Bruce Cathie
Nexus Magazine, Oct 1994
Whale Website
"I realized that an all-out atomic
war was an impossibility. Both sides could precalculate well in
advance the time and positions of atomic attack. Plus the fact
that only certain geometric locations could be detonated anyhow.
A logical war cannot be considered under these circumstances.
This could be the explanation for the proliferation of
conventional weapons in modern warfare."
My life changed dramatically in 1952.
This was the year that I saw my first UFO. The object was
hovering over the Manukau
Harbour, Auckland City, New Zealand, in
the early evening twilight, and carried out maneuvers that no known
man-made vehicle could accomplish at that time. The thing, whatever
it was, had an intensely brilliant white light, with a smaller
glowing red
light some distance from it, and for about twenty minutes held
myself and other witnesses spellbound as it went through a series of
right-angle turns, then disappeared straight up into a clear evening
Ever since that time I have collected every bit of information
available on
the UFO phenomena. During my thousands of hours
of flying I have searched the skies constantly and been rewarded
with many other sightings. As time went on, I was informed by many
other airline pilots in New Zealand that they, too, were sighting
objects for which they could find no explanation. It became obvious
that either we were being observed by some sort of advanced vehicles
coming in from outer space, or that some scientific group on Earth
had discovered a principle of physics unknown to the rest of us and
that secret research was being carried out.
I am now sure that both views were correct and that much is being
kept from the public. Over the years I have studied a great deal of
material published by other investigating groups, and came to the
conclusion that no real progress could be made in discovering the
purpose of UFO activity through this means. The main body of
investigators have confined their activity to collating masses of
sighting reports, filing them away and then doing nothing else
with the information. Several of these larger well-known
international groups I suspect of being nothing more than covers
for intelligence organizations which gather information on
public awareness of UFO activity.
I decided long ago that the only way to tackle the problem would be
to plot all the areas of activity and try to find some logical
mathematical order in the hovering positions or flight paths of the
unknowns. To this purpose, I studied the methods of a Frenchman by
the name of Aimé Michel who had also endeavored to find a
mathematical order of this nature. He had had partial success and
managed to find several track lines with equally-spaced activity in
the European area.
Just when he appeared to be onto something, for
some unknown reason he abandoned this line of research and publicly
proclaimed that nothing could be accomplished by this method. After
studying his early attempts, I considered that there was a definite
logic in his findings and decided that I would carry on my own
research using his basic methods. I struck gold, and ever since I
plotted the first two track lines at right angles in the New Zealand
area, I have continued to progress and advance my scientific
knowledge in areas which otherwise would normally be completely
foreign to me.
Along the way I have taken much flack from the academic world, and
from those who profess to know all the answers—that is, in public.
But behind the scenes it has been a different story. Over the years
I have had many direct communications from members of intelligence
organizations, top scientific circles and government agencies
wishing to know what my latest findings are, and requesting copies
of certain parts of my work.
Once I had established the two track lines, I was able to form a
complete grid network over the whole of the New Zealand area
by gradually plotting onto the map the most reliable UFO
sightings. The pattern consisted of lines spaced at
thirty-minute intervals orientated just on six degrees displacement
from true north. Eventually, two similar grids were found to be
interlocked with each other, creating rather a complex pattern which
could be further reduced to lines with a spacing of
seven-and-one-half minutes.
The next logical conclusion was that I had discovered a small
section of what could possibly be a world system. The
question then was how to transfer this small section onto the world
sphere and accurately align it. It was then brought to my notice
that a strange aerial-like object had been photographed by chance on
the seabed off the west coast of South America by
the American survey ship Eltanin.

ABOVE: The mysterious
object, at a depth of 13,500 ft, 1,000
miles west of Cape Horn, snapped by an automatic camera
trailed by the Eltanin on 29 August 1964.
The object was two-to-three-feet high
and had six main crossbars spaced evenly up its stem with a smaller
one at the top. Each set of crossbars had a small ball at the end of
each arm. A friend and I visited the Eltanin when it called
into Auckland, and we were told by one of the scientists on board
that the object was thought to be an artifact of some kind,
and appeared to be metallic.
