification and wrote:
"Carbon dioxide placed in the atmosphere since the start of the
industrial revolution has produced an increase in the average
temperature of the lower atmosphere of a few tenths of a degree
Gordon MacDonald
"Unless Peace Comes
- How to Wreck the
MacDonald was referring to
Roger Revelle and Hans Suess paper
that reversed the debate from how to warm the arctic to how to avoid
warming the arctic. Revelle’s ocean research reported a rise in
carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere was allegedly a result of
industrial age manufacturing and coal-burning.
Revelle had worked with the Navy in the
late 1940’s to determine which projects gained funding and
successfully promoted the idea that the Navy should invest more in
"basic research". Revelle was deeply involved in the global growth
of oceanography.
He was also one of the committee chairmen in the
influential National Academy of Sciences studies of the
"Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation" (BEAR),
Revelle’s world influence was significant as president of
the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, an international group
of scientists devoted to advising on international projects. Revelle
and other scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography helped
the U.S. government to plan nuclear weapons tests so that
oceanographers might make use of the data.
conclusions of the BEAR report were understandably
significant for demonstrating the harmful biological and
environmental damage of atomic radiation and could easily suffice to
thwart geoengineering projects that recommended detonating H-bombs.
But the evidence is weak that all intentions to mediate arctic
climate was totally abandoned.
If the
fundamental goal to warm the arctic remains an unspoken priority of
national security in the energy sector, the project could be taken
out of public view and committee oversight to become a classified
operation in the development of the military’s weather warfare
program - an initiative that was acknowledged by civilian weather
modification programs formalized by the 1966 NASA and ICAS charter.
Since 1958
Congress and the military
had already been working on exotic weather
warfare systems
that involved electromagnetic manipulation
of the
US Congress, Senate, Committee on Inter-State and Foreign Commerce,
Weather Modification Research, Hearing, Washington D.C. US Govt.
Printing Offlce, March 18-19, 1958; Lowell Ponte quotes Capt.
Orville as reporting,
"that the Dept. of Defense was studying ways to
manipulate the charges of earth and sky and so affect the weather by
means of an electronic beams to ionize or de-ionize the atmosphere
over a given area"...
Capt. Orville also discussed ongoing US Air
experiments with ‘sodium
vapor, ejected from jet planes to intercept solar radiation ‘ over
enemy countries and rain their weather.
The Cooling, op. cit. pp.
Source P. 42
flip-flop from finding ways to warm the arctic to suddenly finding
ways to keep the arctic from warming was announced in 1963 - the
year following the sudden death of Meteorologist, Harry Wexler.
Having total awareness of the military’s 1958 weather weapons
program, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recommended
the appointment of a, "Panel on Weather
and Climate Modification".
This event
could serve to consolidate military and civilian weather
modification programs for peaceful purposes or - if necessary
- as covert weather modification and even climate warming
operations secretly carried out by the military under the catch-all
justification of "national security".
Lobbyists for Big Oil
publicly claim Global Warming is a hoax while quietly investing
billions in new drilling opportunities due to the reality of
receding arctic ice.
The energy sector has made huge investments in
ice-breakers and drilling equipment to profit from the very global
warming they are reluctant to acknowledge. The position of having
your cake while eating it is essential.
When arctic climate warming
is revealed as a military climate modification operation, big oil
can fall back on "we told you so".
Since governments may come and go
over the next 100 years, they calculate the demand for oil - and the
companies who drill for it - will remain intact.
"As the polar ice cap retreats, energy companies are looking
north for a potentially huge new source of crude".
"Shell is one of six companies planning to extract oil, gas and
minerals in the Arctic as global warming melts ice and opens new
sea lanes to commerce."
"Remote and dangerous sources of arctic oil are becoming
increasingly attractive as the global need for oil grows and the
existing reserves dry up."

from 1966 reveal
...how the military and federal agencies are modifying
the global climate
"Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate
This set of documents from 1966 reveals a
network of government agencies in perpetual and secret collaboration, working with the military to Geoengineer the climate.
