by Goro Adachi
October 08, 2015
SuperTorchRitual Website
Spanish version

If something is obvious, chances are it's already been discovered.
That would be the case especially for
the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which has attracted so much
attention not just from scientists but also from suspicious
conspiracy theorists, curious alternative researchers and anyone one
else interested in the biggest machine ever built by mankind.
been several years since the LHC went operational in 2008 and you
would think anything significant that can be said about it has
already been said.
Well, you would be wrong.

In this article the reader will be shown a whole new system of
information mysteriously encoded in the layout of the particle
collider that's unlike anything you may have seen before.
Some of the revelations will be
surprisingly in your face and does not require any long explanation.
You see it, and you get it.
Some are less simple but still highly
intelligent, precise, and undeniable. They've evaded detection until
now not because of any lack of clarity or coherence but because of
the initial difficulty in tuning into the underlying "cosmic"
People just don't normally expect
anything like this and the mind just does not think to look for such
an extensive "as above, so below" design in this kind of mainstream
scientific setting. Once we start tuning in, however, a whole new
reality opens up before our eyes…
By 2008 I knew that the Moon was a key component of the design. But
it wasn't until this year (2015) that the rabbit hole finally
led me
to… Orion. The LHC, I would now suggest, is an Orion "Stargate".
At least in the sense that
the Giza
pyramids are also an Orion Stargate of sorts.

Like the pyramids, the CERN LHC which
some compare to the Tower of Babel is a "Gateway of the God" and
presumably only the initiates know the encoded secrets.
For those not in the know, the Giza
pyramids were/are glorified tombs dedicated to the pharaohs and the
gods, just as the LHC to most people is "just" a machine that
smashes together subatomic particles.
Behind the veil, however, they
are much, much more…
They whisper knowledge that is cosmic, extra-dimensional and
mysterious, just below the threshold of reality. The whispers are
just loud enough to hint that the secrets are there, but quiet
enough to make sure it's up to us to act on our subconscious
awareness and decide to follow the white rabbit wherever it goes.
The path to truth is indeed a bottomless
rabbit hole; how deep we can go depends on our desire, focus,
dedication, intuition, creativity, balance, etc. etc.
We need to know how to think, with our
heart and mind, and not what to think which any programmable machine
can do. Only then we begin to hear more clearly the whispers telling
us where to dig for treasure.
Cosmic knowledge awaits us… Let's start digging.
Officially, everything important taking place at the LHC is
happening inside the 26.7 km-long magnetic tunnels and detectors and
all on a sub-atomic scale.

Unofficially, the LHC demonstrates its macro-cosmic and
multicontextual "as above, so below" awareness through its geometry
i.e. how the whole complex is laid out underground as viewed from

(Technical note: All the LHC diagrams we'll be using are
orthographic, i.e. the point of perspective is directly above and
geometrically at infinite distance, involving no 3-D

The basic configuration of the LHC complex consists of a large loop,
the LHC, with a diameter of ~8.5 km, and a smaller loop called the
"Super Proton Synchrotron" (SPS) placed tangentially inside the LHC,
used as the final proton beam injector for the LHC, with a diameter
of ~2.2 km.
The SPS's position and size are key to the first step of decoding
the LHC "Orion Stargate".
Secret Design
#1 - Earth & Moon
As I discovered back in 2008, the size difference between the LHC
and SPS corresponds to the Earth and the Moon respectively:

The accuracy is remarkable, only slightly off by ~1%, i.e. SPS's
~26% (of LHC) vs. Moon's ~27% (of Earth). For now this is
Besides, the slight imperfection prompts
us to keep looking for further steps and meaning, which is important
as we are only scratching the surface here…
Secret Design
#2 - Solar System (Venus & Galaxy)
Why is the SPS loop offset from the north-south (vertical) LHC axis?

With CERN/LHC and especially after the LHC Moon code ("Secret Design
#1"), we have to assume it's deliberate and represents a portal to
hidden information. And that is indeed the case as shown below…
Decoding here requires that we treat the Earth orbit - instead of
Earth's circumference - as corresponding to the LHC circle.
Here is how to set it up:
Size: Earth orbit = LHC loop
Orientation: LHC north-south
axis = Earth orbit solstitial axis
[Technical note: Like the LHC,
the solar system diagram is orthographic, i.e. the point of
perspective is directly above and geometrically at infinite
distance, involving no 3-D perspective/distortion.]
The result:
It appears the map/diagram I used
for the LHC/SPS was slightly inaccurate and making it work
requires a ~3.5 degrees counter-clockwise rotation (from the
actual LHC/SPS configuration).
This will actually not be a problem
and requires only one extra step to smooth things out. Stay
tuned for updates.

