by Paul Joseph Watson
November 30, 2009
from PrisonPlanet Website
Kids Coerced Into
Performing Global Warming Song as Strategy Document
Reveals Plan to Greenwash Young Minds by Turning
Environmentalism Into Gaia Religion |
With the reverberations of
climategate still echoing, it has
now emerged that children are being greenwashed in public schools by
being forced to sing climate cult ditties and hate their parents as
part of a
United Nations propaganda program
aimed at capturing young minds, as the UN itself officially
acknowledges the global warming mantra as a new religion.

A shocking new UN strategy document also
reveals how elitists are recruiting members of academia from all
over the globe in an effort to hide the “end-run” around national
sovereignty that their program represents.
“When did global warming turn into a
forced religion?,” asks the New York Post’s
Andrea Peyser as she tells
the story of how her daughter came home from school singing the
words ”...You can hear the warning - GLOBAL WARMING...“
“All the kids had been coerced into singing this catchy ditty,
which we called “The Warming Song,” at a concert for parents.
Further song lyrics scolded selfish adults (that would be us)
for polluting our planet and causing a warming scourge that
would, in no short order, kill all the polar bears and threaten
the birds and bees,” writes Peyser.
That’s right, in the spirit of the
Club of Rome’s 1991 resolution to
make humanity the enemy in creating the contrived threat of
environmental armageddon, children have been turned against their
own parents in the service of a new gaia religion.
“In searching for a new enemy to
unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of
global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention,
and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they
can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself,” they
wrote in a report entitled 'The
First Global Revolution'.
“Our children are on the front lines of the warming hysteria, a
place where “experts” from Al Gore to the president leave no
room for dissent or even the slightest skepticism, despite
claims that are no more provable than the Earth is flat,” says
A newly uncovered document sheds some
light on the genesis of how such brainwashing found its way into our
A strategy paper for the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP),
the world’s would-be environmental watchdog, reveals how the global
elite in charge of the green takeover resolved that,
“Environmentalism should be regarded
on the same level with religion “as the only compelling,
value-based narrative available to humanity,” according to a Fox
News report.
This approach follows a similar tack to
the new methods adopted by Al Gore, who in his recent presentations
has delivered his message as a kind of religious sermon,
acknowledging, “Simply laying out the facts won’t work.”
The UN planning paper outlines a program of implementing a global
system of governance based around environmental regulations and
laws, stressing the agenda for the “evolutionary nature of
strengthening international environmental governance.”
Participants included:
Janos Pasztor, currently head of
the team pushing U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s
unprecedented Seal the Deal lobbying campaign to
pressure U.N. member governments into signing a new
environmental agreement at Copenhagen
Dominic Waughray, currently head
of environmental initiatives at the World Economic Forum
Maria Ivanova, and Bulgarian
academic Maria Ivanova, director of the Global Economic
Governance Project at the Yale Center for Environmental Law
and Policy
A core element of the program includes,
“an extensive propagandizing role
for UNEP that reaches beyond its member governments and
traditional environmental institutions to “children and youth”.
“Civil society, including children
and youth, and the private sector will be reached through
tailor-made outreach products and campaigns,” states the
The document discusses recruiting
academia to further the power of UNEP, noteworthy in light of the
recent climategate scandal where scientists at major universities
were caught hiding evidence of global cooling.
As the Swiss paper puts it, UNEP,
“should pioneer a new style of work.
This requires going beyond a narrow interpretation of UNEP’s
stakeholders as comprising its member states - or even the
world’s governments - and recruiting a far wider community of
support, in civil society, the academic world and the private
At the same time the paper warns that
these groups need to be,
“harnessed to the UNEP mission
without appearing to make an end-run around the member
This passage is fairly damning, as the
UN is all but admitting that the program does represent an “end-run
around member governments,” and that they have to do their best to
hide the fact.
The goals enshrined in the document, a counterpart to the globally
binding agreement the UN is seeking to achieve in Copenhagen next
month, are,
“certain to remain a UNEP rallying
cry long after the Copenhagen meeting is over - and while the
other brainstorming ideas that went into the new four-year
strategy, not to mention the strategy itself, go into effect,”
writes Fox News’ George Russell.
This document represents yet another
smoking gun proving that the climate cult movement is all about
expanding the power of a dictatorial, unelected global government,
diluting powers of nation states, seizing control of the global
economy, eviscerating the middle class with a raft of new
regulations and laws, and shutting down industry with impossible CO2
reduction mandates, while erecting environmentalism, which is really
a thin veil for global fascism, as the new universal religion.
This has nothing to do with saving the earth and, as
the climategate scandal has
illustrated, nothing to do with the real science – but everything to
do with a relatively small clique of globalists running roughshod
over humanity itself in pursuit of their malthusian control freak