by James F. Tracy
September 21, 2014
GlobalResearch Website

The earth's climate is changing. Sea levels are rising. We are all
at risk.
The role of humans in climate change is
undeniable. Capitalism is to blame. Governments must fix the
problem. These are the mantras of the environmental movement on
display at the People's Climate March being held on September 21.
The talking points of foundation-funded doomsayers reverberate in
unison because their financing is dependent on publicizing a
specific message and agenda. The otherwise critical minds supporting
what passes for rebelliousness overlook the sponsorship and tacit
control wielded by powerful private interests.
Scratching the surface, one finds that the most salient proponents
the carbon-centric global warming
worldview are largely dependent on such funding.

For example,
Bill McKibben, a
principal organizer of the
People's Climate March, has built
a career around the false notion that minuscule increases in carbon
dioxide are a principal cause of "extreme weather" events.
As this author has noted,
350.org project is the public face of his 501(c)(3)
1Sky Education Fund, which
between its founding in 2007 and 2009 took in close to
$5,000,000 in foundation money and "public contributions."
In 2010
the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
gave 1Sky $200,000.
The key "scientific" paper McKibben
points to as support for his dire warnings on climate change, "Target
Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim,"
coauthored by NASA scientist James Hansen, was partially funded
through Rockefeller Foundation money.[1]
A seemingly radical, anti-establishment
veneer is helpful in lending the environmental movement some degree
of legitimacy.
Canadian journalist and author Naomi
Klein is the most recent voice of climate alarmism.

Klein's previous works, No Logo
(2000) and
The Shock Doctrine
(2007), have afforded her with considerable notoriety and some
degree of credibility, particularly among those on the
Klein's most recent book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs.
The Climate, suggests that drastic measures must be taken to
save the environment from destructive human activities.
This Changes Everything is
published by Simon & Schuster, a subsidiary of the publicly-traded
CBS Corporation, which boasted revenues of $15.284 billion in 2013
Like McKibben's Rockefeller sponsors,
Simon & Schuster and CBS are typically uninclined toward promoting
genuinely anti-establishment thought and discourse.
Klein is one of the few in the progressive-left cavalcade to
recognize that
geoengineering and weather manipulation
pose extreme threats to the environment.
"Well, so, one of the geoengineering
methods that gets taken most seriously is called 'solar
radiation management'," Klein remarks on the foundation-funded
Democracy Now! news hour,[3] another promoter
of the People's Climate March.
Solar radiation management, managing
the sun. So, what you - so the idea [sic] is that you would
spray sulfur aerosols into the stratosphere, then they would
reflect some of the sun's rays back to space and dim the sun and
cool the Earth.
So, climate change is caused by
pollution in the lower atmosphere, and so they're saying that
the solution to that pollution is pollution in the stratosphere.
And, you know, it's really frightening when you look at some of
the modeling that is being done about what the possible
downsides of this could be [sic].[4]
In fact, there is substantial evidence -
patents, government documents, and scientific papers - that such
organized contamination projects have been underway since at least
the late 1990s and are almost certainly a major factor in the
"extreme weather events" pointed to with such alarm by figures like
Yet Klein deceptively suggests that geoengineering is still in the
planning stages and has not begun.
Indeed, to acknowledge that such plans
are well-advanced and now fully operational would call into question
anthropogenic climate change hypothesis
she and her adherents proclaim as the rationale for opposing
It would also likely jeopardize a
lucrative publishing contract with a global media conglomerate.
Foundation-funded and corporate-promoted environmentalism is notable
not only for its hypocrisy, but also for what it leaves obscure to
its well-intentioned devotees.
With this in mind, the purpose of such artificial dissent is
arguably to repackage the threat of extreme weather that has been
manufactured by military and government programs over the years as
the basis for strategic socio-political and economic changes to
which the public would never freely submit.
To curb humankind's environmental excesses, today's state-backed
corporatism mistakenly decried as capitalism must further expand
into the everyday lives of individuals, where an "internet of
things" will inevitably catalog, regulate and control all consumable
resources and biological entities.
"A really efficient totalitarian
state," Aldous Huxley once observed, "would be one in which the
all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of
managers control a population of slaves who do not have
to be coerced, because they love their servitude."
Along these lines, establishment
environmentalism's continued feigned urgency and spectacle of
protest ingeniously disguises the deeper belief that humanity's
salvation lies in its own subservience to technocratic control.
[1] James F. Tracy, "Chemtrails
- The Realities of Geoengineering and Weather Modification,"
Global Research, November 8, 2012.
[2] "CBS CORP 2013 Annual Report
Form (10-K)" (XBRL). United States Securities and Exchange
Commission. February 14, 2014.
[3] James F. Tracy, "Manufactured
Dissent - The Financial Bearings of the Progressive-Left
Media," Global Research, August 3, 2012.
[4] Amy Goodman, "Naomi
Klein on Motherhood, Geoengineering, Climate Debt & the
Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement," Democracy Now!
September 18, 2014.
[5] Aldous Huxley,
Brave New World and
Brave New World Revisited,
Harper Perennial, 2005.