Circle marks the spot: The orbit of Venus passes right through the
center of the SPS!

And it is no random point on Venus's orbit: The SPS center is
specifically pinpointing Venus's "ascending node".
That's where Venus crosses northward the
plane of Earth's orbit (i.e. the ecliptic or the plane of the solar
system)! Ascending nodes will play a critical role later on as well
so we can be certain this is no coincidence.

The curious position of the SPS has now been perfectly explained.
Line of Nodes
& Transit of Venus
The ascending node of Venus is aligned with the Galactic Meridian or
"longitude 0" of the Milky Way (which passes through
the Galactic
Center and is perpendicular to the Milky Way/Galactic Equator).

The line is also heliocentrically aligned with Earth around June 8
and December 9 every year right when Earth's orbital position
coincides with the LHC's ATLAS and CMS detectors.

From Earth's perspective, the Sun is at the Galactic Meridian on
~June 8 and ~December 9.

It's right there at the Sun's ~June 8 position that what astronomers
call the Transit of Venus takes place, which is a very rare
celestial event when Venus passes right in front of the Sun due to a
very precise Earth-Venus-Sun alignment (accurate in 3D):

The most recent transit pair (they come in pairs) was in 2004 and
2012 (June 8 & June 6 respectively).
The LHC went live in 2008 which was
right at the halfway point, i.e. 4 years after the 1st Venus Transit
and 4 years before the 2nd Venus Transit. (The previous Venus
Transit pair was December 1874 and December 1882; the next pair will
be December 10-11, 2117, and December 8, 2125.)

8, 2004
Planet Venus
completes transit

5/6, 2012
Venus makes rare
trek across Sun
Jun 06
Venus Crosses Sun
for Last Time Until 2117
Jun 06
Transit of Venus
2012 in Pictures
That's enough evidence for us to safely
conclude that the LHC was fully cognizant of what was happening in
the sky.
Secret Design
#3 - Mars-Mercury-Earth Orbital Interaction
Let us go deeper into the rabbit hole through… Mars.
It is through Mars that we will finally
flesh out the "Orion Stargate."
What we'll do now is, instead of Earth's orbit, we'll use Mars'
orbit as the celestial analogue of the LHC like this:

While nothing seems to stand out initially, we do get our first
confirmation after rotating the LHC so that the SPS would "kiss"
Mars' perihelion i.e. Mars' closest point to the Sun (and to Earth's
orbit), like this:

Earth's orbit (green) passes
right through the center of the SPS
Earth's equinoctial axis
(horizontal) is tangential to the SPS

Now we are ready for the main revelation
which commences with the following observation…
The SPS and Mercury's orbit appear identical in size:


They are exactly the same size!
Down the rabbit hole we go…
Secret Design
#4 - Mercury/SPS-Based Overlay Interaction
Mercury's orbit, identical in size to the SPS, also happens to be
off center relative to the Sun, seemingly by the same amount as the
SPS's offset from the vertical centerline.

The little circles are offset in different directions, Mercury's
orbit upward and the SPS to the left.
To "correct" the directional discrepancy, let us rotate the LHC/SPS
(along with its solar system overlay) 90 degrees so that they are
off-centered in the same direction, like this…

We can then bring the two circles together, Mercury's orbit merging
with the rotated SPS (in yellow now):

Immediately we see a remarkable confirmation…
[Note: We will henceforth call the original (purple) configuration
"#1" and the rotated (yellow) configuration "#2".]

