by Montalk
October 09, 2006
Montalk Website
Spanish version
Some people believe time is speeding up.
This idea is based on
observation that the difference between subjective and objective
assessments of time have increased over the past decade. For
instance, time seems to be flying by faster than ever, or what used
to take several years to accomplish now seems to be taking place in
just a couple.
In the
2012 paradigm, this idea serves to correlate
the prophesied dissolution of time with immediate personal
observations. I believe two simultaneous phenomena are contributing
to this perception.
The first is that there has been an ongoing reduction in novelty
among trivial trends. This means an increase in routine and
repetition in all things mundane, both personal and cultural.
Television and internet have also become more deeply embedded in
modern life, increasing the amount of time we spend being mentally
asleep during the day, decreasing the quality and quantity of
Due to distraction, repetition, and routine, the recent
past offers less memorable content to reflect upon and thus appears
shortened. When consulting the calendar we therefore notice the days
flying by.
The second is that there has been a simultaneous increase in novelty
among spiritually significant trends. Rate of growth among receptive
individuals in terms of awareness and emotional maturity is
accelerating. You may have changed more in the past two years than
you did in the five years before that.
When more personal growth is
crammed into a shorter amount of time, it appears that things have
picked up pace and more ground is being covered more quickly.
The combination of “days flying by” and “having come so far in so
few years” contributes to our perception that time is speeding up.
These may both be symptomatic of the shift from 3D to 4D if we
recognize that linear time is giving way to nonlinear time, that
priorities are shifting from the trivial to the spiritual in
accordance with the 2012 and related paradigms. Linear time is
measured in increments of trivialities such as astronomical or
atomic motions, while nonlinear time is delineated in increments of
freewill progressions.
With a shift of priorities, trivialities fade
into a repeating background pattern while spiritual events (leaps in
awareness and maturity) increase in their frequency and novelty,
both of which lead to the perception that time is speeding up for
different reasons.
We may extrapolate this accelerating trend into the future and
conclude that in the end, linear time will mean nothing and
nonlinear time will mean everything.
Or to put it another way,
trivialities and the calendar will cease to exist for us altogether
while increments of spiritual progress and freewill choices will be
the new standard.
There is another interesting trend worth noting, which is that the
more recently a person awakens from programmed sleep and into the
pursuit of truth, the more rapid his or her growth from that point
I know several people who started their paths in the 1960s
and 70s, and it took them about two decades to complete the first
pass of their research, to come full circle and finally see the
bigger picture. My awakening began in 1993 and I did not reach that
point until 2003, so about a decade.
Those I know who began in 2001
reached it by 2004, so three years.
Now I am coming across people
who are doing it in under a year, sometimes just a few months.
Part of that trend is due to the increased availability, quality,
diversity, and accessibility of information pertaining to matters of
truth. Those of the 60s and 70s had books, newsletters, telephone,
personal meetings and mail correspondence. Then came fax machines,
personal computers, BBS networks, personal printing and
Then came easy duplication of storage media, the
internet with its websites, forums, and radio shows, and now we have
broadband internet, wifi spots, p2p file-sharing and free video
streaming. For all its downsides, recent technology has served to
accelerate the awakening, albeit indirectly and at the risk of
Another factor behind that trend may involve the fact that it
doesn’t matter when or how we start, but when and where we end up.
In other words, it doesn’t matter that someone started early but
took longer while another starts late and through some crash courses
has reached similar levels of awareness.
What matters is that when
the time comes, people are on the same page and capable of carrying
out what they came here to do, and so those who start late will
indeed have to learn more quickly to be ready in time.
I think both the technological and metaphysical parts
are related,
the first serving the latter as part of some greater plan.
And yes,
I am aware that
NWO forces are behind the flowering of
technology, that the internet is the perfect device for profiling
dissenters and so on, however the dark side takes a gamble with
everything it does and risks having its means unexpectedly
judo-flipped into accomplishing unintentionally positive ends.
Now if we project this trend into the future, we can see that there
will be an increasing number of people awakening, and they will have
to get with the picture quicker than ever, perhaps due to the simple
spreading of awareness among those desperate for answers in
increasingly desperate times. This suggests that demand will
skyrocket along with the availability and quality of information,
but supply can only meet demand if there are more sources available
to provide it, more people refining and providing it.
We cannot
expect technology like the internet to stick around forever, and so
dissemination of guidance and information may increasingly shift
towards personal rather than technological methods.
In a practical sense, for us this means we would do well to
initially become better educated on matters of truth and grow more
skilled in communicating them.
It is a good idea to become more
streamlined, discerning, and capable of providing primary sources
like books, websites, videos, etc… to the receptive when the
occasion arises.
Why? Both to increase our capacity to meet the
potential future demand, and to presently act as a channel for
synchronicity to trigger the awakening and empowerment of others.