by Michael Snyder
January 5, 2014
EndOfTheAmericanDream Website

America could actually use some global
warming right about now.
It is being projected that low
temperatures across the Midwest could be 30
to 50 degrees below average on Monday morning.
On Sunday, fans that attempted to
tailgate before the playoff game between the 49ers and the Packers
at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin were discovering that
their beers
were actually turning to ice before they could drink
them. That is cold.
But things are going to get really
chilly when nightfall arrives.
In fact, it is being projected that
much of the nation will experience wind chill temperatures of
more than 40 degrees below zero,
and wind chill temperatures of more than 50 degrees below zero are
expected in parts of North Dakota and Minnesota.
The weather is expected to be so cold
that the governor of Minnesota has actually decided
to close public schools statewide
on Monday. The last time that happened was back in 1997. The reason
why the governor of Minnesota did this is because when temperatures
get this low they can literally be life threatening.
When wind chill temperatures get down to
about 50 below zero, if your skin is exposed you can literally
develop frostbite in about five minutes.
This is being called the coldest day in
America in 20 years, and these cold temperatures have many Americans
wondering what ever happened to all of that "global warming" that
Al Gore and other "climate
scientists" have been warning us about for so many years.
If the planet really is getting
significantly warmer, our winters should not be like this.
Back in the year 2000, one prominent
"climate scientist" (Dr. David Viner)
boldly declared that future
generations of children,
"just aren't going to know what snow
Oh really?
The truth is that you don't have to be a
"climate scientist" to understand what is happening to the
weather. All you need is a little common sense.
Back in September, I warned that this
was going to be "an
extremely bitterly cold winter". I wrote another article
that warned about how cold this winter would be in
early December.
Right now we are witnessing cold
temperatures that we have not seen in decades.
The following is the way that
one meteorologist put it…
"If you're under 40 (years old),
you've not seen this stuff before."
Another meteorologist wanted people to
just how dangerous this kind of
cold weather can be…
"A person not properly dressed could
die easily in those conditions."
To get an idea of just how cold it is up
in Minnesota today, just check out the following anecdote that was
reported by
the BBC…
Firemen tackling a blaze in
Minneapolis, where temperatures have been below -20C, saw the
spray from their hoses turn to ice as it hit the building.
And it is even colder
up in Canada.
Things are so cold up in Ontario that "frost
quakes" have become very common…
While America collectively freaks
out over their impending 'polar vortex', Canada is changing the
game when it comes to cold weather phenomenon as reports of
'frost quakes' emerge from around Toronto and Ontario.
Indeed, as temperatures drop
overnight to around -4f around the city hundreds of people are
being startled by hearing large booms - causing them to think
their homes are being broken into or gunshots are being fired.
In fact, they are merely hearing the
after-effects of the frost quakes - or cryoseism - which are
more commonly found on a glacier in the polar regions.
So are we really experiencing "global
warming"? Of course not.
If anything, things are actually
getting colder.
What the United States and Canada are
experiencing right now is making global warming alarmists such as Al
Gore look quite foolish.
The following are 10 of Al Gore's
stupidest global warming quotes…
#1 - In
2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that,
"the entire North 'polarized'
cap will disappear in 5 years." (Needless to say, that did
not happen. In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually
got larger this year.)
#2 -
"CO2 is the exhaling breath of our
civilization, literally… Changing that pattern requires a scope,
a scale, a speed of change that is beyond what we have done in
the past." (Actually, without carbon dioxide life on
earth would not exist.)
#3 -
"The planet has a fever. If your baby has a fever, you go to the
doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don't
say, 'Well, I read a science fiction novel that told me it's not
a problem.' If the crib's on fire, you don't speculate that the
baby is flame retardant. You take action." (It sounds like what
Al Gore really needs is
more cowbell.)
#4 -
During a speech at NYU Law School in 2006, Al Gore made the
following statement:
"Many 'scientists'
are now warning that we are moving closer to several
"tipping points" that could - within as little as 10 years -
make it impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to
the planet's habitability for human civilization."
#5 -
"Here is the truth: The Earth is round; Saddam Hussein did not
attack us on 9/11; Elvis is dead; Obama was born in the United
States; and the climate crisis is real."