Mercury orbit #1 and SPS #2
(rotated 90 degrees) are brought together (becoming one
Suns of Solar System #1 and #2
are horizontally aligned (i.e. former's equinoctial axis is
aligned with latter's solstitial axis)
Mercury orbit #2 is tangent to
Mars orbit #1 (= LHC #1)
A and B set the stage, and C emerges as
a big confirmation.
For C, it needs to be understood that, because of the off-centered
nature of Mercury's orbit and the SPS, it is highly unusual for
Mercury orbit #2 and the LHC/Mars orbit #1 to be tangent (touching
or "kissing") like this. This is not the case when rotated by any
amount between the original angle and 90 degrees. Somehow, it just
happens to be so here as if by magic.
The next step is to flip Overlay #2 (= LHC #2 with solar system) by
rotating it 180 degrees (it's in blue and we'll refer to it as
"#3"), like this:

Less obvious this time, but this configuration produces an amazing,
quadruple "ascending node crossing" coincidences plus an alignment
involving perihelion!

Mars orbit #1 (purple) crosses
Earth orbit #3 (grey circle inside blue circle) at latter's
ascending node (= autumnal equinox point)
Equinoctial (horizontal) axis of
Solar System #1 crosses Venus orbit #3 at latter's ascending
Same axis (not surprisingly this
one) crosses Earth orbit #1's ascending node (& descending
Mars orbit #3 (blue) crosses SPS
#1 (purple) at former's ascending node (very close to Earth
orbit #1's solstitial/vertical axis)
Mercury orbit #3 crosses Mars
orbit #1 at latter's perihelion
I know all these lines can be confusing.
If you focus enough, however, you should be able to follow what's
going on and see that something magical is happening.
Now let's bring back the SPS from Secret Design #3 i.e. the one
anchored at Mars' perihelion and tangential to the equinoctial axis.
We'll call this additional SPS "#4"…

SPS #4 (blue) is tangent to
Venus orbit #3 precisely at latter's perihelion
Mercury orbit #3 crosses SPS #4
(blue) precisely at perihelion of Mars orbit #1 where SPS #4
is tangential
All these "coincidences" together don't
happen by "coincidence". What we are seeing here has to be by
Hard to believe but that's what's happening...
Orion Stargate
Here comes Orion…

We'll start with our triple LHC/solar system overlay configuration
(#1, 2 & 3) produced in the previous section:

Note the three Suns from the three solar systems.
They are approximately equidistant but
not quite in a straight line.

I knew I had seen it before somewhere.
Is it…
Orion's Belt?

Orion is a prominent
constellation located on the celestial equator and visible
throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and
recognizable constellations in the night sky. It was named
after Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology.
Orion's Belt or the Belt of
Orion, also known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters, is an
asterism in the constellation Orion. It consists of the
three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Looking for
Orion's Belt in the night sky is the easiest way to locate
Orion in the sky. The stars are more or less evenly spaced
in a straight line, and so can be visualized as the belt of
the hunter's clothing. […] Richard Hinckley Allen lists many
folk names for the Belt of Orion. The English ones include:
Jacob's Rod or Staff; Peter's Staff; the Golden Yard-arm;
the L, or Ell; the Ell and Yard; the Yard-stick, and the
Yard-wand; the Ellwand; Our Lady's Wand; the Magi; the Three
Kings; the Three Marys; or simply the Three Stars.
Orion was identified in ancient Egypt
with Osiris, the god of the underworld and the husband of Isis who
is represented by
the star Sirius.
Their son was Horus, a solar deity, who on earth was embodied by the
pharaohs ("living Horus").
Horus was also identified with Mars and
the Great Sphinx.
The Egyptian capital Cairo,
situated adjacent to Giza, derives its name from Al Qahira
denoting Mars (more literally it means "the victorious")
The ancient Egyptians called
Mars "Horus of the Horizon" (Horakhti), the same name given
to the Great Sphinx
Mars was also called "Horus the
Red" (Hor Dshr), and for a long time the Sphinx was painted
Just as the Great Sphinx is the
hybrid of man and a lion, in ancient Hindu myths Mars is Nr-Simha,
the "Man-Lion"
The term "pyramid" derives from
the Greek term pyr meaning "fire", as in Mars the "fire
planet" (Mars is often referred to as pyroeis in Greek)
Great Sphinx - the "Horus in the
Horizon" - is the gatekeeper of Giza sitting in front of the three
great pyramids.
Author and independent researcher Robert Bauval
revealed back in the 1990s with his popular Orion Correlation Theory
that the Giza pyramids were likely designed to mimic the arrangement
of the Orion Belt Stars.

