Sterling D. Allan
November 09, 2010
PureEnergySystemsNews Website
AlienScientist presents a primer video about cold fusion, its
history and aspects, along with the keys to its potential success as
an energy solution, calling for the needed resources, including
advocacy, research, theoretical development and funding to see it
achieve its destiny.
"Cold fusion is not pathological
science as many have charged, but for critics to continue to
describe it as such or to ignore it completely is pathological."
AlienScientist has produced another
outstanding video: this one about cold fusion, giving a brief primer
about its history and operation, and giving a call to action to see
it finally emerge as a well-deserving, supported field of science,
to provide a solution to our fossil-fuel energy dependency.
He explains why the earlier experiments
were hard to reproduce, and what we have learned in the ensuing
years about the nature of the reaction and thus how to achieve the
reliability needed.
Like Randy Powell in his presentation at TEDx Charolette on vortex
mathematics, AlienScientist opens the segment with a response to
Barak Obama's saying,
"We don't yet have the technological
breakthroughs that can completely replace fossil fuels,"
retorting, "Oh really? Hmmm."
He then goes back to Obama who
"...unless somebody here invents
something tomorrow, which would be very helpful. And if you have
it, let me know. We'll get it going right away...",
...to which AlienScientist points out
that the U.S. Navy should have already briefed him on their recent
alpha scanning detection of tritium byproducts produced by
the Navy's cold fusion research center, which showed direct evidence
of low level nuclear reactions occurring in laboratories all over
the world.
AlienScientist then says,
"Now all we need is the physics and
the theory to get it to work right consistently."
Imitating Powell's bravado, he says,
"Mr. President, I have it, and now
I'm letting you know, so that you can get it going right away."
He then returns to the Obama segment
"I think you said it best," then
showing Obama stating: "We can't drill our way out of the
problem. That's why we've got to get moving on this clean energy
- one of my highest priorities; and I think it's got to be one
of our highest strategic priorities as an economy. It has the
potential of being an enormous growth industry."
"Oh, you're not kidding!"
AlienScientist concludes at this 1:15-minute opener to his
15-minute video.
I contacted AlienScientist to see if he
could provide the transcript of his video. He gladly provided it,
which is posted below. It picks up where we just left off.
Here is the video and the description he provided, followed by the
transcript. This is primarily for the many people in our reading
audience who translate our pages into their native language.
November 7, 2010
YouTube Website
The Answer to all our energy "problems" - Cold
Cold Fusion, although virtually ignored by mainstream academic
research, has continued underground through the efforts of brave and
dedicated scientists.
I am now pleased to bring you the
technological and theoretical breakthrough we've all been waiting
for... Clean, virtually inexhaustible energy in the form of sea
water! Let the Cold Fusion Revolution begin!
One (1) Teaspoon of
Heavy Water has the energy content of 300 Gallons of
Gasoline. You could go 55 million miles on a gallon. There is enough
deuterium fusion fuel in the top 1 foot of seawater in the San
Francisco Bay to supply all of mankind's projected energy needs for
the next 50-100 years...
And you wonder why
the Federal Reserve 'Corporation' has been suppressing it... Since
their petro-dollars and
their power is backed by Oil.
Useful Links
"Znidarsic's Constant" 1,094,000 m/s -
is the key to Cold Fusion and has many other practical applications
of atomic resonance effects for control over the natural forces.
The Theory and work of Frank Znidarsic:
The duality of Matter and Waves:
Reconciling Special Relativity
and Quantum Mechanics:
Control of the Natural Forces
This is a revolution that has been
long over due.
Cold Fusion has been like a genie shrugging at all of our
scientists who haven’t figured out that he only appears when you
rub the lamp.
The only problem is that the cold fusion reaction is a bit more
complicated than rubbing a lamp.
For one it only seems to occur at or around the 50 nm dimension,
meaning that precision nanotechnology will be needed to produce
working reactors. Defective Palladium Cathodes created a wave of
experimental skepticism when laboratories found they could not
reproduce the reaction. This was due to impurities within the
metal which changed the lattice structure and thus shifted the
dimensions of the lattice.
The stimulation frequency was also a key factor in catalyzing
the reaction, but more importantly understanding the relation
between the 50nm dimension and the 14 MHz stimulation frequency,
and that’s where physics has come to the rescue.