I had a hunch that this could be the point I was looking for, upon
which to orientate a world grid—if in fact one existed. I spent some
time constructing grid patterns on a plastic ball until I found a
system which could be transferred onto the world surface and aligned
with the aerial-type object and the section of the grid discovered
over New Zealand. I found that the patterns matched, and felt sure
then that a global system was almost a certainty.
The next step was to find the mathematical basis for the system, and
this proved to be a long and arduous job—especially as I do not
class myself as anything of a mathematician or a physicist. After a
study of all the available information on UFO activity. I came to
the conclusion that the speed of light, mass and gravity
acceleration values must have some connection with the grid
structure in order to explain the extraordinary maneuvers carried
out by the strange craft.
The basic grid structure was formed by a series of great circles
interlocking at various points around the Earth’s surface. The nodal
points of the two grids, when joined by series of small and great
circles formed what I have loosely termed polar squares around the
north and south geographic poles. It was when I carried out a
geometric and mathematical analysis of these sections that I found a
direct connection with light, gravity and mass equivalents in a
harmonic sense.
To do this, I had to convert all our normal systems
of measurement into a single set of units, and also convert our time
measure into one that would correlate with the grid. After much
thought and a long period of trial and error, I finally discovered
that angular measure in minute-of-arc values, and a time unit based
on twenty-seven units for one revolution of the Earth, was the key
to the unlocking of the grid secrets.
After that it was a long, slow process to learn how to relate the
values being calculated, one to the other, in order to find a
logical mathematical basis for the system.
Finally, after years of work, I discovered that I could formulate a
series of harmonic unified equations which indicated that the
of physical reality was in fact manifested by a complex pattern of
interlocking wave-forms. I gradually found that the harmonic values
could be applied to all branches of scientific research and atomic
theory. At first I was not very sure of the results I was getting,
but as time went by, more and more interest was being shown by
intelligence agents, government personnel and scientists in the work
I was doing, and many requests started coming in for information.
Help in my work was eventually offered from these quarters, but the
catch was that I had to remain silent about my discoveries. This I
refused to do, and I still continue to battle on, on my own. Once I
realized the importance of the material in my possession, I
considered it extremely dangerous for any small group of people to
have complete control of it.
It was only a matter of time before I realized that the energy
network formed by the grid was already known to a powerful group of
international interests and scientists. It became obvious that the
system had many military applications, and that political advantage
could be gained by those with secret knowledge of this nature. It
would be possible for a comparatively small group, with this
knowledge, to take over control of the world. I have continually
asked these people for a valid moral reason why the information
should not be given to the world community, and so far no answer has
been given. So I carry on publishing the material as I find it.
One of the most startling facts that I discovered by application of
grid mathematics was that an atomic bomb is a device based on the
geometrics of space and time. To be successfully detonated, the bomb
MUST be geometrically constructed, placed on, under, or over a
geometric position in relation to the Earth’s surface, and activated
at a SPECIFIC TIME in relation to the geometrics of the solar
system. I found that it was possible to pre-calculate the time of
various bomb tests, and the locations where it was possible to
explode a bomb.
According to the mathematical complexities of unlocking the
geometric structure of the unstable material constituting a bomb in
order to create a sudden release of energy, I realized that an
all-out atomic war was an impossibility. Both sides could pre-calculate well in advance the time and positions of atomic
attack. Plus the fact that only certain geometric locations could be
devastated anyhow. A logical war cannot be considered under these
circumstances. This could be the explanation for the proliferation
of conventional weapons in modern warfare.
Another competitive field where the harmonic mathematics of the grid
can be applied is in laser research. Apart from peaceful uses of
laser beams, which are many and varied, the military application is
considered more important.
A whole list of scientific areas could be shown where this new
knowledge could be put to use, without stating the obvious
application that would transform our communication and transport
systems, and give us the means of reaching the stars.
It is not right for the public to have this knowledge, I was told.
