by Charles A. Silva
UnicusMagazine Website
"Why do you suppose the space people chose
this remote place in
South America?"
- Shirley MacLaine
"Sounded as if the whole south lake
was shaking and there was this noise... you know?"
The Indian woman gasped and sobbed,
"like a stampede of horses running
deep, deep down under your feet..."
She gestured pointing to the ground
indicating subterranean activity.
"The waters turned white as it
wanting to boil... I looked outside my window and called my son.
He was playing by the lake with Ernistina's boy. Next thing I
see is big kite coming out of the lake... a square kite made of
many, many tin one gallon container glued together.
Now I'm scared because the noise was
more like numerous planes going overhead and flying to where the
children are playing... thin it took off into the sky. I was
afraid because this was not like the other flying balls that
emerge out of the lake... this one was noisy and big and I
didn't know what to do.
I'd never seen anything like it
before and something told me that my child was not okay!"
These words, spoken half in Spanish,
half in Quechua - the original language of the Incas: are not from a
supermarket tabloid but an emotional account of a weeping Indian
mother near the shores of Laguna de Huaypo (Lake Huaypo) in the
Andes mountains of Peru, about 40 miles from the city of Cuzco.
The incident took place in August of
1983 and was published in some of the major Peruvian newspapers.
An interview with the boys told their story:
Miguelito and Alejandro, 9 and 11
years old respectively, were looking for frogs near the reefs as
the usually did in the late afternoons.
They heard rumbling
noises under the ground and water. The water looked as if it was
boiling with such effervescence, it appeared as if someone had
thrown a gigantic Alka-Seltzer into the lake.
A few moments later,
"something looking like a huge
beach air mattress dripping with water came to the surface
and flew in our direction with a deafening noise."
Miguelito recalls,
"Alejandro took me by the hand
and dragged me away from the lake. He was screaming
something, but I could not hear him over the roaring sound
of the object."
Both boys ran a distance of maybe 50
to 75 feet.
Miguelito was behind still running
when he saw Alejandro take a dive into the reeds as the air
mattress-shaped object flew over them.
"I was still on my feet, my head
felt like it was burning. I wanted to pull myself up, but I
fell instead. Alejandro was already down on his tummy when
the flying thing passed overhead. I saw the whole back of
his shirt being lifted up - like the thing was pulling it."
When the boys were taken to the
nearest medical outpost, it was discovered that half the skin on
Alejandro's back had been ripped upwards from his waist to his
mid-spine in the same manner one take a knife to break or pry
the peel of an orange.
"We could see the raw muscles
and tendons underneath the boy's skin.
It took several hundred stitches and more than four hours to
sew him back together, but strangely enough nothing was
damaged and the boy is going to be alright," recalled one of
the doctors who assisted in the operation.
These two versions of the same account
are similar to many other ongoing occurrences that seems to take
place not only at the Huaypo lake, but in other areas where a
combination of mountains and bodies of water exist in these high,
isolated areas of the Andes.
Of course, not all are as painful or bloody as this one, but
nonetheless it sets the precedent that this part of the world may
conceal some mysterious mechanical aero-spatial wonders which the
local people seem to accept matter-of-factly.
When I wrote the book
Date With The Gods, I recalled Erich Von
Daniken, Raymond Drake and other people's theories
suggesting the Earth was at one time either visited or inhabited by
races of extraterrestrial intelligences.
Most of the evidence for this belief
came from the more remote places imaginable on Earth.
"Chariot of Fire," gods, angels and all the other celestial entities
syndrome seem t indicate that these "deities" may have been space
Religions from all over the world, including
Judeo-Christian legends and tradition, embrace an ongoing contact
with outer space influences. Of all the religions containing this
evidence one place stands out in the Andes mountains of South
America, Peru in particular.
Most of the facts, studies and finding about this area of the planet
come from very reliable, well documented, quasi-scientific reports
and sources and are presented by scholars with the proper visual
aids so as to support their claims which in turn are corroborated by
a myriad of eyewitness reports concerning modern UFO sightings,
abductions, trips to the stars and the like.
In July of 1977, long before movie actress/author Shirley MacLaine's
best seller Out On A Limb was published, I had the
opportunity to be her guide in Peru.
It was during this journey that she
learned first hand about the extraterrestrial connection. Shirley's
detailed description of her experiences with Peru's mountain people
correlates with their own ongoing episodes with space visitors
today, thus adding and intrigue into the Laguna de Huaypo UFO
As a feminist movie star, Shirley MacLaine managed to
captivate the native women. We developed a special friendship with
the eldest of the innkeeper's daughters.