(Frank actually got the more accurate number from the
Experiments as the error at 50nm is too large to get an accurate
measurement and found it matched the number from a variety of
other phenomena the important graph is attached!)
In the book “What is Quantum Mechanics” by the
Lex Foundation a
team of scientists explain the deepest mysteries in quantum
physics, namely the Fine Structure Constant and the velocity of
the quantum transition. These scientists explain that if the
velocity of the quantum transition were known it would solve all
kinds of problems in modern quantum theory. They were correct.
Fine Structure Constant is unit-less because it is a ratio
of velocities, and those velocities cancel. It is the ratio of
the velocity of the quantum transition, which is the velocity of
light within the electronic structure of the atom, to the
velocity of light in the vacuum of space.
This velocity of
quantum transition was revealed to us in the last place that
theoretical physicists were seriously considering, so two of the
deepest mysteries in quantum physics were simultaneously
revealed to us through dedicated scientific research in face of
mountains of skepticism and ridicule.
The Key to Cold Fusion is artificially stimulating atoms into a
state of artificially induced quantum transition while squeezing
them tightly together within the confines of a 50 nm Lattice
While stimulating these atoms at their resonant
atomic velocity of 1,094,000 meters per second or 2/137 times
the speed of light, the strong nuclear fields which bind the
atom slip out of alignment thinking they are absorbing a photon
but instead two nuclei are absorbed into one and fusion
Cold Fusion is here. The coulomb barrier is much easier to break
by outsmarting the atom than trying to strong arm it by brute
force like the Hot Fusion Scientists have been attempting and
failing at for years. Trillions of dollars have been sunk into
Hot Fusion research and Hot fusion scientists have been eager to
hold on to that kind of funding.
It’s time to give cold fusion
another chance, and revisit the
Copenhagen interpretation of
quantum mechanics that Einstein never agreed with, but could
never find the math to prove otherwise. If only Einstein were
alive today...
The math provides such a stunning unification of
quantum mechanics and special relativity that the theory could
stand alone without the decades of cold fusion anomalies and
positive test results staring us in the face, leading us to
discover the velocity of the quantum transition, and the true
nature by which light interacts with atoms.
In fact, anomalous Low Temperature fusion reactions have been
reported since 1927, when Swedish scientist J. Tandberg stated
that he had fused hydrogen into helium in an electrolytic cell
with palladium electrodes.
There’s even evidence of low level nuclear reactions in the
geological record.
Please check the above links in the description of this video or visit
For a more thorough review of the mounting
experimental and theoretical science to support Cold Fusion.
Dr. Peter Hagelstein, of MIT, estimated that $10 million,
distributed to various groups working in this field, would be
enough to take it to the next level!
If you are interested in funding research that could solve some
of the biggest problems on our planet, there are many
opportunities to be a part of this exciting new discovery.
If you are a cold Fusion Researcher or scientist please contact
us. We’ll help to get your story told.
If you are an activist and would like Cold Fusion Literature, or
a student who wants something serious to show your professor
please visit the website or check the links in the description
For a technical and up to date scientific text on Cold Fusion I
highly recommend Dr. Edmund Storm’s book “Science of Low Energy
Nuclear Reaction”, and absolutely check out the work of a guy
named Frank Znidarsic and try plugging Znidarsic’s constant into
Wolfram Alpha to see what happens!
The remainder of this video is an adaptation from Dr. Eugene
Mallove’s book “Fire from Ice: searching for the truth behind
the Cold Fusion Furor”. This is quite possibly the best book you
can buy for a basic introduction to Cold Fusion.
Gene Mallove
was an MIT scientist who was found murdered on May 14, 2004 in
Norwich, Connecticut, while cleaning a recently vacated rental
property owned by his parents, the home he grew up in.
Police Investigators chalk it up to a botched robbery attempt,
no one has yet been convicted of the murder. One of the many
still unsolved mysteries in the Cold Fusion Drama.
The Following is adapted from Dr. Eugene Mallove's "Fire from
unprecedented "miracle or mistake" that burst out of Utah into
the public arena on March 23, 1989, but despite many unanswered
questions about what "cold fusion" is or is not, evidence for
the phenomenon (or phenomena) is now much too compelling to
dismiss. Some would call the scientific clues only provocative.