Created as
an agenda of the elitist National Academy of Sciences
- decades of an inter-agency culture of secrecy explains why the
issue of covert aerosol Geoengineering is a taboo topic to be
degraded to the status of "conspiracy theory" by every government
agency in this web of complicit bureaucrats at every opportunity.
This is why your local TV "meteorologist" will rarely make a helpful
comment about an unusual sky filled with persistent jet trails.
JUN: "Present and Future
Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification"
Prepared by the ICAS select Panel
on Weather Modification
NOV: A Recommended
National Program in Weather Modification -
A Report to the Interdepartmental Committee for
Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) by Homer E. Newell - Associate
Administrator for Space Science and Applications, NASA,
Washington, D.C.
APPENDIX I - Panel on
Weather and Climate Modification to Committee on Atmospheric
Sciences NAS-NRC - Membership Recommendations
Commission on Weather Modification - National Science Foundation
Membership Recommendations.
prepared by the ICAS Select Panel on Weather Modification;
"Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate
Modification," dated June 20, 1966
APPENDIX IV - Memorandum
for Dr. Homer E. Newel1 from J. Herbert Hollomon, Chairman, ICAS,
Subject: National Weather Modification Program, dated June 21,
Study Weather Modification Activities; Membership, Chronology of
Meetings, and a Compilation of Supporting Material used by the
Recommendations and Trends for a National Weather Modification
1966 -
A Recommended National Program in Weather Modification
report to the Independent Committee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS)
by Homer E. Newell
Associate administrator for Space Science and
NASA, Washington, DC.
1966, a report from NASA to ICAS (Independent Committee
for Atmospheric Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences, NAS)
was the first step in establishing a national Weather modification
program that would ultimately involve multiple federal agencies.
report focused on four initial agencies: ESSA, NSF, NASA, and
the Dept. of Interior’s Bureau of
Under Recommended Principals it was noted
each agency would be independently funded while stressing
inter-agency cooperation in research. Independent funding of
agencies could make the program less conspicuous and more difficult
for Congress to defund. Also, new agencies could be brought on board
without high profile budget hearings
a designated "central"
agency - while having responsibility for focusing the national
program - would not have any real authority to implement programs,
leaving those decisions to probable unidentified civilian lobbyists
and DoD "stakeholders"
the theme of the ICAS report is in the context of protecting water,
agriculture, forests, lands and natural resources, the knowledge
gained from climate manipulation was of more immediate interest to
the military and their industrial complex.
years following the creation of the Nation Program in Weather
Modification, the US Air Force published a document ("Owning
The Weather in 2025") establishing that federal
agencies involved in the National Weather Modification program are
under tacit authority of the Department of Defense.
Owning the Weather in 2025
- Opening Statement
Current technologies that will mature over
the next 30 years will offer anyone who has the necessary resources
the ability to modify weather patterns and their corresponding
effects, at least on the local scale.
Current demographic, economic,
and environmental trends will create global stresses that provide
the impetus necessary for many countries or groups to turn this
weather-modification ability into a capability.
In the
United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of
national security policy with both domestic and international
applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on
its interests, at various levels.
These levels could include
unilateral actions, participation in a security framework such as
NATO, membership in an international organization such as the UN,
or participation in a coalition. Assuming that in 2025 our national
security strategy includes weather-modification, its use in our
national military strategy will naturally follow.
Besides the
significant benefits an operational capability would provide,
another motivation to pursue weather-modification is to deter and
counter potential adversaries.
In this
paper we show that appropriate application of weather-modification
can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined.
In the future, such operations will enhance air and space
superiority and provide new options for battlespace shaping and
battlespace awareness.
"The technology is there, waiting for us to
pull it all together."
In 2025 we can "Own the Weather".
Case Study
A 1986
Critique of the 1966 National Weather Modification Initiative
Evolution of a Weather Modification R&D program Into a Military
Weapons System
This document appears as an anonymous draft
intended as a critique of the US Weather Modification Program that
the author characterizes as hijacked into a military weapons system.
The final draft is not yet located.