They had such an affinity for each other
that somehow they transcended the language barrier.
Shirley spoke English, the maid a mixture of Spanish and Quechua.
Using words, sounds and mime-like gestures they exchanged
information. At time they drew pictures. From my vantage point it
looked like the Hollywood star was getting friendly feedback.
asked the maid if she thought the aliens were friendly or if she was
afraid of them.
She said she didn't know, but made
motions indicating that the ETs are very shy.
"Besides what's to be afraid of?
Everyone who has a flying disc story around here will tell you
that it is the aliens who act afraid, run away, avoid and
contact and the ETs make themselves scarce when anyone tries to
find or approach them."
Shirley deducted.
"Yes, yes!" I quickly agreed.
"That's what I have been told... that's why they fly so far into
the mountains and under the hills, so no one can see them.
At least that is what my own extraterrestrial friend Rama told
me when we went into underwater caves, like a submarine, around
Lake Titicaca and then our craft ascended right over those
I said alluding to a passage in my book
and pointing and the
Huaytapallana Peaks some 16,000
plus feet high of perpetually icy mountain top.
Local folklore
alludes to a lot of unusual and unexplained occurrences dealing with
strange underground noises, lights and flying objects in that
"Why do you suppose the space people
chose this remote place in South America?" Shirley asked.
"Here, they can fly undisturbed by radar and military aircraft.
The natives believe that the UFOs are satellites that the
Russians and Americans send into orbit. They are so used to it
now, it doesn't even cause any excitement anymore." I replied.
"That's right, the maid told me that the existence of flying
objects is common knowledge. The people are so used to seeing
these things, the laugh at all the scientists, astronomers and
tourist who make their way up these mountains to search for
"You got the typical local version," I said, adding that the
Andean topography and atmosphere may be similar to the ETs own
environment on their home planets.
Shirley pursued the subject of UFOs
relentlessly wherever we went, talking to people from all walks of
We encountered the same matter-of-fact
attitude toward the UFOs everywhere we visited. We had long chats
discussing these subjects. Her stamina to communicate with the
natives led us to information about a couple of similar incidents.
The natives were very willing to share their flying saucer stories
with us.
The first story we were told was on a three and a half hour train
ride from Cuzco to the Inca ruins of
Machu Picchu. Mingling with the
crowd, I served as a translator.
We even heard some stories that were new
to me.
We were told by an old man a story that
was embellished by several other people, who listened and
contributed their own eyewitness accounts, each adding details from
their own view points of view.
"In a place not too far from Cuzco,
maybe thirty miles," the old man began, "there is a lake where
several people claim to have seen a flying egg. They say it
looked like two half watermelons placed against each other at
their wide openings... green in color, and..."
"And it raised out of the water and came
from the egg-like object," interrupted a teenager.
"Five smaller spheres, black in
color, emerged," added another witness.
"They hovered for a few minutes and then flew out into space,"
yelled a tamale vendor.
The others who contributed to the story
all agreed that the process was later reversed and that the five
spheres flew back inside the larger disk.
Then it submerged itself back into the
lagoon. I can recall an old lady who was travelling with her
granddaughter saying that they had both seen the unusual craft
floating like a ship, flying like a plane and even sinking like a
As I was translating this, a challenging task because everyone was
talking at once, I could see Shirley's face growing more and more
mesmerized - absorbed as each person interrupted the other with
various details to bring out a more complete picture of the events.
According to one of the locals, these were reoccurring events,
especially around the full moon.
There was yet another account elicited by us regarding the Andean
celestial visitors.
In Huancayo, Peru's largest central
city, we were invited to have lunch at the home of Eduardo and Ruth
Garay, a local business couple, who lived in a villa that is located
in one of the most affluent suburbs. From their terrace, there is a
magnificent view of the Huaytapallana Peaks.
During the course of our luncheon, the subject of UFOs and
extraterrestrials came up again. The butler, who was serving us,
overheard the conversation and requested permission from our hostess
to share one of his experiences with us. As the butler spoke, I
translated. He told us that he was born and raised in a little town
about five miles from the bottom of some ice peaks.
There is a big lagoon at the base which
was created by the melting of the ice when the hot sunlight hits.
"It was eighteen years ago," he
began, "the day of my twelfth birthday. I usually walk about two
miles to get to school, but on that particular day I decided to
play hooky instead. I went the other way toward the Yanacocha
Lagoon. It was early in the morning when I saw the lake looking
nice and peaceful.
All of a sudden, I heard this loud noise -
something like a rumble.