It would not be good for them. I’m sure that most would disagree
with this outlook, as I do. I am only one small voice. It is up to
the scientific community themselves to open up research in all these
fields, in order that all mankind can reap the benefits.
The following extracts are from my published works. Complete
mathematical explosions of the harmonic theory will be found in my
latest publication, The Harmonic Conquest of Space, currently
being published by NEXUS Magazine.
The theoretical positions for Grid Poles "A", "B" and "C" in the
northern hemisphere are as follows:
Grid Pole A = Latitude: 72°
25’ 44.6812" North
Longitude: 89° 58’ 59.4336" West
Grid Pole B = Latitude: 78°
25’ 07.0046" North
Longitude: 104° 59’ 24" West
Grid Pole C = Latitude: 75°
32’ 18.7692" North
Longitude: 95° 58’ 07.1695" West
The poles will be in reciprocal
positions in the southern hemisphere.
The diagonal of the ‘polar square’ of 5091.168825 units can be
broken down into a series of values:
5091.168825¸2 = 2545.584412
Reciprocal of 2545.584412 = 0.00039283710
Square of 2545.584412 = 648
The harmonic value of 3928371 is of
extreme importance as it has a direct relationship with the Earth’s
magnetic field. The harmonic 648 also has many interesting
associations, in particular the harmonic table for temperature.
In my second book I stated that the first glimmerings of how true
space travel might be achieved came to me when I uncovered the clues
that led me to the UFO grid that criss-crosses the globe.
I was aware that my calculations were not precisely accurate in the
strict mathematical sense, but I could see that the system was based
on space-time geometrics, and there was the best possible support
for this—no less than the theories of Einstein.
Somewhere, I knew, the system contained a clue to the truth of the
unified field which, he had postulated, permeates all of existence.
I did not know at the time that this knowledge was already in the
hands of the scientists who were well ahead of me. I know now that
they must have been aware of the grid system for many years. They
knew that Einstein’s ideas about the unified field were correct,
and, what’s more, they had been carrying out full-scale research
into the practical applications of the mathematical concepts
contained in that theory.
We were told that Einstein died without completing his equations
relating to the unified field theory. But in more recent times it
has been said that he did in fact complete his work and that the
concepts were so advanced that the full truth was not released.
The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess
the means of manipulating, or altering, the very structure of space
itself—altering the space-time geometric matrix which, to us,
provides the illusion of form and distance. The method of achieving
this lies in the alteration of the frequencies controlling the
matter-antimatter cycles that govern our awareness or perception of
position in the space-time structure. Time itself is a geometric,
just as Einstein postulated it. If time can be altered, the whole
Universe is accessible to us. We are now on the threshold of
exploring deep space.
Geometric and mathematical analysis of the polar sections of the
world energy system indicated that the harmonic value for mass was
equal to the harmonic of the speed of light plus the square root of
the harmonic of the speed of light reciprocal, or
if c
= the speed of light
m = mass
then m = [c+√ (1/c)]
I had the first part of a unified field
equation in harmonic values. To take the next step, I first had to
go back to Einsteinian theory, particularly the famous equation:
E = mc2 where E =
energy, m= mass, and c = the speed of light.
Einstein declared that physical matter
was nothing more than a concentrated field of force. What we term a
physical substance is, in reality, an intangible concentration of
wave-forms. Different concentrations of structural patterns of waves
unite to form the myriad chemicals and elements which, in turn,
react with one another to form physical substances. Different
wave-forms of matter appear to us to be solid because we are
constituted of similar wave-forms which resonate within a
clearly-defined range of frequencies that control the physical
processes of our limited world.
Einstein believed that "m", the value for mass in the equation,
could eventually be removed and a value substituted that would
express the physical in the form of pure energy. In other words, by
substituting for "rn", a unified field equation should result which
would express, in mathematical terms, the whole of existence,
including this Universe and everything within it.*

Einstein maintained that the "m" in his
equation could be replaced by a term denoting wave-form. I had found
a substitute for "m" in terms of wave-forms of light. So the obvious
step to me was to replace Einstein’s "m" with the values of "c"
found from the grid system.