For over
100 years, experts and authors were advocating geoengineering
projects warm the arctic. The public, at large, was entertained by
these concepts even when suggestions to detonate hydrogen bombs over
the north pole were advocated by a nationally recognized weather
expert in 1962.
revealing that initial proposals to solve the newly discovered CO2
"warming" problem had less to do with cutting back on carbon
emissions and more to do with a rush to release toxic atmospheric
aerosols without first, researching the hazards.
The specter of
polluting the atmosphere, blocking sunlight and causing the release
of huge volumes of CO2 from the jet aircraft aerosol sorties is an
obvious public health and strategic concern that requires years of
research that the government was unwilling to legislate and fund.
Therefore, the impatience with which these chemical aerosol schemes
were promoted suggests that emergency steps to cool the planet with
aerosols was never the primary mission.
In 1962,
Geoenginnering efforts
to warm the arctic were widely entertained
but in 1966 it was top priority to
prevent the arctic from warming
by even one degree.
Trojan Horse?
Under the military’s vision
to Own the Weather Weather in 2025 atmospheric warming with ionospheric and plasma weapons is an established capability.
numerous agencies inside the National Weather and Climate
Modification program are actively guarding the military’s aerosol
and energy weapons program with stiff denials to the public and
media whenever the issue of "chemtrails" is a story on local radio
or TV stations.
unacceptable that the UN/IPCC continue to push CO2 as the cause for
climate change but refuse to acknowledge the military has been
actively engaged in climate modification since the mid 1990's?
An abrupt
reversal of policy from promoting arctic climate mediation to
preventing Global Warming resulted in ideas that both polluted the
atmosphere AND became a source of Global Warming.
Just as the
ICAS/NASA National Weather Modification program is being formalized
the record shows most ideas to cool the planet suddenly involve
bazaar schemes to spray or disburse particles, biology and dust into
the atmosphere and oceans. These are the same people who - just a
few months earlier, were eagerly lining up to hear Wexler talk about
ways to warm the planet with hydrogen bombs, destruction of the
OZONE and orbital particles.
While most
of us realize that many of these proposals from respected experts
would be catastrophic to the environment, not all of these draconian
ideas have been rejected, even as increasing evidence determines
that deploying chemicals into the atmosphere does more harm than
of geoengineering aerosols as observed in practice for two decades
is now regarded as a
of global
warming - not a fix.:
Geoengineering Aerosols
...Are Warming the Atmosphere and Are a Source
of Global Warming
2007, investigator, Cliff Carnicom
calculated the impact of the current unacknowledged aerosol
deployment into the atmosphere and concludes:
"It can
be seen from this model that the results of artificial aerosol
introduction into the lower atmosphere can be of a magnitude quite
on par with the extraordinary impacts projected by even modest and
conservative global warming models upon humans in the near future.
As the model presented herein is intended to be reasonably
conservative, the impact of the aerosol operations could be much
greater than these results show. It is advised that the citizens
consider the viability and merit of this model in the examination of
the global warming issue, and that they openly take aggressive
action to halt the intentional aerosol operations.
This paper is late in its offering, as my availability for continued
research at this level is limited.
I am nevertheless hopeful that
the information can be evaluated and assimilated into the many
rationales and arguments that have developed over the last decade to
cease the intentional alteration of the atmosphere of our planet."
Cliff Carnicom
Geoengineering Aerosols Warm the Atmosphere and Aggravate Global
Geoengineering Proposals to Warm the Arctic
...Are Replaced by Fear of
Global Warming
1965; President’s
Science Advisory Committee, United States; Proposal:
Investigated injecting condensation or freezing nuclei into the
atmosphere to counteract the effects of increasing carbon
1977; Cesare Marchetti,
Italian industrial physicist; Coined the term "geoengineering"
and proposed sequestering CO2 in the deep ocean.
1983; Stanford Penner,
A. M. Schneider, and E. M. Kennedy, American physicists;
Suggested introducing small particles into the atmosphere to
reflect more sunlight back into space.
1988; John H. Martin,
American oceanographer; Proposed dispersing a relatively small
amount of iron into appropriate areas of the ocean to create
large algae blooms that could take in enough atmospheric carbon
to reverse the greenhouse effect and cool Earth.
