by Peter Tremblay
November 13, 2007
TheCanadian Website
Redressing the Global Warming
catastrophe, requires humanity to appreciate critically the root
cause of Global Warming.
Unfortunately, environmental activists and
other concerned human beings have absorbed apparent "half-truths" on
Global Warming. As a result, human beings who are critically
concerned about Global Warming, and who want to save our planet
Earth from destruction, do not have the kind off overall
appreciation of the Global Warming problem, that is required to do
something about it.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007
for his leadership on Global Warming in association with his film
"An Inconvenient Truth". The film presented great detail about the
mechanistic context between the environment and industrial related
human instigation that has brought about Global Warming.
the problem is that the film has sidetracked humanity's focus on a
solution to the Global Warming crisis.
Having been responsible for a substantial part of the Global Warming
crisis, attempts among humanity to focus on conventional approaches
to applying political pressure, may very well not be the most
effective use of time-management. Do you actually think that people
though various political activist organizations can put enough
pressure on the multi-billion dollar profit making Petroleum
industry complex, to save our planet from a climate-change-related
environmental holocaust?
For every step forward on nominal conservation, the Petroleum
industry complex is taking humanity five or six steps backward to
the brink.
Petroleum and related Greenhouse gas emission products are not
burning by themselves to cause Global Warming. Therefore, it is
misleading to follow Al Gore's focus on "Greenhouse gases", as the
actual root cause. Greenhouse gases are simply the "smoke" of a
"fire" which is the actual epicenter of the Global Warming problem,
(which Al Gore and other learned activists have not focused upon).
The apparent key to understanding Global Warming is appreciating the
scholarly insights of David Ray Griffith on 9/11, as being carried
out by a demonic consciousness which has used apparent Muslim
radicals as scapegoats.
Dr. Griffin said that,
"My thesis is that
the attacks of 9/11 were products of demonic consciousness, with
'the demonic' understood as an emergent reality that is
diametrically opposed to the creative power of the universe and
strong enough to threaten its purposes."
David Ray Griffin illuminates the extent to which Global Warming in
addition to 9/11 could be viewed to have been the manifestation of a
demonic consciousness. On understanding this emphasis the futility
of trying to put pressure on individual politicians like U.S.
George W. Bush, or Canada's Prime Minister
Harper, or
political parties, or various industries is illuminated. Indeed, if
environmental activists were able to
impeach George W. Bush, other
politicians, and various CEOs of industry, there would be literally
millions of possible replacements.
Global Warming, is caused from a demonic consciousness that
transcends individuals and organizations, and that appears to seek
to consume our planet Earth like an army of locusts. It was the
ancient Gnostics as critically presented by John Lash in metahistory.org, which further illuminates
demons from the sky as
being a parasitic lower-level but highly disciplined malevolent
Extraterrestrial consciousness, that is interfering with Human
Development on Earth.
Global Warming, can be viewed to have been caused from humans making
themselves vulnerable to a demonic consciousness, through the
'error' of greed, avarice, and of egomania. These demonic
consciousnesses appear on Earth to be using the specific culture of
a "War on Terrorism", and war in general; to help further turn
humanity against each other, toward a point of irreversible
planetary destruction.
Global Warming though Greenhouse Gas emissions can be appreciated as
the "smoke" of a Manipulative Extraterrestrial presence on our
planet, that sometimes can be physically seen in various UFO and
Manipulative Extraterrestrial encounters of the "Third Kind".
Ho'oponopono provides insights on how the demonic consciousness
manifests in humanity through Global Warming
If Global Warming is the manifestation of a demonic consciousness as
illuminated by Dr. David Ray Griffin, the ancient Gnostics and
others as intruding on Earth's biosphere, then humanity can only
redress Global Warming by specific containing and diverting that
root demonic consciousness away from Earth. Such a process would
require humanity moving away from a largely futile approach of
seeking to mechanically put pressure on individuals and institutions
to stop their Global Warming ways.