The results are as follows:
Einstein: E = mc2
Cathie Grid: m = [c+√ (1/c)]
Therefore: E = [c +√ (l/c)]c2 — Harmonic
Equation 1
I now had a harmonic unified-field
equation expressed in terms of light, or pure electromagnetic
wave-form. The key to the Universe—to the whole of existence, to the
seen and the unseen, to forms, solids, liquids and gases, to the
stars and the blackness of space itself—all consisting of visible
and invisible waves of light. All of creation is light.
In the polar areas of the grid, the geometric values of some of the
coordinates appeared to be doubled up. The coordinate of 2545.584412
was doubled in the diagonals or the polar squares, and all of its
associated harmonics and other factors appeared to be doubled when
the pattern was projected onto a flat plane.
I reasoned that the way to check this idea was to increase the
values of "c" in the equation and observe the changing harmonic of
"E" to see what relative values might emerge. I thought at the time
that a direct antigravitational harmonic might become evident, but
my recent research has proved this line of thought to be incorrect.
In terms of mathematical values, I found what I was hunting for in
the form of two more equations. In the case of one of the equations,
I erroneously believed
that the derived harmonic value related to
the reciprocal of gravity. I know now that what I had hold of was an
equation related to the magnetic field of the Earth.
The Earth is simply a huge magnet, a dynamo, wound with magnetic
lines of force as its coils, tenescopically counted to be --- to the
square centimeter in one direction, and 1850 to the square
centimeter in the other direction (eddy currents).
The spectroscope shows that there is an enormous magnetic field
around the Sun, and it is the present conclusion of the best minds
that magnetic lines of force from the Sun envelop the Earth and
extend to the Moon, and that everything, no matter what its form on
this planet, exists by reason of magnetic lines of force.
This information was published in a book called
Behind the Flying
Saucers by journalist Frank Scully, in 1950.
The unbalanced fields of 1257 lines of force per square centimeter
in one direction, and 1850 in the other, does not tell us very much
in itself. But if we use the information to calculate the field
strength over an area which has a harmonic relationship with the
unified fields of space, and if the basic information is correct, we
should find some mathematical values of great importance.
In my previous publications I demonstrated that there was a
correlation with the unified fields, within a small margin of error
due to the known conversion factors at the time. I was also not
aware then that, within a certain fixed range, the light and gravity
factors were variable, and that relativity factors would be evident
in the latest and more accurate calculations. Fractional errors are
still found in the conversions in relation to the given quantities,
but these are so small that I am sure that the theoretical harmonic
associations will stand the test when more accurate computing and
conversion factors are available.
It appears now that the magnetic field strengths and areas change in
conjunction with the light and gravity factors according to the
change in latitude on the Earth’s surface. During these changes, the
harmonic relationships remain constant.
The basic unit for harmonic calculation is the geodetic inch, or one
seventy-two thousandth of a minute of arc—one minute of arc being
6,000 geodetic feet (6,076 British feet). If we take the values 1257
and 1850 lines of magnetic force per square centimeter and make a
fractional correction to allow for the curvature of the Earth’s
surface (the given square centimeter area would have fractionally
curved sides), we can then establish a theoretical field density of
1257.139035 lines of force in one direction, and 1850.900532 lines
of force in the other. This will allow the calculation of the field
densities for one square geodetic inch in the north and south pole
areas, which can be mathematically related to light and gravity
Field A: 1850.900532 lines of
force per square centimeter, converts to 12245.69798 lines of
force per square geodetic inch.
Field B: 1257.139035 lines of
force per square centimeter, converts to 8317.32698 lines of
force per square geodetic inch.
The fields would be in opposition to
each other.
The combined field density is equal
to 20574.234 lines of force per square geodetic inch.
The difference in field density is
equal to 3928.371 lines of force per square geodetic inch, or
(Field A minus Field B).
We can now formulate another equation in
order to demonstrate the association of the Earth’s magnetic field
with the speed of light.