1989; James T. Early,
American climatologist suggested deflecting sunlight by 2
percent with a $1 trillion to $10 trillion "space shade" placed
in Earth orbit.
1990; John Latham,
British cloud physicist; Proposed seeding marine stratocumulus
clouds with seawater droplets to increase their reflectivity and
1992; NAS Committee on
Science, Engineering, and Public Policy proposed adding more
dust to naturally occurring stratospheric dust to increase the
net reflection of sunlight.
1998: International Space Station (ISS): The first modular component of the
International Space Station (ISS) was launched and is the
current (in 2012) habitable artificial satellite in low Earth
orbit following the Salyut, Almaz, Skylab and Mir. (1998 ISS
mission consistent with same year increase in jet aerosol public
observations and complaints) The
stated function of the SSI is to provide an international space
platform for research and experimentation in the fields of
biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology
(weather) and other fields.
2010: Geoengineer,
David Keith (AAAS Meeting) proposal to use jet aircraft to spray
Sulfur dioxide and aluminum nano-particles into the atmosphere
to reflect sunlight back into space.
In 1968,
Gordon J. F. MacDonald
authored a chapter in "Unless
Peace Comes" where he correctly predicted that future
means of obtaining national objectives by force hinges on man’s
ability to control and manipulate the environment of planet Earth.
achieved, this power over his environment will provide man with a
new force capable of doing great and indiscriminate damage. Our
present primitive understanding of deliberate environmental change
makes it difficult to imagine a world in which geophysical warfare
is practiced.
Such a world might be one in which nuclear weapons
were effectively banned and the weapons of mass destruction
were those of environmental catastrophe. As I will argue, these
weapons are peculiarly suited for covert or secret wars."
consider the consequences of environmental modification in struggles
among nations, we need to consider the present state of the subject
and how postulated developments in the field could lead, ten to
fifty years from now, to weapons systems that would use nature in
new and perhaps unexpected ways. "
More Than
Owning the Weather in 2025
confidence and enthusiasm expressed in the USAF 1996 document:
Owning the Weather in 2025 was supported by the advent of scalar
weapons technologies during the Reagan Star War years.
The document
"weather-modification can provide battle-space dominance
to a degree never before imagined."
The "never before imagined"
comment speaks directly to
the HAARP ionospheric heater facility,
the Bernard Eastlund patents and military strategies for global
military dominance.
This scenario of weather control harkens to the
predictive warning from Gordon MacDonald in chapter "How
to Wreck the Environment" from the book Unless Peace Comes.
Timeline for Owning the Weather: From
1987-1992 ATPI scientists build on Bernard Eastlund’s patents for
development of new weapon capabilities.
1994 ATPI is bought by E-Systems with a contract to build the
biggest ionospheric heater in the world (HAARP).
In 1995, Raytheon
bought E-Systems and old APTI patents.
In 1996 the Air Force
publishes: Owning The Weather in 2025
In his 2011
Here on
Earth - A Natural History of the Planet, scientist and author,
Tim Flannery reminds us
that proposals to melt the Icecaps were advanced after World War II
by reputable figures including the first director-general of UNESCO
(Julian Huxley-1946), by a top official at the U.S. Weather Bureau,
and by a Russian oil engineer Petr Mikhailovich Borisov.
Scientific conferences debated the merits, while mining and energy
corporations contemplated the use of nuclear detonations in the
extraction of coal and oil.
Book Review
Mark Engler
figures in the international community saw an opportunity to
detonate nuclear weapons as a novel and constructive way to
geoengineer the Arctic. The prevailing rationale to justify method
The arctic is nearly too cold to be habitable by
The polar ice cap blocks valuable shipping lanes
expanses of frigid water up North contributes to uncomfortably cold
winters in many countries
The difficulty of drilling for oil
through ice
The idea
was publicly floated as a "peaceful use" of atomic weapons.
offers this example as evidence of humanity’s seeming propensity for
hastening its own extinction.
Oil engineer, P.M. Borisov’s Proposed Method of Melting the Arctic
Borisov’s idea
the Arctic ice is once melted much less of the sun’s radiation will
be reflected out into space and therefore the arctic ice cap will
not re-form.
