by Susanne Posel
June 22, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

Climate change alarmist, Dr.
Michael Mann, former professor
from the University Of Virginia (UV) was involved in an intentional
lie to coerce the American public into believing the propaganda that
is the man-made global warming perspective now dubbed “Climategate”.
Known as the “hockey stick”, Mann created a fake 1,000 year
temperature reconstruction that has since been discredited.
The American Tradition Institute (ATI), through their
Law Center (ELC),
have requested a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
that the University of Virginia release emails and
specified files
that display correspondence and communications sent and received by
Mann while during his tenure at UV.
Under the FOIA request, the UV was mandated to turn over the
requested documents within 5 days of receipt of payment for,
“accessing, duplicating, supplying
or searching”.
Yet, the UV did not comply and so the
ATI was forced to file a compel production and compliance to hold
the UV legally responsible for their negligence.
Since this defense stance by the ATI, the UV has turned over
a mere
20% of the 9,000 pages of documents they have in their possession
which was requested by ATI.
The papers that ATI received were
fluffed with ads for Halloween costumes, public news releases and
scientific journals that were utterly irrelevant.
“ATI pursues important public
issues,” said Dr. Schnare, director of ATI’s ELC.
“This case is about whether the
government can put up a pay wall to frustrate the public’s right
to transparency. If it can, the public can’t hold government
employees to the high standards of conduct they should meet.”
Michael Mann, corresponded with the
British Climate Research Unit in creating the infamous “hockey
stick graph” that was the crux of the climate change alarmist’s
mythology about global warming.
In defense of Mann, Penn State University released a
statement, reminding the public of Mann’s accolades and
accomplishments; yet none of this parallels with the intentional
deception Mann participated in regarding climate change science.
Emails and documents from Mann, discussing his false climate change
summation with other prominent alarmist scientists
was leaked from
the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit in November
of 2011.
The investigation into Climategate has extended far beyond Mann;
although he remains the front-man.
Evidence of his correspondence to pursue
the propaganda of his “hockey stick” theory and intentionally
manipulate scientific data to make the global warming theory appear
more dire than it actually is.
involves such agencies as:
The US Environmental Protection
The National Science Foundation
The British House of Commons
Science and Technology Committee
Penn State University
Various independent panels
Mann’s corresponding emails
shows that
the theory of man-made climate change is a complete hoax, efforts
were made to hide evidences proving this fact from the public,
scientists who knew this were fired or stonewalled to keep the ruse,
editors knowingly assisted in altering published documents which
displayed evidence contradicting the climate change alarmist view.
All of these efforts cause any validity to the empirical science to
determine what if any effect man has on the earth’s environment to
be useless in the public domain.
What’s worse, it exposes a massive
cover-up and direct intent to coerce the populations of the world
that man is the only cause of the changing temperatures of the