Harmonic Equation 2:
Field (A - B) = [2c +
= 3928.371 harmonic
where c = 144000-90.9345139
= 143909.0655
The reduction in light speed of
90.9345139 minutes of arc per grid second creates a very interesting
The whole system of universal harmonics is based on the geometrics
of the circle, the circumference of which can be divided by its
radius into six equal parts. Therefore six is the fundamental
harmonic of all circular and spherical forms, and basic values can
be shifted up or down this harmonic scale by multiplying or dividing
by this number. Base 10 is also a part of the harmonic process, and
decimal points can be moved back and forth without altering the
series of numbers. Zeros before and after a number series can be
ignored in harmonic calculation. It takes a while to get used to
these concepts, but after a few practice calculations the process
becomes evident.
I have had many arguments with the academics over this, but the
proof of this secret mathematical system is being made evident every
day by the activities of their own associates. Constructions are
appearing which comply with the harmonic values. Ancient
constructions such as pyramids and cathedrals also comply with these
harmonic values. These secrets have been handed down through the
So, if we multiply the value of 90.9345139 by the six harmonic seven
times (i.e., 90.9345139 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 25455844), the
result is a harmonic of 2545.5844 which is the distance in minutes
of arc of each
Eltanin-type aerial from the grid poles and
also the reciprocal harmonic of 3928.371, the difference in field
density of Fields "A" and "B".
It has been found that the value 143909.0655 minutes of
arc per grid
second for the speed of light factor has a direct geometric
association with electromagnetic transmission and reception. It was
years after I published this particular equation that I found this
out by accident while checking other data.
In my earlier publications I demonstrated how a third harmonic
equation could be formulated by use of what I thought, at the time,
to be a constant speed of light factor at the Earth’s surface. I
have now discovered that the speed of light is not a constant, and
that different values, within a set range, can be entered into the
equation which will give particular harmonic results. The value I
used was 143,795.77 minutes of arc per grid second. This, in fact,
was very close to 143,791.36 minutes of arc per grid second, which
can now be regarded as the reciprocal harmonic of gravity
acceleration at the Earth’s equator.
It is only in recent times that I finally cracked this secret.
It was many years later when, because of a sudden hunch, I decided
to check the gravity acceleration values in the textbooks and
convert them into geometric equivalents in grid time. I found the
table for the variation of gravity with latitude at sea level, in
one of my research books. (See Table 1.)
The values were in meters/second2 and I decided to
convert these progressively into British feet, geodetic feet,
minutes of arc or nautical miles, and degrees, based on grid time. I
started off with the value at the equator of 9.78039 meters per
second squared, and when I found the value for degrees, or 60
nautical miles per grid second squared, I got a very pleasant
surprise: 0.000069545205 degrees per grid second squared.
The previous speed of light harmonic reciprocal of 695 published in
my books was within about 5/100,000,000 of the true value of gravity
acceleration in geometric terms. No wonder the secret groups were
getting uneasy about my findings. It was becoming obvious now that
gravity and the so-called speed of light were harmonic reciprocals
of each other.
As gravity increased, the speed of light decreased,
and vice versa. Light was therefore not a speed in the true sense.
It is an acceleration or deceleration according to geometric
position. Because of relativity, it always appears to us as a
constant factor. A little bit of thought will show that as the
gravity and light values vary, then all the physical processes,
including our measuring instruments, will vary in direct ratio. All
the readings will appear to remain con-stain. Time itself would also
alter in relation to the gravity and light factors.
It did not take me long to calculate a rough conversion table for
the full 90 degrees from the equator to the poles. This was then
extended harmonically to include the speed of light factors up to a
maximum of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second.
The values we read on our instruments are those calculated at zero
latitude, or the equator, because of relativity. When the light
factors are converted back into normal measurements, kilometers per
second, etc., we see that the values match those in the textbooks.