A revitalized approach to redressing Global Warming would be a
process that would seek to cultivate a disciplined and enervating
positive higher consciousness of inner and transcending peace,
wisdom, and empathy through a mutualistic human species empowering
spiritual awakening that would specifically focus on countervailing
and existentially moving the apparent demonic consciousness, that is
self-destructive to humanity, away from our planet's biosphere.
Indeed, it appears that the recent essay entitled "Fellowship of the
Mind" published in The Canadian, approaches this context.
The end result would theoretically be freeing humanity from a
parasitic ego-driven psychic prism. This prism results in a reckless
pursuit of activities which undermine a mutualistic human quality of
survival. The result is Greenhouse Gases promoting activities that
in turn manifest in the prevailing Global Warming planetary
In his widely distributed blog entry
Joe Vitale wrote about a most
unusual therapist, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. What is unusual about Dr.
Len is how he "cured" all the patients in the ward for the
criminally insane at the Hawaii State Hospital. This is the story
that ignited the interest in the method of healing that Dr. Len
It's called ho'oponopono and it's pronounced "hoe' oh poh-no
"Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a
complete ward of criminally insane patients -- without ever seeing
any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then
look within himself to see how he "created" that person's illness.
As he improved himself, the patient improved."
Dr. Len told Joe Vitale that he,
"never saw patients."
"He agreed to
have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those
files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients
began to heal."
"'After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being
allowed to walk freely,' he told me. 'Others who had to be heavily
medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no
chance of ever being released were being freed.' I was in awe. 'Not
only that,' he went on, 'but the staff began to enjoy coming to
work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more
staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all
the staff was showing up to work.
In a similar principle that people can be 'healed' through receiving
such positive thought energies so-to-speak, people can also be
correspondingly manipulated toward their self-destruction through
focused negative or parasitic thought energies by demonic
consciousnesses associated with Manipulative Extraterrestrials.
is plausible based upon the testimony of Joe Vitale that some kind
of "anti-ho'oponopono" is being used to control human elites and
growing constituencies of the global human population into accepting
the legitimacy of a path of action toward planetary destruction,
that includes the manifestation of Global Warming.
However the spiritual defense that humanity could have used, in the
first place, to thwart the ability of humanity to be manipulated by
a demonic consciousness that manifests in Global Warming, has been
undermined by organized religion (and ensuing oppressive hierarchies
from modern corresponding top-down oriented large corporations to
This representation is illuminated by
John Lash's on the ancient Gnostics, in
Mr. Lash reveals that Manipulative Extraterrestrials sought to
spiritually disempower humanity through organized religion which
created an impostor God, that was contrived in the "Redeemer" and in
elitist image by the Manipulative Extraterrestrials.
Arguably, based upon scholarly and historical insights, humanity in
order to redress Global Warming must spiritually empower itself in
the context of an accelerated self-motivated evolution of its
species. This includes focusing the transcendental potential of its
higher interconnected consciousness which is against the prevailing
apparent transcending parasitic demonic consciousness.
Only then
will humanity be able to substantively redress Global Warming beyond
superficial conservation victories.
Humanity continues to prevent its own leap on our planet Earth, so
that we instead go into the "point of no return" on Global Warming
and an ensuing tipping point, that would lead to billions of people
perishing. It is going to take more than a few political protests
against the political-military-industrial complex; buying hybrid
cars, and changing light bulbs to bring about progressive
social-environmental change.
Arguably, humanity will need to awaken its inner-spiritual
potentials associated with a higher consciousness of BE-ing, (and
that rejects the oppressive context of organized religion) if we are
to free ourselves from Global Warming, and related self-destruction.
Indeed, "deep Ecology" as a spiritual approach to appreciating
humanity's relationship to nature, may very well provided a psychic
starting point for constituencies of humanity to be able to project
a positive consciousness of healing our planet, such as one that is
inspired in part by the "ho'oponopono context".