by Jonathan Benson
staff writer
June 24, 2011
NaturalNews Website
A rarity in the world today, the South American nation of Peru has
yet to be contaminated by the import, cultivation, or breeding of
any genetically-modified (GM) crops - at least not openly - unlike
some of its nearby neighbors like
Brazil that have openly and
willingly accepted them.
And the recent decision by Peru's Plenary
Session of the Congress to enact a ten-year moratorium on GMOs, in
direct defiance to previous governmental pushes for legalization,
represents a huge victory for Peruvians.
Even though a recent test conducted by the Peruvian Association of
Consumers and Users (ASPEC),
a non-profit organization that promotes and defends the rights of
Peruvian consumers, revealed the presence of GM contaminants in
77 percent of supermarket products it tested, at least the
country itself will not be contributing to the spread of GM
pollution around the world.
Anibal Huerta, President of Peru's Agrarian Commission, stated that
the ban was necessary to prevent the,
"danger that can arise from the
use of biotechnology."
At least someone in a position of
governmental authority is willing to admit the
truth about GMOs, mainly that they
contaminate the food supply with untested "Franken-genes," put an
immense chemical burden on the environment, and are implicated
in a wide variety of disorders and illnesses.
He and the many other congressmen who supported the moratorium also
cited agricultural biodiversity as another reason why GMOs needed to
be banned.
Biotech crops, of course, are responsible for replacing
formerly diverse, self-sustaining agricultural systems with endless
fields of GM crops like corn and soybeans.
"There is an increasing consensus among consumers that they want
safe, local, organic fresh food and that they want the environment
and wildlife to be protected," wrote Walter Pengue from the
University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, in a recent statement
concerning GMOs in South America.
"South American countries must
proceed with a broader evaluation of their original agricultural
policies and practices using the precautionary principle."