Speed of
Light Harmonic |
What/Where |
Harmonic |
143791.214355761 |
gravity |
2693567886 |
143791.3643831903 |
gravity |
26935706 |
143860.9095887935 |
in air |
2694867949 |
143891.3649196305 |
in vacuum |
26954363 |
143909.0655 |
electromagnetic |
26957666 |
144000 |
maximum |
2697463486 |
Table 2 |
Harmonic Unified Equation 3:
E = √ [(2c + √(1/2c))(2c2)]
If the maximum value of "c", or 144,000
minutes of arc per grid second, is reduced by the harmonic of phi
(1618.034) and entered into this equation, the result for "E" is the
26944444 harmonic.
- 161.8034
143,838.1966 = the harmonic of "c"
287676.3932 = the harmonic
of "2c"
E = √ [(287676.3932 + √
(1/287676.3932)) (287676.3932)2].
Using harmonics,
= √ [(2876763932 +
5895869843) (827577072)]
= √ [(8772633775) (827577072)]
= √ 7260030574
E = 26944444
Other values for "E" can be derived from
Harmonic Equation 3 when the speed of light factor is altered
harmonically between’ the ranges of gravity, 143791.214355761 and
144000, the maximum. (See Table 2.)
We now have two unified tables which allow for visible light
propagation and electromagnetic propagation, theoretically separated
by a Lamb shift related to Harmonic Unified Equation 3.
In Equations 2 and 3, the values for "c" have been doubled to allow
for antimatter which pervades our whole Universe. The scientists
tell us that antimatter does exist but say that matter and
antimatter are two separate forms of reality. They also say that if
matter and antimatter come in contact with each other they will
cause an explosion. If both forms exist somewhere in space, we are
not told where the boundary is. Space is not empty and I believe
that our Universe could not exist under these conditions.
We are now told that there is more matter in the Universe than can
be accounted for, and the latest term for this is "dark matter" or
matter that cannot be seen.
During my years of research into the complexities of the Earth grid
system, I have gradually built up a picture in my mind of the
possible geometric combinations necessary to form matter from
resonating, interlocking wave-forms.
Matter and antimatter are formed by the same wave-motions in space.
The waves travel through space in a spiralling motion, and
alternately pass through positive and negative stages. Matter is
formed through the positive stage, or pulse, and antimatter through
the negative pulse. Each spiral of 360° forms a single pulse. The
circular motion of an electron about the nucleus of an atom is
therefore an illusion. The relative motion of the nucleus and
electrons through space gives the illusion of circular motion.
period during the formation of antimatter is completely
undetectable, since obviously all physical matter is manifesting at
the same pulse rate, including any instruments or detectors used to
probe atomic structures. The period or frequency rate between each
pulse of physical matter creates the measurement that we call time,
as well as the speed of light, at the particular position in space
of which we are aware at any given moment.
If the frequency rate of positive and negative pulses is either
increased or decreased, then time and the speed of light vary in
direct proportion. This concept would explain time as a geometric,
as Einstein theorized it to be.
A rough analogy of physical existence can be made by reference to a
strip of motion-picture film. Each frame, or static picture, on the
film strip may be likened to a single pulse of physical existence.
The division between one frame and the next represents a pulse of
antimatter. When viewed as a complete strip, each frame would be
seen as a static picture (say, one at either end of the strip), then
the past and the future can be viewed simultaneously. However, when
the film is fed through a projector, we obtain the illusion of
motion and the passage of time. The divisions between the static
pictures are not detected by our senses because of the frequency or
speed of each projection on the movie screen.
But by speeding up or
slowing down the projector, we can alter the apparent time-rate of
the actions shown by the film.

To continue this analogy, our
consciousness is the projector. The conscious "I am" part of our
individuality passes from one pulse of physical matter to the next
within the framework of the physical structure which we term our
body, thus giving the illusion of constant reality and the passing
of time.
It is logical to assume that we have a twin stream of consciousness
on the antimatter side of the cycle, which in fact creates a mirror
image of our own individual personality. (This postulate has already
been put forward by scientists.) The frequency of manifestation of
both streams of consciousness (that is, the plus and minus "I am")
would position our awareness of the illusion of reality at a
particular point in space and time. In other words, if the frequency
of pulse manifestation is altered even fractionally, our awareness
of reality in the physical sense will shift from one spatial point
to another. In fact, we would travel from one point in space to
another without being aware that we had traversed distance in the
physical sense. This would be the ultimate method for space travel.