#6 -
"The interior of the earth is extremely hot - several million
degrees." (It actually peaks out at about 11,000 degrees.)
#7 -
"There is an air of unreality in debating these arcane points
when the world is changing in such dramatic ways right in front
of our eyes because of global warming."
#8 -
"It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the
science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face
an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive
measures to protect human civilization as we know it."
#9 -
"The survival of the United States of America as we know it is
at risk. And even more - if more should be required - the future
of human civilization is at stake."
#10 -
"We ought to approach this challenge [of global warming] with a
sense of profound joy and gratitude: that we are the generation
about which, a thousand years from now, philharmonic orchestras
and poets and singers will celebrate by saying, they were the
ones that found it within themselves to solve this crisis and
lay the basis for a bright and optimistic human future."
As time goes by, the scientific evidence
continues to mount. It is becoming painfully evident that the theory
of man-made global warming simply is not true.
The following is from a recent
New American article…
Well, 2013 is almost over, and
contrary to the alarmist "predictions"
by Gore and what critics refer to as his "doomsday cult," the
latest satellite data show that Arctic ice cover has
actually expanded 50 percent over 2012 levels.
In fact, during October, sea-ice
grew at the fastest pace since
records began in 1979. Experts predict the expansion to continue
in the years to come, leaving global-warming alarmists
scrambling fiendishly for explanations to save face - and to
revive the rapidly melting climate hysteria.
In September, meanwhile, data also
showed that sea ice levels in Antarctica had
expanded to record levels for the second year in a row.
Of course, by now, virtually
everyone who has been following news about "global warming" -
now more often referred to as "climate change" owing to
public-relations concerns - also knows that
global temperatures have not risen for
some 17 years.
The spectacular lack of warming
demolished all 73 of the "climate models" used by the United
Nations to push its controversial theories.
Sadly, most of the governments of the
planet still consider "man-made global warming" to be one of the
greatest threats facing us, and the U.S. government is leading the
In fact, the U.S. government has been
giving other nations billions
of dollars to help them cope with "climate change"…
American taxpayers spent $7.45
billion to help developing countries cope with climate change in
fiscal years 2010 through 2012, according to a federal
government report submitted to the United Nations on a subject
that Secretary of State John Kerry described as "a truly
life-and-death challenge."
And it appears that
Barack Obama plans to make the
fight against global warming a
major point of emphasis for the rest of his time in
When President Obama leaves office
three years from now, the major policy story of his second term
- barring some kind of unforeseen invasion - is likely to be
climate change.
I made this argument at
feature length last year, and
the evidence continues to mount.
Coral Davenport reports today
about Secretary of State John Kerry's "systematic, top-down push
to create an agency-wide focus on global warming."
Considering the host of other major
problems that this country is facing, it truly is ironic that the
federal government is spending so much time and energy fighting a
problem that doesn't even exist.
Speaking of ironic, a team of "climate
change scientists" that had recently gone down to the Antarctic to
study "global warming" had
to be rescued by helicopter when their ship got stranded
in the ice…
A group of climate change scientists
were rescued by helicopter Jan. 2, after being stranded in the
ice since Christmas morning. But the majority of the broadcast
networks' reports about the ice-locked climate researchers never
mentioned climate change.
The Russian ship, Akademic
Shokalskiy, was stranded in the ice while on a climate change
research expedition, yet nearly 98 percent of network news
reports about the stranded researchers failed to mention their
mission at all.
Forty out of 41 stories (97.5
percent) on the network morning and evening news shows since
Dec. 25 failed to mention climate change had anything to do with
the expedition.
In fact, rather than point out the
mission was to find evidence of climate change, the networks
often referred to the stranded people as "passengers,"
"trackers" and even "tourists," without a word about climate
change or global warming.
Yes, the climate of the earth is
Throughout history it has always been
changing. Most of that change is due to fluctuations in the gigantic
ball of fire that our planet is revolving around.
But the idea that carbon dioxide is
going to "destroy the planet" is ludicrous. Without carbon dioxide
we would all die. And the notion that "man-made global warming" is
the "greatest threat" that humanity is facing is absolutely
Sadly, nothing seems to dissuade the
true believers.
Not even days like today...