An ice-free Arctic Ocean would be a great boon to
oceanic shipping, especially between Europe and East Asia. Much land
in northern Canada and Siberia would be freed of permafrost and made
suitable for agriculture.
P.M. Borisov believed that an ice-free Arctic
Ocean would lead to increased evaporation of water and hence
increased rainfall worldwide, including the region of Sahara Desert
leading to grass growing there. Borisov considers all of the impacts
of the melting of the Arctic ice cap to be beneficial.
He asserts
that the melting of the Greenland ice cap would raise sea levels at
a rate of only 1.5 to 2 mm per year.
This scheme
was taken seriously by Soviet climatologists. Two conferences were
held in Leningrad in the early 1960's following an initial meeting
in Moscow by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1959.
Borisov’s suggestions to warm the arctic included:
Covering great areas of the Arctic with black powders
such as coal dust (G. Veksler, 1959)
(Carbon Black?)
Dispersing the cloud cover over the central Arctic Basin
(D. Fletcher, 1958) (Geoengineering
Deepening of the Thomson Sill (V.N. Stepanov, 1963)
Covering the water surface with a monomolecular film (M. Budyko,
Installations to direct warmer Atlantic water into the Kara Sea
(V.P. P’yankov, 1965)
cold Arctic water into the Pacific to draw warm Atlantic water
into the Arctic Basin (P.M. Borisov, c. 1968)
concept also required construction of a dam across the Bering
Source: P.M. Borisov, "Can we Control the Arctic
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
March, 1969, pp.
In a
related scheme, a proposal
was floated to store nuclear waste in the Antarctic. The plan
would allow specially designed canisters of hot
radioactive waste to melt down through the ice until it reached the
"ice-rock interface" where it would supposedly remain in cold
storage for 250,000 years.
The following Timeline is from the book, "Angels Don’t Play This HAARP
- Advances in Tesla Technology"
by Jeanne Manning and Dr. Nick Begich and contains disturbing facts
about the little known history of our Government’s use of scalar
technologies to modify the weather.
Additional events and links were
inserted in 2012 to update the list.
of public and covert testing and development of energy weapons
Nikola Tesla invents system of Alternating Current power
source and transmission system. As 60-pulse-per-second (hertz)
AC power grids spread over the land, Earth’s resonance frequency
will eventually dance to a different beat than her usual 7-8
hertz .
Tesla applies for patent for a device to transmit Electrical
Energy "Through the Natural Mediums". U.S. Patent #787,412
issued in 1905
Confirmation that radio waves bounce off ionosphere
(electrically-charged layer starting at altitude of 50
Scientist proposes to light up night sky by electron gyrotron
heating from a powerful transmitter.
Tesla announces "death ray" invention.
Atomic bomb tests begin 40,000 electromagnetic pulses to follow.
W.O. Schumann identifies 7.83 hertz resonant frequency of the
Van Allen radiation belts discovered (zones of charged particles
trapped in earth’s magnetic field) 2,000+ miles up. VA Belt
violently disrupted with nuclear detonations
Project Argus, U.S. Navy explodes 3 nuclear bombs in Van Allen
1958: As far back as
1958, the chief White House adviser on weather modification,
Captain Howard T. Orville, said the DoD was studying "ways to
manipulate the charges of the Earth and sky and so affect the
weather by using an electronic beam to ionise or de-ionise the
atmosphere over a given area.
Series of weather disasters begin.
- Project Skywater - Bureau of Reclamation (water) cloud seeding
project funded by Congress.
Copper needles dumped into ionosphere as "telecommunications
Scientists propose artificial ion cloud experiments. In 1960's
the dumping of chemicals (barium powder etc.) from
satellites/rockets began.
1961-62: Soviets and USA blast many EMPs in atmosphere, 300
megatons of nuclear devices deplete ozone layer estimated at 4%.
Launch of Canadian satellites and start of stimulating plasma
resonances by antennas within the space plasma.
1966, June,
Report to ICAS by ICAS Select Panel - Chair, Gordon JF
MacDonald. "Future plans of Federal Agencies in Weather and
Climate Modification."
