Sterling D. Allan
November 26, 2013
PureEnergySystems Website

Beginning January 14, 2014,
the Keshe Foundation will be launching a
1-3-year long course
for scientists from around the world
who wish to collaborate in the
development of knowledge
required to build a fully functional
space craft,
complete with propulsion, energy
healing capability, food and water
This last Saturday, I conducted an interview with
Mehran Keshe regarding a number of things, including the recent
announcement of the Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute in
Brescia, Italy, which will be a one- to three-year long course for
scientists from around the world who wish to collaborate in the
development of knowledge required to build a fully functional space
craft, complete with propulsion, energy generation, healing
capability, food and water production.
I created a video
to include photos and images relevant to the audio track of our
interview. I must apologize that I was not in best form doing the
interview, but Keshe's content was great.
Two weeks ago, the Keshe Foundation held a press conference in
Italy, which was attended by some dignitaries including a member of

The course will begin January 14 with
20-50 participants, then in March they will allow multinational
companies to join in.
The setting will not be a "classroom"
with teacher and students, but more of a "round table" environment
of peers, directed by Keshe.
"Most of these people are high-level
scientists. Titles get hung on the door on the way in. This will be
an environment of peers."
One of the conditions for involvement in the institute will be that
the scientists openly share what they are learning with their people
back home, so that the knowledge reaches millions and cannot be
"This way, no nation can block any
other nation. This will be a collective, human race endeavor."
They want representation from a large
number of nations, so no one nation will have more than 10
The course language will be in English,
so anyone needing translation will need to arrange for that. Much of
the €20,000 tuition will go toward materials for
the participants to build a functioning energy reactor.
They will begin making
things after the first semester.
"By end of
the first year, they should be able to make an energy reactor,
medical systems, and produce food from energy in space."
Keshe realizes that multinational
companies will need to get involved in order to bring the necessary
resources and capabilities to the table for producing these
technologies with the quality and volume needed for humanity.
But he is convinced that the
intellectual property for this needs to be open source, comparing it
to a spoon, which everyone needs and uses, and many companies make.
One of the conditions for participation is that the technology must
only be used for peaceful purposes, for lifting of humanity, not for
aggression. No patents can be filed on things learned in the course.
It should remain open source.
Keshe compares the knowledge gained and
shared in this Institute to a spoon.
"Something that is necessary for
quality of life for every human should not be patented."
Interested individuals should send their
CVs to
spaceshipinstitute@gmail.com as well as
ssi@keshefoundation.com for redundancy.
If there is enough support for this, we
may do a fundraiser to raise enough money to send at least one
person who wins a contest to attend.
David Puchta and
Crunk have both expressed interest in being involved, though
both of them have their own projects that ought to be funded so they
can give those the attention they deserve.
Bresciea has plenty of accommodations for children and families.
5 kW
Keshe said that there is going to be an announcement coming December
19, 2013 regarding the generator technology.
They were supposed to have started delivering these last December to
the near 100 people who had paid a €500 Euro
deposit toward purchase. They were going to show that unit a
year ago in November, but that plan was frustrated when the Belgium
authorities confiscated it the day before the planned showing.
That unit involved radioactivity and thus presented
problems for shipping (not to mention other regulations). So they
had to redesign the unit so it didn't use radioactive elements.
"We spent
months modifying [the design] to get a chain of events that
worked the same as with nuclear elements."
He said they have now
accomplished that, and are in process of testing it, though they
have had some issues with stability.
The design being
tested produces in the range of 3-10 kW. He did not
give any assurances that the announcement on December 19 would be
affirmative; but he did say that if it was positive, then he would
be inviting those who paid the deposit to then pay the balance of
the unit so it could be manufactured.
He said that the
manufacturing facilities are in place.
we cannot deliver, we will refund the deposit."
He said this technology could easily be
scaled up or down.
"There is no limit on output
production because no fuel is required," because it is
harnessing the wheelwork of nature via a principle of magnetism.
He also said that at the 7th workshop
this Thursday, they plan to show what it is.
