What Is
What is consciousness and how do we come
to understand that which is impossible to "stand under" in the true
sense? Consciousness is infinite and ineffable, formless and beyond
description. However, we can try and point to that which is beyond
words with the correct approach.
There is a field in which the
physicality is being experienced. This field is beyond description
but the closest concept that we have to describe this field is that
of space. Space has no form or limitations, and we refer to this
space in which we experience the material world as consciousness.
Addressing an illness on the physical level alone may result in the alleviation of the symptoms, however, not addressing the roots of the illness on the emotional and spiritual levels will simply allow that illness to return.
This approach is cleaning out the junk but because the emotional and spiritual imbalances which created the illness were not fixed the junk will just continue to accumulate.
Within our consciousness are energetic patterns which attract similar energetic frequencies. This is the reason we can see certain patterns arising in our lives. These 'attractor fields' attract situations and people from the "external" world into our "internal" world.
Hence the fearful person attracts scary situations, the angry person attracts frustrating ones, and likewise, the loving person attracts loving situations. Everything comes into our lives as a result of the level at which our consciousness resonates.
This is why the great sage Ramana
Maharishi realized that it is of no use trying to change to
world, because the world we see is only a mirror of our own inner
state of awareness.
These energies are perceptible to
certain people. Some are naturally able to do this and some have
learned how. Others, even though they are not aware of these
energetic fields, nonetheless are still affected by them, albeit
Just as oil settles on the top of water into a coherent layer, likewise the different energetic fields settle into their own appropriate "layers".
A visual representation of this can be
seen in the Map of the Scale of Consciousness seen below.
Hawkins used kinesiological muscle
testing to determine the numerical values in the fourth column. (Kinesiological
testing is a very interesting phenomenon and whole
subject in and of itself.)
In my experience it is an incredibly powerful tool for navigating the realms of consciousness and studying its inner workings.
Everything has an energetic vibration:
All of these can be calibrated to
determine their specific level of consciousness.
This is a key concept to understand when
doing transformational energy work.
This takes practice and familiarity with
the levels of consciousness.