I choose to say compelling.
With an electric power supply hooked up to palladium and
platinum electrodes dipped in a jar of heavy water spiked with a
special lithium salt, chemists Martin Fleischmann and B. Stanley
Pons were thought to have unleashed one of the wildest goose
chases in the history of science. Now there is a significant
possibility that they have discovered a quite revolutionary
phenomenon that - along with hot fusion - could conceivably turn
the world's oceans into bottomless fuel tanks.
Cold fusion is very likely to be real after all. Despite many
roadblocks that arose against confirming it as a new physical
phenomenon, it is now here to stay. For a time, negative
experiments and widespread skepticism seemed to have put cold
fusion permanently on ice. Incredulity still runs deep.
But cold
fusion research is now very much alive in laboratories far and
wide. It moves forward through those scientists with intense
curiosity and courage to pursue these studies in the face of
mountains of ridicule.
It is now reasonably clear that fusion reactions that liberate
energy - near but very peculiar relatives of nuclear processes
that are the lifeblood of the stars - can occur at room
temperature. There is no chance whatever that cold fusion is a
There is the exceedingly remote possibility that "cold
fusion" is a collection of many mistakes made in nuclear
measurements of many different kinds, in heat measurements of
great variety, and in all manner of control experiments.
But to
believe that hundreds of scientists around the world have made
scores of systematic mistakes about the nuclear and
nuclear-seeming anomalies that they have reported is to stretch
credulity to the breaking point - to distort the meaning of
scientific evidence to absurd limits.
Cold fusion is not
"pathological science" as many have charged, but for critics to
continue to describe it as such or to ignore it completely is
Current evidence suggests that nuclear processes are actually at
work in what at first seemed to be merely table-top chemical
This is absolutely shocking, and the root of
widespread disbelief in cold fusion among scientists.
"It is really quite amazing by what margins competent but
conservative scientists and engineers can miss the mark, when
they start with the preconceived idea that what they are
investigating is impossible. When this happens, the most
well-informed men become blinded by their prejudices and are
unable to see what lies directly ahead of them."
- Arthur C.
Clark , profiles of the future 1963
Cold fusion phenomena are now seen in very dissimilar but
related physical systems: pressurized gas cells, electrochemical
cells with molten metal salts, and metal chips and films alloyed
with fusion fuel.
To an extent, the phenomena has remained not repeatable at
will - but repeatable, to be sure, in a statistical sense, and
sometimes now with very high confidence. (The same has been true
in the early development of certain solid-state electronic
There is now convincing evidence for the observation of
significant heat in excess of energy fed in, bursts of neutrons,
radioactive tritium at concentrations elevated above natural
background (despite fears of preexisting contamination, there is
ample evidence that the tritium is generated by nuclear
reactions), possible abundance shifts in some chemical isotopes,
and much more.
And in a piece de resistance of cold fusion
research, in October 1990 scientists in several laboratories
confirmed the nuclear creation of high-energy nuclei - probably
those of tritium atoms - that fly out from titanium chips infused
with the well-known fusion fuel, deuterium.
The measurements of power in the form of heat coming from some
cold fusion cells is extraordinarily impressive - tens, to over a
thousand, times the energy that could emerge from any
conceivable chemical reaction. If the numbers from some
experiments are to be believed, they add up to tens and even
hundreds of kilowatt-hours coming from each cubic centimeter of
cold fusion cell electrode material (about the volume of a stack
of two pennies)!
You know what a kilowatt-hour of electricity is
when you pay for ten 100-watt bulbs turned on for one hour. More
vividly, a kilowatt-hour is the energy of motion in a
4,000-pound car traveling 140 miles per hour.
A one (1) MW coal fired Power Plant uses about 20,000 rail cars of
coal per year
A one (1) MW Cold Fusion
Power Plant would only require half a ton of Heavy Water
per year
Furthermore and most important, there is now a theoretical basis
to begin to understand these apparent cold fusion phenomena.
Through a sometimes tortured, contentious process the truth
ultimately triumphs in science. Thus is scientific research done
in the real world, not by idealized textbook prescriptions.