An earthquake perhaps, I thought,
but when I looked at the water, it was getting agitated as if it
were boiling. A few seconds later, this black sphere...
perfectly round and flat black, like a gigantic billiard
eight-ball, shot out of the water. It was suspended in the air,
moved a little, hovered for a few moments, then took off into
the sky."
"Hmmm!" Shirley and I said, almost in unison.
Eduardo and his wife told us that they
had known this man since he was young and that he did not have the
imagination to make up a story like that.
I was sure he hadn't since we had head a
similar story like that about the Lake Huaypo black spheres while
riding on the Machu Picchu train - less than 250 miles away, near
Cuzco. Now the butler was telling us about UFO activity in
Laguna de Yanacocha at the bottom of Huaytapallana Peaks.
Later, I learned from our hosts that in
the Quechua language "Yana" means black and "Cocha" means lagoon. A
name inherited from Incan times, though no one knows why.
Based on my own experiences and previous trips to Peru in search of
UFOs, I had developed the ability to distinguish a legitimate
experience from a phony account: since I had been subject to
relentless, and at times brutal interviewing by experts to see if my
answers were consistent - this happened many times after my book
Date With the Gods came out.
When I questioned people about their UFO accounts, I would use the
same technique that was done to me. With this method, I could
observe the narrator's body language and learned to recognize signs
of sincerity and good faith reports. That is why I believed the
butler's story, because he was a humble, quiet, dignified man who
told of his experience in a low-key, casual manner.
While in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, in and near Cuzco, some 170
miles north east of Huaypo and a few thousand feet higher, we
visited the vestiges of an
ancient super culture that once inhabited
the site, know as Planicie de Tiahuanaco. Titicaca is the highest
navigable lake in the world.
The question is:
Its location is too high for women to
give birth, and certainly too high for an average population to
Yet someone built incredibly strong
cities there. The fact that they cut and carried colossal one-piece
boulders weighing several tons or more, in an area that is between
13,00 and 19,000 feet above sea level is something that defies our
conventional imagination.
The fact that a large, well-developed populations did live at that
altitude is apparent from the amazing ruins they left behind. By the
time the Spaniards arrived in the Americas, in the mid 1500s, the
native Peruvians were barely able to tell them anything about their
culture or the secrets of their architecture and their past history,
except that these now deserted cities were once built by the gods
who had returned to the stars.
Ufologists like,
William Hamilton
Bill Cooper
Linda Howe
Virgil Armstrong,
...and many others are providing
additional information pertaining to the role of modern
extraterrestrial life.
In his book
Alien Magic, Hamilton
suggest that many centuries ago, the people who lived on the surface
of the Earth, made a pact with an alien race who reside within the
confines of our planet.
They rarely come to the surface. Some say that these beings are
linked to the Illuminati, a secret society, who plans to control the
world with the help of alien intelligences. It is rumored that as
part of a treaty signed in 1933, the United States agreed to traded
animals, and even some humans in exchange for new technologies to be
used in gaining control over the entire human race.
This alleged deal included an arrangement that allowed the aliens to
move about undisturbed in underground bases in the western part of
the United States. In the 1940s, a special group was formed to deal
with ALFs (Alien Life Forms) who were shifting their focus of
operations from South and Central America to the United States.
Some people believe that this is perhaps one of the most absurd
claims that one could ever conceive of, but is it really? Or is this
possibly one of the best kept secrets that the U.S. government has
been hiding from its people?
Most of the local reports in South
America about bodies of water all have one common denominator that
rouses our curiosity, that is their connection to UFO sightings, ET
contact and rich source of folklore which tell an incredible stories
about highly technical machinery flying off into space.
Are we once again being confronted with an unbelievable idea?
Perhaps with the most bizarre Peruvian
fables there is not enough tangible proof to substantiate what you
have just read. But it the old adage, "rain follows thunder" has any
validity at all, and if in fact these modern accounts have even a
slight connection with reality, we could be on the threshold of a
major discovery.
Keep in mind that lost cities and civilizations have been found in
inaccessible regions. It is possible to conjecture that some
survivors of an ancient race of space faring people, or even
descendants may be living in lost cities hidden in jungles or under
mountains in South America.
Even today some of these locations are
still surrounded and protected by nearly impassable territories such
as the area of the Amazon basin called the Matto Grosso in Brazil
and the immediate area surrounding Lake Titicaca - a sparsely
populated no-man's triangle where Bolivia, Peru and Brazil meet.
It is only a matter of time before modern man finds out what this
terrain of mystery and awe has in store for us.