by Mark Sircus
28 February 2010
IMVA Website

Al Gore thinks,
“It would be an enormous relief if
the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually
indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring
large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization
as we know it. What a burden would be lifted!
We would no longer have to worry
that our grandchildren would one day look back on us as a
criminal generation that had selfishly and blithely ignored
clear warnings that their fate was in our hands.”
Al Gore should be taken seriously,
after all the
New York Times published a very
long essay by the former vice president this past Sunday.
Perhaps he is really an air conditioning
salesman in disguise or a spokesman for the electrical industry
promoting expansion of the power grid, but no matter how cold it
gets he is going to be selling global warming now masquerading as
climate change. So funny to see someone insisting that
climate change means only warming or drying or even only cooling
even though the average world temperatures and recent record
breaking cold recordings suggest that this needs to be our main
Recently I visited the south of Brazil and was shocked by the heat
and the strength of the sun that did not diminish much until it set.
Living in the tropics spoils one to the stable and reasonably
moderate temperatures. Two weeks later my son tells me that
Florianopolis, where we were, was suffering from severe climate
The weather was outright weird rising
and falling (40 degree shifts) like a yoyo.
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) today asked the Obama
administration to investigate what he called “the greatest
scientific scandal of our generation” - the actions of climate
scientists revealed by
the Climategate files, and the
subsequent admissions by the editors of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).
Senator Inhofe also called for former
Vice President Al Gore to be
called back to the Senate to testify.
“In [Gore's]
science fiction movie,
every assertion has been rebutted,” Inhofe said.
He believes Vice President Gore should
defend himself and his movie before Congress.

Gore goes on to say,
“I, for one, genuinely wish that the
climate crisis were an illusion. But unfortunately, the reality
of the danger we are courting has not been changed...”
It does seem that we do have a climate
crisis on our hands and even a geological one that might remind us
that we are not that far from the dinosaur age with earthquakes and
exploding volcanoes ringing us with fire.
Big things are happening, things made
from giants or God or just Mother Nature and are we going to
trust Al Gore’s friends to make sense of it all?
About 2.5 million livestock had
perished in
Mongolia after weeks of persistent snow and
temperatures below minus 50°C (minus 58°F).
February 25, 2010
Gore of course insists that glaciers are
still melting and sea levels are rising due to global warming but
people who know something about these kinds of things speak of a
reality that makes Gore look like a master of fantasy.
Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, geologist,
physicist, and one-time expert reviewer for the IPCC, announced this
week that, contrary to IPCC claims, sea levels are not rising.
“Sea level is not changing in any
way,” said Dr Mörner in
an hour-long interview with Kim
Greenhouse of “It’s Rainmaking Time.”
Coldest winter in 30 years in Scotland.
Drivers were stranded in
snowdrifts, power lines collapsed and road and rail routes ground
to a standstill as snowfall caused chaos across Scotland yesterday.
February 26, 2010
Dr. Mörner, who received his PhD in geology in 1969, is one of the
greatest – if not the greatest – experts on sea levels in the world
today. He has worked with sea level problems for 40 years in areas
scattered all over the globe.
There is no change, says Mörner. There
is absolutely no sea-level rise in Tuvalo, there is no change here,
and there is zero sea-level rise in Bangladesh. If anything, sea
levels have lowered in Bangladesh. We do not need to fear sea-level
rise, says Mörner.
“we should have a fear of those
people who fooled us.”
Gore also says that,
“our civilization is still failing
miserably to slow the rate at which these emissions are
increasing - much less reduce them.”
I will raise my voice loudly into the
emissions reduction choir when they put mercury as the number one
emission to decrease to the absolute minimum immediately. Anyone who
is not keeping their eye on the most dangerous of all the emissions
is not to be trusted.
Special Note:
Warning lights are coming up all over the board even from within the
government. The government’s response to the financial meltdown has
made it more likely the United States will face a deeper crisis in
the future, an independent watchdog at the Treasury Department
warned. The problems that led to the last crisis have not yet been
addressed, and in some cases have grown worse, says Neil Barofsky,
the special inspector general for the trouble asset relief program,
or TARP, at the end of January.
The picture is grim.
“During the first six months of
2010, Americans and others will continue to live in their world
of unreality. These hopeless fools are again being taken down
the garden path. The world as we know it is about to change
dramatically, so prepare for it,” writes Bob Chapman.
“You have too much debt coming due,
and not enough money to refinance it,” says John Lekas,
president and CEO of Leader Capital Corp., which operates a
short-term bond fund.
Lekas says another debt crunch is
coming, and it will likely send stocks crashing again, just as the
liquidity crisis that began in September 2008 did.
Today we are working as fast as we can to put two new sites up, one
for climate change issues and the other for the crisis that might
start as early as this week. A stampede is in the making with the
herd highly alerted to a possible massacre in the bond markets. I
have five new essays on what is brewing and they will be put on the
site, which will promote my book
Into the Ashes.
This week (or in the next month or two)
it looks more like it’s into the Fire and we will have to be well
roasted before the ashes and lessons begin to accumulate.