Science is not conducted by poll nor by appeal to authority, nor
always shackled to an imperfect and occasionally obstructive
peer review process. Science proceeds through dogged
experimental and theoretical effort.
Now that many more facts are available and the furor has quieted
down, the Cold Fusion Drama can be revisited in its delicious
and delirious detail.
I encourage everyone watching this video, anyone who cares about
real Alternative Energy Sources to explore the story of Cold
Fusion for themselves.
The story of Cold Fusion is a human drama. There were fights to
publish and to forestall publication, issues of priority of
discovery, funding matters, misinformation and disinformation,
rumors that became "fact," questions of academic standing, and
even allegations of scientific deceit.
The hard lessons in science learned in the quest for cold fusion
will depend on the ultimate resolution of the scientific
questions, but whatever the outcome, some things are already
quite clear:
Spectacular resistance to paradigm shifts in science are
alive and well. Plasma fusion physicists were extremely
reluctant to consider new fusion mechanisms even though they
knew very well that the environments of electrochemical cells
and palladium metal atomic lattices were remarkably different
from the high-temperature gaseous systems to which they were
The majority does not rule in science. It is a gross mistake
to draw conclusions about the validity of reported findings by
polling the membership of this or the other scientific
organization or panel.
* It is dangerous and often deceptive to make analogies between
one scientific controversy and another. Comparing the cold
fusion episode with several notable blind alleys in science - the
"polywater" episode of the 1960s-70s, or the early 20th-century
"N-rays" - is counterproductive and wrong. I acknowledge, however,
that it may also be hazardous to compare the cold fusion debate
to heated episodes in science that did result in a
well-established discovery.
Irving Langmoir's rules for identifying so-called
"pathological science" are best retired to the junk heap for
prejudice and name calling.
Ockham's Razor is too easily forgotten. In science, the
simplest unifying theory or connection is often most
appropriate. Better to have a single explanation to bridge a
host of apparently related phenomena, than to concoct baroque
excuses for why multiple independent experiments may all be
systematically incorrect. Any possible nuclear effect, even a
tiny suspected one, such as low levels of neutron particle
emissions seemingly unconnected with heat production, should
have been a tip-off that other puzzling and erratic effects in
similar physical systems might also have something to do with
nuclear phenomena.
Use extreme caution in dismissing experimental results just
because theory suggests they are "impossible." Theory must guide
science, but it should not be allowed to be in the driver's
seat - especially when exploring the frontier.
The fear that possible scientific error would be ridiculed,
or worse, interpreted as fraud, is stultifying. A witch hunt
against cold fusion affected researchers: Some who wanted to
work in the field did not get involved for fear of scorn; others
hid positive results from colleagues, anticipating career
problems; and some laboratory managers refused to allow
technical papers to be published on positive results obtained in
their organizations. Most incredible, some scientists publicly
decried cold fusion, while privately supporting its research.
The peer review process by which articles make their way into
journals is not infallible. While peer review is meant to act as
a filter against spurious results and sloppy science, mismanaged
or unchecked it can be a tyrannical obstacle to progress as
well. It is unwise to be persuaded by the editorial position and
selection of technical articles that appear in a single
well-respected publication.
Vested scientific interests are not easily persuaded to share
their resources. Too small a total funding pie, in this case
limited federal expenditures for energy research, led naturally
to rivalry and antiscientific tendencies that would have
moderated with a policy of broader research support. The hot
fusion fraternity, like any scientific community with its back
to the wall, may find it difficult to draw impartial conclusions
about a perceived threat to its dominance.
After reviewing mounting evidence from cold fusion experiments,
I am persuaded that it provides a compelling indication that a
new kind of nuclear process is at work.
I would say that the
evidence is overwhelmingly compelling that cold fusion is a
real, new nuclear process capable of significant excess power
The Cold Fusion Revolution is alive and well, resurrected from
its grave and ready to make a come back. But we can’t do it
alone… We need your help.
Send this video to as many people as you can, help us get the
word out there.
Give Cold Fusion the chance it needs to prove itself, and I
promise you won’t be disappointed this time.
The science is real
and to ignore the mountains of evidence in front of us is to
gamble away the promise of a clean energy future that might have
already happened if it weren’t for attitudes and ignorance.