1966, Nov, report from
NASA to ICAS (Independent Comm. for Atmospheric Sciences of the
Nat. Academy of Sciences, NAS) was first step in establishing a
National Weather Modification program
1966: Gordon J. F.
MacDonald publishes military ideas on environmental
engineering. MacDonald was Chair of the ICAS Select Panel on
Weather and Climate Modification.
In Wisconsin, US Navy Project Sanguine lays ELF antennae.
Moscow scientists tell the West that Soviets pinpointed which
pulsed magnetic field frequencies help mental and physiological
functions and which do harm.
1968: Gordon JF
MacDonald authors chapter in book: "Unless peace Comes
- a
scientific forecast of new weapons" MacDonald was Chair of the
ICAS Select Panel on Weather and Climate Modification.
Hail Suppression Data from Western North Dakota, 1969–1972 South
Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City.
1972: First reports on
"ionospheric heater" experiments with high frequency radio
waves, at Arecibo. 100-megawatt heater in Norway built later in
decade; can change conductivity of auroral ionosphere.
Potential Value of Satellite Cloud Pictures in Weather Mod.
Projects - Report prepared for NASA by Institute of Atmospheric
Sciences South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Rapid City.
Documentation that launch of Skylab and associated rocket
exhaust gases `’halved the total electron content of the
ionosphere for three hours.
Recommendations for study of Project Sanguine’s biological
effects denied by Navy.
United Nations General Assembly bans environmental warfare.
High-frequency experiments at Plattesville, Colorado; Arecibo,
Puerto Rico; and, Armidale, New South Wales heat "bottom side of
Experiments airglow brightened by hitting oxygen atoms in
ionosphere with accelerated electrons.
Evaluation of Monte Carlo Tests of Effectiveness of Cloud
Seeding on Growing Season Rainfall in North Dakota.
Stanford professor Robert Helliwell reports that VLF from power
lines is altering the ionosphere.
U. S. Senator Gaylord Nelson forces Navy to release research
showing that ELF transmissions can alter human blood chemistry.
Pell Senate Subcommittee urges that weather and climate
modification work be overseen by civilian agency answerable to
U.S. Congress. No action taken.
Soviets begin pulsing "Woodpecker" ELF waves, at key brainwave
rhythms. Eugene, Oregon, one of locations where people were
particularly affected.
Drs. Susan Bawin and W. Ross Adey show nerve cells affected by
ELF fields.
Environmental Impacts of Precipitation Management - Inferences
to Project Skywater
Launch of NASA’s third High-Energy Astrophysical Observatory
causes large-scale, artificially-induced depletion in the
ionosphere. Plasma hole caused by "rapid chemical processes"
between rocket exhaust and ozone layer." …"ionosphere was
significantly depleted over a horizontal distance of 300 km for
some hours."
Annotated Bibliography of Predictor Variables for Weather
Modification Applications - Funded by
NSF Grant ATM 79-05007 pub., Illinois State Water Survey,
Bernard J. Eastlund applies for patent "Method and Apparatus for
Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, ionosphere and/or
Magnetosphere," (First of 3 Eastlund patents assigned to ARCO
Power Technologies Inc.)
US Navy Project Henhouse duplicates Delgado (Madrid) experiment
- very low-level, very-low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields harm
chick embryos. 20
1987: In the later part
of the decade the U.S. begins network of Ground Wave Emergency
Network (GWEN) towers, each to generate Very Low Frequency (VLF)
waves for defense purposes .
1987-92: Other APTI
scientists build on Eastlund patents for development of new
weapon capabilities.
1994: Military
contractor E-Systems buys APTI, holder of Eastlund patents and
contract to build biggest ionospheric heater in world (HAARP).
1994: Congress freezes
funding on HAARP until planners increase emphasis on
earth-penetrating tomography uses, for nuclear counter
proliferation efforts. (Oil and gas exploration)
1995-1997: Public
complaints accumulate across the US regarding unusual cloud
formations and sudden increase in observable persistent jet
contrails that appear unnaturally under dry atmospheric
conditions. These observations are accompanied by complaints of
biological specimens and web formations that appear to fall from
the sky. Many instances of qualified lab analysis reveal high
concentration of aluminum, barium and other elements that are
consistent with DoD electromagnetic experiments
1995: Raytheon buys
E-Systems and old APTI patents. The technology is now hidden
among thousands of patents within one of the largest defense
contractor portfolios.
