by Josh Richardson
November 24, 2014
PreventDisease Website
Spanish version
Richardson is blogger,
healer, and a constant pursuer of the natural state of
human consciousness. |
Everything You Are, Have
Been and Ever Will Be
Is About Frequency,
and Your DNA
is The Ultimate Antenna
Your entire existence... all matter, all life, all experiences -
everything owes its existence in the physical world to frequency.
Absolutely everything is frequency. You cannot have
an experience on this planet without attracting it through
frequency. Every emotion, including love and hate tunes into a
specific frequency. Health has a frequency. Disease has frequency.
Your organs are each tuned to a specific frequency as
is your entire body which resonates at its own frequency. You are a
symphony of frequencies while you project yourself through this
universe and create your physical reality. You are a master of your
energy, and thus you are able to control everything you are,
everything you do, everything you experience.
From the day you are born until the day you die,
nothing will ever change the fact that you are both a frequency
emitter and receiver in flux with your internal and external
DNA possesses two structural characteristics of fractal antennas,
electronic conduction and self symmetry.
Electrical conduction
allows the movement of electrically charged particles within the
body and that flow produces our life force.
Life itself as we know it is inextricably interwoven with geometric
forms, from the angles of atomic bonds in the molecules of the amino
acids, to the helical spirals of DNA, to the spherical prototype of
the cell, to the first few cells of an organism which assume vesical,
tetrahedral, and star (double) tetrahedral forms prior to the
diversification of tissues for different physiological functions.
The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine
cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a
nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral
within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them
emerge out of timeless geometric codes.
Our human bodies on this planet all developed with a common
geometric progression from one to two to four to eight primal cells
and beyond.
The universe is more than 99.999% empty space, including our own
bodies. All physical things are made of atoms which are mostly empty
space. If the nucleus was the size of a marble, the electrons would
be specks of dust a half mile away. Every physical thing has that
much empty space in it. Inside that empty space is intelligence and
Almost everywhere we look, the mineral intelligence embodied within
crystalline structures follows a geometry unfaltering in its
The lattice patterns of crystals all express the
principles of mathematical perfection and repetition of a
fundamental essence, each with a characteristic spectrum of
resonances defined by the angles, lengths and relational
orientations of its atomic components.
Golden ratio of segments in 5-pointed star (pentagram) were
considered sacred to Plato and Pythagoras in their
mystery schools.
Note that each larger (or smaller) section is related
by the
phi ratio, so that a power series of the golden ratio raised
to successively higher (or lower) powers are automatically generated
Fibonacci ratios appear in the ratio of the number of spiral arms in
daisies, in the chronology of rabbit populations, in the sequence of
leaf patterns as they twist around a branch, and a myriad of places
in nature where self-generating patterns are in effect. The sequence
is the rational progression towards the irrational number embodied
in the quintessential golden ratio.
The world and the universe around us are filled with sacred geometry
and the golden ratio. From seashells to the human body, from the
cosmos to the atom, all forms are permeated with the shapes found in
sacred geometry. While sacred geometry theories can be verified
mathematically, it is also a field which holds much interest to many
different religious communities who can find that it holds deep
spiritual meaning for them.
Scientists, archaeologists, mathematicians, and many
spiritual seekers study sacred geometry as well.
The human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches
that reside in bits of DNA that
once were dismissed as "junk"
but it turns out that so-called junk DNA plays critical roles in
controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave.
The discovery, considered a major medical and
scientific breakthrough, has enormous implications for human health
and consciousness because many complex diseases appear to be caused
by tiny changes in hundreds of gene switches.
As scientists delved into the "junk" -
parts of the DNA that are not actual genes containing instructions
for proteins - they discovered a complex system that controls genes.
At least
80 percent of this DNA is active and needed.
Another 15-17 percent has higher functions scientists are still
Most of the molecules in the body are electrical dipoles. These
dipoles electronically function like transducers in that they are
able to turn acoustic waves into electrical waves and electrical
waves into acoustic waves.
A number of membrane proteins as well as DNA consist of helical
coils, which may allow them to electronically function as inductor
coils. Biological tissues may possess superconducting properties.
If certain membrane proteins and the DNA
actually function as electrical inductors they may enable the cell
to transiently produce very high electrical voltages.
Chronic disease occurs when
voltage drops below a certain voltage.
Cells then don't have enough energy to work correctly and amount of
oxygen in cells drops, switching from aerobic (oxygen- available)
metabolism to anaerobic (oxygen diminished) metabolism.
The natural properties of biomolecular structures enables cell
components and whole cells to oscillate and interact resonantly with
other cells. The cells of the body and cellular components possess
the ability to function as electrical resonators.