The Great Sphinx is also an equinox marker as its gaze is eternally
fixed due east where the Sun rises on the equinox days.

Tellingly the LHC suns are aligned with the (original/#1) Earth's
equinoctial axis.

So the context is right and the stage is set…
Are our 3 Suns a perfect replica of Orion's Belt, and through which
the Giza pyramids? One way to find out:

They, are, in fact, identical!
The LHC is… an "Orion Stargate".
Mankind set foot
on the Moon for the first time on July 20th, 1969
as NASA's Apollo 11 mission
successfully landed in the Sea of Tranquility, allowing the first
astronaut Neil Armstrong to take his,
"one small step for (a) man, giant
leap for mankind".

The Moon has been shown to be a major component of the LHC secret
design and here it is confirmed further by the fact that
the Apollo
program also intelligently interacts with the LHC…
The Apollo Earth-Moon connection
echoes the LHC-SPS relationship (= Earth-Moon ratio)
CERN/LHC is partially situated
in the French town Saint-Genus-Pouilly; the name "Pouilly"
apparently comes from the Latin "Appolliacum"; in Roman
times there was a temple dedicated to Apollo in the area
link 2)
"Apollo" is also said to mean
"to destroy" or "the destroyer" (= Apollyon) and right at
CERN/LHC infamously stands a statue of Shiva, a Hindu deity
known as "the Destroyer"

More here...
Now let's take a look at the Apollo program insignia…

The Orion constellation is
centrally depicted in the middle of the insignia, resonating
with the LHC "Orion Stargate" code
Orion represents Osiris the god
of the underworld; the name "Apollo" is associated with a
"bottomless pit" (underworld) via Apollyon/Abaddon in the
Book of Revelation 9:11
Revelation 9:11 And they had
a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless
pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in
the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
After finding this many correlations,
our next logical step is to check for any visual overlay interaction
between the Apollo program insignia, which is circular, and the LHC/solar
system/Orion Belt Stars diagram we've been working with.
For starters, here is a straightforward overlay arrangement:

Not much happening… except the Moon and the SPS actually appear
identical in size.
We can check this by putting the two together…

As you can see, they are the exact same size.
The SPS representing
the Moon matching the size of the Moon… making perfect sense.
But why did we have to move the Apollo insignia for this? It's
curious and seems a bit clumsy because the rearrangement didn't
result in any other additional alignments. We need to investigate
this a little further…
Keeping the Moon snugly inside the SPS, let us now rotate the
insignia 180 degrees, i.e. we turn it upside down, like this:

There it is, an unmistakable alignment!
The flat feet of the big
letter "A" now rest precisely on the solar system's equinoctial axis
At this point we have little reason to doubt we are dealing with a
real hidden design here and not some happy coincidence. The
following further confirms the reality of what we are uncovering…
Apollo 11 had its own insignia…

Let's bring together the two insignias (they are sized so that the
inner edges of the circles match perfectly):

It's unmistakable:
The same letter "A" stands tall like a pyramid
right on the surface of the Moon!
The "pyramid" allusion here is no accident either.
There is this…

And there is also the Orion Correlation Theory: The Apollo insignia
displays Orion, and the Correlation Theory, identifies Orion with the

The Orion Correlation Theory emerged in the 1990s. The Apollo
program was active back in the 1960s…
Somebody knew back then.
Both the Apollo program and CERN's LHC were enormous undertakings
carried out by mankind to boldly go where no man has gone before.
And we now see that they mysteriously interact with each other,
whispering "Orion Stargate".
In Closing
So there you have it.
I am confident I have provided enough
compelling evidence to establish that CERN's Large Hadron Collider
has a secret side that appears to be fully celestial in nature,
ultimately pointing its ethereal finger to the Moon and Orion, as
well as Mars.
Is the LHC a "Gate of the God", a "Tower of Babel", symbolically or
literally connecting "heaven and earth"?
Is it an "Orion Stargate"
blueprint that can, if sufficiently decode, help us become a more
inter-dimensional civilization?
And just who is behind the LHC secret design?
I don't have all the
answers. It's all still very mysterious.
The new revelations in this article,
however, should serve as a major breakthrough paving the way for
further investigation that will leads us to more stunning
discoveries and more concrete answers to the big questions.