by Sarah Price
23 December 2009
PalTelegraph Website
We have seen the end of an elaborate
party for the rich in Copenhagen and seen the demise of the third
world nations.

We witnessed the arrival of the "Messiah" in all his glory, right on
cue at the very end of the meeting to rescue the world from this
myth they call "Global Warming."
At the end of the day who benefits from these discussions and what
does it mean to those who could hardly afford the airfare to get
there. The answer is simply nothing!
The economic giants the G3,
G3.5, G8 and G20 or whatever have their own hidden agenda and I can
assure you its nothing to do with saving the planet from what in my
opinion is one of natures natural cycles.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said,
"we have a deal" he went on the say
"he's aware that this is just the beginning." And this "will
have an immediate operational effect."
Many poor nations bitterly protested the
deal because it lacks specific targets for reducing carbon
emissions. What is the current situation as far as each nation's
carbon footprint is concerned.
The US and China contribute to at least half of the worlds emissions
and one would find it very difficult to point a finger at the
remainder. If one added the UK and EU into the equation we could see
that the majority of world's emissions are from these areas and the
balance from the rest of the G8.
How can one punish the developing or
underdeveloped countries whose footprint must appear miniscule by
We can at last see what lies behind this false façade of deceit and
manipulation when one of the UN's top most climate scientist turns
out to be a fake and like the other con man Al Gore is making a
fortune out of the exercise. So who is this mysterious character
that adorns mother earth.
His name is Dr
Rajendra Pachauri
and he and his partner in crime were seen together
on December 10,
2007 when
Al Gore
shared the Nobel Peace Prize with the IPCC.
It was
at this prize giving ceremony that The Intergovernmental Panel of
Climate Change (IPCC) was represented by Pachauri.
Isn't it amazing how easy it is now days to qualify for the Nobel
Peace Prize... all it takes is a sinister past or a future full of
lies, deceit and false promises.

The head of the UN's climate change panel - Dr
Rajendra Pachauri - is accused of making a fortune from his links
with 'carbon trading' companies.
The world's top climate scientist"
is a former railway engineer with a PhD in economics he has no
qualifications in climate science at all.
Dr Pachauri has established an
astonishing worldwide portfolio of business interests with bodies
which have been investing billions of dollars in organizations
dependent on the IPCC's policy recommendations. These organizations
include banks, oil and energy companies and investment funds heavily
involved in "carbon trading" and "sustainable technologies",
estimated to be worth trillions of dollars a year.
So how does this man have the ability to change your life?
Easy... with his wheeling and dealing he can close your factory down
and re-open it in a far away place where that countries carbon
footprint is less that that of your own.
A perfect example of carbon trading was
when 1,700 Corus workers on Teesside will next month lose their jobs
to India, thanks to the workings of that international "carbon
market" scheme and our notorious and very greedy Dr Pachauri. Many
factories will close down and re-emerge on distant horizons to reap
in more profit without environmental constraints.
The apparent agreement between the United States, China, South
Africa, and India is not as robust as one would expect and falls
short of the emissions that the US, China, UK, EU and Japan could
achieve. It is obvious that if these countries alone made a sincere
reduction in their own greedy economies then the savings would
certainly ease the burden that mother nature is trying to deal with.
However, having said that it is
perfectly logical that this "Global Warming" is a perfectly natural
cycle and that if the above countries made a significant and genuine
effort the poorer countries would not have to participate in
restraints or penalties.
There are far more pressing issues to be addressed before we even
start looking at our environment and its complex eco systems. Take
the issue of these developed nations using WMD's (disguised as
conventional weapons) and spreading
DU/EU aerosols around the globe.
Surely this is the most important crisis
of all... why would you worry about the climate first if you are
killing of the world's entire eco systems including the populations,
wildlife and species that form part of those eco-systems?
Then there are many question to be asked
of central and local governments around the world that if they are
sincere about the reduction in power usage, emissions, fuel wastage
and pollution, why do they not follow a strict code of conduct to
genuinely reduce such wastage? It is clear that the true reason
behind this push is nothing to do with such reductions but rather
other hidden and sinister motives.
I have myself carried out some simple research over many months as
to how our governments are adding to the problem by not monitoring
the areas so vital in the reduction of greenhouse gases. If one adds
to this the allowable destruction of native rain forests and the
fact that many of the G20 countries are actively involved in such
destruction then one can hardly blame the poorer countries for what
may or may not be happening.
What do we think are the alternative
reasons behind the global warming push?
One report the other week was when billionaire
George Soros suggested that
poorer nations be persuaded to take on what he describes as "green
loans" in the name of combating climate change, a policy that would
land the already cripplingly poor third world with even more debt,
payable to globalist institutions such as
the IMF.
This same report said:
The proposal would entail third
world countries paying back interest to the governments of the
richer nations to stem a perceived crisis that they have had
little or no direct involvement in manufacturing.
Maybe the third world is now starting to
understand that global warming is a total scam especially when the
developed world flaunt and abuse the environment to their own
economic advantage.
Then we have another headline,
"US executive mission to sell green
technologies to India" but the icing on the cake was "Al Gore
could become world's first carbon billionaire"
I guess we have always known that
Al Gore (the Savior of
our planet) had some hidden agenda.
He goes around the world scaring hell
out of everyone on the gloom and doom of global warming and then we
learn Al Gore, the former US vice president, could become the
world's first
carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green
energy companies.
I suppose when he talks about going
green he's talking about "Green Backs" that are so important in his

