by Ethan A. Huff
August 19, 2012
NaturalNews Website
In their quest to achieve better health, many patients with chronic
illness are finding that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)
are one of the primary culprits responsible for exasperating and
even causing their persistent conditions.
And patients who see doctors that
understand nutrition are also discovering that eliminating GMOs from
their diets is effectively reversing and even curing these
illnesses, without the need for pharmaceutical drugs.
In a thorough analysis recently published in Vitality Magazine,
Jeffrey Smith, Executive Director of the Institute for
Responsible Technology (IRT), explains how doctors who prescribe
their ill patients GMO-free diets are witnessing dramatic recoveries
in their patients, many in as little as just a few days of eating
only clean, natural foods.
Patients who were told they would have
to take pills every day for the rest of their lives are now
experiencing full recovery simply by avoiding GMOs.
"I tell my patients to avoid
genetically-modified foods because in my experience, with those
foods there is more allergies and asthma," says Dr. Emily
Lindner, an internist with 27 years of medical experience and
practice in internal medicine.
Dr. Lindner has seen dramatic
improvements in many of her patients with chronic illness who adhere
to strict, GMO-free diets.
"When I change people from a GMO
diet to a GMO-free diet, I see results instantaneously in people
who have foggy thinking and people who have gut symptoms like
bloating, gas, irritation. In terms of allergies, it might take
two to five days (to see relief).
In terms of depression, it starts to
lift almost instantaneously. It takes from a day, to certainly
within two weeks."
Smith outlines several documented cases
in which patients with,
bowel conditions
cold hands and feet
migraine headaches
...and various other conditions have
essentially been healed as a result of going GMO-free.
This is the same diet the American
Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)
recommended back in 2009 when it
called for an indefinite moratorium on GMOs.
You can read Smith's entire report
The connection
between GMOs, inflammation, and autism
Interestingly enough, science continues to show that GMOs trigger an
inflammatory response throughout the body, which is the foundation
upon which chronic illness arises.
Dr. Martha Grout from the Arizona
Center for Advanced Medicine in Scottsdale is one of many
progressive doctors who recognizes that the body essentially rejects
GMOs and their foreign DNA as a poison.
Animal studies in which GMOs have been proven to elicit clear
behavioral, neurological, and psychological changes can also be
transposed to humans. After giving a talk back in 2011 about the
harm caused by GMOs, for instance, Dr. Don Huber, Ph.D., a
professor emeritus at Purdue University in Indiana, was approached
by a doctor who explained that he had been observing the exact same
detrimental side effects in his autistic
Numerous animal studies verify that GMOs induce erratic behavior,
including a tendency towards hyperactivity.
At the same time, GMOs also tear up the
digestive tract and lead to chronic bowel symptoms. Both of these
conditions are common amongst children that have been diagnosed with
autism spectrum disorders, and many doctors are convinced that GMOs
are a major cause of autism symptoms.
Lacing the food supply with GMOs and not labeling them as such is
not only causing widespread illness, but it is also illegally
depriving individuals of their lawful right to informed consent.
GMOs are not the same as natural food, and have repeatedly been
shown to cause serious and long-term health problems - and
individuals have a right to know whether or not the foods they buy
contain GMOs.
Be sure to
check out IRT's Non-GMO Shopping Guide
for tips on how to avoid buying and inadvertently consuming GMOs.
Also, consider joining the
Label It Yourself initiative to
proactively raise awareness about the presence of GMOs throughout
the food supply.