Congress budgets $10 million for 1996 under "nuclear
counterproliferation" efforts for HAARP project.
Test of patent number 5,041,834 to generate an Artificial
Ionospheric Mirror (AIM), or a plasma layer in the atmosphere.
The AIM is used like the ionosphere to reflect RF energy over
great distances.
Testing of first-stage HAARP (euphemistically named High
frequency Active Auroral Research Program) equipment continues,
although funding was frozen.
HAARP scientists test the earth-penetrating tomography
applications by modulating the electroject at Extremely Low
Frequencies (ELF)
1998: Projected date
for fully-operating HAARP system.
Operation HAMP - Department of Homeland Security operation to
Modify and Steer Hurricanes with Geoengineering Aerosols
Celebrating 50 years of Success. A Compilation of highlights
from the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences at South Dakota
School of Mines & Technology Rapid City.
The World
is Waking Up
...to State Crimes of Climate Warming and Violent Weather
by Combinations of Powerful Electromagnetic Energy Weapons and
Aerosol Geoengineering
It was in
the mid- 1990's when the US public a were suddenly confronted with
unexplained changes in the sky that included bazaar new cloud
formations and new types of jet contrails that persisted in the
skies for hours even while the relative humidity was very low at the
altitudes where the jets were flying.
These observed changes were
coincident with events following the 1994 E-Systems purchase of APTI,
also holder of plasma physicist, Bernard Eastlund’s
patents and contracts to build the world’s largest ionospheric
heater (HAARP).
The history
of the 1966 National weather Modification Program and the
coincidence of events around the time of bazaar new cloud formations
is sufficient reason to pursue the relationship of persistent jet
aerosols to the ionospheric heater experiments at the HAARP facility
and Gakona, AK, Aricebo, PR and many more similar facilities brought
online in recent years.
The ongoing
depletion of earth’s protective OZONE layer is a known risk to
manipulation of the ionosphere with powerfully heated beams of
electromagnetic radiation. Pollution from the Shuttle missions,
alone has accounted for rapid ozone depletion according to NASA’s
own documents.
damage results when chemical aerosols deployed over either polar
region traps heat in the troposphere resulting in a rise in surface
temperatures to endanger normal formation of seasonal ice with an
associated plunge in stratospheric temperatures into the range of
-109°F. with the formation of chemically contaminated ice
crystals that react with sunlight to further deplete the OZONE.
From 2009
to 2012 persistent jet chemical aerosols are clearly observed over
the North Polar regions on many satellite images and ground-based
photographs. It is no surprise that NASA now reports new OZONE
depletion in far northern latitudes where none was previously
It’s no
secret that government agencies, the military and commercial
interests of the US and abroad have invested in a radical scalar
system of weather modification that is now revealed to have far too
many unintended negative consequences to sustain life on earth.
Continuation of this vast and terra-deforming aerosol geoengineering
operation will only confirm that one agenda is to deplete the arctic
ice - a concept that has been embraced by influential men, Oil
companies and nations for nearly 100 years.
government, military, IPCC, UN and corporate stakeholders can no
longer pretend to be desperately concerned about global warming and
climate change while the world is waking up to realize these same
entities are participating in the deployment of electromagnetic
weapons and aerosols of massive climate destruction as a monstrous
and Orwellian hoax on humanity.
Government Documents
Link Global Warming
to Advanced Military
Climate Modification Technology
Nikola Tesla,
Inventor of the Death Ray, died in Jan, 1943 wherein the FBI took
possession of his papers and documents.
After WWII,
Operation "Overcast" (Later named
Operation Paper Clip) was a US
program to employ NAZI regime scientists in US laboratories.
National Security Act, passed in 1947 Created the Central
Intelligence Agency and made possible the rise of the military
industrial complex
to increase
opportunities for scientific experiments to be conducted without
public knowledge or Congressional oversight.