[December 20 Update:
Keshe Announces Commercial 3-4kW Generator]
Won't be
Participating in Evolve Expo Contest
When I asked Keshe if he thinks his generator will be ready to
participate in the contest to power the Evolve Expo "Free Energy
House" display (story pending), he told me that the United States
has not been welcome at all to the Keshe Foundation, refusing to
grant him a Visa.
"If we have to do a demonstration,
we will do it in Europe. There are enough scientists clever
enough in Europe."

Keshe also spoke about that
weight-modification set-up we did a
story about in August.
From what I could tell, the change of
weight read-out was a function of their not properly taring the
scale to zero each time. He said that this was not the case, and
that present at the testing were a professor, two engineers, and a
physicist, who were observing very carefully; and that they have
"thousands of hours of video" from the various tests that were done,
showing a "2.5 kilogram reduction" in weight.
Later, the data from
those additional tests will be posted.
He said that video we showed in our news was produced by an
international blogger, who, in due course, will announce who he is.
Achieve perpetual, sustainable propulsion, can create any amount of
Create magnetic field, depends on how
much you pick up from that.
moved to Italy
Keshe said that due to the problems they have been having in
Belgium, with the government " trying to do everything to discredit
us", they have relocated to Brescia, Italy.
He said the Belgium government recently stole 10 years of emails
from their servers, looking for things they can use to discredit the
Foundation. Apparently, he was able to pinpoint the source of the
hack through their internet service provider.
lateral sclerosis
On the health front, he said that with the move, their clinical work
has been put mostly on hold.
However, he said that they have been seeing very promising results
in restoring patients who have ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis),
which until how has been a death sentence.
He referred me to a
video they
posted about their work in this area, which he expects to generate a
lot of interest worldwide.
One person they have been working with can now lift an orange,
whereas two months ago, he couldn't lift a pen. And he can clothe
Keshe wishes to emphasize that their work is not just about energy,
but about the whole range of requirements needed for a space
mission, including healing, food, water, and propulsion.
USB Drive
I asked him if he's received any updates from the many governments
that he gave their USB drive with a full set of information
regarding their technology. (Story)
He replied:
"We don't communicate with the
governments; we don't ask. It was given as a gift. Some
governments have already passed the key to research
US Drone
Intercept Prediction
We've given
coverage in the past about the two instances, exactly one year
apart on December 6, 2011 and 2012, in which Iran intercepted and
downed, intact, a US drone flying in their air space; and that Keshe claims that it was his gravity modification technology that
made that possible.
In my interview with him Saturday, he said that last year, just
prior to the second incident, he had announced to a group of 150
people he was speaking to on December 3, that,
"the power of the
technology would be shown."
He said that at that meeting was the
first time he had shown the gravitational reactors for first time in

He said:
"This happened after our systems were confiscated,
the Friday before, November 25, a day prior to their pending showing
of the system in Holland for Elector Magazine."
He didn't think such an incident would happen yet again this year,
and expressed his hope that the 5+1 peace talks then under way in
Geneva would stabilize things between the US and Iran.
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Other PESN Coverage
Mehran Keshe assassination plot; website in
jeopardy; product roll-out (Free
Energy Blog; March 13, 2014)
Keshe Announces Commercial 3-4kW Generator
(Free Energy Blog; December 20, 2013)
Mehran Keshe Announces Spaceship Institute
(PESN; November 26, 2013)
Weight-Change Shown in Keshe Spaceship
Program Video Just Due to Poor Tare Protocol
(PESN; August 31, 2013)
Argo Propagates Fear
(PESN; December 1,
Keshe: Drone Interception Video Demonstrates
Magravs System Capability (PESN;
November 28,
Latest Keshe Space-USB
recipient countries include: USA, China, Russia, India,
Australia, Brazil, Japan, Italy (PESN;
November 16,
MT Keshe's Scary Politics
(PESN; October 21, 2012)
Interviews with Keshe and Meyl following
today's lecture (PESN; September
21, 2012)
Keshe Interview: Gravity Technology Balances
Global Playing Field (PESN;
September 4, 2012)
Keshe Free Energy Technology Replications
Galore (PESN; September 1, 2012)
Keshe Foundation Promotional Video Posted
(PESN; August 31, 2012)
Keshe Foundation claims Iran in possession of
superior defense capabilities (PESN;
August 4, 2012)
Keshe Foundation to release Magravs
technology in September for world peace
(PESN; July 13, 2012)
On Keshe, Cavitation, and Human Destiny:
Sterling on Unicus Radio Hour (PESN;
April 29, 2012)
Keshe Foundation hosting invitation-only meeting on
gravitational space technology for international space
agencies and governments (PESN;
March 24, 2012)
Part II: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian
Flying Saucer? (PESN; December 16,
Part I: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian
Flying Saucer? (PESN; December 14,
Keshe selling 3-4kW plasma generators . . .