The theory outlined above explains why light has been described as
being caused by both a wave motion and a pulse.
Both explanations are correct. A pulse of light is manifested when
the energy level of an atomic structure is altered by outside
influences (the theory of Max Planck). In the physical plane, the
electron of the atomic structure appears to jump from its orbit.
According to my belief, the electron does not jump orbit. This is
the illusion we obtain, since we are not equipped to perceive the
path of the electron during the antimatter cycle.
What actually
happens is that the radius of the spiralling motion is increased or
decreased in order to absorb or release the energy imparted to, or
removed from, the atomic structure. If the energy is imparted, then
the electron must extend orbit in order to maintain balance in the
system, and vice versa. Light, or any other radiant energy above or
below light frequency, is therefore manifested by undetectable
changes in the radius of the spiral motion of the electron during
the antimatter cycle.
Diagram 2 shows how matter and antimatter are created out of the
same wave-forms. As the electron is moving through a spiral in each
matter and antimatter pulse, it travels through a space of more than
360 degrees during each cycle:
• the theoretical number of
degrees would be 370.95199.
• the double cycle is 741.90399.
• the reciprocal harmonic of 370.95199 is 2.6957666-3.
As we see, this would be the value of
"E" in relation to Unified Equation 3, if the value of "c"
equals 143909.0655 minutes
of arc per grid second.
A quote I found in a book I was reading recently appears to confirm
my theory of the double matter/antimatter cycle. The book is called
Beyond the Occult, by Colin Wilson.
"Human beings are accustomed to the
fact that if they turn round through 3600 (through a full
circle), they find themselves facing in the direction they
started from. Not so an electron. By Passing it through a
certain type of magnetic field, its ‘axis of spin’ can be tipped
through 3600, which ought to restore it to its original
position. But it doesn’t.
The electron has to be turned through
yet another full circle before it behaves as it did before. We
cannot distinguish the difference between the two circles—the
electron can—which seems to suggest that in the subatomic world
a full circle is not 360° but 720°. In our world we have somehow
lost half the degrees we ought to have. Or to put it another
way, there may be another dimension in the subatomic world."
As my own research has shown me that
physical reality is manifested by the harmonic nature of light, it
appears logical that a vehicle constructed to the principles of
harmonics will be required to set up the space-time fields
necessary. If this is so, then the first criterion will be that the
vehicle must resonate in perfect harmony with the complete table of
elements in our physical Universe.
If it does not, then it would be
more than probable that any element or particle of matter not in
harmonic resonance within the vehicle structure or payload would be
left behind when the space-time field was activated. The results
would be embarrassing, to say the least.
It would be impractical to construct a vehicle made from an alloy of
the whole range of 144 elements in the theoretical atomic
Apart from this, such an alloy is no doubt a physical impossibility.
The clue which suggests a method of overcoming this problem is the
way that matter is built up in octaves of wave-forms. If an octave
of elements could be combined which would set up a resonating field
tuned to all the elements in the table and the unified fields of
space, then maybe we would have a method of crashing the time
I put forward the following proposal for consideration. If
an octave of elements is the answer, let us make a selection from
the theoretical table of 144. If we divide 144 by 8, we get
divisions of 18 units, therefore we will select each of the elements
we require, 18 units apart. (See Table 3.)
It can be seen that the total harmonic value of the atomic numbers
of the combined elements is 648. The square root of this number is
25.455844, the harmonic of which is found in the polar sections of
the world grid system. The harmonic 25455844 is also directly
associated with the Earth’s magnetic field. Three new elements,
recently discovered, have atomic numbers of 116, 124 and 126.What we
now need are numbers 108 and 144..
We would then be ready for the harmonic conquest of space.
A complete set of harmonic unified tables which demonstrate the
linkage between the gravitational and electromagnetic force, plus
the relationship between the matter and antimatter cycles, are to be
published in Bruce Cathie’s book,
The Harmonic Conquest of Space.