In 1958,
the military announced they were experimenting on the ionosphere
with electronic beams for the purpose of manipulating the weather.
In 1962
Respected Meteorologist Harry Wexler proposed geoengineering
strategies to warm the planet.
In 1963 the
National Academy of Scientists proposed formation of a panel to
create a "National Weather and Climate Modification Program".
In 1966
Plans to warm the arctic were abandoned without comment to be
replaced with warnings that CO2 was already causing the atmosphere
to get warmer.
This video
introduces the article. Global Warming Linked to Advanced Climate
Change Technology.
The title
sounds provocative but NASA has concluded that man-made, persistent
contrails are exacerbating global warming and could contribute to
long-term changes in Earth’s climate.
article explores the forgotten history of America’s National Weather
and Climate Modification Program - Still in existence - and how it
rapidly evolved into a military/civilian weather warfare program of
mass destruction.
The documentation
and subsequent critique reveals a program that went into rapid
mission creep when the military became involved. The critique was
drafted in 1986 by a member of the Union of Atomic Scientists.
The record
shows that industrialists and their scientists have been looking for
ways to warm the arctic for 100 years beginning in 1877 when Harvard
geologist Nathaniel Shaler proposed diverting warm Atlantic water
into the Arctic Sea.
Decades of
arctic warming proposals followed until 1962 when respected MIT
meteorologist, Harry Wexler proposed 3 schemes to increase the
global temperature of the Earth by 1.7°C:
Detonate 10 hydrogen bombs in the arctic ocean to send ice crystals
into the polar atmosphere
Destroy the ozone layer by using
aircraft to spray chlorine or bromine into the stratosphere
Launch dust
particles into equatorial orbit to diffuse light to heat to warm the
polar regions
ideas sound pretty frightening today, but in 1962 Wexler’s ideas
were gaining traction and nobody "important" was calling him a
But following Wexler’s untimely death that same year the
problem of how to warm the planet completely reversed polarity.
Suddenly - and
without explanation - it was now imperative to find ways to cool the
planet and to keep the atmosphere from warming.
The U-turn
in national direction came about when a paper was published by
oceanographer, Roger Revelle who claimed earth’s atmosphere was
warming due to a buildup of carbon dioxide from burning coal back in
the industrial age.
The new
narrative became "official" for media consumption in 1966 when
MacDonald - Chairman of the new ICAS Select Panel on Weather and
Climate Modification stated:
"Carbon dioxide placed in the
atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution has produced
an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere of a
few tenths of a degree Fahrenheit."
proposals to warm the planet were never mentioned again but remained
quietly popular with stakeholders in the oil and energy markets who
had always seen vast opportunities for new shipping lanes and
drilling as soon as the ice melted a bit.
In view of
NASA’s position that man-made persistent contrails are exacerbating
global warming - what are we to think?
If these
man-made clouds are normal water vapor we have a problem that
accelerates global warming. But If the problem can be fixed, and no
government authority has yet thought it was important enough to
take immediate action we can reasonably assume that warming the
climate with persistent contrails is a tolerable or even desired
And if If
man-made clouds are revealed to be chemical aerosols deliberately
sprayed into the atmosphere we can reasonably assume that heating
the atmosphere is a hidden agenda inside a covert aerosol operation
that mimics the appearance of a geoengineering plan to cool the
In reality, the chemical aerosol operations provide
plausible deniability to spectators that our benevolent government is
secretly spraying the skies to test ways to mitigate global warming
for the good of humanity.
plausible deniability is taught to us through media coverage of
geoengineers lake David Keith who presents aerosol "cooling"
strategies in frequent public appearances that are - in turn - presented as news in multiple media sources...
So, the
agenda to warm the planet is cleverly hidden in plain sight
disguised as an undisclosed but benevolent government program to
test aerosol spraying to cool the planet if we should ever decide
it’s necessary. Meanwhile, arctic ice continues to retreat despite
decades of "testing".
are not the sole requirement in advanced climate change technology.
High energy ionospheric heaters, Tesla Arrays, and exotic
electromagnetic devices are required to interact with chemical
aerosols in ways that normal water vapor contrails never could.