next year, with class (PESN; April
12, 2009)
Engineer Behind Iranian Saucer Technology
Comes Forward (PESN; April 6,
Update on Keshe free energy and healing
initiative (PESN; January 25,
M.T. Keshe was 'kidnapped' in Canada over
false nuclear weapons concerns (PESN;
January 15, 2011)
CO2 captured in solution while making
electricity (PESN; Dec. 23, 2009)
Keshe launching energy generation and space
exploration plasma technology (Interview)
(PESN; July 22, 2009)
Keshe Foundation Readies for Space Flight
Announcement (PESWiki;
July 19, 2009)
Spaceship Institute
Recruiting Mission on NOW
March 10, 2014
The Spaceship Institute in
Northern Italy has today announced a NEW Mission directive to
the citizens of planet Earth.
The paradigm-busting invitation
targets those physicists, plasma specialists, design and systems
engineers who are ready to undergo a rigorous collective
creation-to-operation of Spaceship Technology, within one month.
Any government, organization, or
individual is welcome to participate in the project, based upon
existing plasma and Magrav technology, recently released by the
Keshe Foundation within the public domain, NOW gifted FREE to
The Spaceship will measure 30-40 m in radius and will replace
any existing propulsion system operational on the planet today.
The fields of the Magravs system will provide the lift and
positioning, bringing obsolescence to the existing
petroleum-based technologies. The environment will benefit
immensely as the new technology for transport, becomes available
to all.
Mr MT Keshe, Founder of the Spaceship Institute, ensures an open
book policy, in absolute transparency and Truth.
"The entire world will be
watching, literally, as we create this together with all of
This is NOT to be a secretive,
covert creation in some hidden hangar
in Area 51.
What will take to the skies from the
facility in Northern Italy will be witnessed by the whole world.
If you belong to a traditional academic institution and mindset,
you will have the opportunity to be included in the directive,
with the NEW understanding of the Universe. This knowledge is
FREE to the entire human race and no-one will be excluded.
This is to be the first Magravs Space flight, ever, for the
people and by the people’s own interactive creation.
The projected inaugural flight of the shiny new Spaceship will
be scheduled by the end of this year. The flight will allow for
up to 500 people on board, and your qualification will contrast
with the required years of training and prep by agencies such as
NASA and Space Command.
This Space journey will be open to
"All you have to do is just get
on," ensures Mr Keshe with a twinkle of a smile.
The Keshe Foundation previously
gifted the design of the craft to world governments, including
Japan, Russia, and the US, but was ignored, with the proposal
shelved and sequestered from public knowledge or view.
NOW the technology MUST be released,
"We have waited long enough for
a response, and the people deserve to know. So, we proceed
through the coming round of Knowledge Seekers who will be
bringing evolution through their Visionary roles in
The entire project is estimated at a
mere 50-55 mil Euros to complete, and invites collaboration from
existing governments or agencies to get on board the greatest
project on earth. Ever.
The great leap upward brings with it an assurance of World
Peace, through the World Peace Treaty Event scheduled later in
this year. There will be no more need for war over prescribed
pieces of real estate. Now, countries may have their own galaxy,
Who will be on board this first flight to outer space? Watch for
interactive events chronicling the progress of development.
Apply through contests, tutorials
and interactive displays as this event unfolds in real time. You
never know, you just might win a place on the first ever
humanity created, Magravs propelled Spaceship.
The world will be watching this collaborative co-creation. At
Magrav’s speed we will be saying goodbye to the Flintstones…
Jetsons take flight!
Committed Knowledge Seekers
are encouraged to apply at
Spaceshipinstitute@gmail.com -
Twitter @spaceshiplaunch