by Gaye Levy


September 4, 2012
from ActivistPost Website



Gaye Levy, the SurvivalWoman, grew up and attended school in the Greater Seattle area. After spending many years as an executive in the software industry, she started a specialized accounting practice offering contract CFO work to emerging high tech and service industries.

She has now abandoned city life and moved to a serenely beautiful rural area on an island in NW Washington State.

She lives and teaches the principles of a sustainable, self-reliant and stylish lifestyle through emergency preparation and disaster planning through her website at

SurvivalWoman speaks her mind and delivers her message with optimism and grace, regardless of mayhem swirling around us.






The year is 2018. Looking back, everything in the good old days of 2011 and 2012 seem like a distant memory. And yeah, at the time those good old days did not seem so good.


But now they do. Why?


The world and society as we knew it are long gone and we are left with a new world, a world without conveniences, without power and without a consistent and reliable food supply.

What I have described above, in my own words, is the scenario described in a new free eBook written by Todd Sepulveda, the chief editor at the Prepper Website.


In his book, titled “Education After The Collapse”, Todd describes a fictional community surviving in the aftermath of an economic collapse. It is not a pretty picture and most certainly it will make you want to sit back and think (as well as ratchet up the preps more than just a little bit.)

But his intent is not to scare and not to create panic.


Rather, with this brief introduction, the intent is to set you on a track for thinking about an aspect of prepping you rarely hear about: the education of our children and the leaders of the next generation.



School When There Is No Classroom

Using his background and passion as an educator, Todd writes about teaching and puts it in the context of the old days - not unlike Laura Ingalls in her series of books titled Little House on the Prairie.


Back then traditional schoolhouses were few and far between. They were predominately in the cities and towns and only randomly scattered in rural communities. There were no electronics, no calculators, and no cyberspace and Internet to use for research purposes.

The schoolhouse was more likely the kitchen table, with Mom and Dad pitching in to teach their children and loved ones the basics of reading, math and science. And that is where this eBook shines: as a tool for helping you prepare for a possible time when a traditional school is not available to educate our children.

In Education After the Collapse, you will be reminded that different children - and people for that matter - have different capacities and styles of learning. That said, within the scope of those differences, teaching children to solve problems and think critically is probably the most important lesson of all.


In 45 pages (including the appendix), suggestions are provided for embracing project based learning regardless of individual learning capacities and maturities.

Quite remarkable, if you ask me. After all, when is the last time your local school district even mentioned this?



The Final Word

Please do not think this eBook is just for families.


The first section, alone, describing a fictional community after the collapse is worthy of a download (which is 100% free by the way). I read that and was immediately taken in to the future - a future that may never happen but is still within the realm of probability.

But even more important, if you care about our world and you care about society, you will want to read the rest of Education After the Collapse.


And after reading it? You just might - like me - want to stock up on some textbooks, paper, writing materials and flash cards so that you will have them for the children of the unprepared - if and when the time comes.

For more information, be sure to visit the website Ed That Matters and download your own free copy of
Education After The Collapse.