Just remember to use your natural
instincts when carrying out your own assessment on "Global Warming."
I am sure you will agree that the G20
countries will continue carry out such deals time and time again. In
return for their gallant efforts their countries corporate sector
will be able to continue to pollute and with a much lower cost
Where does all this lead... more job
losses in the west in order for them to continue to pollute and
greater profits from the hiring of an extremely cheap labour force!
Hopelessly Dumb - 75% of Americans
Buy The Climate Lie
by H. Josef Hebert
December 19, 2009
APNews Website
WASHINGTON (AP) - Three of every four
Americans view climate change as a serious problem that will harm
future generations if not addressed, according to an Associated
Press-Stanford University poll.
The survey also said that about the same number of people say the
Earth probably already is warming, slightly fewer than the
percentage expressing that view when asked the same question a year
The AP-Stanford poll of 1,005 adults contacted by telephone in
November suggests that people's concerns about climate change have
not changed significantly.
That's contrary to several other recent surveys. In October,
according to a poll of 1,500 adults conducted by the Pew Research
Center for People and the Press, 57 percent said there is solid
evidence the world is getting warmer. That was a 20 percent decline
from three years earlier.
The new survey findings could give a boost to supporters of
legislation in Congress to reduce heat-trapping pollution, mainly
carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.
On Saturday, an international climate conference made some headway
toward an agreement for nations to cut greenhouse gases, but the
accord spelled out no specific or mandatory cuts.
Barack Obama, a key broker in the agreement, called it a
breakthrough that lays the groundwork for getting emission cuts and
for action by Congress.
In the AP-Stanford poll, when participants were asked how serious a
problem they thought global warming presented,
42 percent replied it
was very serious and 31 percent said it was somewhat serious.
Nearly two-thirds, or 63 percent, said that if nothing is done to
reduce the threat of global warming, future generations will be hurt
a great deal or "a lot."
An additional 13 percent said future
generations would be moderately harmed.
Still, only 41 percent viewed global warming as extremely or very
important to them, although respondents said they rated climate
change as second only to the economy as the most serious problems
facing the world if nothing is done to address it.
While a solid majority say they believe the Earth already is
warming, those that do not appeared to be more convinced than ever
about their skepticism.
Of the 22 percent of the respondents who said that warming "probably
is not happening," about half said they also are extremely or very
sure of that conclusion. Two years ago, only one-third of people
felt that way when asked the same question.
But the broad concerns over climate change appeared not to translate
into support for legislation before Congress that would cap
greenhouse gases.
While three-quarters of respondents said they support action to
combat climate change, just as many said they would oppose the "cap
and trade" legislation to limit heat-trapping pollution if it raised
their electricity bill by $25 a month. Almost six in 10 balked if it
meant paying $10 extra a month for electricity.
The AP-Stanford University Poll was conducted November 17-29 by
Roper Public Affairs & Media.
It involved landline and cell phone
interviews with 1,005 adults nationwide, and has a margin of
sampling error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
Al Gore Lying At COP15 Copenhagen Climate Conference
December 14, 2009
YouTube Website