Professor H. Frohlich has predicted that the fundamental
oscillation in cell membranes occurs at frequencies of the order of
100 GHz and that biological systems possess the ability to create
and utilize coherent oscillations and respond to external
Because cell membranes are composed of dielectric materials a cell
will behave as dielectric resonator and will produce an evanescent
electromagnetic field in the space around itself. This field does
not radiate energy but is capable of interacting with similar
The applications of certain frequencies by frequency generating
devices can enhance or interfere with cellular resonance and
cellular metabolic and electrical functions. The changes in the
degree that water is structured in a cell or in the ECM will affect
the configurations and liquid crystal properties of proteins, cell
membranes, organelle membranes and DNA.
Healthy tissues have more structured water than unhealthy tissues.
Clinicians who recognize this fact have
found that certain types of music, toning, chanting, tuning forks,
singing bowls, magnetic waters, certain types of frequency
generators, phototherapy treatments and homeopathic preparations can
improve water structuring in the tissues and health when they are
correctly utilized.
Electricity, charge carriers and
electrical properties of cells.
The cells of the body are composed of matter. Matter itself is
composed of atoms, which are mixtures of negatively charged
electrons, positively charged protons and electrically neutral
neutrons. When an electron is forced out of its orbit around the
nucleus of an atom the electron's action is known as electricity.
An electron, an atom, or a material with
an excess of electrons has a negative charge.
There are multiple structures in cells that act as electronic
components. If biological tissues and components of biological
tissues can receive, transduce and transmit electric, acoustic,
magnetic, mechanical and thermal vibrations then this may help
explain such phenomena as:
Biological reactions to
atmospheric electromagnetic and ionic disturbance (sunspots,
thunder storms and earthquakes).
Biological reactions to the
earth's geomagnetic and Schumann fields.
Biological reactions to hands on
Biological responses to machines
that produce electric, magnetic, photonic and acoustical
vibrations (frequency generators).
Medical devices that detect,
analyze and alter biological electromagnetic fields (the
How techniques such as
acupuncture, moxibustion, and laser (photonic) acupuncture
can result in healing effects and movement of Chi?
How body work such as deep
tissue massage, rolfing, physical therapy, chiropractics can
promote healing?
Holographic communication.
How neural therapy works
How electrodermal screening
How some individuals have the
capability of feeling, interpreting and correcting
alterations in another individual's biofield
Electric fields need to be measured not
just as strong or weak, but also as low carriers or high carriers of
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist
Pjotr Garjajev and
his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA.
The bottom line was:
"Living chromosomes function just
like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA
laser radiation."
This means that they managed for example
to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it
influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information
Because electric fields conventionally defined as strong thermally
may be low in biological information content and electric fields
conventionally considered as thermally weak or non-ionizing may be
high in biological information content if the proper receiving
equipment exists in biological tissues.
Weak electromagnetic fields are:
Weak electromagnetic fields have effects
on biological organisms, tissues and cells that are highly frequency
specific and the dose response curve is non linear.
Because the
effects of weak electromagnetic fields are non-linear, fields in the
proper frequency and amplitude windows may produce large effects,
which may be beneficial or harmful.
Homeopathy is an example of use weak field with a beneficial
electromagnetic effect. Examples of a thermally weak, but high
informational content fields of the right frequency range are
visible light and healing touch. Biological tissues have electronic
components that can receive, transduce, transmit weak electronic
signals that are actually below thermal noise.
Biological organisms use weak electromagnetic fields (electric and
photonic) to communicate with all parts of themselves An electric
field can carry information through frequency and amplitude
Biological organisms are holograms.
Those healthy biological organisms have coherent biofields and
unhealthy organisms have field disruptions and unintegrated signals.
It is said that frequency and thus vibration is the variable of
dependence. The genetic wave information from DNA, recorded within
the polarizations of connected photons, being
constitutes a broadband radio wave spectrum correlated by means of
polarizations with the photons.
There is at present on our planet, a great schism in belief
resonant frequency.
There are those who believe that yes, we
all vibrate to the same frequency, whether it is the vibrational
rate of the energy points or the vibrational rate of the liver. And
many of these are people who believe they have indeed figured out
the vibrational rate of the various organs, other bodily parts and
etheric fields have invented instruments, made tapes or created
machines which will somehow project the correct resonant frequency
back in to the body to heal what ails you.
Then, there are others who believe that
we are all unique vibratory beings; that the frequencies of our
organs and bodily systems may be different and are not the same.
One fact will always remain... we are all
energy bounded by frequency. How we interpret ourselves and our
universe is guided by the one elusive concept that scientists still
find mysterious, yet intriguing.
Until that day comes when more research
is devoted to how frequencies affect our entire existence, the
answers to those mysteries will remain unanswered.